Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts
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Divrei HaYamim LeMalchei Tzarfat UMalchei Beit Ottoman HaTogar (history of the kings of France and the kings of the House of Ottoman the Turk), by R. Yosef HaKohen HaRofe. [Sabbioneta: Tuviah Foa by Cornelio Adelkind, 1553]. First edition, rare.
First edition of the work by R. Yosef HaKohen HaRofe (1496-1575) dealing with the history of Christian and Muslim kings and medieval European peoples, with reference to events affecting Jewish history.
Gregorian dates printed next to the paragraphs in tandem with events described in the text. The book mostly describes events in the 15th and early 16th centuries.
Various inscriptions on title page in Hebrew and Italian. Inscriptions in Italian on back endpaper (events and dates from the book).
[40], 41-327 leaves. Missing last leaf. 14.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including many dampstains. Worming in one place on about 40 of the last leaves, affecting text. Small marginal tears to several leaves. Title page and first gathering loose and partially detached. Early leather binding, worn and damaged.
Talmud Bavli, Tractate Eruvin, with commentaries of Rashi, Tosafot, Piskei Tosafot and Rabbeinu Asher (Rosh), with commentary on Mishnah by Rambam. Basel: Ambrosius Frobenius, [1580].
Volume of the Talmud edition printed by the Christian scholar Frobenius from 1578-1581.
Copy of R. Shmuel Hillman, successor of R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz as Rabbi of Metz. On p. 81a, inscription attesting that the book belongs to him: "Belongs to… R. Shmuel Hillman, Rabbi and head of the yeshiva of Mannheim" – R. Shmuel Hillman (d. 1765), leading rabbi of his generation, studied in Prague under R. Avraham Broda together with R. Yehonatan Eibeshitz. He served as Rabbi of Krems an der Donau, Mannheim and Metz. The Noda BiYehudah was his mechutan.
Additional inscriptions in several places. Ownership inscriptions on endpaper and p. 16b of second sequence.
106, 17, 10-11 leaves. Missing last leaf (leaf 12 of last sequence). Leaf 17 of second sequence bound out of place, at end of volume (due to a tear, the leaf is unmarked). 34 cm. Somewhat dark paper. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear. Tears and open tears, affecting text, mostly repaired with paper. Worming. Close trimming, bordering glosses printed in margins. Early binding with leather spine. Wear and damage to binding.
• Tur Orach Chaim with Beit Yosef. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, [1589]. First edition with numbering of halachot and "novel halachot" in Beit Yosef.
Inscriptions and signatures, and several glosses on leaves of book. Signature on title page and early Ashkenazic signature on p. 40b.
24, 460 leaves. 32 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Wear and creases. Tears, including open tears on title page and other leaves, affecting title frame and text, partially repaired with paper (with handwritten text replacements in several places). Worming, affecting text. Loose leaves and gatherings. Early binding, damaged, with heavy wear and many tears.
• Tur Yoreh Deah with Beit Yosef. Venice: [Giovanni di Gara], 1574. Third edition of Beit Yosef, printed during the lifetime of the author R. Yosef Karo.
Especially fine edition. Afterword on the final page by proofreader R. Yachya son of Avraham ibn Chamu of Fez, in which he relates that the philanthropist R. Chaim ibn Saruk arranged the printing of this edition, and expresses his hope that R. Chaim ibn Saruk would succeed in exerting his influence on the Venetian authorities to rescind the prohibition against printing the Talmud in Italy, in effect since the burning of the Talmud in 1554.
Ownership inscriptions.
400, [28] leaves. 34 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Wear and creases. Tears, including open tears, on title page and other leaves, affecting title frame and text, repaired with paper. Worming, affecting text. Detached leaves and gatherings. Early leather binding, damaged and torn, with front detached.
• Tur Even HaEzer with Beit Yosef. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, 1565. Printed during the lifetime of the author.
Ownership inscription on title page.
On verso of last leaf, signatures of two censors.
Inscription on front binding: "Sh. Sh. S. Y[?]".
258 leaves. 35.5 cm. Overall good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming on title page and other leaves, affecting text. Small marginal tears to several leaves. Two leaves detached. Early leather binding, worn and damaged, with open tears to spine. Fabric laces for closing (partially torn).
• Tur Choshen Mishpat with Beit Yosef. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) Bragadin assisted by Asher Parenzo by Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, [1594].
On last leaf, printer's device depicting three crowns, on top of another printer's device depicting Venus holding an arrow next to a seven-headed dragon, with a Biblical verse.
Early Ashkenazic signature on title page: "Yoel son of R. Shmuel". This was the name of R. Yoel Sirkes, Rabbi of Cracow, author of Bayit Chadash (the Bach). We were unable to verify whether this is indeed his signature.
Other signatures on title page, p. 221a and leaf preceding index. Signatures and inscriptions on front endpaper.
Several glosses in Ashkenazic script.
421, [1] blank leaf, 27, [1] leaf. 33 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of former dampness on last leaves. Wear. Light worming. One leaf detached. Early leather binding, worn, with open tears to spine.
Provenance: Collection of Prof. Eliyahu Shmuel Hartom.
Bedek HaBayit, corrections and additions to Beit Yosef by R. Yosef Karo. Venice: Zanetto Zanetti, 1606. Second edition.
Bedek HaBayit was printed decades after the passing of R. Yosef Karo, based on notes he wrote for himself after the printing of the first edition of his Beit Yosef. These notes were introduced into later printings of Beit Yosef.
The first edition of the book was printed about a year before this edition, in Thessaloniki, 1605.
On recto and verso of last leaf, signatures of the censors Giovanni Domenico Carretto (dated 1628) and Clemente Renatto.
[2], 68 leaves. Misfoliation. 19.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Light wear. Minute worming to first leaves. Close trimming, slightly affecting header of one leaf. Old cardboard binding.
Yad HaMelech, commentary on the Book of Esther, including original text, by R. Shmuel Valerio. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, 1586. Only edition.
Inscription in Italian script on title page. Deleted inscription on title page. Additional inscription (Hebrew alphabet in reverse order) on following leaf.
On last leaf, signature of the censor Giovanni Domenico Carretto, 1608.
104 leaves. Approx. 20 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including large dampstains to some leaves. Early binding, worn and damaged, without spine.
Tzemach David, lexicon of Hebrew and Aramaic roots, with explanations in Latin and Italian, by R. David Min HaTapuchim (de Pomis), "physician and philosopher from Spoleto". Venice: Ioannes (Giovanni) de Gara, 1587. Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Italian.
The lexicon is in alphabetical order, in two columns, with Hebrew words on the right and foreign words (Aramaic, Rabbinic Hebrew, etc.) on the left.
At the beginning of the book is a dedication to Pope Sixtus V (Latin) and introductions in Latin, Italian and Hebrew.
Inscriptions and censor's signature on back endpaper. Signature of the censor Giovanni Domenico Carretto (dated 1610) on verso of last leaf.
5, [1], 5-62, 238 leaves. 29 cm. Overall fair condition. Stains, including dampstains, wear and creases. Tears, including open tears to title page and other leaves. Worming. Title page and other leaves and gatherings detached. Only contains front leather binding, damaged and detached.
Two books of sermons (derashot) – Derashot HaRan and Derashot Maharshik – printed in 1594, bound in one volume:
1. Sefer Derashot HaRan, twelve sermons by Rabbeinu Nisim. Venice, [1594]. Second edition.
Several catalogs give the date 1596; however, the chronogram should probably be read as 1594.
Signature on title page: "Purchased by Avraham Yagel, Adar 1595" [apparently the signature of R. Avraham son of Chananiah Gallichi (Yagel) of Monselice (1553-1624), author of Lekach Tov and Gei Chizayon].
Additional signature and deleted inscription on title page. Signature on leaf 2 and inscription on endpaper.
2. Derashot Maharshik, twelve sermons, by R. Shmuel Yehudah Katzenellenbogen – the Maharshik. Venice, 1594. First edition.
Twelve sermons by the Maharshik (1521-1597), son of R. Meir Katzenellenbogen, Rabbi of Padua (the Maharam of Padua). A leading Torah sage of his times, dayan, chief rabbi and yeshiva dean in Venice. Corresponded with great scholars of his generation such as the Maharshal, the Rama (his relatives) and R. Yosef Karo. His son is R. Shaul Wahl, legendary king of Poland for one day.
Half the sermons are eulogies for contemporary sages, including a eulogy on the death of R. Moshe Isserles (the Rama) and R. Yosef Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch.
Censor's signature on verso of title page.
90 leaves; 65, [1] leaves. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dark dampstains to some leaves. Small marginal tears to several leaves. Early parchment binding, original, partially detached (inscription on front of binding with titles). Damage and worming to binding.
Sefer HaChaim, ethics, homilies and upright practices, by R. Chaim son of Betzalel of Friedberg, brother of the Maharal of Prague. Cracow: Yitzchak son of Aharon of Prostitz, [1593]. First edition.
The foreword of the publisher, R. Yitzchak HaKohen Katz, son-in-law of the Maharal of Prague, appears on pp. 2b-3a.
Early ownership inscriptions from 1671 on last leaf (one somewhat trimmed).
Handwritten gloss and small correction on p. 3b. Signature on p. 34b.
51, [1] leaves. Approx. 19 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dark wax and ink stains to several leaves. Small marginal tears to several leaves. New binding.
Tiferet Yisrael, on the virtue of Torah and Mitzvot, by R. Yehuda Loew – the Maharal of Prague. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, [1599]. First edition, printed in the author's lifetime.
Handwritten inscription on title page. Two signatures on second leaf, one damaged by marginal open tear.
65 leaves. 27.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Some worming, affecting text. Open tear to title page, affecting title frame, repaired with paper. Margins of title page trimmed, affecting illustrated frame (bottom margins folded and partially stuck to leaf). Marginal open tear to second leaf. Old binding with leather spine and corners, with damage. Ex libris label.
Only book of the Maharal printed in his lifetime in Venice.
This copy includes leaf 65 at end of book, which is lacking in many copies.
Two books printed in the 17th century, bound together:
• Pirkei Rabbi Eliezer. [Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) Zanetti, 1608].
Colophon on last leaf, dated 1608.
• Lechem Dimah, commentary on the Book of Eichah, including original text, by R. Shmuel de Uzeda. [Venice: Daniel Zanetti, 1600]. First edition.
At end of book, index of verses and note on typographical errors by proofreader R. Yitzchak Gershon.
In several places in both books, signatures and ownership inscriptions of R. Moshe son of R. Shalom Abuzaglo (in square and semi-cursive script and with calligraphic decorations): "Moshe son of Shalom Abuzaglo"; "Purchased by me… Moshe son of Shalom Abuzaglo, for twenty mazuna of Mawlay Sulayman, here in Rabat, 1698". This is presumably the kabbalist R. Moshe Buzaglo, father and primary teacher of the kabbalist R. Shalom Buzaglo, author of Mikdash Melech, named in the introduction to that work [R. Shalom Buzaglo was born in 1700 in Salé, next to Rabat].
On title page and at beginning of the Book of Eichah, signatures of "Yaakov Buzaglo".
Two glosses [trimmed] in Western script.
Pirkei Rabbi Eliezer: 50 leaves. Leaf 45 bound backwards. Lechem Dimah: 2-119, [1] leaves. Missing title page. 17.5 cm. Condition of leaves varies; first book and beginning of second book in fair condition, most of second book in good-fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains, traces of former dampness and dark stains. Wear. Tears, including marginal open tears to several leaves, affecting text, partially repaired with paper. Paper repairs on verso of title page of first book. Close trimming bordering text, affecting headers of leaves in several places. New binding.
Bayit Ne'eman, homilies on Torah, service of G-d and lovingkindness, by R. Yitzchak Beja. Venice: Giovanni Cajon, 1621. Only edition.
The author, R. Yitzchak Beja, was a preacher and Torah disseminator in Nikopol (Bulgaria). He relates his life story in the preface.
Signatures and ownership inscriptions on title page and endpaper (some deleted).
118 leaves. 27 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dark stains. Traces of former dampness and mold stains to last leaves. Tears, including open tear affecting text to one leaf. Worming, affecting text. Two detached leaves. Close trimming, affecting text on several leaves. Early leather binding, damaged.
Ein Yaakov – Part I, Ein Yisrael (including Beit Lechem Yehudah), and Part II, Beit Yisrael, by R. Yaakov ibn Habib. Venice: Pietro, Aluise and Lorenzo Bragadini at press of Giovanni Calleoni, 1625. Three books in one volume.
At end of Part I, 26 leaves with divisional title page: Beit Lechem Yehudah, index to Ein Yisrael by R. Yehudah Aryeh of Modena. Venice: Pietro, Aluise and Lorenzo Bragadini at press of Giovanni Calleoni, 1625. First edition.
Ein Yaakov is an anthology of the aggadot in the Talmud with selected commentaries by rishonim, authored by R. Yaakov ibn Habib, with Part II completed and printed by his son R. Levi ibn Habib. Copies of Ein Yaakov were burned along with the Talmud in Italy (1553-1554); The authorities eventually allowed Jews to print the book again, albeit with the name changed to Ein Yisrael and Beit Yisrael.
Ownership inscriptions on title page of Part I. Signature on front endpaper.
On leaf [2], list of names of attendants of lectures.
Part I: 4, 195, 26 leaves. Part II: 190 leaves. Overall fair condition. Many stains, including dark stains, dampstains and traces of former dampness with mold stains. Large open tears to title page of Part I and small tears to title page of Part II, affecting illustrated title frames in Part I in many places (title page of Part I reinforced with paper, with replacement of part of frame by hand), and tears to several other leaves, slightly affecting text, repaired with paper. Old, worn binding, with spine torn and detached.
Provenance: Collection of Prof. Eliyahu Shmuel Hartom.