Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
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At the foot of the letter, on the left, signature in Arabic (presumably written by the scribe) "Avraham Dov – representative of Russian subjects in Safed" (translated from Arabic), together with his stamp (in Hebrew): "Avraham Dov of Zhitomir". On the right, signature in Arabic (presumably written by the scribe): "Gershon – representative of German subjects" (translated from Arabic), with his stamp (in Hebrew – difficult to decipher).
The letter describes the difficult state of Safed Jewry in the wake of the earthquake, which claimed the lives of some two thousand Jewish residents. This calamity closely followed the pogroms and widespread looting which local Arab mobs perpetrated on the Jews of the city, during the course of the Peasants' Revolt. The letter describes the horrors Safed Jewry endured during the pogroms and depicts how these troubles were compounded by the earthquake which destroyed their homes and their few remaining possessions, killed thousands, and left countless of wounded without food nor a roof over their heads. The writers ask the consuls of the various countries to intercede on their behalf and obtain support and assistance for them.
Large leaf, 68 cm. Thick paper. Good condition. Stains. Folding marks. Several tears to folds.
Provenance: Collection of Jean-Jacques-Pierre Desmaisons (1807-1873), Russian Orientalist and diplomat, professor of Oriental languages.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Addressed to the communities of the Outer Maghreb (Tunisia, Libya and Algeria), asking them to establish permanent funds for the Torah and charity institutions of Tiberias.
Neat scribal Sephardic script; emphasized words in square script. Calligraphic signatures of Sephardic rabbis of Tiberias: R. Refael Avraham Khalfon, R. Shimon Abadi, R. Yitzchak Abulafia, R. Eliyahu[?] Benaim, R. Avraham HaKohen Douek, R. Moshe Bahloul, R. Yitzchak Avraham Bakiria, R. Yosef Malka and R. Refael Maman. Heading the list of signees is the stamp of the Chacham Bashi – R. Chaim Shmuel HaKohen. Additional stamps.
[1] leaf. 39.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Minor stains. Wear and folding marks. Minor tears to margins and folds.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Recommendation for a Safed resident of distinguished lineage (descendant of R. Aharon HaGadol of Karlin and of R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi), travelling to health spas in Europe and in need of financial assistance.
Signed by R. Refael Silberman Rabbi of Safed, Rebbe Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Rabin (descendant of R. Naftali of Ropshitz, rabbi of the Austrian community in Safed), R. Baruch David Kahana author of Birkat HaAretz, and others (see Hebrew description for full list of signatories).
Additional recommendation at the foot of the leaf, handwritten and signed by R. Shlomo Yosef Yehuda Hakim, on behalf the rabbis of the Sephardic communities.
[1] parchment leaf. Approx. 47 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dark sellotape stains. Folding marks. Tears and wear. Several open tears, affecting text.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
The rebbes of Vizhnitz, beginning from the first rebbe, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Hager the Tzemach Tzadik, were active as "Nasi of the Holy Land" in raising funds for the poor of Safed and Tiberias and distributing Eretz Israel funds. In time, Kollel Vizhnitz was founded, and later became the main Kollel for immigrants from Bukovina and eastern Galicia. After the passing of the Ahavat Yisrael, his eldest son Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Visheve succeeded him as "Nasi of the Holy Land".
Rebbe Menachem Mendel Hager of Visheve (1885-1941), son of the Ahavat Yisrael of Vizhnitz. Served as rabbi of Vizhnitz, and later of Visheve, where he founded the Beit Yisrael yeshiva. A leader of Agudath Yisrael and member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah.
The present certificate, presumably made by the artist R. Yosef Zvi Geiger of Safed, was not completed, and is unsigned.
[1] large leaf. 62 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Stains from purple ink spilled on leaf (possibly due to that, the certificate was not completed nor signed).
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
• Shanah Tovah letter with illustrations of holy sites printed in gold, filled in by hand and signed by R. Aryeh Leib Rashkes (1838-1914), prominent Torah scholar, rabbi of Vilna and Jerusalem. Double leaf; additional letter in his handwriting and with his signature on the second leaf. Jerusalem, Elul 1899.
• Shanah Tovah letter with illustrations of the holy sites, filled in by hand and signed by R. Netanel Chaim Pappe. Additional lengthy letter in his handwriting and with his signature on verso. Jerusalem [ca. 1890s-1900s].
• Shanah Tovah letter, filled in by hand and signed by R. Mordechai Berkowitz son of R. Avraham Dov Ber Rabbi of Łachwa; addressed to R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. [Safed?, ca. 1910s-1920s].
• Shanah Tovah letter, filled in by hand and signed by R. Yerachmiel Margolies, disciple of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. Jerusalem, [1900s].
• Jerusalem calendar for the year 5666 (1905-1906), with Shanah Tovah letter printed on verso, filled in by hand and signed by R. Yeshaya Fiber. Jerusalem, [1905].
• Jerusalem calendar for the year 5670 (1909-1910), with Shanah Tovah letter printed on verso, filled in by hand and signed by R. Berel Fiber. Jerusalem, [1909].
6 items. Size and condition vary.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Haim Grossman.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
• Letter to philanthropists, fundraising appeal for Vaad HaKlali – Knesset Yisrael, signed by the rabbis and trustees of Safed. [Safed, ca. 1920s]. See Hebrew description for list of signatories.
• Letter from Kollel Bukovina in Safed, to the Ahavat Yisrael of Vizhnitz. Signed by the residents of Mishmar HaYarden. Mishmar HaYarden, Tevet 1933.
• Letter (2 pages) handwritten and signed by R. Avraham Chaim Naeh, appeal for assistance in sponsoring the printing costs of his books Ketzot HaShulchan. Jerusalem, 1940.
• Letter signed by R. Benzion Yadler, maggid in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1961.
• Letter handwritten and signed by R. Amram Blau. Jerusalem, Tevet 1971.
5 letters. Size and condition vary.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Letter (4 pages; unsigned) handwritten by the Aderet – R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim, head of the Jerusalem Beit Din. Jerusalem, Adar II 1902.
Halachic responsum pertaining to a vineyard Kilayim concern – lupine being planted between the rows of the vineyard to serve as compost. This question was discussed extensively by the Torah scholars of Eretz Israel at that time.
Without the name of the recipient [apparently, this is a draft of a letter sent to R. Yoel Moshe Salomon].
R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim – the Aderet (1845-1905), was the rabbi of Ponevezh, Mir and Jerusalem. He was renowned from his childhood for his love of Torah and diligent Torah study, for his righteousness and refined character traits. A brilliant Torah scholar, he left behind more than 100 manuscript works, most of which were never printed. His son-in-law was R. Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, chief rabbi of Eretz Israel.
Double leaf (4 written pages), official stationery. 22.5 cm. Good condition.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
This book was published in honor of the construction of the Shaarei Chesed neighborhood that year. The final leaf contains a printed membership certificate, completed by hand, for the member R. Yissachar Berish Korenblat, with 13 signatures – rabbis of Jerusalem, gabba'im and directors of the society, including: R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, R. Aryeh Leib Dayan, R. Yoel Moshe Solomon, R. Yechiel Michel Tucazinsky, R. Eliyahu Romm, and others. See Hebrew description for full list of signatories.
[3], 4-12, [1] printed pages + empty leaves. 21 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and dampstains. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Letter filled with congratulations and thanksgiving to G-d. Sent to his mechutan R. Baruch (Binyamin Ze'ev) Weinstok upon the birth of their shared grandson, eldest son of R. Yaakov Shuvaks and his wife Rivka née Weinstok.
R. Lipman David Shuvaks (ca. 1830-1924), head of the Chassidic Beit Din in Jerusalem. He was raised in the home of Rebbe Mendel of Kotzk, and studied for many years with his cousin, R. Avraham Bornstein of Sochatchov – the Avnei Nezer. Posek in Kotzk and later rabbi in Lubartów. He eventually served as head of the Chassidic Beit Din in Jerusalem for over 25 years.
His grandson, the baby mentioned in this later, was R. Moshe Menachem Yosef Shuvaks (1922-1984), dean of the Belz yeshiva, posek, and dayan in the Machzikei HaDat Beit Din.
[1] leaf. 21 cm. Good-fair condition. Ink stains. Wear and folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Thick manuscript volume. Decorated title page in colored and gold ink.
The ledger records thousands of circumcisions performed by R. Weiss since 1928, and includes details such as the name of the child, the father's name (occasionally the mother's name), surname, date of birth, date of circumcision and other details. The records reflect several historic milestones, such as the arrival of Rebbe Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky to Eretz Israel in Elul 1933.
The ledger records names of many rabbis, scientists, politicians and famous public figures (see examples in Hebrew description).
Enclosed with the ledger is an alphabetical index of the ledger entries, in a handwriting similar to that of the ledger.
[2], 110, [12] leaves (and many more blank leaves); index booklet: [36] leaves + [1] separate leaf of additions. Approx. 32 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Marginal tears. Several detached or loose leaves. Original binding (index booklet in card wrappers).
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
One of the first books printed by R. Yisrael Bak in Safed, about one year after he established his printing press in the city.
On verso of the title page is the introduction of the printer R. Yisrael Bak with blessings for those who purchase books printed in Eretz Israel and especially this Tehillim.
Kavanat HaMeshorer is printed at the beginning of each Psalm. The volume also contains prayers recited before and after reading Tehillim on weekdays, Shabbat, Yom Tov and Hoshanah Rabbah night and a prayer on behalf of the sick and Seder Pidyon Nefesh.
Handwritten inscriptions on the title page.
[4], 108, 110-152 leaves. Lacking leaf 109. 14.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Extensive worming, affecting text, mostly repaired with paper. Marginal open tears to title page and other leaves, slightly affecting text, repaired with paper (some leaves presumably supplied from other copies). New leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
• Malachei Kodesh. Jerusalem, [1862]. Sh. HaLevi, no. 66.
• Menorat Zahav, by R. Yisrael Ankaoua. Jerusalem, [1864]. Sh. HaLevi, no. 99.
• Tzavaah Yekarah – will of R. Alexander Ziskind of Horodna, the Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah. Jerusalem, [after 1863]. Sh. HaLevi, no. 100.
• Toldot Yaakov by R. Yaakov Castro. Jerusalem, 1865. Sh. HaLevi, no. 118.
• Shaar HaMitzvot, by R. Chaim Vital. Jerusalem, [1872-1873]. Many glosses and additions in Oriental script. Sh. HaLevi, no. 199.
• Moadei Hashem and Keriei Mo'ed Machzor, Part I. Jerusalem, [1844]. Two title pages. Gatherings bound out of sequence, and lacking several leaves. Sh. HaLevi, no. 20.
• Toldot Adam, by R. Moshe David Ashkenazi Rabbi of Tolcsva and Safed. [Jerusalem, 1845 – copy lacking [2] leaves, title page and foreword]. Sh. HaLevi, no. 33. Stamps of the Beit Midrash of R. Michael Cypres HaKohen (a famous Beit Midrash in Kraków).
• Likutei Moharan Tinyana, by R. Nachman of Breslov. Jerusalem, [1874]. Somewhat damaged copy. Sh. HaLevi, no. 213. Without [3] leaves at end, with errata and additional tale (these leaves were presumably added after the printing, and appear in some copies only). Stamps and signatures.
8 books. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.