Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
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Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Chesed L'Avraham, by the kabbalist R. Avraham Azulai. Slavita, [1794]. One of the first books printed by R. Moshe Shapira Rabbi of Slavita (son of R. Pinchas of Korets).
This kabbalistic book was held in high esteem by great Chassidic leaders and is often cited in early Chassidic literature.
The author, R. Avraham Azulai (1570-1644) was born in Fez, Morocco. He immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Hebron. When an epidemic broke out in 1619, he fled to Gaza, where he composed this book within five weeks. Most of the book is a collection and arrangement of the teachings of R. Moshe Cordovero, which at that time were still in manuscript form. A small part is from the writings of the Arizal.
Signature on title page.
[6], 87; 8, 8-11, 11-34, [1] leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including large, dark dampstains to approx. first 20 leaves. Minor wear. Marginal open tears to title page and several other leaves (not affecting text), repaired with paper. Worming, slightly affecting text. Censorship stamps on title page. New leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
This kabbalistic book was held in high esteem by great Chassidic leaders and is often cited in early Chassidic literature.
The author, R. Avraham Azulai (1570-1644) was born in Fez, Morocco. He immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Hebron. When an epidemic broke out in 1619, he fled to Gaza, where he composed this book within five weeks. Most of the book is a collection and arrangement of the teachings of R. Moshe Cordovero, which at that time were still in manuscript form. A small part is from the writings of the Arizal.
Signature on title page.
[6], 87; 8, 8-11, 11-34, [1] leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including large, dark dampstains to approx. first 20 leaves. Minor wear. Marginal open tears to title page and several other leaves (not affecting text), repaired with paper. Worming, slightly affecting text. Censorship stamps on title page. New leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $800
Sold for: $10,625
Including buyer's premium
Chumash Bereshit, first of the Five Books of the Torah, with Rashi and Targums, and with the Or HaChaim commentary by R. Chaim ibn Attar. Slavita: R. Shmuel Avraham Shapira, [1825].
82, 89-196 leaves. 26.5 cm. Bluish paper. Fair-good condition. Stains, including ink stains to first leaves. Worming affecting text (extensive worming to first leaves). Tears and wear. Stamps. Early leather binding, damaged and partially detached (title page and front board detached from rest of book), with extensive worming.
The Or HaChaim commentary by R. Chaim ibn Attar was held in high regard by the Chassidic leaders, who considered it to be on the level of the Zohar in its ability to purify the soul. His disciple the Chida quotes the Chassidic custom of studying the Or HaChaim commentary on Friday night: "And we heard that it is now held in high regard in Poland, and was printed there in another two editions. And this was due to the praise of the holy R. Yisrael Baal Shem Tov on the greatness of R. Chaim's soul".
Chassidic leaders praised the holiness of the author profusely. The Baal Shem Tov stated that every night, the Or HaChaim hears Torah directly from G-d. He also stated that when his soul ascended to Heaven each night, he saw that only R. Chaim ibn Attar preceded him in his ascent, and all his efforts to precede him were unsuccessful. Reputedly, the reason the Baal Shem Tov attempted to immigrate to Eretz Israel was in order to meet R. Chaim ibn Attar, who was "a spark of Mashiach", and thereby bring the Redemption.
Reputedly, "R. Pinchas of Korets… commanded his sons [=R. Moshe Shapira rabbi of Slavita, and his brother R. Yechezkel Shapira, who was also involved in the establishment of the Slavita printing press] to print the Or HaChaim book every year… and they will thereby be saved from calamity and misfortune, and they fulfilled his directive, yet after the Or HaChaim book became so prevalent that they could no longer find buyers for it, they stopped printing it, and that year the infamous slander and misfortune occurred" (Migdal Oz, p. 268).
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
82, 89-196 leaves. 26.5 cm. Bluish paper. Fair-good condition. Stains, including ink stains to first leaves. Worming affecting text (extensive worming to first leaves). Tears and wear. Stamps. Early leather binding, damaged and partially detached (title page and front board detached from rest of book), with extensive worming.
The Or HaChaim commentary by R. Chaim ibn Attar was held in high regard by the Chassidic leaders, who considered it to be on the level of the Zohar in its ability to purify the soul. His disciple the Chida quotes the Chassidic custom of studying the Or HaChaim commentary on Friday night: "And we heard that it is now held in high regard in Poland, and was printed there in another two editions. And this was due to the praise of the holy R. Yisrael Baal Shem Tov on the greatness of R. Chaim's soul".
Chassidic leaders praised the holiness of the author profusely. The Baal Shem Tov stated that every night, the Or HaChaim hears Torah directly from G-d. He also stated that when his soul ascended to Heaven each night, he saw that only R. Chaim ibn Attar preceded him in his ascent, and all his efforts to precede him were unsuccessful. Reputedly, the reason the Baal Shem Tov attempted to immigrate to Eretz Israel was in order to meet R. Chaim ibn Attar, who was "a spark of Mashiach", and thereby bring the Redemption.
Reputedly, "R. Pinchas of Korets… commanded his sons [=R. Moshe Shapira rabbi of Slavita, and his brother R. Yechezkel Shapira, who was also involved in the establishment of the Slavita printing press] to print the Or HaChaim book every year… and they will thereby be saved from calamity and misfortune, and they fulfilled his directive, yet after the Or HaChaim book became so prevalent that they could no longer find buyers for it, they stopped printing it, and that year the infamous slander and misfortune occurred" (Migdal Oz, p. 268).
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Hilchot Rav Alfas (Rif), Parts I and II, with commentaries, Mordechai and Tosefta. Slavita: R. Dov Ber Segal and R. Dov Ber son of R. Pesach [at the printing press of R. Moshe Shapira Rabbi of Slavita], 1807-1810. Approbation by R. Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev. Two parts in two volumes.
Signatures of R. Shaul Katzin and of his son R. Shlomo Katzin on the title pages of both volumes. Brief gloss in vol. II (on leaf 9 of second sequence).
R. Shaul Katzin (1864-1917), author of Kelilat Shaul, prominent Torah scholar of Aleppo. Outstanding Torah scholar, kabbalist and communal leader in Jerusalem.
Two volumes. Vol. I: [2], 52; 14, 13-14; 100; 46 leaves. Vol. II: 188; 26 leaves. Approx. 33-35 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of past dampness. Extensive worming, with significant damage to text, repaired in part with paper. Open tears affecting text, particularly to vol. I, including open tear to title page, affecting text on both sides of leaf, repaired with paper. Marginal paper repairs to several leaves. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Signatures of R. Shaul Katzin and of his son R. Shlomo Katzin on the title pages of both volumes. Brief gloss in vol. II (on leaf 9 of second sequence).
R. Shaul Katzin (1864-1917), author of Kelilat Shaul, prominent Torah scholar of Aleppo. Outstanding Torah scholar, kabbalist and communal leader in Jerusalem.
Two volumes. Vol. I: [2], 52; 14, 13-14; 100; 46 leaves. Vol. II: 188; 26 leaves. Approx. 33-35 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of past dampness. Extensive worming, with significant damage to text, repaired in part with paper. Open tears affecting text, particularly to vol. I, including open tear to title page, affecting text on both sides of leaf, repaired with paper. Marginal paper repairs to several leaves. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Sold for: $2,125
Including buyer's premium
Mishnayot, Order Nashim, with the commentaries of R. Ovadia of Bartenura, Tosafot Yom Tov and Tosafot Chadashim with additions. Slavita: R. Moshe Shapira, [1822].
Ownership inscriptions on endpapers and title page.
160 leaves. Approx. 27 cm. Bluish paper. Most leaves in good condition. Stains. Open tear to title page, affecting text on both sides, repaired with paper, with handwritten text replacement. Tears, including open tears to several other leaves. New binding, incorporating parts of original leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Ownership inscriptions on endpapers and title page.
160 leaves. Approx. 27 cm. Bluish paper. Most leaves in good condition. Stains. Open tear to title page, affecting text on both sides, repaired with paper, with handwritten text replacement. Tears, including open tears to several other leaves. New binding, incorporating parts of original leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Haflaa, part I – Sefer Ketubah, on Tractate Ketubot. Sudylkiv: I. Madfis [and R. Chanina Lipa son of R. Shmuel Avraham Shapira], 1833.
4, 3-4, 1-133, 135-169 leaves. 37 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear. Open tears to title page and several other leaves, affecting title page border and text, repaired with paper (many paper repairs to title page). Worming, affecting text. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
4, 3-4, 1-133, 135-169 leaves. 37 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear. Open tears to title page and several other leaves, affecting title page border and text, repaired with paper (many paper repairs to title page). Worming, affecting text. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Sold for: $525
Including buyer's premium
Mishnayot Order Kodashim. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa, R. Aryeh Leib and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, 1851. Two title pages.
[4], 324 pages. Approx. 25 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dark ink stains to first title page and large dampstains. Browning to many leaves. Worming, slightly affecting text. Tears to first title page, due to ink erosion. Inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
[4], 324 pages. Approx. 25 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dark ink stains to first title page and large dampstains. Browning to many leaves. Worming, slightly affecting text. Tears to first title page, due to ink erosion. Inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,188
Including buyer's premium
Responsa Mayim Chaim, two parts, by R. Chaim HaKohen Rappaport Rabbi of Ostroh. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, 1857. First edition. Two parts in one volume.
In part I, section 27, there is a letter from Mezhibuzh signed by several prominent members of the community, including: "Yisrael B.Sh. [Baal Shem] of Tłuste [Tovste]" – the Baal Shem Tov.
Stamps of R. Avraham Moshe Babad (1900-1980), outstanding Torah scholar and kabbalist. Rabbi of Gura Humora and after the Holocaust, rabbi in Tel Aviv.
Dedication on front endpaper handwritten and stamped by R. Tzvi Hershel Coralnik, rabbi of Dzhuryn (Ukraine), gifting the book to R. Avraham Moshe Babad. Stamp of R. Tzvi Hershel Coralnik on title page and other leaves.
84; 151 pages. Two title pages for each part; additional title page for Otzrot Chaim section at end of book (altogether five title pages). Leaf 3 of part I bound after leaf 4. First title page printed in red and black. 31 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Worming. Minor marginal open tears to several leaves, not affecting text. Inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
In part I, section 27, there is a letter from Mezhibuzh signed by several prominent members of the community, including: "Yisrael B.Sh. [Baal Shem] of Tłuste [Tovste]" – the Baal Shem Tov.
Stamps of R. Avraham Moshe Babad (1900-1980), outstanding Torah scholar and kabbalist. Rabbi of Gura Humora and after the Holocaust, rabbi in Tel Aviv.
Dedication on front endpaper handwritten and stamped by R. Tzvi Hershel Coralnik, rabbi of Dzhuryn (Ukraine), gifting the book to R. Avraham Moshe Babad. Stamp of R. Tzvi Hershel Coralnik on title page and other leaves.
84; 151 pages. Two title pages for each part; additional title page for Otzrot Chaim section at end of book (altogether five title pages). Leaf 3 of part I bound after leaf 4. First title page printed in red and black. 31 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Worming. Minor marginal open tears to several leaves, not affecting text. Inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $800
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, following the rite of Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Bohemia and Morevia (Nusach Ashkenaz). Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, 1860.
10, 9-44, 43-46, 49-84, 83-86, 89-164 leaves. Misfoliation. 26.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear and creases to title page and several other leaves. Open tears to title page and other leaves, affecting title page border and text. Several leaves towards rear of book with tears significantly affecting text. Old binding.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book only lists the second part of this machzor, for the Three Festivals.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
10, 9-44, 43-46, 49-84, 83-86, 89-164 leaves. Misfoliation. 26.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear and creases to title page and several other leaves. Open tears to title page and other leaves, affecting title page border and text. Several leaves towards rear of book with tears significantly affecting text. Old binding.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book only lists the second part of this machzor, for the Three Festivals.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Yesod Yosef, by R. Yosef Rabbi of Dubno. Zhitomir: R. Avraham Shalom Shadov, 1867.
Segulah book, with the blessings of the brothers Rebbe Aharon of Chernobyl and Rebbe Yitzchak of Skver (sons of Rebbe Mordechai of Chernobyl) for those who purchase and study the book.
[3], 3-74, [1] leaves. 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including ink stains and dampstains. Minor worming. Open tear to center of leaf 58 (from singeing). New binding.
Final leaf of errata is rare, not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Segulah book, with the blessings of the brothers Rebbe Aharon of Chernobyl and Rebbe Yitzchak of Skver (sons of Rebbe Mordechai of Chernobyl) for those who purchase and study the book.
[3], 3-74, [1] leaves. 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including ink stains and dampstains. Minor worming. Open tear to center of leaf 58 (from singeing). New binding.
Final leaf of errata is rare, not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Arbaa Turei Even, novellae on the Rambam, responsa, selections from the Talmud and homiletics, by R. Elazar Rokeach, rabbi of Brody and Amsterdam. Lviv: R. Shlomo Yarish Rappaport, [1789]. First edition.
[1], 28; 13 leaves; 15 leaves; [4], 5-12 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dark stains. Tears and worming to several leaves, affecting text. Inscriptions. Stamps. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
[1], 28; 13 leaves; 15 leaves; [4], 5-12 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dark stains. Tears and worming to several leaves, affecting text. Inscriptions. Stamps. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $500
Sold for: $3,750
Including buyer's premium
Siach HaSadeh, homiletics on the Torah, by R. Eliezer HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk. Shklow: Sarah daughter of R. Moshe Segal, [1787]. Only edition.
The author, R. Eliezer son of R. Meir HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk (d. after 1795), rabbi of Chomsk and later in Pinsk, where he also served as posek and maggid. Grandfather of the Yesod HaAvodah, first rebbe of Slonim.
The book includes an approbation by R. Avigdor Rabbi of Pinsk, one of the biggest adversaries of Chassidut in Lithuania and Belarus. R. Avigdor served as rabbi of Pinsk between 1785-1793, succeeding R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, who was dismissed in 1785 by the mitnagdim. In 1800, R. Avigdor was among the informers to the Russian government against Chassidut and against the Baal HaTanya, causing his second imprisonment at the end of that year.
The author of this book is the only rabbi of his generation who requested an approbation from R. Avigdor. His second book, Re'ach HaSadeh (Shklow, 1795), also included an approbation by R. Avigdor.
Signature and stamp on the title page. Inscription on back endpaper.
132; 29 leaves. 31.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming, affecting text. Tears, including open tears, primarily to first and final leaves, affecting text and title page border, repaired in part with paper. Leaves trimmed with slight damage to text. Stamp. Old binding, with defects and worming (many inscriptions on binding).
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
The author, R. Eliezer son of R. Meir HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk (d. after 1795), rabbi of Chomsk and later in Pinsk, where he also served as posek and maggid. Grandfather of the Yesod HaAvodah, first rebbe of Slonim.
The book includes an approbation by R. Avigdor Rabbi of Pinsk, one of the biggest adversaries of Chassidut in Lithuania and Belarus. R. Avigdor served as rabbi of Pinsk between 1785-1793, succeeding R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, who was dismissed in 1785 by the mitnagdim. In 1800, R. Avigdor was among the informers to the Russian government against Chassidut and against the Baal HaTanya, causing his second imprisonment at the end of that year.
The author of this book is the only rabbi of his generation who requested an approbation from R. Avigdor. His second book, Re'ach HaSadeh (Shklow, 1795), also included an approbation by R. Avigdor.
Signature and stamp on the title page. Inscription on back endpaper.
132; 29 leaves. 31.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming, affecting text. Tears, including open tears, primarily to first and final leaves, affecting text and title page border, repaired in part with paper. Leaves trimmed with slight damage to text. Stamp. Old binding, with defects and worming (many inscriptions on binding).
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries
Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Feb 14, 2023
Opening: $300
Sold for: $575
Including buyer's premium
Taamei Mitzvot by R. Menachem son of Moshe HaBavli – three editions printed in Russia-Poland:
• Zhovkva: Avraham Yehuda Leibush Meyerhoffer, 1804. Signature on title page.
• Lviv: M. F. Poremba, 1858.
• [Premishla: Zupnik, Knoller & Hamerszmidt, 1888].
3 books. Size and condition vary. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
• Zhovkva: Avraham Yehuda Leibush Meyerhoffer, 1804. Signature on title page.
• Lviv: M. F. Poremba, 1858.
• [Premishla: Zupnik, Knoller & Hamerszmidt, 1888].
3 books. Size and condition vary. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books Printed in Slavita, Zhitomir, Russia
and Poland – 18th-19th Centuries