Auction 93 Part 1 - Manuscripts, Prints and Engravings, Objects and Facsimiles, from the Gross Family Collection, and Private Collections
Portrait of R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz. Engraving; artist, publisher, place and year not indicated, [presumably Germany or the region, early 19th century].
Handwritten caption in Hebrew beneath the portrait, in large square script: "Portrait of the late R. Yehonatan".
Although the portrait of R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz was disseminated in various versions and in numerous copies after his passing, it appears that the present portrait is not a common one. For more information, see previous item.
19X16.5 cm. Fair–good condition. Stains. Tears, including open tears, professionally restored. Mounted on thin, acid–free paper.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.010.
87 Abbildungen böhmischer und mährischer Gelehrten und Künstler [87 Portraits of Bohemian and Moravian Scholars and Artists], a book of engravings by Johann Balzer. Prague: [ca. 1780]. German.
A volume containing 87 engraved portraits of scholars and researchers, clergymen and artists of Bohemia and Moravia, by the engraver Johann Balzer (1738–1799). The volume contains one of the most wide-spread portraits of Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz (ca. 1694–1764), and a portrait of Rabbi David Oppenheimer, Rabbi of Prague, both made after Johann Kleinhard, brief biographical notes on the personages depicted in the portraits, and an allegorical engraved frontispiece by Balzer.
19 pp. + 87 engraved plates + [1] plate (frontispiece). 20 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Paper cover, worn and stained. Minor tears to spine.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, NHB. 101.
Portrait of R. Beer Dann, small engraving by Johann Andreas Benjamin Nothnagel. Frankfurt am Main, 1774.
Captions in Hebrew and German beneath the portrait: "Beer Dann, Schutz–Jude / in Frankfurt, alt 66. Jaher" ("Beer Dann, Protected Jew in Frankfurt…").
Approx. 8.5X6 cm. Very good condition. Mounted on paper and matted.
Provenance: Private Collection.
Portrait of R. Sekel Leib of Michelstadt. Lithograph by an unidentified artist (signed: Toussainct / Moll Lith.?). [Presumably Germany, ca. 1830s].
Hebrew caption beneath the portrait: "R. Sekel Leib Michlestadt". The lithograph was presumably printed during his tenure as rabbi of Michelstadt (in the 1830s).
R. Seckel Leib (Yitzchak Aryeh) Wormser (1768–1847) – the Baal Shem of Michelstadt, a scion of the Luria Ashkenazi family, relative of the Maharshal and the Arizal. As a child, he earned the reputation of a Talmudic prodigy, and received his Torah education from his father. He founded and headed a yeshiva in Michelstadt. Torah leaders in his times, including the Chatam Sofer and the Chiddushei HaRim, would send his requests for prayer. On Rosh Hashana 1847, he prepared his students for his passing, and he indeed died the following day, on the Fast of Gedalia.
24X20.5 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Some tears, professionally restored. Small pieces of paper pasted on verso.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.012.
Portrait of R. Meshulam Zalman HaKohen of Fürth. Lithograph by an unidentified artist (signed: Herr? Herz?). [Fürth?, early 19th century].
Hebrew caption beneath the portrait: "Portrait of the renowned rabbi, R. Meshulam Zalman HaKohen, rabbi and dean of Fürth", followed by a German caption: "Sal. Kohn Ober Rabbiner zu Fürth".
R. Meshulam Zalman HaKohen (1739–1820), rabbi and dean of Fürth, was a Torah leader in his times and a renowned Tzadik, prominent disciple of R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz. He authored Responsa and Novellae of the Maharzach – Bigdei Kehunah, Mish'an HaMayim and more.
Approx. 26X20 cm. Fair condition. Several open tears, professionally restored. Some stains. Mounted on acid–free paper.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.041.
Portrait of R. Asher Leib Ginzburg–Wallerstein. Lithograph by Simon fils. à Strasbg. [Frédéric–Émile Simon], [Strasbourg, ca. 1820].
Hebrew caption beneath the portrait (with some errors): "Portrait of R. Asher, rabbi of Karslruhe and the region: son of the leader of the entire Diaspora, R. Aryeh author of Shaagat Aryeh and Turei Even"; German caption follows.
R. Asher Ginzburg–Wallerstein (1754–1837), rabbi of Wallerstein and Karlsruhe, a Torah leader in his times. Already in his youth, he exchanged extensive halachic correspondence with contemporary Torah giants, such as the Noda BiYehuda, the Haflaah, and the Or Chadash. Youngest son of the Shaagat Aryeh (1695–1785), and his leading disciple in the Metz yeshiva. He lectured in the Metz yeshiva and later in the Niederwerrn yeshiva. After the passing of his father the Shaagat Aryeh, the members of the Metz community implored him to succeed his father as rabbi of Metz, yet he adamantly refused. In ca. 1788, he was appointed rabbi of Wallerstein, serving for 25 years as rabbi of the region. In 1819, he went to serve as rabbi of Karlsruhe, and chief rabbi of the state of Baden.
42.5X30 cm. Overall good condition. Wide margins. Creases. Some tears repaired with tape on verso. Some stains.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.058.
Portrait of Naftali Herz son of Avraham Schulman. Small engraving by Settman. [Leipzig, 1819].
Caption above the portrait: "Talmudist et Mathematicus". His name is printed beneath the portrait in Cyrillic, Latin and Hebrew characters: "Naftali Herz son of Avraham Schulman".
Naftali Herz Schulman (d. ca. 1830) was a maskil in Vilna, born in Stary Bykhov (present day: Belarus). He authored and edited several books, and composed Shir VeHallel (in Hebrew, Russian and German) in honor of the birthday of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alexandrovna, youngest daughter of Czar Alexander I. He died in Amsterdam. For more information, see: Masot UReshimot, Eliezer Raphael Malachi. New York: Ogen, 1937, pp. 109–114.
11X8 cm. Fair–good condition. Stains, some creases and minor tears. Minor worming. Attached to thick paper at top margin.
Provenance: Private collection.
Portrait of R. Nachum Trebitsch. Lithograph by an unknown artist. [Prague? ca. mid–19th century].
The portrait is followed by a caption in German: "Rabbi Nehemias Trebitsch, / k.k. mähr. schles. Oberlandesrabbiner, / geb. am 14 Aug. 1779. gest. am 4 Juli 1842 in Prag"; and in Hebrew: "Portrait of R. Nachum Trebitsch of Prague, rabbi of Nikolsburg and the provinces of Moravia and Silesia, author of Shalom Yerushalayim on the Jerusalem Talmud and Kovetz al Yad on the Rambam".
R. Nachum Trebitsch (1779–1842), rabbi of Nikolsburg (Mikulov) and Moravia. Disciple of R. Yaakov Ginzburg, the Zera Yaakov. Rabbi of Prostitz (Prostějov, present day: Czech Republic); following the passing of R. Mordechai Banet, he was appointed rabbi of Nikolsburg and the entire Moravia, a position he held until his passing. He authored Shalom Yerushalayim on the Jerusalem Talmud, and Kovetz al Yad on the Rambam. Responsa of R. Nachum Trebitsch was published by Machon Yerushalayim (1989).
38X28.5 cm. Fair–poor condition. Many open tears. Creases, tears and folding marks, repaired. Stains. Margins lacking (printing details may have appeared there). Mounted on acid–free paper.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.011.
Portrait of R. Shlomo Yehuda Leib Kohen Rappaport (Shir). Lithograph by Fr. Schier after Antonin Machek. Prague: W. [Wolf] Pascheles, [ca. 1850].
Beneath the portrait is a quote from his writings, followed by a caption in Hebrew "Shlomo Yehuda Leib Kohen Rappaport" and in German: "S. L. Rapoport, / erster Rabbiner und Religionsvorsteher zu Prag".
R. Shlomo Yehuda Leib Kohen Rappaport (1790–1867) –
Son-in-law of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Heller, author of "Ketzos HaChoshen" – founder of the Chochmat Israel movement and pioneer of the Haskalah movement in Galicia. Rabbi of Tarnopol and Prague.
Approx. 36X26 cm. Overall good condition. Some tears, including open tears. Minor stains. Mounted on acid-free paper.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.016.
Portrait of R. Dov Ber Meisels. Lithograph by H. Aschenbrenner. Warsaw: J. Rothwanda i N. Winkelhakena, [ca. 1860].
The portrait is followed by a caption in Hebrew "Dov Ber Meisels / rabbi of Warsaw"; and Polish: "Baer Meisels, Rabin Okregow Warszawskich", with his (printed) signature in Hebrew and Polish.
R. Dov Ber Meisels (1798–1870), chief rabbi of Kraków and Warsaw and leader of Polish Jewry. He authored Chiddushei Mahardam on Sefer HaMitzvot by the Rambam.
35.5X24–24.5 cm. Fair–good condition. Some open tears. Some stains and creases. Right margin cut on a slant. Stamp on verso.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.059.
Portrait of R. Aryeh Leib Zünz. Lithograph by Jan Grządzielski. Warsaw, [ca. 1833].
Rabbi Zünz Is portrayed sitting in his room, with the book Magen HaElef in front of him. Lengthy Hebrew inscription beneath the portrait (with some errors), mentioning the books he published and the date of his passing. The Hebrew text is followed by a Polish inscription, mentioning R. Leybel Maysesz.
R. Aryeh Leib Zünz (1768–1833) was a rabbi, dayan, posek, kabbalist, yeshiva dean and author of many Torah works. A Torah leader in Poland and Eastern Europe in the 19th century.
Approx. 25.5X18.5 cm. Fair–good condition. Some stains and minor tears, professionally restored. Mounted on acid–free paper. Margins trimmed. Paper label on verso.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.013.
Portrait of R. Shlomo Zalman (Lipschitz). Lithograph by an unknown artist. [Warsaw?, 1839].
Rabbi Lipschitz is depicted dressed in festive clothing, sitting in an elaborately decorated sukkah, with various sukkah posters featured within a large fish–shaped frame, representing the Leviathan. The rabbi's attendant is seen standing beside him, holding the Four Species. Beneath the portrait, there is a poem in honor of the rabbi (forming the acrostic: "Shlomo Zalman"), followed by the Hebrew caption "Light of the Diaspora, R. Shlomo Zalman, rabbi of Warsaw, passed away on Tuesday, 11th Nissan 1839 at the age of 75". Polish caption: Salomon Lipszyc. Rabin z miasta Warszawy.
R. Shlomo Zalman Lipschitz (1765–1839), born in Posen. First rabbi of Warsaw, author of Responsa Chemdat Shlomo on the four parts of Shulchan Aruch.
Approx. 36.5X25 cm. Fair–good condition. Folding marks and creases. Tears, professionally restored. Stains. Margins trimmed.
Portraits of similar design are documented in Magdalena Czubińska's article on rabbinic portraits in the National Museum of Kraków, yet this portrait is not featured there.
• In Eternal Memory Shall He Remain Righteous. Formed From the Dust of The Ground, More Splendid Than a Jewel. Lithographic Portraits of Rabbis in the Collection of the National Museum in Kraków; Printed in: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, Kraków, Vol. 11, (2013): 107–133.
• Great Jewish Treasures, by Moshe Bamberger. New York, 2015, p. 190–191.
Approx. 36.5X25 cm. Fair–good condition. Folding marks and creases. Tears, professionally restored. Stains. Margins trimmed.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 038.011.037.