Auction 93 Part 1 - Manuscripts, Prints and Engravings, Objects and Facsimiles, from the Gross Family Collection, and Private Collections
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Manuscript – Torah readings, prayers and recitals, various segulot and more. [Persia, mid–19th century].
The manuscript opens with a LaMenatze'ach Menorah decorated with red ink, comprising Shiviti and other verses. The previous page also features a LaMenatze'ach Menorah (not completed).
Most the manuscript is scribed in neat, vocalized, Oriental square script, and contains the first part of each Parashah, read on Monday, Thursday and Shabbat Minchah. Also includes the Torah reading for Rosh Chodesh, and Pitum HaKetoret.
The remaining leaves contain various selections and additions, in unskilled Oriental script: memorial prayers and other prayers recited at the cemetery, amulets and segulot, and more. Calendar for Tishrei 1854 – Shevat 1855. Some of the later inscriptions were written in the other direction, beginning from the end of the manuscript.
[105] leaves (including [13] blank leaves). 11 cm. Fair–good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Marginal tears, slightly affecting text. Inscriptions. New binding.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, PS.011.002.
Manuscript, Tafsir Keter Malchut and poems in Judeo–Persian. [Iran, 1779–1780].
Oriental script. Headings in red ink. Each page of text enclosed in red border. Colorful, decorated heading at the top of the first page (partially deleted).
The main part of the manuscript comprises Tafsir Keter Malchut – Judeo–Persian translation and commentary to R. Shlomo ibn Gabirol's Keter Malchut. Followed by two poems in Judeo–Persian (lengthy note in Arabic characters on p. [29a]).
The manuscript is dated 1779 at the beginning. Colophon at the end of the Tafsir (p. [27]): "Written and completed on Sunday, 16th Iyar 1779". At the end of the manuscript: "I wrote it in 1780". Late ownership inscription, dated 1927, near last colophon.
The manuscript is bound in a fine lacquer-coated cover. Lacquer work was one of the fine classic arts of Iran; the present binding is a unique example of the use of this classic Iran skill with a Hebrew manuscript.
[32] leaves. 15.5 cm. Good–fair condition. Stains. Tears and minor open tears, with slight damage to text, repaired in part with paper. Colorful binding (spine restored, non–original).
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, PS.011.008.
Anthology of works on prayer, moladot, zodiacs, lots, and more. [Hamedan, Iran, ca. 1783–1785].
Thick volume. Neat Oriental script by one writer, with additions by other writers. Some pages of text enclosed in frames. Fine illustrations and diagrams. Volvelle on leaf 34 for calculating moladot.
The manuscript comprises various works (see Hebrew description for more details). Many familial inscriptions at the beginning, from 1749–1865, in various hands.
The manuscript opens with a list of the number of years which have passed since various historic events (such as the Deluge, the birth of the patriarchs, the building of the Temple, and more) dated 1783. This is followed by a documentation of floods which took place in Hamedan in 1780–1782.
On leaf 33, preface mentioning 1783 as the year of writing, signed by the writer Elazar son of R. Eliyahu.
The writer was presumably R. Elazar Chaim son of Eliyahu, rabbi and president of the Hamedan community. Some of the familial inscriptions pertain to his relatives.
[107] written leaves (+ many more blank leaves). 15.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Wear. Some worming. Minor tears and open tears, not affecting text, repaired in part with tape. Inscriptions and stamps. New leather binding.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, KU.011.012.
Manuscript, Shesh Kenafayim, homilies on the Mishnah stating that every Jew has a portion in the World to Come, by R. Reuven son of R. Avraham Moshe. [Quba (Azerbaijan), 1871].
Neat Oriental script. Illustrated title page, depicting the Tablets of the Law and six–winged putti. Colophon at the end, stating the date of completion – Monday, 20th Av 1871, the place of writing – Quba, and the name of the scribe.
Shesh Kenafayim comprises six homiletic ways of explaining the Mishnah "Kol Yisrael", with commentaries to sayings of the sages and other topics. Unpublished work.
R. Reuven son of R. Avraham Moshe was a Torah scholar in Azerbaijan. There are other known works and manuscripts he authored and copied in Quba in the second half of the 19th century.
Quba is in northern Azerbaijan, and was the main seat of the Mountain Jews (see Hebrew sidebar).
[66] leaves. 18 cm. Good–fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Margins of several leaves trimmed (without damage to text). Inscriptions. New binding.
• "The Mountain Jews", exhibition catalog, the Israel Museum, 2001, p. 108–109.
• Only on paper: Six Centuries of Judaica from the Gross Family Collection, CD, 2005.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, AZB.011.002.
Manuscript, Zevach Todah by R. Yichye Tzalach, and other works on the laws of shechitah and terefot. [Calcutta? India], 1799.
Yemenite script, with some additions and inscriptions in Sephardic script, on European paper. Colorful, illustrated title page, decorated with flowers and fruit. Additional illustrated title page on verso.
Writer's colophon on p. 92b, with name of writer – Yichye son of R. Yosef Harir and date of completion – 26th Adar II 1799.
The writer was a Yemenite Jew presumably living in India. He appears to be the Yichye Harir documented as living in Calcutta, India, in 1805, in the diary of R. Shalom son of Ovadia HaKohen of Aleppo.
See Hebrew description for contents of the manuscript.
[4], 41, 41–47, 47–49, [1], 41–92; [16] leaves. 15 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming, affecting text. Marginal tears. Inscriptions, signature and stamps. Old binding, damaged.
• Jews of India, exhibition catalog (Hebrew). Jerusalem, the Israel Museum, 1995.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, IN.011.003.
Two manuscripts on the laws of Shechitah, scribed by R. Aharon son of Refael Tawil "resident of Gaza", in Rashid, Egypt, 1700. Colorful, decorated title pages:
• Zevach HaShelamim, summary of laws of Shechitah, by R. Aharon Tawil. Handwritten by the author.
The author copied the work several times, in a different redaction.
[8] leaves. 16 cm. Good–fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Small hole to title page. New binding.
Illustrated manuscripts originating from Rashid are exceptionally rare.
• Zikaron LiBnei Yisrael, summary of laws of Shechitah and terefot, by R. Avraham Mizrachi, copied by R. Aharon Tawil in Rashid, 1700 (as stated on the decorated title page).
The work was first published in Yemin Moshe, Amsterdam 1718. The present manuscript precedes the printed edition by 18 years (with minor textual variations, without Hilchot HaKashrut at the end).
[8] leaves. 16 cm. Good–fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. A few tears. New binding.
• Yeshiva University Museum, New York, "The Sephardic Journey: 1492–1992", 1990–1992, p. 166, nos. 279, 280.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, OT.011.004, OT.011.005.
Manuscript, anthology of works – homily, ethics, piyyut and commentary, scribed by R. Ezra Yechezkel Tzalach Gabbai. [Baghdad, 1858].
Neat Oriental script, with ornaments. Hebrew and Judeo–Arabic.
The colophon at the end of the manuscript states the date of completion – 25th Kislev 1858, and the name of the scribe.
See Hebrew description for list of contents.
[37] leaves (+ dozens of blank leaves). 20 cm. High–quality paper with embossed floral ornaments in margins. Good condition. Stains. Minor wear. Original gilt–decorated binding.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, IQ.011.009.
Manuscript, Minchah and Arvit for the Three Festivals, scribed by Yitzchak Meir Chaim Moshe Gabbai. [Baghdad, 1854].
Miniature format. Neat square and semi–cursive Oriental script, with ornaments.
Colophon stating the date of completion: 25th Adar 1854. Copyist's signatures in various places in the manuscript.
Yitzchak Meir Chaim Moshe Gabbai also produced that year a decorated Passover Haggadah (sold at Kedem auction 92, part II, item 131; Gross Collection IQ.011.014). There is also a group of decorated Esther scrolls he produced in ca. 1848–1854. See Kedem auction catalog, ibid, for more details.
[43] leaves (+ many blank leaves). 9.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Tiny marginal tears. Inscriptions. Original leather binding, damaged.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, IQ.011.015.
Manuscript, Shorashei HaShemot, by R. Moshe Zacuto – segulot, amulets and hashbaot. [Sephardic lands, 19th century].
Oriental script, with kabbalistic illustrations and diagrams.
Shorashei HaShemot is a comprehensive work on the Holy Names, with a detailed description of their functions and use in hashbaot and amulets. The work is formatted as an alphabetical encyclopedic lexicon, and includes thousands of Holy Names and kabbalistic name combinations, as well as much practical kabbalah.
The manuscript opens with various selections on practical kabbalah.
Ownership inscriptions and glosses in several places.
[91] leaves. 29.5 cm. Fair–good condition. Stains, including dark stains (several leaves difficult to decipher due to writing showing through from verso). Wear. Tears and open tears (including large tears) to several leaves, due to ink erosion, affecting text. New binding.
• Windows on Jewish Worlds. Essays in Honor of William Gross. Edited by Shalom Sabar, Emile Schrijver and Falk Wiesemann. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2019, p. 183–184.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, MO.011.085.
Manuscript, anthology of Goralot HaChol (geomancy), in Hebrew and Arabic.
Cursive Oriental script. Includes diagrams and illustrations.
Comprises two works on geomancy, the first [1a–12b] in Hebrew, and the second [15a–75b] in Judeo–Arabic.
Date at the beginning of the manuscript: Tuesday, 11th Iyar 1884.
[76] leaves (including several blank leaves). 21 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming. Tiny marginal tears. New binding.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, OT.011.018.
Manuscript, Perush Divrei HaSaba – copying from the book Or Yakar by R. Moshe Cordovero – the Remak. [Yemen, 1706].
Neat Yemenite script, in two columns.
Title page dated 1706. Ownership inscription (unsigned) at the foot of the title page, dated 1707.
Brief marginal glosses and notes in some places, by various writers (ca. 18th century).
Or Yakar is commentary to the Zohar of exceptionally wide scope, by R. Moshe Cordovero. It remained in manuscript form throughout the generations, and was only published in 1962–2009, in dozens of volumes. The commentary to Divrei HaSaba in Parashat Mishpatim was published in vol. XXI (1991), with minor textual variations compared to the present manuscript. The manuscript ends in the middle of the final section (17, p. 77), and is presumably lacking one or two leaves.
76 leaves. 21 cm. Good condition. Worming, with some damage to text. Tears and minor open tears, primarily marginal, with slight damage to text on one leaf. Inscriptions. New binding, with worming.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, YM.011.006.
Manuscript, prayers for the High Holidays, with Maamadot and Haftarot. [Yemen, ca. turn of the 19th century].
Illustrated title page with floral motifs in green and yellow. Yemenite script in two columns.
The title page states that the manuscript was commissioned by Yichye son of Shalom son of Yosef al–Kamri.
The name of the scribe and date are not indicated, but there is a manuscript siddur in a similar style also written for a Yichye son of Salam al–Kamri, scribed by Yichye son of Suleiman al–Abyadh in 1794, and one can presume that the present manuscript was written by the same scribe, in the same period. The scribe was possibly R. Yichye son of Suleiman al–Abyadh, a dayan in Sanaa in the times of the Maharitz.
Late addition in final leaves, with various additional piyyutim and prayers.
[1], [104] leaves. 17.5 cm. Good–fair condition. Stains. Wear. Worming, repaired in part with paper. New leather binding, with leather closures.
• Jüdische Lebenswelten, Katalog, edited by Andreas Nachama and Gereon Sievernich. Berlin, 1991, p. 241, no. 10/57.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, YM.011.019.