Auction 85 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Five Books of the Torah with the Five Megillot. Frankfurt an der Oder: Iohannis & Friderici Hartmannorum Bibliopolarum, 1595. Small format.
Five Books of the Torah and Five Megillot, with vocalization and te'amim, from the complete edition of the Bible printed at that time.
Five Books of the Torah: [512] leaves (including [1] blank leaf after the Book of Vayikra and another blank leaf after the Book of Devarim). Five Megillot: [64] leaves. Approx. 12 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Worming, affecting text (extensive worming to some leaves). Ownership inscriptions and other inscriptions, in Latin. Early parchment binding, with damage.
Johann and Friedrich Hartmann printed four editions of the Bible in 1595, in four different sizes.
One of the first Hebrew books printed in Frankfurt an der Oder.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Biblia Ebraea, eleganti et maiuscula characterum forma – Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim, arranged by Elias Hutter. Hamburg: ex bibliopolio Frobeniano, 1603.
This Hebrew Bible, known as Hutter's Hebrew Bible, was prepared by the Hebraist Elias Hutter, professor of Hebrew at the Leipzig University. Hutter aspired to produce a Bible which would be easy to read, and would facilitate the study of Hebrew. He therefore printed it using two different types – the root letters were printed in regular, thick type, whilst the inflectional letters were printed in hollow type. The root letters which do not appear in the word were printed above it in small type.
First title page printed in red and black; additional title pages for Neviim Rishonim, Neviim Acharonim and Ketuvim. All within architectural engraved borders.
[7], 423, [1], 425-1135, [1], 1140-1572 pages. 35.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Dark ink stains affecting text on some leaves. Marginal tears to first title page. Some open tears (with minor loss to text), repaired with paper. Title pages trimmed, slightly affecting engraved borders. Handwritten inscriptions (English and Latin) on endpapers. Inscriptions on several other pages. Original leather binding. Spine restored. Damage to binding. Bookplate on inside back board ("Rev H. Campbell").
Hutter's Hebrew Bible was first published in 1587. The following editions used the stock of the first edition, adding different title pages and introductions (the 1587 stock was also used for the Hamburg polyglot of 1596). According to the Bibliogrphy of the Hebrew Book, there are differences between copies of this edition. Some copies open with [11] pages. This copy opens with [7] pages (as does the copy of the national library of France).
An almost identical edition was published in 1603 in Cologne.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim. Geneva: Capa Elon, 1617-1618.
Set in four volumes. Pocket size.
Four volumes. Vol. I (Five Books of the Torah): [524] leaves (including 12 blank leaves). Vol. II (Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel and Melachim): [449] leaves (including 9 blank leaves). Vol. III (Yeshayah, Yirmiyah, Yechezkel and Trei Asar): [459] leaves (including 4 blank leaves). Vol. IV (Divrei HaYamim, Daniel, Ezra, Nechemiah, Tehillim, Mishlei, Five Megillot and Iyov): [563] leaves (including 8 blank leaves).
11 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Worming to first two volumes, affecting text. Worming to vol. III, not affecting text. Dampstains and mold stains to final leaves of vol. IV. Tears, some open, to several leaves, not affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Many Latin inscriptions. Original parchment bindings, with defects.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Mikraot Gedolot, Torah Neviim and Ketuvim, with commentaries. Basel: Ludwig König, [1618-1619].
Complete set in four volumes, large format.
Vol. I: Five Books of the Torah, with Targum Onkelos, the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn Ezra and Baal HaTurim, and Masorah.
Vol. II: Neviim Rishonim, with Targum, the commentaries of Rashi, Radak, Ralbag, R. Yeshaya, and Masorah (in this copy, Divrei HaYamim and Masorah Gedolah are bound at the end of this volume).
Vol. III: Neviim Acharonim, with Targum, the commentaries of Rashi, Radak and Ibn Ezra, and Masorah.
Vol. IV: Ketuvim, with Targum, and the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ralbag and R. Saadia Gaon.
Four volumes. Vol. I: [2], 7, [1], 228 leaves. Lacking 4 of first [6] leaves. Vol. II: [1], 234-441, [1]; 910-946; 67 leaves. Vol. III: [1], 442-705, [1] leaves. Vol IV: 707-908, [1] leaves. (Without 36 leaves of the Haftarot according to the various rites and the [2] leaves of errata, which appear in a few copies only). Divrei HaYamim was bound out of sequence, after Melachim (in vol. II). Targum Yerushalmi, which originally appears at the end of vol. IV, was bound at the beginning of vol. I (7, [1] leaves). Leaf following leaf 441, leaf following leaf 705, leaf 838 and leaf 882 are originally blank. The blank leaves which sometimes appear following leaf 685 and following leaf 67 of the second sequence (at the end of vol. II of this set) do not appear in this copy.
39.5 cm. Many darkened leaves. Overall good-fair condition. Some leaves of vol. III are in fair condition. Stains. Dampstains. Worming, affecting text. Tears, including open tears affecting text. In vol. III: traces of past dampness and severe dampstains, wear, tears, paper for reinforcement and extensive worming affecting text to some leaves. Many stamps, inscriptions. New bindings.
Stamps of "Moshe Yechezkel Ehrlich, Warsaw", "Yechezkel Moshe Ehrlich".
Some copies include an additional title page, in Latin, with a Latin introduction by Johannes Buxtorf on verso. This copy does not include this leaf (see Bibliography of the Hebrew Book, record 182291, for variants of this edition).
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Bible, Biblia Hebraica, ex aliquot manuscriptis et compluribus impressis codicibus, edited by Johann Heinrich Michaelis. Halle (Germany), 1720.
Hebrew, with Latin introduction and commentary. Engraved frontispiece. Title page printed in red and black. Latin dedication to King Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia.
This edition was edited by Johann Heinrich Michaelis. It includes a Latin translation of the Mesorah Ketana and a Latin commentary.
Handwritten marginalia on several leaves.
[6], 32 pages; 332, [1] leaves; 16 pages; 334-402 leaves; 12 pages; 403-464 leaves; 4 pages; 465-848, [2] leaves. Leaves 250-251 are bound out of order. 31.5 cm. Wide margins. Good-fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Wear to some leaves. Marginal tears, including open tears to several leaves. Handwritten inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Tikkun Sofrim – Parashiot and Haftarot. Amsterdam, 1726.
The printing was "commissioned by Samuel Rodrigues Mendes, Moses Sarfati and David Gomes da Silva". With approbations, piyyutim, and various poems.
Two title pages at the beginning of the volume. The first title page was engraved by Bernard Picart. Divisional title page for the Haftarot.
One volume comprising: Five Books of the Torah, Haftarot, table of Torah readings for the festivals, and calendars in Spanish (with folding plates). The calendar section has its own Spanish title page: Calendario facil y curiozo de las tablas lunares calculadas con las tablas solares, with a Hebrew heading: "These are the festivals of G-d, holy occasions". Amsterdam, 1726.
All the parts in one volume. [5], 3-327, [2], 329-446; [10] leaves; 16, [1] pages. Folding pp. [3-8] bound after p. 16. [6] leaves originally bound at beginning of book, bound here at end. Approx. 17 cm. Good condition. Stains. Tears to several leaves, including tear to one folding plate, slightly affecting text. Gilt edges. Original leather binding, with gilt decorations (partly faded), with original marbled endpapers. Defects and wear to binding (in particular to spine; perforations from clasps on both boards).
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Tikun Sofrim – Five Books of the Torah and Five Megillot, with Haftarot. Amsterdam: Dayan R. Moshe Frankfurt, 1727.
Two title pages, the first engraved. A separate title page for the Haftarot "according to Ashkenazi and Sephardi rites". At the end, one-hundred-year calendar for 1730-1830.
The printer R. Moshe Frankfurt (1678-1768), a dayan in Amsterdam, wrote and printed many books in his own printing press and elsewhere in Amsterdam.
Two printed leaves are bound after the title page of Haftarot – an advertisement issued prior to the publication of the Chumash. The first page features a sample of the beginning of Bereshit. This is followed by a notice from the publisher, praising the Chumash.
[1], 367, [1]; [3], 118, [3] leaves. 17.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Dampstains. Worming, repaired with paper. Tears, including small open tears, affecting text. Loose and partially detached leaves and gatherings. Handwritten inscriptions to endpapers. Early, worn, leather binding, with damage and worming, partially detached. Metal clasp.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Five Books of the Torah, with the Five Megillot and Haftarot. Amsterdam: Hertz Levi Rofeh and his son-in-law Cashman, [1746-1747].
Tortoise-shell binding, with silver clasps and spine; owner's name on spine: "Rivka wife of R. Moshe".
Separate title page for the Haftarot. Contains Haftarot of both Ashkenazi and Sephardi rites.
On front endpapers, a handwritten prayer to be recited on Shabbat Mevarchim, and an English ownership inscription dated 1879.
79, 90-106, 97-142, [2]; 52 leaves. Approx. 13 cm. Gilt edges. Good condition. Stains. Margins trimmed close to text, affecting headings and text on some leaves. Color endpapers. Tortoise-shell binding, with silver clasps and silver spine.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Five Books of the Torah, Five Megillot and Haftarot, with Targum Onkelos and Rashi commentary. Amsterdam: Yosef, Yaakov and Avraham, sons of Shlomo Proops, [1754-1756]. Small format.
Separate title pages for Bamidbar and Devarim, for the Five Megillot and for Haftarot.
280; [1], 282-445, [2]; [1], 446-491; [1] blank leaf, 55 leaves. Lacking last leaf. One gathering (leaves 409-420) bound upside-down. 12.5 cm. Condition varies. First leaves in fair condition. Most leaves in good-fair condition. Stains. Dark stains and extensive wear to first leaves. Tears, including open tears affecting text. Worming, affecting text. Paper repairs to title page, affecting text. Margins trimmed close to text, affecting headings (some headings are entirely lacking). Original leather binding, with damage and worming.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Ezrat HaSofer, "Tikun Sofrim Vavei HaAmudim", Five Books of the Torah, with Haftarot, and with Or Torah by R. Menachem de Lonzano. Amsterdam, [1767-1769?].
Five volumes. Engraved title page in all volumes, with the Hebrew year 5529 [1768-1769]. The rest of the title pages are dated 5527 [1766-1767]. Separate title pages for the section of Haftarot in each volume, dated 5528 [1767-1768].
Printed at the beginning of Bereshit (between the engraved title page and the detailed title page) are approbations and poems in praise of the book and its editor, followed by the Meir Netiv composition regarding the Holy Names in the Torah, by R. Yehuda Piza. Printed at the end of the Book of Devarim is the Haftarah of Shabbat Eichah with Spanish translation (verse per verse), and Luchot HaIbur (calendar; separate title page; Hebrew and Portuguese) with tables.
This book was prepared as a model for scribes writing a Torah scroll (conforming with the custom known as Vavei HaAmudim – each column of the Torah scroll starting with the letter Vav). Shirat HaYam and Shirat Haazinu are printed on wider leaves, fitting with their layout in the Torah scroll (open tears to Shirat HaYam in this copy).
Five volumes. Bereshit: [11], 65; 26 leaves. Shemot: [1], [67]-121; [2], 28 leaves. Vayikra: [1], [122]-163; [2], 24 leaves. Bamidbar: [2], [165]-221; [2], 16 leaves. Devarim: [2], [223]-272, [1]; [3], 277-290; [8] leaves. Approx. 18 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Dampstains. Minor worming. Open tears, affecting text of Shirat HaYam. Several partially detached leaves. Handwritten inscriptions. Original, gilt-decorated leather binding, with original color endpapers. Wear and damage to bindings (some slightly detached). Tears to spines (one vol. lacking spine).
At the same time, another edition appeared, unvowelized and without the numbering of the chapters.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Tehillim, divided into days of the week and days of the month, with the Radak commentary. Amsterdam: Yaakov Proops, [1778]. Small format.
Ownership inscription on the front endpaper (in square letters): "Gift… to our beloved… Senior Avraham Yehuda Blanis".
Apparently, the inscription is referring to R. Yehuda Blanis, leader of the Florence community in the 18th century, a close acquaintance of the Chida.
[1], 281 leaves. 12.5 cm. Gilt edges, decorated. Good condition. Stains. Leaves trimmed close to headings in several places. Original, gilt-decorated leather binding, with original color endpapers. Damaged binding. Housed in original leather case.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Collection of printed leaf fragments from a "bindings genizah".
Includes leaves printed in the 15th-16th centuries (Arbaa Turim, Soncino 1490; Yalkut Shimoni, Soncino 1521-1527; Responsa Binyamin Ze'ev, Venice 1539; and more); proofs and print trials (mostly from Salonika, 17th-19th centuries), some with corrections handwritten by the proofreaders (including leaves from an unidentified composition, on the verso of one of them a page of Gemara was printed, presumably from the Salonika 1705 edition).
Close to 70 leaves. Size varies. Various degrees of damage due to use in binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.