Auction 93 Part 2 - Ancient Books, Chassidic and Kabbalistic Books, Manuscripts and Letters
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Seder Maamadot, arranged according to the days of the week, printed upon the request of R. Yaakov Kohen della Man. Venice: Giovanni Cajon for Pietro and Lorenzo Bragadin, [1616].
48, [4] leaves. Approx. 15 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear. Minor tears, repaired with paper. Leaves trimmed with damaged to engraved title page border, headings, and catchwords. New binding.
Rare edition. Listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book based on a copy from a private collection.
Siddur MiBeracha, following the Ashkenazi rite, order of blessings. Mantua: Sons of Joshua of Perugia, 1670.
Not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book nor in the NLI catalog. Similar to the Italian rite Siddur MiBracha published concurrently in the same press, though with many variations.
Bound with another, unidentified edition of Siddur MiBracha (lacking title page).
1670 edition: 56, 58-60, 63-66 leaves. Lacking leaves 57, 61-62. Unidentified edition: 2-7, 9-32, 34-39, 50-55, 57-88 leaves. Lacking: title page and leaves 8, 33, 40-49, 56. Approx. 14 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming and a few tiny tears, affecting text and title page border, repaired in part with paper. Old, worn binding, with worming.
Derech Yeshara siddur with Tehillim and Maamadot, Ashkenazi rite, compiled by R. Yechiel Michel Epstein, author of Kitzur Shelah. Amsterdam: Hertz Levi son of Siskind Segal, [1733-1734].
The book opens with a copper engraved general title page, followed by a more detailed title page (date 1734), approbations, foreword and table of contents. In the present copy, these leaves are followed by an earlier variant of the detailed title page (dated 1733) and approbations, with significant variations, and an additional leaf with the foreword (in a different layout).
Divisional title pages for the book of Tehillim and Maamadot (dated 1733).
Bound in various places in the book: two handwritten leaves with additional prayers; several leaves from a different edition of the siddur.
[7], 207, 139, 18; 10 leaves. 23.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Wear. Tears to title pages and other leaves. Large open tears to several leaves, affecting text (repaired in part with old paper repairs). Inscriptions, signatures and stamps. Early leather and wooden binding, damaged, with clasp remnants.
Chessed LeAvraham – siddur Kavanot HaAri, "Three books… weekday prayers and Shabbat offering and Rosh Chodesh offering… from the writings of the Arizal…". Mantua: Eliezer Solomon of Italy, [1783].
Siddur with commentary, practices and detailed kavanot, compiled by the kabbalist R. Avraham Tubiana of Algiers, based on the writings of the Arizal and his disciples.
[1], 140 leaves. Extra copies of three leaves following title page (leaves at beginning of volume provided from a different copy, original leaves bound out of sequence, between leaves 137-138; final two leaves also provided from a different copy). 21.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Tears and open tears, slightly affecting text and title page border, repaired in part with paper. Inscriptions. New binding.
Siddur with the kavanot of the Arizal, for weekday, Shabbat and festival, by R. Shabtai of Rashkov, disciple of the Baal Shem Tov. Two parts in one volume. Lviv: A. Druker, 1866.
Bound at the end of the siddur: first edition of Minchat Yitzchak – errata of the many errors found in the first edition of Siddur R. Shabtai (Korets 1794), compiled by R. Yitzchak Segal of Berzan.
On p. 76a (of third sequence), stamp of R. Shneur Tzvi son of R. Levi Yitzchak Schneersohn, fifth generation descendant of Rebbe Rashab.
[56], 57-130; [4], 104; 114; [1], 11 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition. Many stains (including dark stains). Worming, affecting text. Marginal tears and open tears to title page and several other leaves (large open tear to final leaf), affecting text and border, repaired in part with paper. Printing defect to one leaf, affecting text. Margins of several leaves trimmed. Stamps. New binding.
Tefillah LeMoshe siddur, year-round prayers in Sefard-Chassidic rite, with the kabbalistic Tefillah LeMoshe commentary by R. Moshe Cordovero (the Remak). Includes Or HaYashar – ethical and Chassidic conduct according to kabbalah, by R. Meir Poppers, and Derech Chaim on the laws of prayer by R. Yaakov of Lissa. Premishla (Przemyśl): Zupnik, Knoller and Hammerschmidt, 1892. First edition. Two parts in two volumes.
Prominent Chassidic leaders extol the virtues of this siddur in their approbations, assuring that it will surely bring blessing into the home. Rebbe Uri of Sambor wrote: "whoever takes the holy siddur will be blessed with sons, life and abundant sustenance, and that it will serve as a protection for his home".
Vol. I: [8], 24; 189, [4], 190-286 leaves; Vol. II: [287]-432; 8; [1], 48, [3] leaves. 22 cm. Slightly browned paper. Overall fair-good condition. Stains, including dark stains. Worming, affecting text (primarily to first leaves of vol. I). Minor marginal tears to several leaves. Stamps. New bindings.
[4] leaves with Shir HaShirim, bound in the present copy between leaves 189-190, are not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book nor in the NLI (though they do appear in the digitized Chabad Library copy in HebrewBooks).
Year-round siddur following the Ashkenazi rite, with the Olat Tamid commentary by R. Natan Nata of Shinova, author of Kishutei Kallah, and with the Arugat HaBosem commentary on Shir HaShirim by R. Moshe Ostrer. Premishla (Przemyśl): Zupnik, Knoller & Wolf, 1896.
In his approbation, R. Avraham Rabbi of Kriftch (Krzywcza) writes: "I am assured that whoever prayers from the siddur with its holy commentaries, his prayer will not go unanswered".
Bound with: Book of Tehillim, arranged according to days of the weeks and of the month. Warsaw, 1879.
[4], 41, 43-90; 64; 66; 78 leaves. Tehillim: 53, [1] leaves. Lacking several leaves in middle of Tehillim. 22.5 cm. Dry, somewhat brittle paper. Good-fair condition. Stains. Tears, including some open tears affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. Old binding, with leather spine and new endpapers.
Two leaves from a book of Mishneh Torah by the Rambam. [Rome: Shlomo son of Yehuda and Ovadia son of Moshe, ca. 1474]. First edition. Incunable.
Two leaves from the first edition of Mishneh Torah by the Rambam. The two leaves (leaves [167]-[168]) are from the seventh book of Mishneh Torah, Zera'im, and comprise the end of the laws of Terumot, and some six chapters of laws of Maaser.
Two leaves. 39 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Marginal open tears, not affecting text, repaired with paper (leaves were stuck together). Without binding.
See: A.K Offenberg, Hebrew Incunabula in Public Collections, Nieuwkoop 1990, no. 87.
Sefer Mitzvot Gadol – Semag, by R. Moshe of Coucy. [Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1522].
Title page lacking, replaced with title page of part II of Lechem Mishneh by R. Avraham de Boton, Venice 1604-1606, with a piece of paper pasted in the center inscribed with the book title and name of author (as well as name of owner).
Ownership inscriptions and signatures in several places, including inscription of R. Shmuel Tzvi Weiss of Munkacs (father of Rebbe Yosef Meir, the Imrei Yosef of Spinka).
Glosses by several writers. Censorship expurgations in several places.
[249] leaves. Lacking title page. Approx. 27 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and traces of past dampness. Wear. Worming, slightly affecting text. Tears, including open tears slightly affecting text, repaired with paper (several leaves with marginal paper repairs close to text). Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. Binding old and worn.
Sefer HaTerumah, halachic rulings on various topics, by R. Baruch son of R. Yitzchak of France. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1523. First edition.
Sefer HaTerumah is one of the prominent halachic works composed in the times of the Tosafists. It includes halachot on various topics: laws of shechitah, terefot, kashrut, challah, niddah, divorce, chalitzah, avodah zarah, yayin nesech, Torah scrolls, tefillin, Shabbat. Following the laws of tefillin is a special chapter devoted to the laws of Eretz Israel.
The author, R. Baruch son of R. Yitzchak, was a Tosafist from France (named Baal HaTerumah after his book; sometimes erroneously referred to as R. Baruch of Worms), close disciple of R. Yitzchak son of R. Shmuel (R. Yitzchak the elder). He immigrated to Eretz Israel shortly before his passing. In his book, he dedicates a special chapter to the laws pertaining to Eretz Israel, possibly inspired by the practice of immigrating to Eretz Israel, which was common in his times.
The book opens with a comprehensive table of contents, containing a summary of the laws in the order of the chapters.
Ownership inscriptions on the title page: "I acquired this book with my wealth in honor of my Creator Menashe son of R. Itzek of Lissa"; "Belongs to R. Menashe Brostein[?] of Lissa, so says one who resides in his home, Yosef Ish Kohen Efrati"; "Yehonatan son of R. Yosef Segal".
Several inscriptions in Sephardic script: "Today Tuesday 21st Iyar… 1713, the great Torah scholar R. Yaakov Aryeh passed away…"; "Today, Shabbat… Tishrei 1705, my son Yaakov was born…".
[139] leaves. Without blank leaf at end of book. Approx. 26 cm. Condition varies. Title page, first and final leaves in fair condition. Most leaves in good condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of past dampness, with mold. Tears, including large open tears to title page and second leaf, and open tears to several other leaves (including final three leaves), not affecting text, repaired with paper. Worming, affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Stamps. New leather binding.
Habermann, The Printer Daniel Bomberg, no. 81.
Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah, by R. Menachem Recanati. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1523. First edition.
R. Menachem Recanati, a posek and kabbalist – one of the first Italian kabbalists in the 13th and 14th century.
The Recanati commentary on the Torah was one of the first kabbalistic book ever printed, and it contains many quotations from the Zohar (which was first printed only in 1558).
This is the second book proofread by the famous proofreader Yaakov son of Chaim ibn Adoniyahu (the first being Tzror HaMor, printed that year).
Several glosses in Sephardic script (partially trimmed).
[154] leaves. Lacking leaf [153]. Approx. 22 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including many dark dampstains. Worming, slightly affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Marginal open tears to final two leaves, affecting text on final leaf (margins of penultimate leaf trimmed with damage to heading), repaired with paper. Stamps. Old binding, with worming and defects.
Provenance: Estate of Prof. Ephraim Elimelech Urbach.
Piskei Halachot by the kabbalist R. Menachem Recanati. Bologna: Silk Weavers' Guild, [1538]. First edition.
The author, R. Menachem son of Binyamin Recanati (1250-1310), was an early Italian kabbalist. The present work, comprising his halachic rulings, served as an important source for halachic authorities of subsequent generations, and is quoted by poskim such as the Beit Yosef, the Shach and the Magen Avraham.
Brief handwritten gloss on p. 21b, containing emendation.
[12], 62 leaves. Approx. 18 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Worming to final leaf, slightly affecting text. Minor marginal open tears to final two leaves. Censorship expurgations (scraped off) on several leaves. Stamps (scraped off). New binding. Book plate of the Toaff family.