Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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Displaying 325 - 336 of 405
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $500
Two booklets (mimeographed typewritten text) issued by the Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population with reports about the extermination of European Jews. Geneva, 1945. French and German.
1. L'extermination des Juifs en Pologne / Lwow – Sniatyn – Sandomierz [Extermination of the Jews in Poland / Lwow – Sniatyn – Sandomierz]. [Issued by the Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population], Geneva, 1945. Fifth booklet. French.
The booklet includes a report prepared by Gordonia Zionist youth movement about concentration camps in Poland and the extermination of Jews in Lwow and Sniatyn and a report based on eye witness testimony about the extermination of Jews in Sandomierz. The booklet opens with an introduction by Avraham Silberschein.
[1], 45 leaves, 29 cm. Good condition. Stains at margins. Small tears along the spine. Pen inscriptions on front cover and on one of the leaves.
2. Die Judenausrottung in Deutschen lagern, Augenzeugenberichte [Extermination of Jews in German camps, eye-witness testimonies]. [Issued by the Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population], Geneva, 1945. German.
A booklet which includes testimonies about extermination of Jews in the camps Posen, Kratzau (Chrastava), Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Theresienstadt
[3], 80 leaves, 29.5 cm. Good condition. Stains (mostly to cover, first leaves and last leaves). Small tears to spine.
The Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population (Relico) was founded in Geneva in September 1939 by Dr. Avraham Silberschein. Silberschein started with searching for relatives and providing legal and financial aid to Jewish refugees, but soon enough he concentrated his efforts on relief operations. After the war he provided aid to She'erit Hapletah in Europe and was active in searching for war criminals. For more information about him see enclosed material.
1. L'extermination des Juifs en Pologne / Lwow – Sniatyn – Sandomierz [Extermination of the Jews in Poland / Lwow – Sniatyn – Sandomierz]. [Issued by the Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population], Geneva, 1945. Fifth booklet. French.
The booklet includes a report prepared by Gordonia Zionist youth movement about concentration camps in Poland and the extermination of Jews in Lwow and Sniatyn and a report based on eye witness testimony about the extermination of Jews in Sandomierz. The booklet opens with an introduction by Avraham Silberschein.
[1], 45 leaves, 29 cm. Good condition. Stains at margins. Small tears along the spine. Pen inscriptions on front cover and on one of the leaves.
2. Die Judenausrottung in Deutschen lagern, Augenzeugenberichte [Extermination of Jews in German camps, eye-witness testimonies]. [Issued by the Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population], Geneva, 1945. German.
A booklet which includes testimonies about extermination of Jews in the camps Posen, Kratzau (Chrastava), Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Theresienstadt
[3], 80 leaves, 29.5 cm. Good condition. Stains (mostly to cover, first leaves and last leaves). Small tears to spine.
The Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population (Relico) was founded in Geneva in September 1939 by Dr. Avraham Silberschein. Silberschein started with searching for relatives and providing legal and financial aid to Jewish refugees, but soon enough he concentrated his efforts on relief operations. After the war he provided aid to She'erit Hapletah in Europe and was active in searching for war criminals. For more information about him see enclosed material.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $1,500
Sold for: $2,375
Including buyer's premium
Twenty two passports and documents chronicling the progress of the Mieses family from Europe to Palestine during the Holocaust period. Vienna, Antwerp, Toulouse, Madrid, Haifa and elsewhere, beginning-middle of the twentieth century.
The documents show that the family came from the city of Lviv in Poland, and in 1920 decided to immigrate to Vienna, where the father of the family opened a shoe store. After Austria's annexation to Germany in 1939 the family fled to Belgium and then to Grenade in the south of France, where it stayed until 1943. Somehow the family managed to cross the border to Spain, reaching Madrid, and in 1944 they set sail for Palestine and arrived in Haifa Port.This collection includes an interesting account of the various stops on the family's journey to Palestine:
1-2. Two German passports issued in Vienna for the parents, Nachman and Bronia Mieses, on February 15, 1939. Appearing on each is the stamp "J" (Jewish) and the additions "Israel" and "Sarah" to their names. Also appearing on the passports are stamps permitting free border crossings from February 17, 1939, and passport extension stamps from the German consulate in Antwerp, issued on April 10, 1940.
3. Austrian passport issued to Siegfried Mieses, son of Nachman and Bronia, on December 21, 1929. According to the stamps, the passport was used by Siegfried after Austria's annexation to Nazi Germany, and it is marked with special signs for Jews. The stamp "J" appears on the first page, and transit permits from Nazi Germany appear on the last pages. A cancellation stamp appears on every one of the passport's pages.
4. German passport issued to Siegfried at the German consulate in Antwerp (apparently immediately following the cancellation of his Austrian passport), on May 16, 1939. Stamped with the letter "J", with the addition of the middle name "Israel".
5. Confirmation of Submission of Request for Identity Card (Résépissé De Demande De Carte D'identite), issued to Nachman Mieses in Toulouse on January 26, 1942, with his picture and personal details (apparently used as a temporary residence permit in France). Appearing on verso are extension stamps from the city of Grenade in the south of France.
6-7. Two "Certificates of Identity" issued to the couple Bronia and Nachman by the British Consulate in Madrid on 20-21.5.1943. On the front of the certificates are their personal details and ink stamps of the consulate; on the back is a travel visa to Palestine, from 22.5.1943, permit stamps of the Spanish authorities, entry stamps to Palestine through Haifa from 4.2.1944 and additional stamps.
8-18. Eleven documents of members of the family from the pre-war period: birth certificates for Nachman and Siegfried from the Jewish community in Lviv, an Austrian certificate of citizenship from 1920, permit to engage in wholesale trade for Nachman Mieses, and other documents.
19-22. Four documents issued to the family members after the war: identity card for Bronia Mieses issued by the British Mandate government, from March 30, 1947; certificate of "Victim of the Nazi Regime" (Opferausweis) in the name of Siegfried Mieses, issued by the Austrian government on May 18, 1955; and others.
Total of 22 passports, documents and certificates. Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains, creases, folding marks and blemishes. Tears and open tears to some of the items (some of them restored).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
The documents show that the family came from the city of Lviv in Poland, and in 1920 decided to immigrate to Vienna, where the father of the family opened a shoe store. After Austria's annexation to Germany in 1939 the family fled to Belgium and then to Grenade in the south of France, where it stayed until 1943. Somehow the family managed to cross the border to Spain, reaching Madrid, and in 1944 they set sail for Palestine and arrived in Haifa Port.This collection includes an interesting account of the various stops on the family's journey to Palestine:
1-2. Two German passports issued in Vienna for the parents, Nachman and Bronia Mieses, on February 15, 1939. Appearing on each is the stamp "J" (Jewish) and the additions "Israel" and "Sarah" to their names. Also appearing on the passports are stamps permitting free border crossings from February 17, 1939, and passport extension stamps from the German consulate in Antwerp, issued on April 10, 1940.
3. Austrian passport issued to Siegfried Mieses, son of Nachman and Bronia, on December 21, 1929. According to the stamps, the passport was used by Siegfried after Austria's annexation to Nazi Germany, and it is marked with special signs for Jews. The stamp "J" appears on the first page, and transit permits from Nazi Germany appear on the last pages. A cancellation stamp appears on every one of the passport's pages.
4. German passport issued to Siegfried at the German consulate in Antwerp (apparently immediately following the cancellation of his Austrian passport), on May 16, 1939. Stamped with the letter "J", with the addition of the middle name "Israel".
5. Confirmation of Submission of Request for Identity Card (Résépissé De Demande De Carte D'identite), issued to Nachman Mieses in Toulouse on January 26, 1942, with his picture and personal details (apparently used as a temporary residence permit in France). Appearing on verso are extension stamps from the city of Grenade in the south of France.
6-7. Two "Certificates of Identity" issued to the couple Bronia and Nachman by the British Consulate in Madrid on 20-21.5.1943. On the front of the certificates are their personal details and ink stamps of the consulate; on the back is a travel visa to Palestine, from 22.5.1943, permit stamps of the Spanish authorities, entry stamps to Palestine through Haifa from 4.2.1944 and additional stamps.
8-18. Eleven documents of members of the family from the pre-war period: birth certificates for Nachman and Siegfried from the Jewish community in Lviv, an Austrian certificate of citizenship from 1920, permit to engage in wholesale trade for Nachman Mieses, and other documents.
19-22. Four documents issued to the family members after the war: identity card for Bronia Mieses issued by the British Mandate government, from March 30, 1947; certificate of "Victim of the Nazi Regime" (Opferausweis) in the name of Siegfried Mieses, issued by the Austrian government on May 18, 1955; and others.
Total of 22 passports, documents and certificates. Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains, creases, folding marks and blemishes. Tears and open tears to some of the items (some of them restored).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $400
About 30 certificates, documents and forms, documenting the life of a Jewish couple in Poland after the holocaust. Warsaw, Lublin, Szczecin and other places, 1943-1950 (most items are from the second half of the 1940s). Polish. Some German, Hebrew and Russian.
These documents and certificates belonged to Norbert Majewski and his wife Sofia Nina, and they include an interesting documentation of Jewish life in Poland after the holocaust. Among the documents: Identity Card (zaswiadczenie tożsamości) given to Norbert Mjewski on 23.8.1945, with his photograph; certificate issued by the Central Committee for Polish Jews (Centralny Komitet Zydow Polskich), given to Norbert Majewski on 28.12.1945; Three registration cards (Karta Rejestracyjna) in the Polish Tax Authority (Urzad Skarbowy), from the years 1947-1948; two certificates (Zaświadczenie) on behalf of the Israel State representative in Poland (Poselstwo Państwa Izrael), from 1949; Two identity cards (Dowod Tożsamości) given to the couple by the Polish Government in 1949 (with their photographs and personal details), with various border stamps (used, most probably, by the couple as passports); and more documents. In addition, the collection includes a "Service Card" (Dienstausweis), issued in 1943 for another family member, by the German authorities in Warsaw (with his photograph, personal details and Nazi Germany ink-stamps).
Enclosed: "Mein Lebenslauf" (My Biography), two typewritten pages (German), detailing the biography of Norbert Majewski from the day of his birth until his arrival in Israel; three documents issued to the couple in Israel.
Size and condition vary. Fair-poor overall condition. Stains, creases, folding marks, tears and open tears at margins (some long). A number of items are torn lengthwise or widthwise.
These documents and certificates belonged to Norbert Majewski and his wife Sofia Nina, and they include an interesting documentation of Jewish life in Poland after the holocaust. Among the documents: Identity Card (zaswiadczenie tożsamości) given to Norbert Mjewski on 23.8.1945, with his photograph; certificate issued by the Central Committee for Polish Jews (Centralny Komitet Zydow Polskich), given to Norbert Majewski on 28.12.1945; Three registration cards (Karta Rejestracyjna) in the Polish Tax Authority (Urzad Skarbowy), from the years 1947-1948; two certificates (Zaświadczenie) on behalf of the Israel State representative in Poland (Poselstwo Państwa Izrael), from 1949; Two identity cards (Dowod Tożsamości) given to the couple by the Polish Government in 1949 (with their photographs and personal details), with various border stamps (used, most probably, by the couple as passports); and more documents. In addition, the collection includes a "Service Card" (Dienstausweis), issued in 1943 for another family member, by the German authorities in Warsaw (with his photograph, personal details and Nazi Germany ink-stamps).
Enclosed: "Mein Lebenslauf" (My Biography), two typewritten pages (German), detailing the biography of Norbert Majewski from the day of his birth until his arrival in Israel; three documents issued to the couple in Israel.
Size and condition vary. Fair-poor overall condition. Stains, creases, folding marks, tears and open tears at margins (some long). A number of items are torn lengthwise or widthwise.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
Thirty-nine photographs, documenting the scenes revealed to the soldiers of the Allied Force upon the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. April-May 1945.
Most photographs are disturbing, documenting the camp's victims, the mass graves, the crematorium, the barracks, the survivors, the temporary showers constructed near the camp, soldiers in insulation suits evacuating victims of the typhus outbreak, burning the barracks and more. One photograph shows a large open area with a sign: "Grave No. 2, approx. 5,000, 23 April 1945".
A number of photographs appear in two copies. On the back of one photograph appears a long handwritten note (English), describing the photograph and referring to the number of victims after the liberation of the camp.
The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where approximately 50,000 people lost their lives, operated in Germany between the years 1943-1945. Due to the typhus epidemic in the camp, Himmler ordered not to evacuate it, and when the camp was liberated by British soldiers, the barracks, the buildings and tens of thousands of survivors were all still there. Over the weeks following the liberation, hundreds of survivors died every day and their burial was imposed on SS ex-soldiers. On May 21, 1945 the British burned the camp to the ground.
Size and condition vary. Approx. 9.5X7 cm – 14.5X10 cm. Good overall condition. Some stains and blemishes. Traces of pasting to back of some photographs. One photograph has tears at margins.
Most photographs are disturbing, documenting the camp's victims, the mass graves, the crematorium, the barracks, the survivors, the temporary showers constructed near the camp, soldiers in insulation suits evacuating victims of the typhus outbreak, burning the barracks and more. One photograph shows a large open area with a sign: "Grave No. 2, approx. 5,000, 23 April 1945".
A number of photographs appear in two copies. On the back of one photograph appears a long handwritten note (English), describing the photograph and referring to the number of victims after the liberation of the camp.
The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where approximately 50,000 people lost their lives, operated in Germany between the years 1943-1945. Due to the typhus epidemic in the camp, Himmler ordered not to evacuate it, and when the camp was liberated by British soldiers, the barracks, the buildings and tens of thousands of survivors were all still there. Over the weeks following the liberation, hundreds of survivors died every day and their burial was imposed on SS ex-soldiers. On May 21, 1945 the British burned the camp to the ground.
Size and condition vary. Approx. 9.5X7 cm – 14.5X10 cm. Good overall condition. Some stains and blemishes. Traces of pasting to back of some photographs. One photograph has tears at margins.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Ketubah recording the marriage of Shlomo ben Aharon HaKohen and Sheindel bat Eliezer. Bergen-Belsen, April 9, 1946. Hebrew and English.
Printed ketubah, filled in by hand, for a wedding ceremony held at the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. At the top is an illustration with Stars of David and the inscription "Bergen Belsen" in Yiddish. At the bottom is the stamp – "Beth Din – Rabbinate Bergen-Belsen".
On the ketubah's verso is a shortened English version, beneath which is the signature and ink stamp of Rabbi Joel Halpern, the stamp that appears on the Hebrew side, and the stamp "Central Jewish Committee, Bergen-Belsen".
Approx. 18X28.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and blemishes. Folding marks. Tears and open tears along folding marks and at the margins (with damage to text), reinforced with strips of adhesive tape. The handwritten inscriptions and the ink stamps are faded and partly erased.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Printed ketubah, filled in by hand, for a wedding ceremony held at the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. At the top is an illustration with Stars of David and the inscription "Bergen Belsen" in Yiddish. At the bottom is the stamp – "Beth Din – Rabbinate Bergen-Belsen".
On the ketubah's verso is a shortened English version, beneath which is the signature and ink stamp of Rabbi Joel Halpern, the stamp that appears on the Hebrew side, and the stamp "Central Jewish Committee, Bergen-Belsen".
Approx. 18X28.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and blemishes. Folding marks. Tears and open tears along folding marks and at the margins (with damage to text), reinforced with strips of adhesive tape. The handwritten inscriptions and the ink stamps are faded and partly erased.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $600
Two documents and a broadside from the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. Late 1940s.
1. Identity card issued by the Palestine Jewish Agency in Bergen-Belsen for Ida Lea Selenfreund, a nine-month old baby girl born in the camp. Issued on Novemeber 13, 1947.
Approx. 10.5X14.5 cm.
2. Membership card in the organization "Noar Halutzi Meuhad" ("United Pioneer Youth") in Bergen-Belsen, belonging to Zvi Arieh Gantz. Inside are the owner's details, his signature and an ink stamp of the organization's branch in Bergen-Belsen.
Approx. 12.5X11.5 cm (when open).
3. "Werkzeig far Aleh Pachen" [Work Tools for any Craft], advertisement for the sale of machines, tools and electric home equipment held at one of the houses of the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. "Poalei Zion – Bergen-Belsen Union" Press.
Approx. 20.5X28.5 cm. Ink stamp on upper margin.
Condition varies. Good overall condition. Stains, blemishes and small tears (most of them restored).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
1. Identity card issued by the Palestine Jewish Agency in Bergen-Belsen for Ida Lea Selenfreund, a nine-month old baby girl born in the camp. Issued on Novemeber 13, 1947.
Approx. 10.5X14.5 cm.
2. Membership card in the organization "Noar Halutzi Meuhad" ("United Pioneer Youth") in Bergen-Belsen, belonging to Zvi Arieh Gantz. Inside are the owner's details, his signature and an ink stamp of the organization's branch in Bergen-Belsen.
Approx. 12.5X11.5 cm (when open).
3. "Werkzeig far Aleh Pachen" [Work Tools for any Craft], advertisement for the sale of machines, tools and electric home equipment held at one of the houses of the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. "Poalei Zion – Bergen-Belsen Union" Press.
Approx. 20.5X28.5 cm. Ink stamp on upper margin.
Condition varies. Good overall condition. Stains, blemishes and small tears (most of them restored).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $600
Photo-album of the Kazet – Concentration Camp Theater. Bergen-Belsen [ca. 1945-1947].
Twenty one photographs in an album and two loose photographs, documenting the team of actors during performances and in the displaced persons camp. On the back of one photograph appear, in Yiddish, the details of the play, the director and the location – "vider farshpilt… fun Sami Feder… in Kazet theater – Bergen-Belsen". On the back of one photograph appear ink-stamps of the theater, ink-stamp of Sami Feder (from a later period) and the ink-stamp "Archives".
The album is bound in a fine leather binding, with a relief of flowers, a Talith and an open book with a legend on it: "Am Israel Hai", and a blue Star of David.
Total of 23 photographs, approx. 5X6 cm – 12.5X9 cm. Condition varies. Good overall condition. Minor blemishes.
Enclosed are a number of items from the estate of Sami Feder, founder of the theater (Yiddish): • A typewritten list of 52 names of theater members in Bergen-Belsen. • "Yidn in Daytchn Teater un Film far Hitler's Kumn tsu der Makht" [Jews in German theater and cinema prior to Hitler's rise to power], draft of an essay by Sami Feder. Mimeographed; corrections with correction fluid and penned notes. 7 pp. • A sketch for the cover of Sami Feder's book "Clenched Fists" (published by R. Mass, Jerusalem, 1979). • And more.
The Bergen-Belsen Displaced Persons Camp led an active political and cultural life, with many active organizations and institutions, including the Kazet Theater. The theater was founded in 1945 by actor and director Sami Feder. In the course of two years the theater's actors staged performances and plays in Yiddish for the Jewish public in the Displaced Persons camps in Germany. In 1947 they also performed in Belgium, Sweden, England and Paris. When many of the theater actors chose to remain in Paris, the theater’s activities ceased.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Twenty one photographs in an album and two loose photographs, documenting the team of actors during performances and in the displaced persons camp. On the back of one photograph appear, in Yiddish, the details of the play, the director and the location – "vider farshpilt… fun Sami Feder… in Kazet theater – Bergen-Belsen". On the back of one photograph appear ink-stamps of the theater, ink-stamp of Sami Feder (from a later period) and the ink-stamp "Archives".
The album is bound in a fine leather binding, with a relief of flowers, a Talith and an open book with a legend on it: "Am Israel Hai", and a blue Star of David.
Total of 23 photographs, approx. 5X6 cm – 12.5X9 cm. Condition varies. Good overall condition. Minor blemishes.
Enclosed are a number of items from the estate of Sami Feder, founder of the theater (Yiddish): • A typewritten list of 52 names of theater members in Bergen-Belsen. • "Yidn in Daytchn Teater un Film far Hitler's Kumn tsu der Makht" [Jews in German theater and cinema prior to Hitler's rise to power], draft of an essay by Sami Feder. Mimeographed; corrections with correction fluid and penned notes. 7 pp. • A sketch for the cover of Sami Feder's book "Clenched Fists" (published by R. Mass, Jerusalem, 1979). • And more.
The Bergen-Belsen Displaced Persons Camp led an active political and cultural life, with many active organizations and institutions, including the Kazet Theater. The theater was founded in 1945 by actor and director Sami Feder. In the course of two years the theater's actors staged performances and plays in Yiddish for the Jewish public in the Displaced Persons camps in Germany. In 1947 they also performed in Belgium, Sweden, England and Paris. When many of the theater actors chose to remain in Paris, the theater’s activities ceased.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Tsurik fun Gehenem: 22 tseykhenungen fun Berl Fridler, mit a for-vort un tekst fun Paul Trepman [Back from Hell, 22 sketches by Berl Friedler, with a foreword and text by Paul Trepman]. Bergen-Belsen, 1947. Yiddish; English title page.
A booklet with twenty two impressive sketches documenting the holocaust atrocities; some in color. The sketches were created by Berl Friedler, a Bergen-Belsen survivor. The booklet opens with a foreword by Paul Trepman.
[23] leaves, 30X22 cm. Good overall condition. Most leaves are clean. Minor creases. Numerous stains to cover. Tear at margins of cover and spine (most of the spine is missing). Two ink-stamps, on the front cover and on the first page.
A booklet with twenty two impressive sketches documenting the holocaust atrocities; some in color. The sketches were created by Berl Friedler, a Bergen-Belsen survivor. The booklet opens with a foreword by Paul Trepman.
[23] leaves, 30X22 cm. Good overall condition. Most leaves are clean. Minor creases. Numerous stains to cover. Tear at margins of cover and spine (most of the spine is missing). Two ink-stamps, on the front cover and on the first page.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $1,000
KZ. Mauthausen, Bild und Wort [Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Pictures and Words], by Simon Wiesenthal. Linz-Vienna: Ibis, 1946. German.?Simon Wiesenthal's memoirs from Mauthausen concentration camp, with illustrations and photo-montages by Wiesenthal, portraying the atrocities which he experienced in Mauthausen. Dozens of drawings, signed in the plate and dated 1945.
On the front endpaper appears a dedication handwritten by Simon Wiesenthal, dated 1946.
Simon Wiesenthal ("Nazi Hunter", 1908-2005), a Jewish architect, holocaust survivor who devoted his life to track down and gather information on alleged Nazi war criminals with the intention of using the material at future war crime trials. During WWII Wiesenthal was moved through various concentration camps. In 1945 he arrived in Mauthausen where he survived until the camp was liberated. After his release he started to work for the United States army in gathering material on Nazi war criminals. In 1947 he founded the "Jewish Historical Documentation Center" in Linz, Austria. Due to lack of interest in prosecuting Nazi war criminals the center was closed but Wiesenthal continued privately to collect and document material about Nazi criminals.
[114] pp, 29.5 cm. Good overall condition. Stains (many stains on first and last leaves). Hard cover, with stains and blemishes.
On the front endpaper appears a dedication handwritten by Simon Wiesenthal, dated 1946.
Simon Wiesenthal ("Nazi Hunter", 1908-2005), a Jewish architect, holocaust survivor who devoted his life to track down and gather information on alleged Nazi war criminals with the intention of using the material at future war crime trials. During WWII Wiesenthal was moved through various concentration camps. In 1945 he arrived in Mauthausen where he survived until the camp was liberated. After his release he started to work for the United States army in gathering material on Nazi war criminals. In 1947 he founded the "Jewish Historical Documentation Center" in Linz, Austria. Due to lack of interest in prosecuting Nazi war criminals the center was closed but Wiesenthal continued privately to collect and document material about Nazi criminals.
[114] pp, 29.5 cm. Good overall condition. Stains (many stains on first and last leaves). Hard cover, with stains and blemishes.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $1,200
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Jidiszer D. P. Lager, Unrra-P.C.IRO 1946-1948 in Bad Reichenhall [Jewish Displaced Persons Camp, UNRRA – International Refugees Organization 1946-1948 in Bad Reichenhall]. Album with 67 photographs. Bad Reichenhall, 1946-1948. Yiddish in Latin characters.
Album with 67 photographs (pasted to leaves), documenting the operation of aid organizations in the Tikwah displaced persons camp in Bad Reichenhall. The photographs are titled in print on the leaves and show, among others, the administrative staff, delegates of the Jewish Agency and the Eretz-Israeli Office, medical team, camp's rabbis, representatives of JNF, teachers in Tarbut and Yavne schools, classrooms, Talmud Torah in the camp, the kitchen staff, pharmacy, maternity room, courses held in Ort school (metalworking, sewing and tailoring), and more.
An illustration of a Star of David appears on the title page, with a photograph of the camp's gate; on the following page is a printed dedication: "Dedicated to the representatives of the Jewish Agency-Joint committee members and their colleagues, as a souvenir for their joint work with She'erit Hapletah". On the last page appears an additional dedication, for the recipients of the album: "…by giving you the album we hope that in the near future you will be home, in Eretz Israel, and with your brothers and sisters you will remember the hard days of She'erit Hapletah". A long introduction appears at the beginning of the album, with references to the content of the album, its uniqueness and the reasons for preparing it (all dedications are in Yiddish, in Latin characters).
Printed on the binding: "Tikwah, Jewish D.P. Camp in Bad Reichenhall". Leaves with photographs are protected with tissue guards.
Photographs: approx. 10.5X6.5 cm. Good condition. Album: approx. 28.5X21 cm. Slight stains and blemishes to leaves. Tears and open tears at the margins of first leaves, last leaf (not affecting text) and tissue guards. Rubbings and blemishes to binding. Cloth spine (not original).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Album with 67 photographs (pasted to leaves), documenting the operation of aid organizations in the Tikwah displaced persons camp in Bad Reichenhall. The photographs are titled in print on the leaves and show, among others, the administrative staff, delegates of the Jewish Agency and the Eretz-Israeli Office, medical team, camp's rabbis, representatives of JNF, teachers in Tarbut and Yavne schools, classrooms, Talmud Torah in the camp, the kitchen staff, pharmacy, maternity room, courses held in Ort school (metalworking, sewing and tailoring), and more.
An illustration of a Star of David appears on the title page, with a photograph of the camp's gate; on the following page is a printed dedication: "Dedicated to the representatives of the Jewish Agency-Joint committee members and their colleagues, as a souvenir for their joint work with She'erit Hapletah". On the last page appears an additional dedication, for the recipients of the album: "…by giving you the album we hope that in the near future you will be home, in Eretz Israel, and with your brothers and sisters you will remember the hard days of She'erit Hapletah". A long introduction appears at the beginning of the album, with references to the content of the album, its uniqueness and the reasons for preparing it (all dedications are in Yiddish, in Latin characters).
Printed on the binding: "Tikwah, Jewish D.P. Camp in Bad Reichenhall". Leaves with photographs are protected with tissue guards.
Photographs: approx. 10.5X6.5 cm. Good condition. Album: approx. 28.5X21 cm. Slight stains and blemishes to leaves. Tears and open tears at the margins of first leaves, last leaf (not affecting text) and tissue guards. Rubbings and blemishes to binding. Cloth spine (not original).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $600
Sold for: $2,250
Including buyer's premium
1. Approximately 50 photographs arranged in an album that apparently belonged to a Holocaust survivor at the Bad Reichenhall Displaced Persons Camp. Bad Reichenhall (Germany), ca. middle to late 1940s.
The photographs show, among other things: parades of the Shomer HaTza'ir movement, pupils at the entrance to the camp's Yavne school, classrooms, the kitchen staff, a blacksmiths' workshop, boxing matches, ping pong games, the football team, children in costumes in Purim spiels and other scenes.
One photograph is captioned by hand on its lower margins (Yiddish) and another is marked on the reverse with an ink stamp: Foto Weinstock, Block 1A Zl. 85.
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition. Stains and blemishes, mostly light. Album: approx. 23X31 cm. Stains and blemishes (mostly to first leaves and to binding). Holes to upper margins of front binding. Cloth strip glued to spine.
2. Approximately 130 photographs from the estate of Shlomo Kor, one of the leaders of the Betar movement at the displaced persons camps in Germany. Fuhrenwald, Landsberg, Munchenberg, Eschwege, Grunwald (Berlin), Poking and elsewhere, 1946-1947 (several photographs are from the pre-war years).
The photographs show, among other things: conventions, parades, sports competitions, visits by dignitaries, training exercises and other events held by Betar groups in the displaced persons camps. In addition, the collection contains a photograph of Ze'ev Jabotinsky signed on veso by some 30 Revisionist leaders; Eri Jabotinsky, Yohanan Bader, Binyamin Ze'ev von Weisl, Yosef Pa'amoni, Menahem Arber and others.
Some of the photographs are captioned by hand on verso (in Hebrew and Yiddish) and marked with ink stamps: "Foto: Ohev Zion, Landsberg"; Foto B. Berneman, Föhrenwald; Foto Oksenhorn, Munchenberg; and other stamps.
Enclosed: a letter of appreciation granted to Shlomo Kor on behalf of the United Brit HaTzohar, German Branch, on June 17, 1948. Signed in the hand of the branch members and with various ink stamps of the Betar Movement; receipt for the payment of a "Dinar" from the World Brit HaTzohar, granted to Kor in 1948; six illustrated tickets with portraits of Betar leaders; and a postcard of the 22nd Zionist Congress with a photograph of the city of Basel.
Size and condition varies. Good-fair overall condition.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
The photographs show, among other things: parades of the Shomer HaTza'ir movement, pupils at the entrance to the camp's Yavne school, classrooms, the kitchen staff, a blacksmiths' workshop, boxing matches, ping pong games, the football team, children in costumes in Purim spiels and other scenes.
One photograph is captioned by hand on its lower margins (Yiddish) and another is marked on the reverse with an ink stamp: Foto Weinstock, Block 1A Zl. 85.
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition. Stains and blemishes, mostly light. Album: approx. 23X31 cm. Stains and blemishes (mostly to first leaves and to binding). Holes to upper margins of front binding. Cloth strip glued to spine.
2. Approximately 130 photographs from the estate of Shlomo Kor, one of the leaders of the Betar movement at the displaced persons camps in Germany. Fuhrenwald, Landsberg, Munchenberg, Eschwege, Grunwald (Berlin), Poking and elsewhere, 1946-1947 (several photographs are from the pre-war years).
The photographs show, among other things: conventions, parades, sports competitions, visits by dignitaries, training exercises and other events held by Betar groups in the displaced persons camps. In addition, the collection contains a photograph of Ze'ev Jabotinsky signed on veso by some 30 Revisionist leaders; Eri Jabotinsky, Yohanan Bader, Binyamin Ze'ev von Weisl, Yosef Pa'amoni, Menahem Arber and others.
Some of the photographs are captioned by hand on verso (in Hebrew and Yiddish) and marked with ink stamps: "Foto: Ohev Zion, Landsberg"; Foto B. Berneman, Föhrenwald; Foto Oksenhorn, Munchenberg; and other stamps.
Enclosed: a letter of appreciation granted to Shlomo Kor on behalf of the United Brit HaTzohar, German Branch, on June 17, 1948. Signed in the hand of the branch members and with various ink stamps of the Betar Movement; receipt for the payment of a "Dinar" from the World Brit HaTzohar, granted to Kor in 1948; six illustrated tickets with portraits of Betar leaders; and a postcard of the 22nd Zionist Congress with a photograph of the city of Basel.
Size and condition varies. Good-fair overall condition.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $500
Diary written by an emissary of Mizrachi – Tora VeAvoda and Bne Akiva in Displaced Persons Camps in Germany. Hasenhecke, Fritzlar, Aschau and elsewhere, 1946-1947. German and some Hebrew.
The diary is typewritten on separate leaves (some printed on both sides) and it describes the experiences of the writer between December 1946 and September 1947. Mentioned in the diary are, among other things, a meeting with the camps' directors and representatives of UNRRA organization; the difficulty to find Kosher food; Jewish education in the camps; conflicts with Polish displaced persons in Fritzlar; riots by inmates protesting against the rationing of food, clothing and cigarettes; Psalms reading in a Jewish cemetery which survived the war; searching for volunteers for an agricultural training farm of Bne Akiva in Aschbach; numerous descriptions of the tough life in the camps; and other subjects. One of the diary's pages is printed in Hebrew, describing a spontaneous festivity in Aschau camp. On top of the leaf appears the title "the entire camp dances", and on the bottom - "Yosef Mayer" (presumably the author of this diary).
Enclosed: • A long letter (six pages), typewritten (with handwritten additions) on official stationery of "'Relig. Cion. Org. Mizrachi' – 'Tora W'Avoda' in Germany" and the Jewish Agency, by Yosef Mayer to his mother, dated 23.10.1946, branch of the Jewish Agency in B.A.O.R. (British Army of the Rhine) in Frankfurt. • Circular letter on behalf of "World Organization of 'Tora W'Avoda' Movement" addressed to emissaries of the movement asking them to submit material about the mission for the publication of a book. Dated 19.2.1950.
[20] leaves (32 printed pages. Errors in paginations), approx. 30.5 cm (some leaves are smaller). Good condition. Small tears at margins. Minor creases, stains and blemishes. A number of handwritten notes, some in Hebrew.
The diary is typewritten on separate leaves (some printed on both sides) and it describes the experiences of the writer between December 1946 and September 1947. Mentioned in the diary are, among other things, a meeting with the camps' directors and representatives of UNRRA organization; the difficulty to find Kosher food; Jewish education in the camps; conflicts with Polish displaced persons in Fritzlar; riots by inmates protesting against the rationing of food, clothing and cigarettes; Psalms reading in a Jewish cemetery which survived the war; searching for volunteers for an agricultural training farm of Bne Akiva in Aschbach; numerous descriptions of the tough life in the camps; and other subjects. One of the diary's pages is printed in Hebrew, describing a spontaneous festivity in Aschau camp. On top of the leaf appears the title "the entire camp dances", and on the bottom - "Yosef Mayer" (presumably the author of this diary).
Enclosed: • A long letter (six pages), typewritten (with handwritten additions) on official stationery of "'Relig. Cion. Org. Mizrachi' – 'Tora W'Avoda' in Germany" and the Jewish Agency, by Yosef Mayer to his mother, dated 23.10.1946, branch of the Jewish Agency in B.A.O.R. (British Army of the Rhine) in Frankfurt. • Circular letter on behalf of "World Organization of 'Tora W'Avoda' Movement" addressed to emissaries of the movement asking them to submit material about the mission for the publication of a book. Dated 19.2.1950.
[20] leaves (32 printed pages. Errors in paginations), approx. 30.5 cm (some leaves are smaller). Good condition. Small tears at margins. Minor creases, stains and blemishes. A number of handwritten notes, some in Hebrew.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah