Auction 85 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Two rare booklets of Tikkunim, printed in Prague in the 18th century:
• Tikkun for 7th Adar, following the rite of Eretz Israel, Turkey and Italy. Prague: Jos. Emanuel Diesbach, [1787].
First edition of Tikkun for 7th Adar printed as an independent booklet.
[8] leaves. Approx. 16 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear. Leaves trimmed with damage to text. Stamps and handwritten inscription to title page. New binding.
• Tikkun Chatzot Layla. Prague: Jos. Emamuel Diesbach, [1787].
16 leaves. 16.5 cm. Fair condition. Many stains and wear. Minor marginal open tears to final leaves. Leaves trimmed close to text, with minor damage. Marginal paper repair to title page. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions on title page. New binding.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book records the title page only, based on a photocopy.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Tefillat HaDerech, with various prayers. Prague, 1837.
Pocket format. Includes, apart from Tefillat HaDerech: Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Chodesh, Kiddush Levanah, the Ten Commandments, Parashat HaMan, Sefirat HaOmer, and more.
Instructions in Yiddish, in Tsene-rene typeface.
[48] leaves. 10 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Original parchment binding, with minor damage.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Beit Tefilla siddur, according to Italian rite, prayers for weekdays, Shabbat, the Three Festivals and the High Holidays. Pisa: Samuel Molcho, [1816].
Miniature-size volume. Fine, original leather binding, with silver clasp.
Inscriptions in Italian script on back endpaper.
64, 49-224 leaves. 7 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Several open tears, slightly affecting text. Leaves trimmed with damage to text and minor damage to upper part of title page border. Damage to binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Year-round machzor according to Polish rite, for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, Sukkot and Shavuot, with English translation. London, [1807]. Six volumes.
Engraved title page in each volume.
In the first volume, engraved frontispiece portrait of R. Shlomo Hirschell Berliner Rabbi of London, captioned in Hebrew and in English: "Portrait of the illustrious Torah scholar, R. Shlomo son of R. Tzvi, rabbi of the Ashkenazi community in London and the country, illustrious descendant of R. Heshel and Chacham Tzvi" / "The Rev. Solomon Hirschell; Chief Rabbi of the German and Polish Jews in England".
Six volumes. Rosh Hashanah: [2], 13 pages, 14-26, 232 leaves, 11 pages. Yom Kippur, Vol. I: 250 leaves. Yom Kuppur, Vol. II: [1], 212 leaves. Sukkot: [1], 240 leaves. Passover: [1], 266 leaves. Shavuot: [1], 185, [7] leaves. 22-23.5 cm. Some leaves slightly browned. Overall good conition. Stains. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. Gilt edges to two volumes. New bindings.
Vol. I of Yom Kippur is not recorded in The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book. Vol. II of Yom Kippur recorded in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book has only 199 leaves (as does one of the copies in the NLI). This copy has 212 leaves.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Daily, Sabbath, Festival and occasional prayers, according to the ritual of the German and Polish Jews. London, 1880. Hebrew and English on facing pages.
Fine copy in elegant leather binding, presented as a bar mitzvah gift.
A piece of leather pasted on inside front board bears the following gilt inscription: "Presented to B. M. Benjamin, by Phillip Raphael, on the Occasion of His Bar Mitzvah, Adar the 6th 5645, February 21st 1885".
[5], 420, 420; 56, [2], XXXII pages. 18 cm. Good condition. Stains. Gilt edges. Gilt-decorated red leather binding. Damage and wear to binding. Bookplate.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Keter Kehunah – Birkat Kohanim, Pidyon HaBen and Birkat HaMazon. Hamburg, 1881.
Pocket edition designed for Kohanim, containing two pertinent topics: Birkat Kohanim and Pidyon HaBen. With instructions and other sections in Yiddish. Fine title page (print hand-colored in shades of brown and gold), featuring priestly blessing hands. Original, gilt-embossed binding.
[1], 32 pages. 11 cm. Good condition. Stains. Original binding, damaged, without binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Collection of booklets (12 printed and one handwritten) of the Birkat HaChamah service. [1897-1953].
13 booklets (including some duplicates):
• Manuscript, Birkat HaChamah service for 1897. [Persia, 1897]. [1] double leaf (3 written pages).
• Birkat HaChamah of 1925: booklets from Jerusalem, Frankfurt and Casablanca.
• Birkat HaChamah of 1953: booklets from Cairo, Bombay, Jerusalem and Casablanca.
See Hebrew description for full list of booklets.
13 booklets. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Five Megillot – Shir HaShirim, Ruth, Eicha, Kohelet and Esther, with Rashi's commentary. [Naples: Joseph son of Jacob Ashkenazi Gunzenhauser, 1487].
Five Megillot, from an edition of Ketuvim printed by Gunzenhauser. Without title page (opens with a blank page).
The text was printed using three different typefaces: the first verse of Shir HaShirim was printed in Ashkenazic square type, the text of the Megillot in Italian-Sephardic square type and Rashi's commentary in Italian-Sephardic semi-cursive (Rashi) type.
First verse of Shir HaShirim within a decorative vine border.
The printer, Joseph son of Jacob Ashkenazi Gunzenhauser (from Gunzenhausen, Bavaria), was a pioneer in Hebrew printing, active in Italy. He established his printing press in Naples ca. 1487, and passed away in 1490. His son, Azriel, continued operating the press for another two years, until 1492 (the year of the Spanish expulsion). The press produced about 15 Hebrew books.
[29] leaves. Five Megillot originally: [30] leaves (entire Ketuvim: [150] leaves). Lacking last leaf of Shir HaShirim (replaced in photocopy).
24.5 cm. Condition varies. Stains, including large dampstains and dark stains. In Shir HaShirim: minor worming, with almost no damage to text; open tear to last leaf, not affecting text. Wear and marginal tears. In Ruth and Eicha: open marginal tear to first leaf, not affecting text. Minor worming, slightly affecting text. In Kohelet and Esther: extensive worming, with significant damage to text on some leaves. Open tears to all margins of first leaf of Megillat Esther, affecting text, repaired with paper. Tears to several other leaves, repaired with paper. New binding. Worming to binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Five Books of the Torah, with Targum, Rashi and Chizkuni commentaries, and five Megillot with Rashi commentary. [Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1524].
Bound with: Haftarot for the entire year according to Sephardic and Ashkenazic rites. [Venice: Daniel Bomberg for Cornelius Adelkind, 1548].
Several glosses in Persian script, signed "Nehorai son of R. Aharon Rofeh" or "Nehorai".
The last leaf of the Torah section bears many inscriptions in Persian script recording a birth and deaths in 1711-1792. On the last page of the Haftarot section, inscriptions in Yiddish from Manheim, 17th century.
Five Books of the Torah and five Megillot: [315] leaves. Lacking title page. Haftarot: [26] leaves. 32 cm. Fair condition. Some leaves in fair-poor condition. Many stains. Dampstains. Extensive wear. Tears, including many open tears, affecting text in many places, repaired with paper (with handwritten replacements). Large open tears to first leaf (with loss of most of the leaf; mounted on paper for reinforcement). This leaf, and some other heavily damaged leaves, are accompanied by photocopies (photocopies bound following damaged leaves). Leaves trimmed with damage to headings of a number of leaves. Old binding.
Missing [24] leaves of Haftarot originally printed with the Five Books of the Torah. These leaves were replaced with Haftarot from a later edition, printed by Cornelius Adelkind in the Bomberg press in 1548.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Rashi's Commentary to the Torah and the Megillot. [Augsburg: Chaim son of David Shachor, 1533].
Incomplete copy. Printed without a title page. Illustrations of a lion and a scorpion at the opening of each chumash and Shir HaShirim.
Several glosses and inscriptions (early Ashkenazic script). Late signature on endpaper.
[138] leaves (originally [191] leaves; lacking 53 leaves: 25 leaves at beginning, 24 leaves in middle and 4 leaves at end). 4-leaf gatherings (each gathering numbered on first page). This copy is lacking gatherings 1-7 (except for three inconsecutive leaves), 24-29, the fourth leaf of gathering 47 and gathering 48 (a 3-leaf gathering). 19 cm. Condition varies (most leaves in good condition, some leaves in fair condition). First two leaves heavily browned. Stains, including dampstains (mold stains to a few leaves). Open tears, affecting text, to first three leaves, repaired in part with paper. Open tears to margins of several other leaves. Old binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Hebraicus Pentateuchus Latinus / Five Books of the Torah and five Megillot, with Latin translation and commentary. Venice: Justinian, 1551.
Printed from left to right. Hebrew and Latin on facing columns. Large printer's device on a separate leaf at the end of book. Woodcut headpieces at the beginning of the Books of the Torah and of the five Megillot. At the end of Devarim, a section (in Hebrew) titled Maalot Moshe, about the greatness of Moshe Rabbenu (not recorded in Bibliography of the Hebrew Book).
Handwritten glosses (Latin with some Hebrew).
Hebrew ownership inscription on last leaf, deleted, probably of R. Shlomo Padua, 1723.
CCVIII, 209-376, [1] leaves. Without [1] blank leaf, originally bound before the final leaf. 20.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Minor dampstains. Worming, affecting text (affecting also title page border and printer's device on final leaf). Marginal open tears to some leaves. Stamps and inscriptions. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Bible. [Frankfurt an der Oder: Iohannis & Friderici Hartmannorum Bibliopolarum, 1595]. Four parts in one volume.
Separate title pages for Neviim Rishonim, Neviim Acharonim and Ketuvim (title page of the Five Books of the Torah is lacking in this copy).
Numerous handwritten Latin marginalia.
Four parts in one volume. Torah and the Five Megillot: [147] leaves. Lacking title page. Neviim Rishonim: [112] leaves. Neviim Acharonim: [119] leaves. Ketuvim: [127] leaves. Lacking final leaf, with the colophon. 23.5 cm. Most of the leaves in good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Tears to several leaves, including open tears to first leaf, affecting text, repaired with paper. Detached gatherings (the book is split into three parts). Original leather binding, damaged (with torn spine), detached.
Johann and Friedrich Hartmann printed four editions of the Bible in 1595, in four different sizes.
One of the first Hebrew books printed in Frankfurt an der Oder.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.