Auction 97 Part 2 Rare and Important Items
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"Five Books of the Torah in Yiddish" – Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim (Tanach) in Yiddish, "translated and explained" by R. Yekutiel son of Yitzchak Blitz, with Toaliyot HaRalbag to Torah and Neviim Rishonim by R. Levi son of Gershon (Ralbag). Amsterdam: Uri Phoebus HaLevi, [1676-1679].
Five divisional title pages: for Torah, Megillot, Neviim Rishonim, Neviim Acharonim and Ketuvim, with an additional illustrated title page (copper engraving) at the beginning of the volume. Approbations of the rabbis of the Council of Four Lands, and the Sephardi and Ashkenazi rabbis of Amsterdam. The book begins with leaves of "approbation and privilegium" – special permission granted by the King of Poland for this printing, in Yiddish and in Latin (the two leaves are bound separately; the first leaf, in Yiddish, is bound after two title pages and the Hebrew introduction; while the second leaf in Latin is bound between the leaves of approbations).
Copy of R. Shlomo Eiger. Signature on the first title page (in square letters): "Shlomo Eiger", and signature on second title page (somewhat blurred): "Shlomo Eiger". On verso of the first title page is a handwritten inscription: "This book belongs to the woman Rivkah Golda, wife of R. Shlomo Eiger" (Rebbetzin Rivkah Golda, daughter of R. Yisrael Hirschsohn of Warsaw).
On the title pages are stamps with the letters "SE" [=Solomon Eger].
Inscriptions on front endpaper, including an inscription on a death in 1812 and a birth in 1895.
R. Shlomo Eiger (1785-1852), leading Torah scholar of his times, second son of R. Akiva Eiger (and brother-in-law of the Chatam Sofer). His illustrious father held him in high esteem, as he praises him in a letter to R. Yaakov Gesundheit: "Praise to G-d Who granted me a son of a cedar's stature" (Responsa and Novellae of R. Akiva Eiger, Jerusalem 1947, section 22). In ca. 1801, he married Rebbetzin Rivkah Golda, daughter of the wealthy Hirschsohn family of Warsaw, and settled there the year of their marriage. In his father-in-law's home, R. Shlomo continued applying himself to his Torah studies, and became one of the most prominent and wealthiest Torah scholars of Warsaw.
After he lost his fortune in the Polish revolution of 1831 (which he supported along with the Polish Torah leaders R. Chaim Davidson and R. Berish Meisels), he was appointed Rabbi of Kalisch. In 1840, he succeeded his father as Rabbi of Posen. He edited and published his father's responsa and novellae and included some of his own novellae. His writings were also published in Gilyon Maharsha on the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch; Responsa of R. Shlomo Eiger, two parts, published by Mosad HaRav Kook (Jerusalem, 1983-1985) and Sefer HaIkkarim, two parts (Jerusalem, 1991-1996).
[7], 63, [1], 64-75, 77-138, 140-256, [1]; 18, [1] leaves. Including leaf with "apology of the corrector" and haftarot chart, which does not appear in all copies. Approx. 31 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear. Tears, including open tears to title page and other leaves, affecting illustrated title frame and text, partially repaired with paper and tape (the illustrated title page was cut off and mounted on another leaf for reinforcement at an early stage, as the signature of R. Shlomo Eiger and the inscription on his wife appear on the reinforcement leaf). The book is severed into two at the spine. Stamps. Only has back binding, loose, with part of the spine (torn and partially detached).
Various dates appear on the title pages: 1676, 1678 and 1679. The approbations are dated 1671-1677. Two different editions of the Bible translated to Yiddish were printed concurrently in Amsterdam in those days, considered to be the first Yiddish editions of the Bible.
For further information regarding the controversy surrounding this printing, see: A.M. Habermann, Perakim BeToldot HaMadpisim HaIvriyim, pp. 300-310.
Marcheshet, responsa and novellae by R. Chanoch Henoch Eigis, a rabbi of Vilna, Part I, on Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah, with sections on the topics of Hazamah (refuting witnesses) and Ye'ush (despair). Bilgoraj: Notte Kronenberg, 1931. First edition.
Copy of the Chazon Ish, with glosses in his handwriting. The book contains nine scholarly glosses, some or all of them handwritten by R. Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, the Chazon Ish (some of the glosses may have been written by another member of his household, or written by him while lying in bed or another position that made writing difficult; in any case, the contents and style of glosses are typical of the Chazon Ish's study method).
R. Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz (1879-1953), author of the Chazon Ish, a foremost scholar in Halachah and Jewish thought in our times. A preeminent Torah scholar and hidden righteous man, his first book Chazon Ish was published in 1911 anonymously, since then he has been known by the name of his book. In his great modesty, he would sign his name with his initials only: "Ish". After World War I, during which he fled to Belarus, he returned in 1920 to Lithuania and lived for several years in Vilna. He immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1933, where he became recognized as the leading Torah authority, and stood at the helm of the renaissance of the Torah world in our generation. He authored and published numerous volumes of Chazon Ish, which were written with great toil and in-depth study, covering nearly all Talmudic topics.
During the time the Chazon Ish lived in Vilna, he was a close associate of the rabbis of the city, R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinski and R. Chanoch Eigis, author of the Marcheshet, who would discuss Torah with him and held him in high esteem (Pe'er HaDor, a biography of the Chazon Ish (I, p. 340), describes the departure of the Chazon Ish for Eretz Israel on Motza'ei Shabbat 7 Tammuz 1933 – heading the crowd of well-wishers on the platform of the Vilna train station were R. Chaim Ozer and R. Chanoch Eiges).
[3], 3-124, [1] leaves + [2] leaves – front and back printed wrappers. 34 cm. High-quality paper. Good condition. Stains and wear. Original binding (with new spine), with minor damage.
Manuscript, anthology of works on reincarnation (Gilgul) in the Arizal's kabbalah, including Sefer HaGilgulim by R. Chaim Vital in an unknown recension from the circle of R. Moshe Zacuto. [Italy, 17th/18th century].
Italian script, by two scribes. Contains three works on reincarnation according to the Arizal's kabbalah: Sefer HaGilgulim by R. Chaim Vital, in an anonymous recension, known only from this manuscript – see below (leaves 1-88); "More principles in the secret of reincarnation" – various chapters from the writings of R. Chaim Vital on reincarnation (leaves 89-114); "Matters of reincarnation received by R. Moshe Azariah (Rama) of Fano from R. Yisrael Sarug" (leaves 117-133).
The first work, covering most of the manuscript, is a different, unknown recension of Sefer HaGilgulim by R. Chaim Vital. There are two known recensions of Sefer HaGilgulim – one, by R. Meir Poppers, who placed it as the fourth section of Nof Etz Chaim (which was later printed separately, in Frankfurt, 1684), containing 36 chapters; and a second recension of Sefer HaGilgulim by R. Natan Spira, containing 72 chapters (printed in Przemyśl, 1875). The present Sefer HaGilgulim contains 57 chapters, distinct from the two above recensions. It is an independent recension, first known from the present manuscript.
On the first page is written: "Sefer HaGilgulim by the Arizal, investigations on souls, reincarnation, rebirth and some details and novellae". On the margins, the copyist added notes by R. Natan Spira (marked with the abbreviation for "it seems in my humble view, Natan") and by R. Moshe Zacuto (with the abbreviation for "Moshe Zacuto, to me it seems" or "Moshe Zacuto says"). Notes by R. Moshe Zacuto are also added on the margins of the investigations in the second work. On leaf [38] the copyist added in the margins: "In the book of my teacher I found…". On leaf [77]: "This belongs to leaf… and it is another version that I found written in the book of my teacher".
Both of the first two works were scribed by the same copyist, whose the manuscripts of the Arizal's kabbalah in the Beit Midrash of R. Moshe Zacuto, see: Avivi, Kabbalat HaAri, II, pp. 724 ff.).
[133] leaves. 22 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dampstains (ink faded in several places). Some wear. Tears and worming to several leaves, professionally restored with paper. New leather binding.
Written based on an expert opinion by R. Yosef Avivi, enclosed.
Lot 88 Manuscript, Etz Chaim by R. Chaim Vital – Sephardic Lands, 18th Century – Glosses by Charshak
Manuscript, Etz Chaim, kabbalah of the Arizal by R. Chaim Vital. [Sephardic lands, 18th century].
Cursive Oriental script (characteristic of the Ottoman regions, perhaps from Eretz Israel). The present volume begins from gate 25 – Shaar Derushei HaTzelem, until the end of the book (gate 48, normally called Shaar HaKelipot, here called Shaar Derushei HaKelipot; gate 49, normally called Shaar Kelipat Nogah, here called Shaar HaKelipot; and gate 50, normally called Shaar Kitzur Abia, here [mistakenly?] called Shaar Kelipat Nogah).
The scribe included glosses and references in parentheses within the text, and sometimes in "windows" inside the text, including a small number of glosses from R. Yaakov Tzemach and R. Moshe Zacuto.
Among others, there appear several glosses attributed to "Charshak".
It is unclear who "Charshak" is and what the initial letters of "Charshak" stand for. We know that R. Avraham Meyuchas, author of Sedeh HaAretz, cites him often in his work Diglei Ahavah (commentary on Etz Chaim), where he usually calls him "M. D. Charshak" (see preface to the work, Ahavat Shalom edition, Jerusalem 2003, p. 26, and p. 50, note 96). The Sedeh HaAretz is effectively the only source that cites him, apparently based on a manuscript he had. The present manuscript is an additional source for the glosses of this "Charshak" (which was written in the same period and perhaps in the same region; the writing resembles the handwriting of the Sedeh HaAretz).
In one place appears a gloss beginning "it appears to me, Chanan…". The identity of this writer is unclear to us.
[235] leaves. 21 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains (with ink fading in several places). Worming, affecting text in several leaves. New binding.
Manuscript, Siddur Kavanat HaRashash – prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. [Damascus/Egypt? ca. early 20th century].
Oriental semi-cursive and square script. Contains kavanot for the Amidah prayer of Rosh Hashanah, the blowing of the shofar, the Amidah prayer of Yom Kippur, Musaf for Rosh Hashanah, the Avodah for Yom Kippur, the blessing and waving of the lulav, and Hakafot for Sukkot and Hoshana Rabba.
This siddur was used by the rabbi, kabbalist and emissary R. Chaim Yitzchak HaKohen Tarab-Maslaton. His name is inscribed in gilt lettering on the spine of the binding: "Chaim Yitzchak HaKohen Tarab". He is likely the scribe of the siddur. The first leaf reads: "Siddur arranged by the Rashash… in accordance with his tradition from the writings of R. Chaim Vital… based on the holy Arizal, for the High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. May G-d in His mercy grant me the merit to soon pray from it with the pious of Jerusalem". The last sentence gives the impression that the Siddur was not scribed in Jerusalem, and it is unclear if it was scribed in Damascus before he immigrated to Eretz Israel, in Egypt while he lived there, or in another place he visited on a journey as an emissary.
R. Chaim Yitzchak HaKohen Tarab-Maslaton (d. 1935), born in Damascus and later immigrated to Eretz Israel, becoming one of the Torah scholars and kabbalists of Jerusalem. He also lived in Egypt for some time. He served as an emissary for the Misgav LaDach hospital, and as such he traveled to many Asian and North African communities (during his visit to Tunis he wrote two amulets, one containing an Ilan Sefirot, for the infant R. Matzliach Mazuz, who wore them his entire life). In Jerusalem he joined a group of kabbalists specializing in kavanot, headed by R. Shaul HaKohen Dweck. Towards the end of his life, he published She'erit Yaakov by his father-in-law R. Yaakov HaKohen Tarab-Maslaton, Rabbi of Beirut (Jerusalem, 1930-1932).
[120] written leaves (and many blank leaves). 24 cm. Thick, high-quality paper. Good condition. Some stains. Bottom of first leaf trimmed. Original binding, with leather spine. Damage and wear to binding.
Manuscript, novellae of R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz on the Talmud (topics in Nashim and Nezikin), handwritten by his disciples. [France and Germany, ca. 1750-1770].
Manuscript comprising booklets from several writers who studied under R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz in Metz, Altona and Hamburg. Most of the contents were written during the lifetime of their teacher based on his oral teachings. For the most part, these booklets contain pilpul discussions (Chiluka DeRabanan) on various Talmudic passages, and one sermon for Shabbat HaGadol. The manuscript belonged to R. Moshe Halberstadt, a disciple of R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz, and a large share of the booklets are in his handwriting. His signatures appear in several places, at the ends of discussions: "I heard and wrote, Moshe of Halberstadt".
The beginnings of the discussions usually contain a title with the topic and an attribution to R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz, and sometimes also note a place and date. For example: "Chiluka DeRabanan in the topic of Kidushin… I heard from my teacher and master R. Yehonatan, Sunday, 9th Shevat 1760, here in Hamburg"; "…by my teacher and master R. Yehonatan, Rabbi of Metz"; "…the famous R. Yehonatan, Rabbi of Metz and has been accepted as Rabbi of the triple community Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbek"; "Chiluka DeRabanan in the topic of Ketubot… by my teacher and master R. Yehonatan… I heard… Cheshvan 1760… here in Hamburg". At the top of several leaves appears the title: "Explanations from R. Yehonatan on Tractate Bava Metzia". Some pages in this booklet additionally contain the inscription: "Here, Altona, 1757". At the top of one page appears an inscription with the date 1754, signed by the same Moshe Halberstadt.
On the blank page at the beginning of the first booklet ("Chilukei DeRabanan in the topic of riding and steering") is an inscription from Sunday, 10th Sivan 1766, signed by "Itzek of Grieshaber", on the delivery of the booklet to his friend Moshe Halberstadt. An additional inscription on the same page: "To Berlin… my friend… R. Moshe Halberstadt in the house of R. Avraham Tzvi". He may also be the writer of the delivered booklet. Apparently, this is R. Yitzchak Itzek Grieshaber (1741-1823), Rabbi of Paks, a disciple of the Noda BiYehudah and a prominent rabbi of his generation (the present lot would then provide a novel biographical detail, that he was a disciple of R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz too).
At the beginnings of the discussions R. Yehonatan (d. 1764) is generally referred to with blessings for the living, and in some of the later booklets, including the sermon for Shabbat HaGadol, he is already mentioned with blessings for the deceased.
R. Yehonatan writes in the introduction to his Kreti UPhleti that he wrote few of his novellae himself, mentioning the notebooks of disciples who put his teachings in writing: "Although I intended to publish all of my novellae that I delivered in conferences with my wholesome disciples and exceptional peers, my plan was foiled and I was able to write only a small amount because I was very busy. Many papers I had written disappeared at the blink of an eye, since they were in common use, and I was too busy to guard them from being handed over to outsiders…". He goes on to state that he gave public lectures on the Shulchan Aruch from his novellae, and his disciples copied the topics covered for themselves. These transcriptions were the source of the various versions that developed, since each student wrote according to his own comprehension.
As R. Yehonatan writes there, this often brought about mistakes; however, these notebooks served as the basis for his works. In preparing Kreti UPhleti and Urim VeTumim, R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz carefully edited two drafts of his novellae. After an initial first draft, he would examine his leading disciples' notebooks containing his novellae and edit his and his disciples' writings into a final revision (other books of his, including Yaarot Devash and other homiletical works and commentaries on the Torah, are mostly from students' notes).
We have no information on the disciple Moshe Halberstadt. In R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz's novellae on the Rambam's Laws of Yom Tov (Berlin, 1799), his name appears as one of the pre-subscribers. In the publisher's preface preceding the pre-subscriber list, he writes that the novellae "were kept in manuscript… in the collection of holy writings from his important and upright disciples, as is known to the subscribers on the verso of the leaf…".
[66] leaves. Approx. 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Tears to several leaves, affecting text. Detached leaves and booklets. Without binding.
One discussion in the present manuscript has been published as Kuntres Harchakat Nezikin (in the present item: "On the passage on mustard"), in Ohel Torah II – Bava Batra, Or Elchanan yeshiva, Iyar 1992, pp. 9-25, where the present manuscript is said to have formerly belonged to R. Itzele Blazer, Rabbi of St. Petersburg. To the best of our knowledge, the rest of the manuscript has not been published.
Five notebooks handwritten by R. Moshe Aryeh Bamberger, Rabbi of Bad Kissingen, with his signatures. [Germany, 1854-1865].
Five notebooks by R. Moshe Aryeh Bamberger in his early years, with his signatures (in Hebrew and German) at the beginnings and ends of the notebooks, and in several places inside them:
1. A notebook containing over 140 written pages, with Torah novellae and selections on various matters (arranged in entries).
2. A notebook containing over 80 written pages, novellae on the Talmud, Aggadah and more. In many places he cites his father and quotes his novellae, and likewise cites and quotes from his brothers and other rabbis. Contains unpublished novellae from his father (at the beginning of the notebook: "What I said at the siyum of Mishnayot, 15 Shevat 1854…"). Between the leaves is bound an original letter from one of his brothers.
3. A notebook containing about 40 written pages, novellae and selections on various matters, including citations from his father (in one place he mentions his grandfather: "and my grandfather and master R. S[ekl] Wormser wrote…"; in another place he documents a halachic decision issued by his father on Monday, 15 Av, 1865).
4. A notebook containing about 50 written pages, novellae and selections, as well as an "index" – apparently of his novellae in other notebooks. Among other things, he quotes several teachings from his father. The notebook contains dates from the months Cheshvan-Kislev 1861 in several places.
5. A notebook containing about 20 written pages, summaries of responsa from responsa collections (including Chavot Yair, Noda BiYehudah, Kiryat Chanah and more). At the beginning of the notebook the starting date is given in a chronogram for 1858, followed by a documentation of a halachic ruling of his father.
To the best of our knowledge, these have never been published.
R. Moshe Aryeh (Loeb) HaLevi Bamberger (1838-1899), son of R. Yitzchak Dov (Seligman Baer) HaLevi Bamberger, the Würzburger Rav, and son-in-law of R. Yaakov Yokev Ettlinger, the Aruch LaNer. Rabbi of Bad Kissingen from 1865. Virtually none of his teachings have been published.
5 notebooks, about 330 written pages. Approx. 16 cm. Overall good condition, stains and wear.
Notebook handwritten by R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach – halachic discussions of various topics (primarily in the laws of Shabbat), written in various periods. [Jerusalem, ca. 1950-1970s].
Autograph writing, with many deletions, additions and glosses. This notebook was written over the course of many years, with notes and novellae on various halachic matters, with short titles for the topics discussed in it: the blessing over Torah study; Pesik Reisha; hunting and trapping on Shabbat; error in labor; Eruv Tavshilin; demolishing; removing dirt from clothing; selecting; Muktzeh; chamber pots; utensils for forbidden use; touching Muktzeh; and more.
R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (1910-1995), dean of the Kol Torah yeshiva and leading posek. Born in Jerusalem to R. Chaim Yehudah Leib Auerbach, dean of the Shaar HaShamayim kabbalistic yeshiva. He was a close disciple of R. Isser Zalman Meltzer, who held him in high esteem and quotes him in his book Even HaAzel. In his youth, R. Shlomo Zalman was a household member of R. Zelig Reuven Bengis, head of the Edah HaCharedit, who despite being an elder Lithuanian Torah scholar held the young Torah scholar in high regard. In the home of R. Bengis, R. Shlomo Zalman made acquaintance with his colleague R. Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and elder Jerusalem Torah scholars such as R. Gershon Lapidot and the Rabbi of Teplik. In time, R. Shlomo Zalman became one of the leading poskim and the foremost authority in several halachic fields, such as medicine and halachah. His pleasant ways and refinement earned him the veneration of all sects of Orthodox Judaism, as was expressed at his funeral which was attended by some 300,000 people.
Notebook, containing about 22 written pages. Approx. 20 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Inscriptions in handwriting of an editor. Original Bristol board wrapper, somewhat torn.
Notebook handwritten by R. Shmuel Rozovsky – novellae on "various matters". [Bnei Brak, ca. 1970s].
Autograph writing. With many additions between lines and in margins on leaves. On the notebook wrapper appears in his handwriting "various matters", and indeed the novellae do not deal with topics studied in yeshivas, on which R. Shmuel Rozovsky generally delivered his lectures, but on various other topics: laws of honoring and delighting on festivals and Chol HaMoed; laws of dusk and nightfall; checking for chametz and annulling chametz; whether thought is considered like speech; and more. From the second side of the notebook (flipped) are some leaves with short aggadic novellae (his handwritten inscription on the wrapper on the other side of the notebook: "outlines of various aggadic matters").
R. Shmuel Rozovsky (1913-1979) was a disciple of R. Shimon Shkop in the Shaar HaTorah yeshiva in Grodno (his hometown), and subsequently studied in the Mir yeshiva in Poland and in the Lomza yeshiva in Petach Tikva. He served as lecturer in the Lomza yeshiva even before he got married.
In Kislev 1943 he moved over with his disciples to the newly founded Ponevezh yeshiva in Bnei Brak and was the first lecturer in the Ponevezh yeshiva. His lectures were the main attraction of the Ponevezh yeshiva, where he transmitted the teachings of the Lithuanian yeshivot to the new generation in Eretz Israel. His impact on the Torah world in our times was highly significant, and to this day the lectures in most yeshivot are based on the principles and approaches of R. Shmuel, which he absorbed from his teachers in the Grodno yeshiva and Lithuanian yeshivot. Already in his lifetime, his lectures were published based on his students' notes, which were photocopied and printed in various mimeograph editions.
After his passing, his novellae and lectures were newly edited by his descendants and leading disciples, and published in Chidushei Rabbi Shmuel, Shiurei Rabbi Shmuel and Zichron Shmuel. When compiling these books, they mainly used the notes which his students took during the lectures, referring only minimally to R. Shmuel's own manuscripts, since he wrote very little of his own notes, devoting most of his time to preparing for the oral delivery. Thus, most of his teachings were transmitted through his disciples and their records.
72-leaf notebook, containing some 43 written pages and many blank pages. Approx. 20 cm. Good condition. Stains. Original Bristol wrapper, torn and detached.
Manuscript booklet (15 pages), halachic responsum by R. Shmuel Avigdor Tosfaah, Rabbi of Nyasvizh and Karlin, sent to R. Yaakov Moshe, "the Rabbi of Stalovichy". Nyasvizh, [ca. 1854].
Lengthy halachic responsum on the division of an estate by a Beit Din without all heirs present. The case involved an estate with three heirs, one of whom was not present due to being conscripted to the army in an unknown location. The house was in need of expensive repairs, and the question was whether the two brothers were permitted to sell the third brother's share in order to repair theirs. Another responsum on the issue was sent to the same querent by R. Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor who was serving at the time as Rabbi of Novardok (see next lot). The present responsum was also sent to R. Yaakov Moshe and comes from his family's archive (the neat, even writing appears to indicate that R. Shmuel Avigdor sent the responsum to the querent in a copy made by his scribe, and the signature at the end is also presumably in the copyist's handwriting).
The present responsum has apparently never been printed, and it appears to be the only responsum to survive from R. Shmuel Avigdor's responsa on Choshen Mishpat, which was prepared for printing but was lost in a fire. This event is recorded in the introduction of the author's grandson to his She'erit HaPletah (Warsaw, 1888), who recounts that an immense amount of R. Shmuel Avigdor's manuscripts "were consumed by a profane fire". He goes on to detail the contents of the burned works, including Part II of Responsa She'elat Shlomo: "…the two parts of the Responsa on Choshen Mishpat and Even HaEzer were also food for the jaws of the great flame…".
R. Shmuel Avigdor Tosfaah (1806-1866), Rabbi of Karlin, prominent Lithuanian Torah scholar. Recognized for his brilliance from his youth, at age 18 he was appointed Rabbi of Achorei Nahar (Vorstadt, a suburb across the river of Grodno), succeeding his brother-in-law R. Binyamin Diskin (father of Maharil Diskin) when the latter relocated to another city. At that time, he began to author his magnum opus Tana Tosfaah on the Tosefta (he later changed his surname to Tosfaah after this work). In 1839 he relocated to serve as Rabbi of Svislach and subsequently of Augustów (Poland). In 1853 he again moved in order to serve as Rabbi of Nyasvizh, and in 1856 he moved to Karlin to serve as Rabbi, succeeding the Keren Orah. He held this position for the rest of his life, and today he is known as Rabbi of Karlin.
The recipient of the letter, R. Yaakov Moshe Direktor (1809-1879), Rabbi of Mush, a Lithuanian Torah scholar, famous as a holy man and wonderworker. A disciple of R. Itzele of Volozhin, he served as Rabbi of Stalovichy (a town near Novardok). He engaged in halachic discussions with leading rabbis of his generation, including the Nachalat David; R. Eizel Charif, Rabbi of Slonim; and R. Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor. In 1857 he relocated to serve as Rabbi of Mush (Novaya Mysh). He was the father of R. Yisrael Yehonatan Yerushalimsky (1860-1917), Rabbi of Orlya and Ihumen (Chervyen), father-in-law of R. Yechezkel Abramsky, Head of the London Beit Din, author of Chazon Yechezkel.
The present responsum was written and sent ca. 1853-1856, since R. Shmuel Avigdor served as Rabbi of Nyasvizh from 1853 until Pesach 1856.
8 leaves (containing 15 closely written pages, in neat writing). 22 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear and small open tears to corners of leaves. Detached leaves. Worming, slightly affecting text.
Lengthy letter (2 pages), handwritten and signed by R. Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, Rabbi of Novardok, to R. Yaakov Moshe, Rabbi of Stalovichy. Novardok, [ca. 1854].
Halachic responsum on the division of an estate by Beit Din without all heirs present. The case involved an estate with three heirs, one of whom was not present due to being conscripted to the army in an unknown location. The house was dilapidated, and the two brothers who were present turned to the Beit Din. Towards the end of the letter, R. Yitzchak Elchanan commends the querent for his opinion: "You wrote well in all your pilpul, based on well-founded and straightforward reasoning…".
The present responsum has apparently never been printed (although a partial facsimile of it appears in: A. Sorasky, Melech BeYofyo, I, p. 37).
R. Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor (1817-1896), Rabbi of Kovno, prominent rabbi in his generation, known for his brilliance, diligence and righteousness. Considered the highest halachic authority of his times, he led Lithuanian and Russian Jewry for years with wisdom and consideration. He served as Rabbi from a young age, ca. 1837, in Izabelin, Byaroza, Nyasvizh and Novardok (Novogrudok). In 1864 he was appointed Rabbi of Kovno, and he became known worldwide as one of the leading poskim. His responsa and novellae are published in the series Be'er Yitzchak, Nachal Yitzchak and Ein Yitzchak.
The recipient of the letter, R. Yaakov Moshe Direktor (1809-1879), Rabbi of Mush, a Lithuanian Torah scholar, famous as a holy man and wonderworker. A disciple of R. Itzele of Volozhin, he served as Rabbi of Stalovichy (a town near Novardok). He engaged in halachic discussions with leading rabbis of his generation, including the Nachalat David; R. Eizel Charif, Rabbi of Slonim; and R. Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, who served as Rabbi of Novardok from 1852-1864 (a responsum of R. Yitzchak Elchanan addressed to him is printed in Responsa Be'er Yitzchak, Königsberg, 1858). In 1857 he relocated to serve as Rabbi of Mush (Novaya Mysh), at the advice of R. Yitzchak Elchanan and R. Eizel Charif. He was the father of R. Yisrael Yehonatan Yerushalimsky (1860-1917), Rabbi of Orlya and Ihumen (Chervyen), father-in-law of R. Yechezkel Abramsky, Head of the London Beit Din, author of Chazon Yechezkel.
The present responsum was sent ca. 1853-1856. R. Yitzchak Elchanan served as Rabbi of Novardok between 1852-1864, while the recipient of the letter served as Rabbi of Stalovichy until 1857, before relocating to serve as Rabbi of Mush. Additionally, there is another responsum to R. Yaakov Moshe on the same issue, from R. Shmuel Avigdor Tosfaah (see previous lot), who served as Rabbi of Nyasvizh from 1853-1856.
[1] leaf. 22.5 cm. Fair condition. Dark stains. Tears and folding marks, slightly affecting text.
Letter handwritten and signed by R. Eliyahu Chaim Meisel, Rabbi of Łódź. Łódź, Sivan 1894.
Written on official stationery, with a decorated emblem containing the words: "Eliyahu Chaim son of R. Moshe – Meisel – Rabbi of Łódź". Sent to his grandnephew R. Yisrael Yehonatan Yerushalimsky, who then served as Rabbi of Orlya. R. Eliyahu Chaim Meisel apologizes for his infrequent correspondence, since writing is difficult for him due to "my exhaustion at my old age". He adds that "Thank G-d, I, my exceptional son and my great son-in-law and all that is ours are doing well…". After the signature, he adds a short Torah responsum regarding the explanation of a passage by the Ran. This letter has been printed with a facsimile in Sorasky, Melech BeYofyo (I, p. 46).
R. Eliyahu Chaim Meisel (1821-1912), Rabbi of Łódź, was celebrated from his youth for his brilliance, and at the young age of 8 he joined the Volozhin yeshiva to study under R. Yitzchak of Volozhin. At the age of 19, he was appointed Rabbi of Horodok (Gródek), his native city, and in 1851, of Dereczyn. He later served as Rabbi of Pruzhany and of Łomża, and from 1873, as Rabbi of Łódź, a position he held for 40 years. He was renowned as one of the most prominent Torah leaders of his times in Lithuania and Poland and was famous for his exceptional acts of kindness in redeeming captives and saving needy families from starvation. His gravesite in Łódź was popular as a prayer-site for requesting salvation for the Jewish people and for individuals and was perpetually covered with kvittels.
The recipient of the letter, R. Yisrael Yehonatan Yerushalimsky (1860-1917), Rabbi of Orlya and Ihumen, son of R. Yaakov Moshe Direktor (1809-1879), Rabbi of Mush (Novaya Mysh; a student of the Volozhin yeshiva and a famous wonderworker). His mother Rebbetzin Sarah Perle was the daughter of R. Moshe Meisel (Zibertinsky), brother of R. Eliyahu Chaim Meisel, Rabbi of Łódź. In 1872, his father sent him off to celebrate his bar mitzvah in Jerusalem, to absorb its holiness and receive blessings from Jerusalem rabbis (whereupon he changed his surname to Yerushalimsky or Ish-Yerushalayim). He studied in the Volozhin yeshiva, and later married the daughter of R. Yaakov David Wilovsky (Ridvaz), Rabbi of Slutsk. In 1892 he was appointed Rabbi of Orlya (near Grodno), and in 1902 he was appointed Rabbi of Ihumen (Chervyen, Minsk region). After his untimely passing, his teacher R. Chaim Soloveitchik, Rabbi of Brisk, declared, "I do not know two other rabbis of his stature in this generation in all of Russia and Poland" (Sorasky, Melech BeYofyo, p. 49). He was the father-in-law of R. Yechezkel Abramsky, Head of the London Beit Din, author of Chazon Yechezkel.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 28 cm. Good condition. Stains. Creases and folding marks.