Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts
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Huge collection of over 200 letters from rabbis, gabba'im and philanthropists from all over the world: United States, Europe, South Africa, and various other countries. [Ca. 1890s-1900s].
The letters were sent to R. Shmuel Salant, Rabbi of Jerusalem. Some are also addressed to the other rabbis who assisted him in administering the city's tzedakah funds: R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim (the Aderet); R. Yitzchak Blazer of St. Petersburg; R. Chaim Berlin of Moscow; and other rabbis and gabba'im from the Vaad HaKlali and additional institutions in the city.
R. Shmuel Salant (1816-1909), immigrated from Salant to Eretz Israel in 1841 to serve as posek and rabbi of the Perushim community of disciples of the Vilna Gaon in Jerusalem. His father-in-law R. Yosef Zundel Salant immigrated to Jerusalem in the same period. In his capacity as rabbi of Jerusalem, a position he held for close to seventy years, he founded the educational and charitable institutions in the city, established the Beit Din and strengthened the Ashkenazi community. He was renowned for his brilliance and practical approach to halachic ruling and in running communal matters in Jerusalem and worldwide.
Over 200 letters. Size and condition varies.
Large collection of letters and documents, halachic decisions, receipts and additional papers, from the estate of R. Shalom Yosef Alshich, head of the Yemenite Beit Din in Israel, including letters and documents signed by him and sent to him, including many signatures of Yemenite rabbis in Jerusalem.
The Yemenite rabbis and community leaders whose signatures appear on documents in the collection include: R. Avraham Chaim Nadaf, R. Shalom Yosef Iraqi, Chaim son of David Jamal, Yehudah son of Avraham Shalom Chabshush, R. Yosef Chiya HaLevi Alshich, and others.
This lot includes a halachic decision from 1901 signed by R. Yosef Nisim Burla (1828-1903, head of the Sephardic Beit Din in Jerusalem) and R. Vidal Chanoch Angel (dayan and head of the Beit Din, head of the Beit El kabbalistic yeshiva, d. 1907); and a record of testimony from 1930 signed by the witness "Amram Aburbeh" (1892-1967; dayan in Jerusalem and Chief Rabbi of Petach Tikva; author of Netivei Am books).
Also includes: Various visiting cards of R. Shalom Yosef Alshich and Shanah Tovah cards, invitations and printed items of the Yemenite Community Committee, and more.
R. Shalom son of Yosef HaLevi Alshich (1859-1944), a prominent kabbalist and head of the Yemenite Beit Din of Jerusalem and Chief Rabbi of the Yemenite community. Born in Sanaa, Yemen, he was a disciple of R. Chaim Korach and R. Yichya Badichi. He immigrated to Eretz Israel, where he strengthened Yemenite institutions in Jerusalem. He taught at the kabbalistic yeshivas Beit El and Rechovot HaNahar. He wrote commentaries on Yemenite piyyutim and himself composed many piyyutim expressing the Jewish longing to return to Eretz Israel.
Over 50 items, including 27 signed letters and documents. Varying size. Most in overall good condition.
Assorted collection of letters, emissary letters and letters to philanthropists, and letters on various matters and documents, from Sephardic rabbis and Torah scholars from Jerusalem. Jerusalem, ca. 1880s-1930s:
• Emissary letter from the Beit El kabbalistic yeshiva for the emissary R. Moshe Ben-Shushan, signed by the yeshiva deans – R. Shalom Hedaya, R. Naftali Baruch, R. Yeshuah Ben-Shushan and R. Avraham Azriel. [Jerusalem, ca. 1930s].
• Letter to R. Refael Tzarfati and the philanthropist Yachya Amoyal, requesting assistance for the Beit El kabbalistic yeshiva, signed by the yeshiva deans – R. Shalom Hedaya, R. Naftali Baruch, R. Shmuel Azran, R. Yeshuah Ben-Shushan and R. Avraham Azriel. [Jerusalem, ca. 1930s].
• Letter to the philanthropist Moshe Sikirra, a request for assistance for the poor of Jerusalem before the Passover festival, signed by the Rishon LeTzion R. Eliyahu Moshe Panigel, R. Mordechai Yisrael, R. Chaim David Sornaga and R. Shmuel Nisim. Jerusalem, Adar 1929.
• Three letters from the Sephardic Beit Din. Letter on divorce matters sent to R. Uziel, signed by dayanim R. Shmuel Nisim, R. Shlomo Hedaya and R. Chaim Eliyah HaLevi. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1912; certificate declaring Avraham son of Chaim Chason unmarried, signed by dayanim R. Chaim Eliyah HaLevi, R. Shmuel Moshe Mizrachi and R. Shalom Hedaya. Jerusalem, Elul 1912; certificate declaring Bat Sheva daughter of R. Yitzchak HaLevi unmarried, signed by dayanim R. Shmuel Nisim, R. Shalom Hedaya and R. Avraham Bijajo. Jerusalem, Iyar 1914.
• Letter signed and stamped by R. Moshe Franko, "Chacham Bashi in Jerusalem", to R. Bentzion Uziel. Jerusalem, Av 1914.
• Letter from the Maghrebi community council, sent to R. Refael Chaim Moshe Ben-Naim (Rachaman) in Gibraltar, signed and stamped by rabbis of Jerusalem and Maghrebi community officials – R. Nachman Betito, Rabbi of the Maghrebi community; R. Eliyahu Yaakov Ajimi; R. Shimon Ashriki; R. Shmuel Alaluf; and R. Yaakov Ben-Atar. Jerusalem, Tishrei 1912.
• Letter of the Maghrebi Beit Din in Jerusalem, sent to R. Bentzion Uziel, Rabbi of Tel Aviv, signed by the dayanim R. Shmuel Azran, R. Yosef Shlush and R. Shalom Azulai. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1931.
• Printed emissary letter (in gilt ink) for the emissary of the Maghrebi community R. Shlomo Kohen Zaguri, with (printed) signatures of R. Avraham Abikhzir, R. Yosef Shlush, R. Shalom Azulai, R. Amram Aburbeh and community officials. Rohld press, Jerusalem. Filled in by hand, mentioning "Sefrou" and the philanthropist "Amram Attiya", with stamp of R. Shlomo HaKohen Sikli, Sivan 1936.
• Letter containing an appeal from the General Orphanage, signed by R. Avraham Pilosof, R. Yosef HaLevi, R. Chanania Gavriel and R. Avraham Azriel. Jerusalem, Elul 1914.
• Letter signed by R. Nisim Danon, head of the Chief Rabbinate in Jerusalem, regarding the Blumenthal orphanage. Jerusalem, Shevat 1919.
• Handwritten inscription (in Ashkenazic script) of money accounts, signed by R. Yaakov Shaul Elyashar. Jerusalem, Tishrei 1887.
13 items, including 12 items with the rabbis' signatures. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.
Large assorted collection of letters, documents, receipts and various documents, most signed by Sephardic rabbis in Tiberias, between ca. 1900-1960.
Among other things, the collection includes: Official stationery and printed receipts, some printed in color, decorations and pictures of holy sites, filled in by hand and signed or stamped by the rabbis.
Some items included in the collection:
• Letter of blessing for the bar mitzvah of Mordechai son of Avraham Nachum, neatly written, with the signatures of the city rabbis (calligraphic signatures): R. Aharon Alchadif, the Chacham Bashi (with his stamp); R. Yehudah Toledano; R. Shmuel Ben-Kiki; R. David Soudri; R. Baruch Toledano and R. Machluf HaKohen. Tiberias, 25 Shevat [1900].
• Large printed leaf with Shanah Tovah wishes, from the Sephardic Jewish community in Tiberias, with the addressees, the brothers Ashkenazi, filled in by hand. Stamps of Tiberias institutions and signature-like stamps of R. Shmuel Ben-Kiki and R. Avraham Abuchatzeira. Tiberias, [ca. 1890s-1910s].
• Certificate declaring Yosef son of Yeshuah Zrihan unmarried, with (calligraphic) signatures and stamps of dayanim R. Shmuel Ben-Kiki (head of Tiberias Beit Din), R. Yaakov Chai Zrihan and R. Eliyahu Illouz. Tiberias, 1914.
• Certificate declaring Yosef son of Yeshuah Zrihan unmarried, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Yissachar Abulafia, the Chacham Bashi. Tiberias, 1914.
• Letter from the Chacham Bashi R. Chaim [son of R.] Aharon Alchadif to R. Bentzion Uziel. Lengthy handwritten letter [scribal writing?], with R. Alchadif's official stamp and signature-like stamp. Tiberias, Tamuz [1919].
• Reports on Torah and educational institutions in Tiberias, signed by R. Meir Vaknin. 1920s-1930s.
• Postcard with letter from R. Meir Vaknin to his son Pinchas Vaknin. 1943.
• Three postcards with letters handwritten and signed by R. Meir Vaknin (with his stamp), to R. Shimon Ohayon, a rabbi in Jaffa. Tiberias, Cheshvan and Kislev 1959.
• Receipts and signed letters (on official stationeries of the institutions in Tiberias), signed by the rabbis and emissaries: R. Yaakov Vaknin, R. Bechor Yehudah Vaknin, R. Chaim Yosef Maman, R. Refael Bibas, R. Yaakov Chai Zrihan, R. Shalom Malka, R. Baruch Toledano and others.
• Two photographs on postcards, with letters from R. Bechor Yehudah Vaknin. One postcard shows a photograph of a procession of Torah scrolls at the celebration of R. Meir Baal HaNes, and the other shows a photograph of R. Bechor Yehudah and his wife. Tiberias, Adar 1930 / Elul 1931.
28 letters and printed items. Varying size and condition.
Collection of documents, receipts and printed papers, most with signatures of the Or Torah yeshiva in Tiberias, rabbis of the Ashkenazi Chassidic community and leading Chassidim of Slonim: R. Yitzchak Matityahu Sandberg, R. Moshe Kliers Rabbi of Tiberias, R. Yisrael Kohen, R. Pinchas Mintzberg and Rebbe Avraham Weinberg [the Birkat Avraham of Slonim]. Tiberias, ca. 1900s-1950s.
Includes printed receipts, some decorated or printed in color, with signatures of the rabbis filled out by hand; two manuscript leaves, signed by R. Yitzchak Matityahu Sandberg, one with a list of scholars and students in the Or Torah yeshiva and the other with a list of teachers of the Or Torah school, and more.
R. Moshe Kliers (1874-1934), rabbi of the Ashkenazi community in Tiberias and dean of the Or Torah yeshiva. He was the son-in-law of R. Yehudah Leib Kastelanitz, leading Slonim Chassid in Tiberias, and brother-in-law of Rebbe Mordechai Chaim Slonim, who served as dayan in the Beit Din of R. Moshe Kliers.
Rebbe Avraham Weinberg (the third) of Slonim, author of Birkat Avraham (1889-1981), a dean of the Or Torah yeshiva in Tiberias and founder of the Haredi educational system in Eretz Israel. He led the Slonim community for some twenty-seven years, and served as a member of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah.
10 items. 7 with original signature (others with photocopied signatures). Varying size. Overall good condition.
Assorted collection of over thirty letters and documents, rulings issued by Beit Din and wills. Safed, ca. 1880s-1930s.
The signatories on letters and halachic rulings in the present collection include: R. Avraham Leib Silberman, Rabbi of Safed; R. Efraim Shraga Weingott, a rabbi in Safed; R. Nachum Etrog, a rabbi in Safed; dayanim of the Chief Rabbinate in Jerusalem: R. Tzvi Pesach Frank, R. Bentzion Cuenca and R. Yerucham Fishel Berenstein; R. Baruch Kahana Malayov; R. David Kahana; R. Menachem Mendel Kahana; R. Yechiel Schneerson and his father R. Moshe Shalom Schneerson; and more.
33 paper items. Varying size and condition.
Collection of marriage certificates printed by the "Committee of the Ashkenazic Community in Jerusalem". Jerusalem: Tzion, [1920s]. Filled in by hand with signatures, for marriages held between ca. 1931-1936.
The certificates are printed on large leaves, with the details filled in by hand. The title of the document is "Marriage Certificate". At the top of the leaves is the official header: "Committee of the Ashkenazic Community in Jerusalem… headed by R. Avraham Schorr".
Some of the certificates are signed by the officiating rabbi himself. The signatures include: R. Elimelech Rubenstein (the Rabbi of Rachów), Rebbe Aryeh Mordechai Rabinowitz of Porisov (the Rabbi of Kurów and Rabbi of Bnei Brak); R. Yaakov Moshe Charlap; R. Yosef Gershon Horowitz (rabbi and dean of the Meah Shearim yeshiva); R. Yitzchak Yaakov Wachtfogel; R. Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer; R. Avraham Elyashiv (Rabbi of Gomel; Rabbi of Tiferet Bachurim); R. Yaakov Henich Senkevitz (dean of the Sefat Emet Ger yeshiva); R. Yaakov Asher HaLevi Grayevsky; R. Yitzchak David Rubenstein; R. Yair Peterseil, "formerly rabbi in Berlin"; R. Yaakov Aryeh HaLevi Prager; R. Simchah Bunim Werner; R. Shmuel Weingart; Rebbe Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz; R. Pinchas Lichtenstein (Rabbi in Givat Shaul); R. Shmuel Pesach Heilpern; R. Chaim Pesachowitz; R. Shmuel Eliezri; and more.
On one of the certificates, for a marriage held on 12 Elul, 1932, the name of the officiating rabbi is given as: "R. Yoel Teitelbaum of Carei" [during his first visit to Eretz Israel in 1932, before his appointment as Rabbi of Satmar].
About 72 marriage certificates. Size and condition varies (overall good condition; damage and stains to some of the certificates).
Collection of documents and publications of Orthodox organizations for purchasing land and settling in northern Jerusalem (in the Nabi Samwil area, near the tomb of the prophet Samuel), ca. 1920s. Includes signatures of: R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld [chief rabbi of the Edah HaCharedit], R. David Beharan, R. Asher Lemel Beharan, R. Yitzchak Tzvi Rivlin [rabbi in Zichron Moshe], R. Amram Blau [later head of Neturei Karta], R. Yisrael Yitzchak Reisman [later dayan of the Edah HaCharedit], and others.
• Letter from Ramatayim Tzofim, an organization for Orthodox settlements in Eretz Israel, signed by Yisrael Luria, on acquisition of land in Ramah. Jerusalem, 1923.
• Handwritten document from Ramatayim Tzofim, signed by rabbis and leaders of the organization, authorizing R. Avraham Hershkowitz to sell estates. Signed by directors of the company, R. David Beharan, R. Yechiel Yehudah Schlesinger, R. Eliyahu Tzvi Krauser, R. Amram Blau and R. Avraham Steiner; along with a letter of approval from the Beit Din Tzedek, signed by dayanim R. Yitzchak Frankel, R. Dov Tzvi Karlenstein and the scribe R. Avraham Chaim Naeh. On the margins of the leaf is a letter of approval and blessing handwritten and signed by R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1924.
• Handwritten document with seven signatures, on the sale of a plot of land to R. Yosef Levi Chagiz – signed by R. Yitzchak Tzvi Rivlin, R. Matityahu Naftali Elbe, R. Asher Lemel Beharan [Weissfish], R. Aharon Sari Levi, R. David Yitzchak Altschuler, R. Yisrael Moshe Goldschmid and R. Alter Streltzer. Jerusalem, Tevet 1923. The signatures are crossed out, with the inscription "paid" [apparently the present document of sale was used as mortgage for a loan from the renowned Orthodox philanthropist R. Yosef Levi Chagiz].
• Kol Mevaser Yeshuah, printed poster with letters from the heads of Nachalat Yisrael Ramah and R. Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, on resettling the Ramah neighborhood, the residence of the prophet Samuel. Jerusalem, [ca. 1921-1922].
• Document of sale for land in the Nachalat Yosef neighborhood founded by Ramatayim Tzofim, filled in by hand with signatures of the directors of the organization: R. Yisrael Yitzchak HaLevi Reisman, R. Pinchas Tzvi Shenberger, R. Moshe Holtzman, R. Abba Eisenbach and the secretary R. Amram Blau. Jerusalem, Elul 1922. On the verso is a confirmation dated 1985 on the voiding of the share, by a lawyer from Ramatayim Tzofim.
• Advertisement from the Peli Agency for brokerage services in purchasing plots of land in Jerusalem and the region, sold by the Tamuah company. [Jerusalem, ca. 1920s-1930s].
6 leaves. Varying size and condition (open tears at the top of the letter of authorization signed by R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld).
Letter from Moses Montefiore to the Chacham Bashi R. Avraham Ashkenazi and several Torah sages and community leaders of Jerusalem. London, 1872.
Montefiore's official stationery. Handwritten and signed by Montefiore's secretary (in square Hebrew script). The letter deals with sending of funds from R. Nathan Adler, Rabbi of London, given to Montefiore for the poor in Eretz Israel.
The addressees are: R. Avraham Ashkenazi, the Chacham Bashi; R. David Ben-Shimon [Rav Devash], R. Moshe Benveniste, R. Meir son of R. Asher of Anykščiai and R. Yaakov Yehudah Leib Levi.
[1] double leaf, with the recipients' address in three languages: Hebrew, English and Arabic; with postage stamps. Approx. 25 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Folding marks.
Collection of over 60 letters sent to R. Shmuel Salant by rabbis, tzedakah collectors, emissaries and philanthropists from England, South Africa, Australia and various countries in the British Empire. [Ca. 1880s-1900s].
The letters were sent to R. Shmuel Salant, Rabbi of Jerusalem. Some are also addressed to other rabbis who assisted him in managing the tzedakah funds in the city: R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim (the Aderet); R. Yitzchak Blazer, the Rabbi of St. Petersburg; R. Chaim Berlin, the Rabbi of Moscow; and additional rabbis and tzedakah collectors directing the Vaad HaKlali and other institutions in the city.
The authors of the letters include Yaakov Chaim son of R. Eliezer HaLevi (secretary of Montefiore); R. Eliyahu son of R. Shlomo Yaakov, a rabbi in Manchester; R. Moshe Avigdor Chaikin, Rabbi of the United Synagogue in London; R. Yoel HaLevi Herzog, a rabbi in Leeds (2 letters); R. Mordechai Yitzchak HaLevi Epstein, Rabbi of Sheffield; R. Aharon Leib Newman of Jerusalem, maggid in the Torah society in London; R. Yaakov Dov Ber son of Meir Moshe Lenzer, prayer leader of Mikveh Yisrael synagogue in Melbourne; R. Yehoshua Meir Reifman of Pretoria, South Africa; R. Aryeh Tzvi son of R. Moshe Fishel Isaacs, prayer leader and maggid of Kimberly, South Africa; the emissary R. Yosef HaLevi Horowitz of Johannesburg (4 interesting letters); R. Menachem Mendel Wolpert of Johannesburg (3 letters), and many more authors.
R. Shmuel Salant (1816-1909), immigrated from Salant to Eretz Israel in 1841 to serve as posek and rabbi of the Perushim community of disciples of the Vilna Gaon in Jerusalem. His father-in-law R. Yosef Zundel Salant immigrated to Jerusalem in the same period. In his capacity as rabbi of Jerusalem, a position he held for close to seventy years, he founded the educational and charitable institutions in the city, established the Beit Din and strengthened the Ashkenazi community. He was renowned for his brilliance and practical approach to halachic ruling and in running communal matters in Jerusalem and worldwide.
63 letters. Varying size and condition.
Two letters handwritten and signed by R. Moshe Yitzchak Segal, dean of Manchester yeshiva. [Manchester, ca. 1930s-1940s].
Sent to R. Tzvi Hirsch Farber of London. In his first letter he informs him that a son was born to his own son R. Yehudah Ze'ev. In the second letter he writes that he participated in the circumcision festivities. The letters also deal with matchmaking issues. He also informs R. Farber of the success of the Manchester yeshiva.
R. Moshe Yitzchak HaLevi Segal (1881-1947), a disciple of the Alter of Novardok. He founded the Etz Chaim yeshiva in London, as well as the Manchester yeshiva which he headed for some 35 years.
His son and successor as dean of the Manchester yeshiva, R. Yehudah Ze'ev Segal (1911-1993), tzaddik and wonderworker; for his efforts in support of proper speech he was known as the "Chafetz Chaim of England".
[2] letters, official stationery. 26 cm. Good condition. Stains and folding marks.
Large assorted collection of over 70 letters, from rabbis and community leaders from England, ca. 1890s-1960s. Hebrew and English.
The authors of the letters include: Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler (Tishrei 1895); R. Eliyahu son of R. Shlomo Yaakov, rabbi in Manchester (Tevet 1889 and 1899); R. Yisrael Yaakov HaKohen Yaffe (Manchester, Kislev 1920); R. Tzvi Hirsch Ferber (London, 1926); R. Shemaryah Yitzchak Bloch (Birmingham, 1914); R. Shemaryah Menasheh HaKohen Adler (London, Tishrei 1921; sent to R. Shlomo Breuer, Rabbi of Frankfurt); R. Aharon Hyman (2 letters, ca. 1900-1901); R. Yoel HaLevi Herzog (4 letters; Leeds, ca. 1909-1910); R. Yisrael Chaim Deiches (Leeds, 1934); R. Yehudah Leib Ostrinsky (Leeds; two letters); R. Binyamin Benish Atlas, Rabbi of Glasgow (6 letters); R. Yaakov David Luria (Glasgow; 6 letters); R. Michel Asher HaKohen Matlin, Rabbi of Dublin (4 letters); R. Yitzchak Meir Yoselson (Dublin, 1909); R. Shmuel Yitzchak Hillman (London, 1931); R. Yitzchak Eizik HaLevi Herzog; R. Isser Yehudah Unterman (Liverpool; 5 letters); R. Asher Grunis (Cardiff, 1937); R. Nachman Shlomo Greenspan of Leeds (a letter from him, and many letters to him); R. Chaim Heller and R. Yerucham Leiner (postcard to R. Greenspan with letters from both of them); R. Joseph Hertz, Chief Rabbi of England (two letters); R. Yisrael Brody, Chief Rabbi of England; R. Avraham Moshe Babad (Sunderland, 1946); R. Yaakov Schechter, Rabbi of Belfast (2 letters); R. Aryeh Leib Grossnass and his Beit Din (London, 1966); and more letters from many rabbis.
77 items, including over 70 signed letters, most on official stationery. Varying size and condition.