Auction 82 - Part I - Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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The letter is addressed to R. Yechezkel (presumably R. Yechezkel Weinberger Rabbi of Marosújvár, see below), and relates to the Torah thoughts the latter sent him.
R. Menachem Mendel Paneth Rabbi of Deyzh (1818-1885), son of the Mareh Yechezkel. Studied under the Chatam Sofer, who cherished him greatly. Served as rabbi of Urișor and Deyzh, and later as chief rabbi of Transylvania.
The recipient of the letter is presumably R. Yechezkel Weinberger Rabbi of Marosújvár (Ocna Mureș), disciple of R. Yehuda Aszód. Exchanged extensive halachic correspondence with the rebbe of Deyzh.
[1] leaf. 15.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear and creases. Folding marks and tears.
Recommendation to provide financial assistance for the wedding expenses of a groom, who had served as the attendant of his father Rebbe Moshe of Deyzh. The letter also mentions his uncle R. Yechezkel Weinberger (rabbi of Marosújvár, see previous item).
Rebbe Yechezkel Paneth, author of Knesset Yechezkel (1870-1930), leading Hungarian Tzaddik in his times. Son and successor of Rebbe Moshe Paneth of Deyzh, grandson of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Paneth Rabbi of Deyzh.
The letter was published in Knesset Yechezkel and other places.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 22.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Folding marks, tears and wear. Dark tape repairs.
Addressed to the philanthropist R. Yeshaya Moshe Gross, with heartfelt blessings from the Rebbe for increased wealth and honor, blessing in all his endeavors, satisfaction from all his descendants and good health.
The letter concludes with blessings for the New Year, and is signed "Shlomo Halberstam".
R. Shlomo Halberstam, first Rebbe of Bobov (1847-1905) was the grandson of the Divrei Chaim, rebbe of Sanz. He served as rebbe to thousands of Chassidim, developing Bobov into a large center of thousands of young Chassidim, who transformed Galician Jewry by disseminating Torah and Chassidism. Leader of Orthodox Jewry in Galicia and member of the Machzikei HaDat organization.
[1] leaf. Approx. 21.5 cm. Thin, acidic paper. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Folding marks and creases. Mounted on paper for preservation.
Letter (5 long lines) handwritten and signed by Rebbe Chanoch Henich HaKohen of Alexander. [Warsaw, ca. 1860s]. Sent to Lodz to his son R. Yechiel Efraim Fishel HaKohen. He mentions that he has enclosed a letter intended for R. Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Biala (son-in-law of the Chiddushei HaRim of Ger), on the occasion of his son's wedding with the daughter of the wealthy R. Yaakov Krohl. The address in Lodz and postmarks appear on the verso, with the following inscription handwritten by R. Chanoch Henich: "Please give this letter to my son… R. Yechiel Efraim Fishel HaKohen of Mielec". Rebbe Chanoch Henich HaKohen Levin of Alexander (1798-1870), leading disciple of R. Simcha Bunim of Peshischa and of the Yehudi HaKadosh of Peshischa. He held a rabbinic position for close to 40 years. While still a young man, his teacher the Yehudi HaKadosh appointed him rebbe, yet he preferred to subject himself to the authority of his colleagues, Rebbe Mendel of Kotsk and later Rebbe Yitzchak Meir Alter of Ger. Only after the passing of the Chiddushei HaRim in 1866 did the elderly R. Henich agree to serve as rebbe and lead the Chassidic courts of Kotzk and Ger. [1] leaf. 15X21 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear and folding marks.
Addressed to R. Yitzchak, one of his Chassidim, to whom he had delegated the task of mediating between family members in a familial monetary matter. The rebbe offers detailed advice on every issue, how to resolve all the problems that arose between the members of that family: "…and regarding the fact that he wishes to give his youngest brother only… tell him that he is very stubborn to insist on this, especially since this is for his youngest brother…".
R. David Morgenstern - second rebbe of the Kotsk dynasty (1809-1873), eldest son of R. Mendel - the "Saraf" of Kotsk, and his successor as rebbe. He was renowned for his brilliance and great holiness.
[1] leaf. 21 cm. Fair condition. Creases and tears. Stains and extensive wear. Mounted on a notebook leaf for preservation.
• Letter in his handwriting and with his signature, addressed to R. Yehuda Leib Graubart, regarding fundraising and distribution of charity boxes in Canada. Warsaw, Nisan 1931.
• Interesting polemic letter in his handwriting and with his signature, addressed to the directors of Kollel Polin, regarding a controversy against the Kollel administration, and directives on various matters. Warsaw, Iyar 1932.
• Letter in his handwriting and with his signature, addressed to R. Avraham Fish and R. Yaakov Henich Sankevitz in Jerusalem. Various directives regarding the Kollel, and reconciling the Kollel management in Jerusalem. Otwock, Av 1934.
• Letter from the Kollel administration, addressed to R. Avraham Fish secretary of the Kollel in Jerusalem. Signed by the members of the board: "Yaakov Meir son of R. B. Biederman"; "Yechezkel Spiegelglass" and "Natan Pinchas Ehrlich". Warsaw, Nisan 1932.
• Letter from the Kollel board of directors, addressed to R. Avraham Fish - secretary of the Kollel in Jerusalem, signed by the president of the Kollel, R. "Yaakov Meir son of R. B. Biederman". Warsaw, Iyar 1934.
R. Yaakov Meir Biederman (1870-1941, perished in the Holocaust), outstanding Torah scholar, son-in-law of the Sefat Emet of Ger, father-in-law of his brother-in-law the Imrei Emet of Ger and father-in-law of the Beit Yisrael. He served as dayan and was on the board of rabbis of the Warsaw community. Administrator of the Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes fund in Poland.
Five letters, three of them on official stationery. Size and condition vary. Wear and filing holes, slightly affecting text.
Addressed to one of his disciples, the rebbe confirms the reception of his letter containing Torah thoughts, and promises to study it and write him a longer response in the future. The letter concludes with blessings for the new year, and is signed "Yechezkel HaLevi, rabbi of this community, son of the rebbe".
R. Yechezkel HaLevi Halstock, second Ostrovtza Rebbe (1887-1942, perished in the Holocaust), was the son of Rebbe Meir Yechiel HaLevi Rabbi of Ostrovtza ("the tzaddik who fasted for 40 years"). An outstanding Torah scholar and holy man. He served as rabbi of Inowłódz, Nasielsk and later as rebbe and rabbi of Ostrovtza. He founded the Beit Meir network of yeshivot, where many students studied following the special study method of the Ostrovtza rebbes - sharpness and erudition in all areas of Torah study. He and all his descendants (seven sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren) were murdered in the Holocaust.
Postcard. 14 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and creases. Postmarks.
In the letter, which is addressed to his sons, the Rebbe blesses them that they be saved from any sorrow and fear, and discusses the obtention of immigration documents for them.
Rebbe [Ben Tzion] Yehuda Leib Twersky (Tishrei 1867-1951), son of Rebbe Mordechai Dov of Hornosteipel and grandson of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. A tremendous Torah scholar and Tzaddik, renowned for his great charitability. He succeeded his father as rebbe of Hornosteipel. Escaped to the United States from Belgium just before the Nazi invasion, and established his Beit Midrash in Chicago, where he continued his charitable activities.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 28 cm. Good condition. Stains and some wear.
• Handwritten leaf, unpublished section of a discourse by one of the rebbes of Chabad, containing wondrous and unknown teachings in the name of the Tzemach Tzedek about the Be'er Mayim Chaim. The Tzemach Tzedek explained that great Tzaddikim would receive Divine revelations on Shabbat, which changed them fundamentally, as is known about the Be'er Mayim Chaim, who would grow a head taller on Shabbat: "Whoever saw him on weekdays, did not recognize him on Shabbat…".
• Handwritten leaf from a Chabad "bichel", with a copying of a ruling of the Tzemach Tzedek regarding reciting the blessing of Shehecheyanu on Purim morning. The copying concludes: "Copied from the manuscript of Rebbe Menachem Mendel, from what he wrote in his siddur in 1865".
The Baal HaTanya ruled in his siddur that Shehecheyanu is not recited before the reading of the Megillah on Purim morning, and this was practiced in Chabad communities for decades after his passing. However, in 1865 (or 1864), his grandson the Tzemach Tzedek, in a note he wrote in a copy of the siddur of the Baal HaTanya, ruled like the opinion that Shehecheyanu is recited (see enclosed material).
• Handwritten leaf, notes and copyings on various topics: copying of a letter of the Mitteler Rebbe, copying of a letter from the Baal HaTanya regarding Napoleon, copyings from the Pinkas of the Chevra Kadisha of Liozna, with the first documentation of the Baal HaTanya, and more.
3 leaves. Size and condition vary.
These discourses were delivered and recorded by Rebbe Shlomo Zalman Schneersohn, the Magen Avot of Kopust, and later copied and disseminated amongst Kopust Chassidim.
The present "bichel" comprises 17 discourses, copied by various writers and bound together. Glosses in another hand on several leaves. All the discourses were published in the Magen Avot series.
Rebbe Shlomo Zalman Schneersohn (1830-1900), grandson and close disciple of the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. He succeeded his father R. Yehuda Leib, the Maharil of Kopust, as rebbe of Chabad-Kopust.
[1], 207, [1] leaves. Lacking leaf 197. 21 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Marginal tears. New leather binding.
Typewritten on the official stationery of the Rayatz, with his signature "Yosef Yitzchak" (one with his full signature "Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn"). Two of the letters with additions in his handwriting.
Addressed to the philanthropist Elchanan Glazer. In the first letter (dated 8th Tishrei 1947), the rebbe congratulates him for his engagement, with blessings for the upcoming wedding and good year wishes. With the rebbe's full signature.
The other two letters contain blessings for his family members: blessings for recovery for his niece (16th Tammuz 1948) and blessings for recovery for his wife's grandmother (8th Tishrei 1948). At the end of both letters, near his signature, the Rayatz added in his handwriting: "In material and spiritual matters".
[3] leaves, official stationery. 21.5 cm and 28 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Stains, creases and minor wear.
The letters are typewritten on the official stationery of the Rayatz, with his signature "Yosef Yitzchak" with the letter Yud in Ashuri script - his famous signature in the final year of his life. One letter contains several words in his handwriting.
Addressed to the philanthropist Elchanan Glazer. In the first letter (dated 7th Elul 1949), the rebbe extends his blessings for an easy pregnancy and birth, and concludes with blessings for abundant livelihood.
The other two letters (8th Marcheshvan 1949) contain blessings for livelihood and good health for his family members.
[3] leaves, official stationery. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks and minor creases.