Auction 93 Part 2 - Ancient Books, Chassidic and Kabbalistic Books, Manuscripts and Letters
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Agra DeKallah on the Torah, Parts I & II, by Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech Shapiro Rabbi of Dinov, author of Bnei Yissaschar. Lviv, 1868. First edition.
Signature on title page of part I. Interesting gloss in late script on leaf 4 of the second pagination of part II.
Two parts in one volume. Part I (Bereshit): [5], 134 leaves. Lacking leaf of approbations following title page. Part II (Shemot-Devarim): [1], 26; 12, [1]; 56 leaves. 23.5 cm. Mostly dry paper. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains (particularly dark stains to several leaves). Tears, including open tears to title page of part I and minor open tears to several other leaves, affecting title page border and text, repaired in part with paper. Worming, affecting text. Leaves trimmed with damage to headings in several places. New leather binding.
Or HaChaim, censure of the study of philosophy, by R. Yosef Yaavetz – the Chassid Yaavetz, with Maayan Ganim, commentary and expansions, by Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech Shapiro Rabbi of Dinov, author of Bnei Yissaschar. Zhovkva, 1848. First edition of the Maayan Ganim commentary.
The author, R. Yosef Yaavetz (1440?-1508), a Spanish exile, asserts in this book that the expulsion resulted from Spanish Jewry's preoccupation with Greek philosophy, preferring it over Torah wisdom. His book Or HaChaim was first printed in Ferrara, 1554.
Maayan Ganim by the Bnei Yissaschar is a polemic work. The main part is a caustic diatribe on the Haskalah movement – against Galician maskilim, Moses Mendelssohn and his writings, their followers and prospective followers.
This is presumably the first work fiercely criticizing and denunciating not only Mendelssohn's works and translations but also Mendelssohn himself.
[1], 32, [2] leaves. 23 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming, affecting text (including large hole through all leaves, affecting text). New binding.
• Re'ach Duda'im. Munkacs, 1879. First edition.
• Berachah Meshuleshet. Premishla (Przemyśl), 1896. First edition.
• Veheyeh Berachah on mishnayot Berachot and Tosefta. Premishla, 1875. First edition.
• Veheyeh Berachah, on mishnayot Zera'im and Tractate Shabbat. Premishla, 1888.
Signature on title page of R. David Tzvi Peteny (1896-1942), a Pressburg Torah scholar, author of Maharsha HaAroch.
• Commentary of R. Elazar of Worms on Sefer Yetzirah, with glosses by R. Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov. Premishla, 1883. At the end of the book: Selections and additions to the books of R. Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov: Derech Edotecha, Derech Pikudecha and Igra DeKalla. Premishla, 1883. First editions.
• Chiddushei Mahartza on laws of Chanukah. Premishla, 1885. Second, emended edition. Bound at the end: additions to the books of R. Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, originally printed at the end of the commentary of R. Elazar of Worms on Sefer Yetzirah. Premishla, 1883.
• Chochmat HaNefesh by R. Elazar of Worms, with Perush Taamei HaMitzvot by R. Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov. Lviv, 1876. First edition. With [4] prenumeranten leaves, found in some copies only. • Safed, 1913.
8 books. Size and condition vary. New bindings.
Nishmat Chaim, eulogies on Rebbe Avraham David of Buchach, with selections of his Torah thoughts. [Zhovkva? Gerson Letteres? 1841?]. Only edition.
Rebbe Avraham David Wahrman, the "Gaon of Buchach" (1770-1840), a leading Torah scholar and Chassidic figure, and prominent posek in his times. His halachic works became classics in halachic rulings. His work Eshel Avraham on Orach Chaim was printed in many editions of the Shulchan Aruch and is cited thousands of times in halachic literature.
[25] leaves. 16.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Tears to title page, including minor open tear affecting text, repaired with tape. Minor marginal tears to several other leaves. New binding.
Birkat David, Chassidic commentaries on the Five Books of the Torah, by Rebbe Avraham David Wahrman of Buchach. Lviv, [1845]. First edition.
Rebbe Avraham David Wahrman, the "Gaon of Buchach" (1770-1840), a leading Torah scholar and Chassidic figure, and prominent posek in his times. His halachic works became classics in halachic rulings. His work Eshel Avraham on Orach Chaim was printed in many editions of the Shulchan Aruch and is cited thousands of times in halachic literature.
[2], 182 leaves. 23.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Open tears and worming to title page and other leaves, affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Stamps and inscriptions on title page and other leaves. New leather binding.
False imprint on title page for Jihdas Rosanis, 1800 and 5565, as was commonly done in Chassidic books printed in Galicia at that time, due to censorship restrictions and the persecution of Chassidim by the Haskalah.
Avodat Yisrael, homilies on the Torah portions and on Pirkei Avot, by R. Yisrael Hopstein – the Maggid of Kozhnitz. [Józefów: David Saadia Yeshaya Wax, 1842 – first edition]. Copy lacking title page and approbations.
Leaf 9, which contains references to non-Jews, was censored during printing. The censorship omission was only recently discovered, in Kedem Auction 53, item 33 (where the omitted sentences were replaced in handwriting). The original text was never printed in any of the many subsequent editions of Avodat Yisrael. In most known copies of the first edition, leaf 9 was printed in a slightly different typography and on different paper to the rest of the book, without the aforementioned references. The present copy contains the original, uncensored leaf, with the original wording of the Maggid of Kozhnitz.
Avodat Yisrael is considered a classic Chassidic work, and was held in high esteem by prominent Chassidic leaders.
Copy lacking title pages, approbations and beginning of foreword: [1], 90; 32 leaves (originally: [4], 90; 32 leaves. Lacking altogether 3 leaves; without additional leaf of approbations found in some copies only). 21 cm. Bluish paper. Fair condition. Stains and traces of past dampness. Wear, tears and worming, affecting text in several places. Tape repairs to first leaf. Inscriptions and stamps. New binding.
Ner Yisrael, by R. Yisrael Hopstein – the Maggid of Kozhnitz, "wonderful commentary, Torah novellae and lofty secrets", on the book Likutei R. Hai Gaon – "profound and awesome secrets on the 42-letter name". "Vilna" [Lviv? ca. 1842-1852]. First edition of the Ner Yisrael commentary.
The book comprises: Likutei R. Hai Gaon, by R. Moshe of Burgos (leading Spanish kabbalist in the 12th century); Shaar HaShamayim, attributed to R. Yosef Gikatilla (though it is actually part II of the book Sefer HaIyun by Rav Chamai Gaon); and Ner Yisrael – a profound commentary by the Maggid of Kozhnitz, as well as 58 kabbalistic principles by the same author, printed here for the first time.
The kabbalist, R. Amram Offman, in his preface to Petilat HaNer (commentary on Ner Yisrael), writes that this book is a "segulah for protection, as it is well-known that the 42-letter name serves as a protection".
[2], 24 leaves. 24 cm. Fair condition. Stains and extensive wear. Open tears, affecting edge of text in several places. Stamps. New binding.
Eight books by the Maggid of Kozhnitz – R. Yisrael Hopstein, including first editions:
• Avodat Yisrael. Lviv, 1850. Third Edition. Signatures on back endpaper. • Warsaw, [1878]. On title page: 1875.
• Nezer Yisrael. Lviv, 1864. First edition. • Józefów, 1870.
• Yakar MiPaz. Lviv, 1874.
• She'erit Yisrael. Lublin, 1895-[1896]. First edition. Inscription on endpaper.
• Remazei Yisrael. Warsaw, 1899. First edition. Presumably lacking one leaf at beginning (additional title page?). Without Part II – Midrash Konen. Stamps of R. Chaim Radziner (1827-1906) of Warsaw, Safed.
• Avodat Yisrael HaShalem. Mukachevo, [1929].
8 books. Size and condition vary. New bindings.
Be'er Moshe, Chassidic essays on the Torah portions, by Rebbe Moshe Elyakim Beri'a Hopstein of Kozhnitz. [Lviv: printer not indicated, 1858]. First edition.
The author, Rebbe Moshe Elyakim Beri'a (1757?-1828), was a close disciple of his father, the Maggid of Kozhnitz, and of R. Zusha of Anipoli. In this book, as well as in his other works, he quotes extensively thoughts and traditions which he received from his father and other prominent Chassidic leaders.
On the back endpaper, handwritten inscriptions from Iași, dated 1870.
[1], 188 leaves. 27 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of past dampness (dark stains to title page). Minor wear and creases. Worming, affecting text (several leaves with extensive worming). Tears, including open tears to title page and several other leaves, slightly affecting text on title page, repaired with paper (title page presumably supplied from a different copy). New leather binding.
Fourteen Passover Haggadot, with commentaries by Chassidic leaders, printed in the 19th and 20th centuries:
• Gevurot Yisrael commentary by the Maggid of Kozhnitz and the Mateh Moshe commentary by his son R. Moshe Elyakim Beri'a of Kozhnitz. Lviv, 1864. First edition. • Lviv, 1869.
• Be'er Mayim, with a commentary by R. Yosef Moshe Shapira, the Maggid of Zalozitz. Lviv, [1879].
• Mareh Yechezkel commentary by Rebbe Yechezkel Paneth Rabbi of Karlsburg. Premisla, 1894.
• Kehilat Moshe commentary by Rebbe Moshe Elyakim Beri'a of Kozhnitz. Lublin, 1904. First edition.
• Tzuf Amarim commentary by R. Moshe Chaim Kleinman of Brisk. Warsaw, [1924]. • Białystok, [after 1930].
• Sfat Emet commentary by R. Yehuda Aryeh Leib of Ger, and the Tiferet Shlomo commentary by R. Shlomo HaKohen of Radomsk. Warsaw, 1930.
• Chelkat Binyamin, Passover Haggadah with kavanot of the Arizal and commentary by Rebbe Binyamin, maggid of Zalozitz. Munkacs, 1930.
• Tiferet Ish commentary by R. Alter Yisrael Shimon [Perlow] of Novominsk. Warsaw, 1933.
• Divrei Chaim commentary by rebbe Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, with some Torah thoughts by Rebbe Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova. Bilgoraj, 1933. • Arad (Romania), [ca. 1940].
• Kol Yehuda commentary by R. Chaim Yehuda Segal Deutsch, dayan and posek in Makova, with thoughts by the rebbes of Belz. Satu Mare, 1937.
• Maamar Aggadta DePis'cha from the book Shaar Yissachar, by Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapira of Munkacs. Munkacs, [1938].
14 Haggadot. Size and condition vary. New bindings. The books were not examined thoroughly, and are being sold as is.
Seven editions of the book Divrei Torah, selections from the Talmud and Midrashim, books of ethics, and essays by Chassidic leaders, edited by R. Moshe Wortman:
• Warsaw: 1845, first edition; [1851]; [1874]; 1890 – not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
• Józefów, 1852.
• Lublin, 1893 and 1897.
7 books. Size and condition vary. New bindings.
Torat Chesed, selections on the Torah portions using various approaches of interpretation, by R. Avraham Mordechai of Lutsk, close disciple of the Ohev Yisrael of Apta and disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin. Warsaw, 1866. First edition.
[1], 26, [2] leaves. 19.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Leaves trimmed with slight damage to headings of two leaves. Stamps and inscriptions. Handwritten draft letter on back endpaper. New leather binding.