Auction 95 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Letters and Manuscripts, Engravings and Jewish Ceremonial Objects
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Printed leaf with a riddle for the wedding of the groom Yehoshua son of Yitzchak Recanati and the bride Esther Sarah daughter of Refael Recanati, by R. Yisrael Binyamin Bassan. Livorno: Avraham Meldola, 1746.
The poem contains 24 stanzas, with the (printed) signature of the author.
An elaborate Ketubah from the same wedding appears in the Braginsky collection.
R. Yisrael Binyamin Bassan (1701-1790), son of R. Yeshayahu Bassan and friend of the Ramchal. He succeeded his father as Rabbi of Reggio.
[1] leaf. Approx. 54 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Folds. Several tears to folds, affecting text. The leaf is mounted on another leaf to reinforce and repair it.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Two leaves of riddles for a wedding, in large format, printed in Verona.
• Al Tomar Davar SheI Efshar Lishmoa – riddle leaf for a wedding by R. Menachem son of R. Yitzchak Noveira. Verona, 1749.
• Et Sason VeSimchah HaYom HaZeh – riddle leaf for a wedding by R. Menachem son of R. Yitzchak Noveira. [Verona, 18th century].
At the top of each of the leaves is printed a large engraving of a female angel holding a wreath of flowers in one hand and a trumpet in the other. In the center of each leaf is printed an engraving with an illustration of the riddle.
R. Menachem Noveira HaRofe (1737-1777), rabbi in Verona, authored Yemei Temimim and published Pnei Yitzchak by his grandfather R. Chizkiyah Mordechai Bassan. An autograph manuscript with his poems is preserved at the University of Leeds, where the present two poems appear.
[2] leaves. 58 cm and 45 cm. Good condition. Light stains. A few tears. Folds.
The leaves do not appear in the catalog of the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Printed leaf in large format – Mizmor LeTodah, a thanksgiving poem for the recovery of Empress Maria Theresa from her sickness, by R. Menachem Noveira. [Mantua, 18th century].
At the top of the leaf is printed an engraving with two cherubs carrying a crown, trumpets and a cartouche with the letter W inside it.
[1] leaf. 63 cm. Good condition. Folds. A few small marginal tears.
Does not appear in the catalog of the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Rabbi of Modena, By Rabbi David Zacuto Modena – Modena, 1811 Manuscript leaf, lament for passing of R. Yishmael HaKohen, Rabbi of Modena, by R. David Zacuto Modena. [Modena, 1810 or 1811].
A poetic lament with ten stanzas, handwritten by R. David Zacuto Modena, with a lengthy introduction at the top of the leaf and the signature of the author at the end of the poem. To the best of our knowledge, this poem has never been published.
R. Yishmael HaKohen, Rabbi of Modena (1724-1810), leading Italian rabbi and prominent posek. In 1782, he succeeded his brother R. David HaKohen as Rabbi of Modena, effectively leading all of Italian Jewry. When the Jewish Sanhedrin was instituted by Napoleon in 1806, he wrote a detailed response to 12 questions asked by Napoleon about the relation between state law and Jewish law, which served as the basis for the rabbis representing Italian regions in the Sanhedrin.
R. David Zacuto Modena (1778-1865), an important Italian rabbi in his times, also served as Rabbi of Modena, succeeding his father R. Mazal Tov Zacuto, in turn the disciple and successor of R. Yishmael HaKohen.
[1] leaf. 27.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, tears and wear. Folds. Repaired with tape to reverse side of leaf.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Collection of leaves handwritten by R. Shlomo Michael Yonah, Rabbi of Torino – sermons and novellae on the Torah. [Torino, ca. 18th century].
The present lot is comprised of two groups of leaves in the author’s autograph manuscript, with erasures, corrections and additions. In one group appears a draft of a lengthy sermon for Shabbat Bereshit. In this group, there is lesser use of leaves from letters sent to R. Shlomo Michael Yonah, and on some leaves appear the recipient’s address – his name and address in Torino, with remains of postmarks left on them.
The second group, in larger format, contains sermons on the Torah portions of the Book of Bereshit. The present leaves contain sections on Bereshit, Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayera and Chayei Sarah; followed by various selections. The first page contains a title page formula, with the title Divrei Shlomo.
To the best of our knowledge, these novellae have not been printed.
R. Shlomo Michael Yonah, one of the leading Italian Torah scholars in the 18th century. Brother-in-law of R. Yechiel Chaim Troyes, Rabbi of Vercelli. First he lived in Alessandria where he met and developed an ongoing friendship with the Chida on his first mission to Italy. He was subsequently appointed Rabbi of Torino, where he again hosted the Chida.
[5] leaves, 30 cm; [7] leaves, 24 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, tears and wear.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript, Sefirat HaOmer, with Kabbalistic Kavanot. [Italy, 18th/19th century].
Square Italian script, partially vowelized. Pocket format. At the beginning of the manuscript are prayers, Kavanot and the blessing for counting the Omer, with Lamnatzeach in the shape of a Menorah. A subsequent page is dedicated to each one of the days of the Omer.
Ownership inscription on front endpaper. At the end is a long leaf (folded) with a list of names of men and women, ordered according to the months Tammuz-Av-Elul (perhaps their dates of death). The names are of families from the Piedmont region, most of them from the families Latas and Montel (apparently from Cuneo).
[28] leaves (and more blank leaves) + [1] folded leaf. Thick, high-quality paper. Approx. 10 cm. Good condition. Stains. Tears, affecting text with loss, to folded leaf at end. Original leather binding, damaged.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, IT.011.026.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript, Seder Tefillat Nashim – special prayers for women, scribed by R. Elisha Pontremoli. Chieri, Italy, 1814.
Hebrew in square Italian script, vowelized; with titles and instructions in Italian (in Latin characters).
Includes special prayers for women, including prayers for a pregnant woman, prayer for the ninth month of pregnancy, a prayer for candle-lighting, while separating Challah, for the night of immersion in the Mikveh, following birth, a prayer for a nursing woman, and more.
Colophon on last page by the scribe, R. Elisha Pontremoli (1779-1852), an Italian Torah scholar, author of many works still in manuscript.
[12] leaves. 17 cm. Fair-good condition. Dark and stained leaves. Stains. Some wear. Original parchment binding, damaged.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, IT.011.006.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript booklet, family records, prayer and poem for a circumcision. [Italy], ca. 1760-1796.
Records of births and circumcisions in the Guastalla family, with details of the Sandek and Mohel.
On pp. 4a-b is a liturgical poem for a circumcision. On p. 5a is a prayer for the father of the circumcised child.
Fine reddish leather binding, with gilt decoration.
[5] written leaves (and more blank leaves). Approx. 12 cm. Good condition. Stains. Fine leather binding, with light damage.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, IT.011.007.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript, Menorat HaMaor by R. Yitzchak Aboab. [Yemen], 1745.
Yemenite script. Complete copying of Menorat HaMaor, Venice 1544 edition. At the beginning of the manuscript is a piyyut and table of contents (partial), followed by a double-page with illustrations of the Tabernacle, the Temple and their vessels, decorated with red ink. On the next page appears Lamnatzeach in the shape of a Menorah, followed by the copying of the work. Dated inscriptions after the introduction and on leaf 158.
Ownership inscriptions on the blank page before the illustrations, pp. 1a and 12a.
Menorat HaMaor was particularly well received among Yemenite Jewry, who refer to it simply as "Menorah". Yemenite Jews would read it every Shabbat and festival in the synagogue, before the recital of Aleinu. The Maharitz mentions this custom (in his Tiklal siddur), and the custom is preserved to this day in the Yemenite community.
[5], 123, [1], 122-131, [1], 134-308, [1] leaves (some misfoliation). 22 cm. Condition of leaves varies, fair-good. Stains, including large and dark dampstains to some leaves. Wear and tears. Worming and open tears to several leaves, affecting text (repaired with paper and paper filling on illustrated pages). Original leather binding, damaged and worn.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, YM.011.070.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript, Hoshanot for Sukkot and piyyutim for Simchat Torah according to the Yemenite rite, with the commentary of R. Yichya son of R. Yosef Tzalach, the Maharitz, in his handwriting. [Yemen, 18th century].
Complete manuscript (without title page), in small format. Particularly neat and elegant Yemenite script, characteristic of the handwriting of the Maharitz. The commentary of the Maharitz appears below the vocalized text of the Hoshanot. The titles and initial panels are decorated with red ink throughout the entire manuscript. In several places the Maharitz added marginal glosses and additions.
The Maharitz based his composition on the commentary of his teacher R. Yitzchak Wanneh. This work eventually became part of the Tiklal siddur with his Etz Chaim commentary, with revisions and expansions. Apparently, this is the Mahadura Kama (first version) of the work.
Additions in other (later) hands at beginning and end of the manuscript.
At the beginning of the manuscript are ownership inscriptions of three consecutive generations: "Yichya son of Yosef Pinchas", "Harun son of Yichya Pinchas", "Yichya son of Harun son of Yichya son of Yosef son of Salim Pinchas". Additional inscription at beginning of Tikun Hoshanot.
R. Yichya son of R. Yosef Tzalach (Saleh), the Maharitz (1715-1805), head of the Sanaa Beit Din, most prominent Yemenite rabbi in the 18th century and a leading posek. Disciple of his grandfather Mari Tzalach and of R. Aharon HaKohen Iraqi, R. Yichya Iraqi and R. David Mashreki. At the age of 43, he was appointed Chief Rabbi and head of the Beit Din over all Yemenite communities, a position he held for over 45 years. His authority was unequivocally accepted in Yemen, and many Yemenite Jews follow his customs and rulings to this day.
[43] leaves. 16.5 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Marginal tears and open tears, slightly affecting the text in one place. Old binding, damaged and disconnected.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, YM.011.056.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript, kabbalistic commentaries on prayer – sections from Or Zarua by R. David son of Yehudah HeChasid and the commentary attributed to R. Yosef ibn Tzayach – a copying in the handwriting of R. Yichya son of R. Yosef Tzalach, the Maharitz. [Yemen, 18th century].
A copying in the characteristic handwriting of the Maharitz. In the page before the title page appears an ownership inscription of the great-grandson of the Maharitz: "Yosef son of Chacham son of R. Av[raham] Tzalach".
The first page contains a fine, illustrated title page, attributing the manuscript's commentary on prayer to the kabbalist R. Yosef ibn Tzayach, a Torah scholar from Jerusalem and Damascus in the 16th century. It goes on to describe the copy that was the source of the present manuscript as the autograph copy of R. Yosef ibn Tzayach. The Maharitz writes that when that manuscript began to undergo tears and erasures, the owner of the manuscript, R. Shalom Iraqi, had him copy it. The Maharitz does not sign his name. Furthermore, the present copying is incomplete, and was interrupted some leaves later.
[16] leaves. 22 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Heavy worming, affecting title frame and text of all leaves. New binding.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, YM.011.063.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Manuscript, Aggadta DePischa – Passover Haggadah, with halachot and comments by R. Yichya Tzalach (Maharitz). [Yemen, 18th/19th century].
Neat Yemenite script (characteristic of Sanaa, somewhat similar to the Maharitz's handwriting). Partially vocalized. Decorated titles and words in several places.
Ownership inscriptions on first leaf: "Yosef son of Salim Korach" and "Sh[--] Chaim son of Yosef Korach".
[25] leaves. Missing the end (number of leaves missing unknown). 17 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Tears and wear in several places (mainly to margins). Worming, affecting text. New binding.
Provenance: Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, YM.011.066.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.