Auction 93 Part 2 - Ancient Books, Chassidic and Kabbalistic Books, Manuscripts and Letters
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- letter (54) Apply letter filter
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- chassidut (37) Apply chassidut filter
- manuscript (33) Apply manuscript filter
- signatur (32) Apply signatur filter
- jewri (31) Apply jewri filter
- rabbin (31) Apply rabbin filter
- dedic (29) Apply dedic filter
- signatures, (29) Apply signatures, filter
- item (26) Apply item filter
- letters, (24) Apply letters, filter
- "chatam (18) Apply "chatam filter
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- stamp (16) Apply stamp filter
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- kabbalah (5) Apply kabbalah filter
Leaf (2 written pages), novellae on Parashat Bamidbar, handwritten by R. Eliezer David Grünwald Rabbi of Satmar, author of Keren LeDavid.
Manuscript handwritten by the author. R. Eliezer David's novellae on the books of Bereshit and Shemot were published before the Holocaust. The manuscripts of the other parts were hidden in the ground and thus survived the Holocaust, and were only finally published in 1976. The present leaf may have been amongst the writings which were hidden during the Holocaust.
This manuscript contains the initial text, handwritten by the author; it was published with many variations in the Brooklyn 1976 and Bnei Brak 2008 editions.
R. Eliezer David Grünwald Rabbi of Satmar (ca. 1866 – 1928), prominent Torah leader and yeshiva dean in Hungary and Transylvania. Close disciple of his brother R. Moshe Grünwald, the Arugot HaBosem. He served as rabbi in many prominent communities, establishing in each place a large yeshiva where he edified many disciples, including dozens of rabbis and poskim.
[1] leaf. 27.5 cm. Fair-poor condition. Marginal open tears, affecting text. Tears repaired with paper and tape (with dark stains and traces of glue).
Collection of letters from rabbis and shochetim – certificates of ordination for the shochet R. Chaim son of R. Hillel Friedman of Turtz (Turţ). Sighet (Sighetu Marmației), Grosswardein (Oradea) and the region. Ca. 1910s-1930s.
• Letter handwritten, signed and stamped by R. Meir David Tabak (1850-1936; son of R. Shlomo Yehuda Leib Tabak author of Erech Shai), dayan and posek in Sighet. Sighet, Iyar 1915.
• Several letters from shochetim in Sighet, dated 1915, 1920 and 1925.
• Letter handwritten, signed and stamped by R. Natan Anshel Krausz (perished in the Holocaust Iyar 1944), rabbi of Sanislău and the region. Sanislău, [Iyar] 1920.
• Letter handwritten, signed and stamped by R. Binyamin Fuchs Rabbi of Grosswardein (1877-1936); written on the verso of a letter signed by the shochetim of Grosswardein. Grosswardein, [Cheshvan] 1921.
• Section of a letter (torn), presumably from the rabbi or shochet of Turtz (Ugocsa county, near Satmar).
• Letter handwritten, signed and stamped by R. Levi Yitzchak Miller Rabbi of Deva. Deva, [Tevet] 1948.
7 leaves. Size and condition vary.
Letter handwritten and signed by R. Michael Dov Weissmandl. New York, 1954.
Letter of recommendation for a student in his yeshiva. R. Weissmandl explains that the student fallen on hard times and was compelled to leave the yeshiva, and asks to support him.
R. Michael Dov Weissmandl (1904-1958), tremendous Torah scholar, prominent rescue activist during the Holocaust and founder of the Nitra yeshiva in the United States.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 27.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Tears and folding marks, slightly affecting text (repaired in part with tape).
Letter from R. Baruch Ber Leibowitz dean of the Knesset Beit Yitzchak yeshiva in Kamenitz (Kamenets), Lithuania. [Kamenitz], Tevet 1933.
Letter in Yiddish addressed to the Feigin family in Philadelphia, U.S.A, donors of the yeshiva. R. Baruch Ber showers them with many blessings in thanks for their generous support of the yeshiva.
The letter is mostly typewritten, and concludes with 7 lines handwritten, stamped and signed by R. Baruch Ber, with heartfelt blessings in Yiddish and Hebrew.
[2] leaves, official stationery. Approx. 29 cm. Good condition. Stains and folding marks.
Lengthy letter (2 pages) handwritten by R. Yehuda Leib Chasman author of Or Yahel, with his signatures "Y.H.L.". Jerusalem, Kislev 1931.
Written on the official stationery of the Hebron – Knesset Yisrael yeshiva in Jerusalem, and addressed to R. Yechezkel Sarna (who was presumably abroad at the time taking care of yeshiva matters). R. Chasman describes the precarious financial situation of the yeshiva, and asks R. Sarna to write to his brother and ask him for help. On the verso, additional letter (signed again), regarding sending emissaries of the yeshiva to the United States.
R. Yehuda Leib Chasman (1869-1935), a leading Torah scholar of his times. A confidant of R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, the Chafetz Chaim and R. Shimon Shkop. Rabbi of Szczuczyn, and later mashgiach of the Hebron yeshiva until his passing.
[1] leaf, official stationery, written and signed on both sides. 26.5 cm. Good condition. Minor open tears at top of leaf, not affecting text.
Postcard with letter (over 20 lines) handwritten and signed by R. Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler. Chesham (England), 10th Tevet 1941 [postmark dated 9th January 1941].
Addressed to his relative R. Eliyahu Eliezer Skolsky of London. R. Dessler was in Chesham at the time, during the blitz on London. R. Dessler inquires about his relative's wellbeing, in humorous, rhyming verse (presumably to cheer him up in those tense times).
Postcard. 14 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear.
Lengthy letter (21 lines) handwritten and signed by R. Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler (author of Michtav Me'Eliyahu), written during his tenure as head of the Gateshead Kollel. [Cheshvan] 1945.
Addressed to R. Hillel Medalie (1916-1977), rabbi of Leeds and Dublin, and later of the Shomre HaDas community in Antwerp.
R. Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler (1892-1953), a leading author of musar literature in our generation. A product of the Kelm yeshiva, he arrived in England in 1927, later founding the Gateshead Kollel and other Torah institutes throughout England, and eventually serving as mashgiach of the Ponevezh yeshiva in Bnei Brak.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 20.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
Collection of ten letters handwritten and signed by R. Avraham Yoffen dean of the Beit Yosef-Novardok network of yeshivot. United States, 1946-1962.
Addressed to his disciple R. Benzion Bruk, dean of the Beit Yosef-Novardok yeshiva in Jerusalem. The letters discuss matters pertaining to the yeshiva and its graduates (Holocaust survivors from various countries, students going to study in Eretz Israel, and more), as well as communal and private matters.
R. Avraham Yoffen (1886-1970), son-in-law and close disciple of the Alter of Novardok. He headed the Beit Yosef-Novardok network of yeshivot for fifty years, and was one of leading Torah disseminators in his times, risking his life to further Torah study even under communist rule. In 1941, he reached the United States, where he lived for some twenty years, establishing a yeshiva there as well. In 1964, he immigrated to Eretz Israel, spending his final years in Jerusalem.
10 letters. Size and condition vary. One letter on official stationery, the others are aerograms.
Lengthy letter (2 pages) handwritten and signed by R. Gershon Liebman, leader of the Novardok yeshiva movement.
Addressed to R. Benzion Bruk (dean of the Novardok yeshiva in Jerusalem) R. Gershon describes the establishment of the Novardok yeshiva in the Bergen Belsen DP camp, and thanks him for the letters of encouragement and consolation to the Holocaust survivors. R. Gershon describes the difficulties he was encountering in running the yeshiva, and inquires about various relatives and acquaintances.
R. Gershon Liebman (1905-1997), founder and leader of the Or Yosef network of Novardok yeshivot in France, and one of the greatest Novardok musar leaders of all times. R. Gershon arranged underground musar yeshivot in the ghettos and camps throughout the Holocaust, and established a Novardok yeshiva in Bergen Belsen immediately after the war ended. In 1948, the yeshiva moved to France, where it expanded to include over 40 Torah and educational institutions.
[1] leaf, written on both sides. 26.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Marginal open tears. Filing holes, slightly affecting text.
Letter handwritten and signed by R. Yosef Dov Ber HaLevi Soloveitchik. [Jerusalem, ca. 1944].
Addressed to R. Shmuel Szczedrowicki, with a request to send aid packages to two students in Siberia. Signed by R. Yosef Dov, with regards from his father (the style of the letter is characteristic of his father, R. Yitzchak Ze'ev of Brisk, and the letter was probably written at his behest).
R. Yosef Dov (R. Yoshe Ber) HaLevi Soloveitchik (1916-1981), eldest son of R. Yitzchak Ze'ev, the Brisker Rav. During the Holocaust, he immigrated with his father to Jerusalem, and assisted him in founding the Brisk Yeshiva in Jerusalem, which he later headed. One of the most illustrious Torah scholars of the previous generation.
The recipient, R. Shmuel Szczedrowicki (1907-1978), a head of Agudath Israel in Tel Aviv. During the Holocaust, he was sent to the Far East on rescue missions on behalf of Agudath Israel to assist refugees in the Far East, Siberia and throughout Russia.
[1] leaf. 21 cm. Approx. 20 autograph lines. Good condition. Folding marks.
Large collection of 22 letters, handwritten and signed by R. Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Riff Rabbi of Camden, United States. Camden, New Jersey, 1928-1964; Bnei Brak, 1973.
Most the letters relate to charity funds sent to Torah and charity institutions in Eretz Israel.
In one letter, R. Riff complains about the attempt to evict the kabbalist R. Shimon Horowitz (dean of the Shaar HaShamayim yeshiva) from his apartment, and sends regards to R. Kook, chief rabbi of Israel.
R. Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Riff (1894-1976), prominent rabbi in the United States. Grandson and close disciple of R. Refael Shapira of Volozhin, whom he attended during his exile in Minsk. Immigrated to the United States, where he was appointed rabbi of the Orthodox community in Camden, New Jersey in 1918. He was very active in rabbinic, communal and charity matters, and was closely associated with the Torah leaders of his times. In his final years, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Bnei Brak.
22 letters, on official stationery. Size and condition vary.
Assorted collection of over fifty letters of rabbis and yeshiva deans in Eretz Israel and other countries. Ca. 1940s.
The collection includes letters from the following rabbis:
R. Yechezkel Abramsky Rabbi of London, R. Zalman Sorotzkin Rabbi of Lutsk, R. Refael Baruch Toledano Rabbi of Meknes, R. Zusha Waltner dean of the Tangier yeshiva, R. Yechezkel Sarna dean of the Hebron yeshiva, R. Pinchas Hirschsprung of Montreal, R. Moshe Hager dean of the Seret-Vizhnitz yeshiva in Haifa, R. Chizkiyahu Yosef Mishkovsky Rabbi of Krinik, and many others. See Hebrew description.
Over 50 signed letters. Some on official stationery. Size and condition vary.