Auction 93 Part 1 - Manuscripts, Prints and Engravings, Objects and Facsimiles, from the Gross Family Collection, and Private Collections
The Parma Psalter, exquisite facsimile published by Facsimile Editions. With a commentary volume in English. London, 1996. Copy 133/550.
An exact reproduction of an illuminated 13th century manuscript. Printed on parchment–like paper with gilt edges. Ancient style parchment binding with leather spine.
Facsimile: [226] leaves, commentary volume: 275 pages. 13 cm. Both volumes are housed in an original cardboard slipcase. Good condition.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, Fac.28.
Biblia (Antigue Testamento), exquisite edition of the Alba Bible – translation of the Bible to early Castilian Spanish, by R. Moshe Arragel. [Madrid], Imprenta Artistica, 1920-1922. Spanish. Two volumes.
Exquisite edition of the Alba Bible, in two volumes, accompanied with many printed plates – facsimiles of ornaments, illustrations and complete pages from the original manuscript (some in color).
The translation of the Bible to Castilian Spanish – the dominant dialect in modern Spain, known as the Alba Bible, was created between 1422-1430 in Maqueda, near Madrid. The translation project was commissioned by Don Luis de Guzmán, a high-ranking Churchman in Calatrava, and it was done under the supervision of R. Moshe Arragel (Mose Arragel de Guadalfajara), together with Christian scholars.
The colorful manuscript includes 334 miniatures of biblical scenes produced by Christian artists, who surprisingly tended to express the Jewish view of the Biblical text. The codex is known after its owners since the 17th century, the dukes of Alba and Berwick.
2 volumes. Vol. I: XXI, 845, [2] pages + [72] black & white and colored plates; Vol. II: [1] leaves, 922 pages + [45] plates. 42.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Some leaves detached or partially detached. Decorated leather bindings, with defects and wear. Tears to spines. Both front boards detached.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv.
The Esther Scroll of 1746, facsimile of an illustrated manuscript, in scroll format. Cologne: Taschen, 2012. German.
Copy no. 13 of 50 "AP" copies (from an edition the total of 1746 copies).
Deluxe edition facsimile of a German–language illuminated Esther scroll. The original manuscript was created by Wolf Leib Katz Poppers, a Jewish scribe and illustrator from Hildesheim (the manuscript is currently held by the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library in Hannover).
This edition was published in scroll format, with two wooden handles, placed in a fine wooden box. Appended to the scroll is a text volume (Hebrew, English, German and French), containing the text of the Book of Esther, color plates, and information on the composition of Poppers' scroll by historian Falk Wiesemann and Emile Schrijver.
Scroll: 33.5 cm. Wooden box: 42X23.5X18.5 cm. Text volume: 144, 39, [1] pages. 22X33.5 cm. Good condition.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection.
Two bibliophile editions of the Book of Esther. France and Germany, early 20th century.
1. Le Livre d'Esther, bilingual book of Esther, in Hebrew and French, with illustrations by Arthur Szyk. Paris: L'édition d'art H. Piazza, 1925.
Elaborate edition designed by Arthur Szyk, with twenty full-page colorful illustrations and in-text illustrations. The Hebrew text is handwritten and printed in lithograph, with illuminated initial word panels. Copy no. 919/950; bound in an elaborate, hand-illustrated parchment binding, with a Star of David and lettering on the spine.
50, [2], LXXVI pages, [4] leaves. 23 cm. Good condition. Minor wear to parchment binding.
2. Das Buch Esther, the Book of Esther in German, translated by Martin Luther. Leipzig: Insel, Ernst Ludwig Press, 1908.
Edition designed by the brothers Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens and Christian Heinrich Kleukens, with illuminated initial word panels and two full-page illustrations, printed in black and gilt. Copy from a limited edition of 300 copies.
[1] leaf, XXIX, [2] pages + [2] plates (prints). Approx. 25 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Small sticker inside front binding. Original leather binding with gilt decorations on front board. With abrasions and defects.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, NHB.227, ALE.14.
Le Cantique des Cantiques, Song of Songs, French translation by Jean de Bonnefon, illustrations by František Kupka. Paris: Librairie universelle, 1906. French.
Song of Songs, with illustrations by the Czech artist František Kupka (1871-1957), a pioneer of abstract art during the late 19th century and early 20th century.
Unnumbered copy of an edition of 517 copies.
82, [2] pages. Approx. 44.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Original paper cover, worn and stained. Marginal tears, reinforced with tape. New cloth spine.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv.
Three books illustrated by Ze'ev Raban, two of which inscribed by Raban. 1920s–1940s. Hebrew and English.
1. Song of Songs, illustrated by Ze'ev Raban. Berlin: HaSefer, 1923. Hebrew and English. First Edition.
Inscribed on title page: "to the family of Prof. B. Schatz, with friendship, Ze'ev Raban, 4.8.24, Jerusalem".
[31] leaves. 33.5 cm.
2. The Book of Esther, Illustrated by Zeev Raban, "Bezalel" Jerusalem. Jerusalem: Miryam, 5708 [1947?]. English translation of the Book of Esther, with Hebrew text and illustrations appearing on color plates designed by Raban. Handwritten inscription: Ze'ev Raban, 27th Kislev, 5709, 48.XII.29" (Hebrew).
[16] leaves.
3. The Story of Ruth, Graphically Told by Z. Raban. New York: American–Palestine Art Publishing Co., 1930. English. The book of Ruth in English translation, accompanied by 10 color plates by Ze'ev Raban, and a additional plate pasted on to the cover.
[13] leaves. 30 cm.
Conditions varies. The books were not examined thorougly, and are being sold as is.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv.
Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, bibliophile edition by Ben Shahn. Paris: Trianon Press, 1967. Hebrew and English.
The Book of Ecclesiastes, written and illustrated by Jewish–American artist Ben Shahn (1888–1969). The book was published in a limited edition of 240 copies. Copy "O" from a deluxe edition of only 26 copies (numbered A–Z), including 2 original lithographs signed by the artist and a portfolio with a set of the works and a series of progressive states of one of the plates. The book and portfolio are placed in the original cardboard slipcase.
[46] pages, [2] signed lithographs, [8] plates, [28] prints (progressive states). 33 cm. Good condition. Minor defects to carboard slipcase.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, ALE.88.
Megilat Starim… [Book of Secrets on the Works of Moses Montefiore, the Good and the Bad], by Ephraim Deinard. New York: Oriom Press, 1928.
A book about Moses Montefiore and his nephew–inheritor Joseph Sebag–Montefiore, and Deinard's claims pertaining to them. Printed in 50 copies only, "To be kept in libraries for remembrance and not for the popular readership…", on thick sheets, one side of which is of a special texture and gold–colored.
In the beginning of the book Deinard declares that he wishes to tell how "he [Montefiore] was made the idol of the miserable innocents".
Later Deinard writes that in fact Montefiore achieved nothing by his lobbying, that he was a miser and hard–hearted and that he closed his ears to the true needs of the poor of Palestine. In addition he claims that Sebag–Montefiore unjustly held in his possession property bought with the money of Judah Touro for Jerusalem's poor. At the end of the book are facsimile plates of a letter sent by Jerusalem's rabbis to Sebag–Montefiore. Deinard's claims are intertwined with his aggressive claims against Hassidism, Christianity and socialism, and he tends to accuse all of his enemies (including Montefiore) that they are tainted by all three.
24 columns, [2] plates, 36 cm. Good condition. Minor blemishes. Rebound, with original wrappers.
Ephraim Deinard (1846–1930) – bibliographer and Hebrew author, book collector and trader; one of the greatest Hebrew bibliographers of the modern era. Deinard was a historian and polemicist, considered a colorful and fascinating figure. He was born in the town of Sasmaka (currently Valdemārpils, Latvia). From a young age he embarked on numerous journeys around the world, studying different Jewish communities and collecting Hebrew books and manuscripts. In the 1880s he was the owner of a bookstore in Odessa. In 1888 he immigrated to the U.S., where he engaged in book trading; among other things, he attempted to found an agricultural Jewish settlement in Nevada. After this attempt failed, he immigrated to Palestine in 1913, settling in Ramla. There he also promoted the founding of an agricultural Jewish settlement, but in 1916 he was expelled by the Turks, forcing him to return to the United States.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, B.2333.
Large and assorted collection of facsimiles of early Hebrew manuscripts and books.
The collection includes some 60 facsimiles of manuscripts and books in various formats, including facsimiles of medieval manuscripts and of early, rare printed books. Many of the facsimiles were issued in limited, numbered editions, and some include a portfolio with individual plates.
The facsimiles include:
• Bilder aus dem Leben der Juden in Venedig Ausgangs des XVIII Jahrhunderts / nach den Stichen von Novelli [pictures from the lives of the Jews in 18th century Venice, after engravings]. Berlin, [1927].
Portfolio of six engravings by Bernard Picard depicting the customs of Venice Jews. Texts in French and Italian, verses in Hebrew. Foreword by Otto Ebstein.
• Kaniel Megillah Esther Rolle. Vollständige Faksimile–Ausgabe im Originalformat aus den Besistz von Michael Kaniel, kommentar Michael Kaniel; Bezalel Narkiss. Graz, Austria, 1984.
Facsimile of an elaborate, illustrated European Esther scroll from ca. 1740–1750. High quality printing, mounted on fabric, wound on a fine wooden handle. With commentary volume.
• Bilder–Pentateuch von Moses dal Castellazzo, Venedig 1521, vollständigeus Faksimile–Ausgabe im Originalformat des Codex 1164 aus dem Besitz des Jüdischen Historischen Instituts Warschau. Vienna, 1983–1986. With commentary volume.
Elaborate facsimile of an illustrated manuscript from 1521 – verses from the Torah, with illustrations by Moses dal Castellazzo.
• Perek Shirah, elaborate miniature facsimile produced by Facsimile Editions. With commentary volume and English translation. London, 1996.
Facsimile of an illustrated 18th century Central–European manuscript of Perek Shirah. Printed on parchment–like paper, with five colored illustrations.
• The Leningrad Codex, A Facsimile Edition. Grand Rapids (Michigan), 1998. Large volume, with introductory essays.
• And many more facsimiles.
Approx. 60 facsimiles. Size and condition vary. The items were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
A detailed list will be sent upon request.
Collection of books dealing with early Hebrew manuscripts, including many facsimile photographs:
• A Series of XV. Facsimiles of Manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible, with descriptions by Christian D. Ginsburg. London: James Hyatt, 1897. Includes one plate.
• Die Hebräischen Handschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, by Arthur Zacharias Schwarz. Vienna: Alfred Hölder, 1914.
• Die Hebräischen Handschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, by Arthur Zacharias Schwarz. Leipzig, 1925. Includes plates, some colored.
• The Hebrew Scripts, by Solomon A. Birnbaum, two parts in two volumes. Part I – text, Leiden, 1971. Part II – plates, London, 1954–1957.
• The Hebrew Paleography Project, Manuscrits médiévaux en caractères hébraïques portant des indications de date jusqu'à 1540. (Medieval Manuscripts in Hebrew Characters), edited by Colette Sirat, Malachi Beit–Arie and Mordechai Glatzer. Jerusalem, 1972–1986. Hebrew and French. Complete set in seven parts.
Descriptions of Hebrew manuscripts from the early 12th century until the mid–16th century found in libraries in Israel and France. Plates with facsimile photographs of parts of the manuscripts in a separate volume and three portfolios.
5 items in 12 volumes. Size and condition vary.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv.
Collection of catalogs and portfolios of facsimile plates of Hebrew manuscripts, comprising descriptions and pictures of many manuscripts from various periods:
• The Fragment of Talmud Babli Pesachim, of the Ninth or Tenth Century, in the University Library Cambridge, edited by W. H. Lowe. Cambridge, 1879.
• Facsimiles of Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, edited by Adolf Neubauer. Oxford, 1886. Vol. III. With many pictures of manuscripts.
• Documents de Paléographie Hébraique et Arabe publiés avec sept planches photo–lithographiques, by Adalbert Merx. Leiden, 1894.
• Talmudical Fragments in the Bodleian Library, edited by S. Schechter and Rev. S. Singer. Cambridge, 1896.
• Fragments of the Books of Kings, According to the Translation of Aquila, by F. Crawford Burkitt, with foreword by C. Taylor. Cambridge, 1897.
• Hebrew Iluminated Bibles, of the IXth and Xth Centuries, and a Samaritan Scroll of the Law of the XIth Century, by M. Gaster. London, 1901. Two copies in different bindings.
• Specimina codicum orientalium, by Eugenius Tisserant. Bonn, 1914. Folder (damaged), with individual facsimile plates of various Oriental manuscripts (including Hebrew manuscripts).
• An Autographed Maimonides Letter from The Cairo Genizah, from the collection of the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary. [New York, 1997].
14 items. Size and condition vary.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv.
Catalogue of the manuscripts of the Library of the Talmud Torah in Livorno, accompanied by a portfolio of facsimiles:
• Catalogue des Manuscrits et Livres Rares Hébraïques de la Bibliothèque du Talmud Tora de Livourne, by Carlo Bernheimer. Livorno, [1914].
• Facsimiles de Manuscrits Hébraïques de la Bibliothèque du Talmud Tora de Livourne. Livorno, [1914?]. Folder of facsimile plates of manuscripts.
Sizes and conditions vary. These Items were not thoroughly examined and are offered for sale as is.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, ALE.30.