Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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Displaying 25 - 36 of 405
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $600
"From Deportation to Cyprus (June 1946) to Operation 'P'dut' (February 1949)", "Photo-Studio L. Kougel, Haifa", photo album. [ca. 1949-1950].
Album with approx. 190 photographs (pasted to album's leaves), documenting the various stages in the "Cyprus Deportation": arrival of illegal immigrant ships from Europe to Palestine, arrest of immigrants and immigrants boarding the deportation ships, Cyprus and Atlit detention camps, and finally – operation "P'dut" – the transport of immigrants to Israel after the State of Israel was established.
The photographs portray, among others: Immigrants taken down from the ships Tel-Hai, Anzo Sireni, Henrietta Szold, Yagur, Bracha Fuld, Knesset Israel, Latroun, Haim Arlozoroff, Theodor Herzl, Shear Yashuv, Yetziat Europa 1947, Haganah, Birya, Palmach, Moledet, Haviva Reik, and other ships. • Life in Atlit detention camp – sewing course, babies ward, "Bikur Holim", and more. • Life in Cyprus detention camps – barracks in winter camps, dwelling tents, handicrafts of detainees, day of opening the gates and more. • Photographs of the last deportees arriving to Israel during Operation "P'dut", in January-February 1949 (on board of the ships Galila and Atzmaut). • and more.
The album is in its original binding; on the front appears the title in handwriting surrounded by a drawing of the Mediterranean basin, with Cyprus and Israel.
Enclosed: official envelope of Photo-Studio Kougel.
Photographs: approx. 8.5X6 cm. Album: 29X20.5 cm. Good overall condition. Some blemishes, creases and stains to photographs. Some tears and blemishes to margins of leaves. Tears to binding and spine (restored spine). Rear binding is detached. New tissue guards.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Album with approx. 190 photographs (pasted to album's leaves), documenting the various stages in the "Cyprus Deportation": arrival of illegal immigrant ships from Europe to Palestine, arrest of immigrants and immigrants boarding the deportation ships, Cyprus and Atlit detention camps, and finally – operation "P'dut" – the transport of immigrants to Israel after the State of Israel was established.
The photographs portray, among others: Immigrants taken down from the ships Tel-Hai, Anzo Sireni, Henrietta Szold, Yagur, Bracha Fuld, Knesset Israel, Latroun, Haim Arlozoroff, Theodor Herzl, Shear Yashuv, Yetziat Europa 1947, Haganah, Birya, Palmach, Moledet, Haviva Reik, and other ships. • Life in Atlit detention camp – sewing course, babies ward, "Bikur Holim", and more. • Life in Cyprus detention camps – barracks in winter camps, dwelling tents, handicrafts of detainees, day of opening the gates and more. • Photographs of the last deportees arriving to Israel during Operation "P'dut", in January-February 1949 (on board of the ships Galila and Atzmaut). • and more.
The album is in its original binding; on the front appears the title in handwriting surrounded by a drawing of the Mediterranean basin, with Cyprus and Israel.
Enclosed: official envelope of Photo-Studio Kougel.
Photographs: approx. 8.5X6 cm. Album: 29X20.5 cm. Good overall condition. Some blemishes, creases and stains to photographs. Some tears and blemishes to margins of leaves. Tears to binding and spine (restored spine). Rear binding is detached. New tissue guards.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $1,000
Approximately 65 photographs documenting the lives of inmates in Cyprus detention camps. Cyprus (a small number of photographs from Palestine), ca. 1947-1949.
Documented in the photographs, among others, are: tents and tin barracks, drawing water from water reservoirs, work in the field, sports competitions, cultural events, Zionist groups in the camp ("Agudat Yisrael", "Ichud HaNo'ar HaZioni", "Shurot HaMaginim", "HaMifal LeBitachon Ha'am BeMachanot Cafrisin" and others), singer Shoshana Damari's performance on 28.4.1948, one of the camp's children learning how to lay Tefilin, camp's gate burning after being set on fire by the detainees, an escape tunnel dug in one of the barracks, Rosh HaShanah 5709 (1948) festivities in a tent, immigrants crowded near the gate before their liberation, and more. A number of photographs document the detainees on their way to Israel (among them photographs of the ships Ocean Vigour, Empire Rival and Empire Rest).
In addition, the collection includes three souvenir cards from the detention camps, two with a photomontage of photographs from the camp and one with an illustration and a photograph.
Pasted on the back of eight photographs are press information notes. Some photographs are titled by hand on the back. Six photographs are titled in the plate, and three are signed in the plate "Foto Sa-Ra" (active in camp 67), and "Foto Pais".
Approx. 65 photographs, approx. 6X6 to 20X26 cm. (most photographs are small). Condition varies. Good overall condition. Some stains, creases and blemishes to some of the photographs.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Documented in the photographs, among others, are: tents and tin barracks, drawing water from water reservoirs, work in the field, sports competitions, cultural events, Zionist groups in the camp ("Agudat Yisrael", "Ichud HaNo'ar HaZioni", "Shurot HaMaginim", "HaMifal LeBitachon Ha'am BeMachanot Cafrisin" and others), singer Shoshana Damari's performance on 28.4.1948, one of the camp's children learning how to lay Tefilin, camp's gate burning after being set on fire by the detainees, an escape tunnel dug in one of the barracks, Rosh HaShanah 5709 (1948) festivities in a tent, immigrants crowded near the gate before their liberation, and more. A number of photographs document the detainees on their way to Israel (among them photographs of the ships Ocean Vigour, Empire Rival and Empire Rest).
In addition, the collection includes three souvenir cards from the detention camps, two with a photomontage of photographs from the camp and one with an illustration and a photograph.
Pasted on the back of eight photographs are press information notes. Some photographs are titled by hand on the back. Six photographs are titled in the plate, and three are signed in the plate "Foto Sa-Ra" (active in camp 67), and "Foto Pais".
Approx. 65 photographs, approx. 6X6 to 20X26 cm. (most photographs are small). Condition varies. Good overall condition. Some stains, creases and blemishes to some of the photographs.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Lot 27 "BeGerush Kafrisin" – Album with Prints from the Cyprus Detention Camps, 1948 – Naftali Bezem
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $700
"Begerush Kafrisin" [In the Cyprus Exile], album with twenty-six linocuts portraying the life of She'erit Hapletah in Cyprus detention camps, by art students, exiles in Cyprus, tutored by Naftali Bezem. Cyprus, [ca. 1948].
On the first leaf is a handwritten note: "this book was prepared by art students at the Instructors' seminar and was printed and bound by the students in 120 copies". A dedication appears on this page: "for Moshe Brachman, in memory of Cyprus days, with appreciation and respect, Baruch Rubinstein for the instructors' seminar in Cyprus camps. 1948". Brachman, one of the heads of the "Committee for Cyprus Exiles", visited the camps in March 1948.
The album opens with a short quote from the will and testament of Pinhas Rutenberg: "… We will be brothers in life, in creating, in action, and in building". On the following page is a short introduction: "Cyprus is one stop on the road of suffering en route to The Land of Israel. For Jews it meanes barbed wire fences, enforced idleness and being condemned to atrophy, but even within this reality, life is thriving. Of these it is told in this book by members of the camp of Israel in the Cyprus exile". These two leaves, and the list of prints appearing on the last leaf, are also linocuts.
The Pinchas Ruthenberg Seminar, financed by the JDC, operated in the Cyprus deportation camps from mid-1947 to 1949. The seminar offered diverse courses, and teachers were brought to Cyprus to instruct the classes. Among the teachers were artists (Naftali Bezem, Zeev Ben-Zvi and others) who instructed art workshops.
[29] leaves, 49 cm. Good-fair condition. Original binding with a linocut. Minor blemishes and stains. Tear to front endpaper. Loose binding. Stains, tears and blemishes to binding.
On the first leaf is a handwritten note: "this book was prepared by art students at the Instructors' seminar and was printed and bound by the students in 120 copies". A dedication appears on this page: "for Moshe Brachman, in memory of Cyprus days, with appreciation and respect, Baruch Rubinstein for the instructors' seminar in Cyprus camps. 1948". Brachman, one of the heads of the "Committee for Cyprus Exiles", visited the camps in March 1948.
The album opens with a short quote from the will and testament of Pinhas Rutenberg: "… We will be brothers in life, in creating, in action, and in building". On the following page is a short introduction: "Cyprus is one stop on the road of suffering en route to The Land of Israel. For Jews it meanes barbed wire fences, enforced idleness and being condemned to atrophy, but even within this reality, life is thriving. Of these it is told in this book by members of the camp of Israel in the Cyprus exile". These two leaves, and the list of prints appearing on the last leaf, are also linocuts.
The Pinchas Ruthenberg Seminar, financed by the JDC, operated in the Cyprus deportation camps from mid-1947 to 1949. The seminar offered diverse courses, and teachers were brought to Cyprus to instruct the classes. Among the teachers were artists (Naftali Bezem, Zeev Ben-Zvi and others) who instructed art workshops.
[29] leaves, 49 cm. Good-fair condition. Original binding with a linocut. Minor blemishes and stains. Tear to front endpaper. Loose binding. Stains, tears and blemishes to binding.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $600
Marriage ketubah from a detention camp in Cyprus, and a card with a photomontage of the married couple and photos of the camp. Cyprus, ca. 1948.
1. Ketubah recording the marriage of Moshe Ben Ya'akov and Esther Bat Yitzhak, from 15 February 1948. "On this date in the camp of Jewish detainees near the city of Dekhelia on the island of Cyprus".
Near the city of Dekhelia north of Larnaca were seven internment camps known as "Winter Camps". Due to the poor conditions, the ketubah was typewritten and mimeographed, on thin paper of poor quality. On the leaf's verso is an ink stamp of the "Chief Rabbinate, Cyprus", hand-signed by the secretary.
Approx. 30.5X23 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, folding marks and some holes (small, with no damage to text). Restored tears along folding marks and at the margins.
2. Souvenir card with a photomontage: photo of a young couple (presumably the couple whose names appear on the ketubah), surrounded by four photos of the camp.
6.5X9 cm. Good-fair condition. Creases and blemishes. Stains on verso.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
1. Ketubah recording the marriage of Moshe Ben Ya'akov and Esther Bat Yitzhak, from 15 February 1948. "On this date in the camp of Jewish detainees near the city of Dekhelia on the island of Cyprus".
Near the city of Dekhelia north of Larnaca were seven internment camps known as "Winter Camps". Due to the poor conditions, the ketubah was typewritten and mimeographed, on thin paper of poor quality. On the leaf's verso is an ink stamp of the "Chief Rabbinate, Cyprus", hand-signed by the secretary.
Approx. 30.5X23 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, folding marks and some holes (small, with no damage to text). Restored tears along folding marks and at the margins.
2. Souvenir card with a photomontage: photo of a young couple (presumably the couple whose names appear on the ketubah), surrounded by four photos of the camp.
6.5X9 cm. Good-fair condition. Creases and blemishes. Stains on verso.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $500
Souvenir plaque from Cyprus detention camps. [1946-1949].
Wood marquetry.
Seen on the plaque are a watch tower and the bridge which connected the two blocks of "Winter Camps" – detention camps no. 64-69 which were located on the east and west side of the Famagusta-Larnaca road. The word "Cyprus" is seen under the bridge.
Approx. 17X11 cm. Good condition. Slight damage to wood.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Wood marquetry.
Seen on the plaque are a watch tower and the bridge which connected the two blocks of "Winter Camps" – detention camps no. 64-69 which were located on the east and west side of the Famagusta-Larnaca road. The word "Cyprus" is seen under the bridge.
Approx. 17X11 cm. Good condition. Slight damage to wood.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $1,000
22 handwritten letters sent to Menachem Zaharoni by his uncle, Benjamin Yaroshevsky, a holocaust survivor. Most of the letters were sent from a detention camp in Cyprus, two from the detention camp in Atlit, and one from a DP camp in Bavaria. June 1946 to June 1947.
Mentioned in these letters are, among other topics, Yaroshevsky's grief after the holocaust, locating surviving relatives, sentiment of revenge against the German nation, the Zionist enterprise, David Ben-Gurion, life in the detention camp and the Jewish identity.
In early letters Yaroshevsky deals in detail with the holocaust using, often enough, a harsh and sharp language. In a letter dated 27 Heshvan, 1946, for example, he writes: "why were we slaughtered at the last minute? want to kick, to burn and to bomb the entire world…".
Further on the letters are focused on the future of Zionism and building the land. In a letter dated Nisan 13, 1947, it is written: "No point in crying and weeping, this way we shall not save and not be saved, it is a new era in our history, a period of life and work, of strengthening the people and gathering it to the land of its ancestors".
Two letters were sent from Atlit detention camp and they reflect Yaroshevsky's overwhelming excitement following his arrival in Palestine.
Total of 22 letters. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. Folding marks, stains and creases. Small tears at margins of a few letters and filing holes to one letter (not affecting text). One letter is cut width-wise and lacks the upper part. One letter is possibly lacking the top part.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Mentioned in these letters are, among other topics, Yaroshevsky's grief after the holocaust, locating surviving relatives, sentiment of revenge against the German nation, the Zionist enterprise, David Ben-Gurion, life in the detention camp and the Jewish identity.
In early letters Yaroshevsky deals in detail with the holocaust using, often enough, a harsh and sharp language. In a letter dated 27 Heshvan, 1946, for example, he writes: "why were we slaughtered at the last minute? want to kick, to burn and to bomb the entire world…".
Further on the letters are focused on the future of Zionism and building the land. In a letter dated Nisan 13, 1947, it is written: "No point in crying and weeping, this way we shall not save and not be saved, it is a new era in our history, a period of life and work, of strengthening the people and gathering it to the land of its ancestors".
Two letters were sent from Atlit detention camp and they reflect Yaroshevsky's overwhelming excitement following his arrival in Palestine.
Total of 22 letters. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. Folding marks, stains and creases. Small tears at margins of a few letters and filing holes to one letter (not affecting text). One letter is cut width-wise and lacks the upper part. One letter is possibly lacking the top part.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $700
A dozen photographs of detainees and policemen at the Atlit detention camp. 1940s.
Photos include: female illegal immigrants from the ship Haviva Reik hanging laundry on barbed-wire fences; nurses vaccinating new detainees at the camp; doctors from the Jewish Agency performing medical inspections; five photographs from the estate of a Jewish policeman posted at the camp – photographs with policemen, a photograph with illegal immigrants, planting a tree near the camp fence and more; photographic portraits of children held at the camp; and more.
Four of the photographs are press photos, with ink stamps of press agencies and printed information notes on verso (in English). One photograph is divided on the back to be used as a postcard, with a handwritten inscription: "Souvenir, clearance camp Atlit, 14.4.1942".
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition. Minor blemishes. One photograph with ink marks.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Photos include: female illegal immigrants from the ship Haviva Reik hanging laundry on barbed-wire fences; nurses vaccinating new detainees at the camp; doctors from the Jewish Agency performing medical inspections; five photographs from the estate of a Jewish policeman posted at the camp – photographs with policemen, a photograph with illegal immigrants, planting a tree near the camp fence and more; photographic portraits of children held at the camp; and more.
Four of the photographs are press photos, with ink stamps of press agencies and printed information notes on verso (in English). One photograph is divided on the back to be used as a postcard, with a handwritten inscription: "Souvenir, clearance camp Atlit, 14.4.1942".
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition. Minor blemishes. One photograph with ink marks.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $1,200
Approximately 50 broadsides, booklets, pamphlets and printed paper items by the Irgun (Etzel)and Lehi (most by the Irgun). Palestine (one item printed in New York), late 1930s to late 1940s.
• Eighteen broadsides and notices printed by the Irgun: an early broadside from 1939, calling for the release of Jewish prisoners from British jails; a sharply worded broadside from the "Saison" period condemning Haganah acts and threatening retaliation; a broadside from 1947 notifying the public of the British intention to execute Dov Gruner, and warning the British government that the sentence must not be carried out; a broadside from 1947 on behalf of the "Court of the Irgun", notifying the public of the execution of sergeants Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice; broadside from 1947 detailing the involvement of the Haganah organization in the explosion at the King David Hotel; broadside from 1947 notifying the public of the planting of landmines along train routes in Palestine, and warning Jewish and Arab citizens that they should avoid boarding trains; broadside addressed to the Scouts organization in Haifa, in an attempt to persuade members to join the Irgun rather than the Haganah; and more.
• A dozen paper labels and propaganda notes of the Irgun, with propaganda slogans and Biblical verses.
• Three Irgun posters, including a poster of the radio station "Kol Tsion HaLochemet" (Voice of Fighting Zion) from April 25, 1948, notifying the public of the beginning of daily news broadcasts.
• Mourning notice published following the execution of the "Olei HaGardom" Dov Gruner, Dov Rosenbaum [Yehiel Dresner], Mordecai Elkoshi [Elkahi] and Eliezer Kashani, on June 16, 1947.
• "Commanders' Anthology 2, Talks to New Recruits", printed booklet with instructions on how to conduct talks with new Irgun recruits: the organization's ambitions, its military nature, secrecy and other issues. Dedicated in print to the organization's commander David Raziel. Ca. 1940s.
• In Kenyan Exile, Daily Newspaper, Published in the Camp of Jewish Citizens in British Detention in Kenya. Issue no. 370 from May 30, 1948, with reports from the front of the War of Independence and a review of discussions at the Security Council.
• "Letter to Every Loyal Hebrew – to Every Young Organized Hebrew – in the Homeland", booklet by the Irgun and Lehi, typewritten and mimeographed, addressing the Jewish Yishuv and calling on it to avoid a civil war. Printed in Heshvan 1944.
• "Statements of the Accused in the Cairo Trial, whose Publication was Prohibited by the President of the Court", booklet by Lehi, typewritten and mimeographed, with the statements of the two assassins of Lord Moyne, Eliyahu Bet-Zuri and Eliyahu Hakim. Printed in 1945.
• HaHazit [The Front], the Lehi newspaper. Issue no. 18, from Nissan 1945.
• And more.
Enclosed: Broadside with a notice from High Commissioner Alan Cunningham, broadcast on the radio on June 30, 1946 following the explosion at the King David Hotel.
Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
• Eighteen broadsides and notices printed by the Irgun: an early broadside from 1939, calling for the release of Jewish prisoners from British jails; a sharply worded broadside from the "Saison" period condemning Haganah acts and threatening retaliation; a broadside from 1947 notifying the public of the British intention to execute Dov Gruner, and warning the British government that the sentence must not be carried out; a broadside from 1947 on behalf of the "Court of the Irgun", notifying the public of the execution of sergeants Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice; broadside from 1947 detailing the involvement of the Haganah organization in the explosion at the King David Hotel; broadside from 1947 notifying the public of the planting of landmines along train routes in Palestine, and warning Jewish and Arab citizens that they should avoid boarding trains; broadside addressed to the Scouts organization in Haifa, in an attempt to persuade members to join the Irgun rather than the Haganah; and more.
• A dozen paper labels and propaganda notes of the Irgun, with propaganda slogans and Biblical verses.
• Three Irgun posters, including a poster of the radio station "Kol Tsion HaLochemet" (Voice of Fighting Zion) from April 25, 1948, notifying the public of the beginning of daily news broadcasts.
• Mourning notice published following the execution of the "Olei HaGardom" Dov Gruner, Dov Rosenbaum [Yehiel Dresner], Mordecai Elkoshi [Elkahi] and Eliezer Kashani, on June 16, 1947.
• "Commanders' Anthology 2, Talks to New Recruits", printed booklet with instructions on how to conduct talks with new Irgun recruits: the organization's ambitions, its military nature, secrecy and other issues. Dedicated in print to the organization's commander David Raziel. Ca. 1940s.
• In Kenyan Exile, Daily Newspaper, Published in the Camp of Jewish Citizens in British Detention in Kenya. Issue no. 370 from May 30, 1948, with reports from the front of the War of Independence and a review of discussions at the Security Council.
• "Letter to Every Loyal Hebrew – to Every Young Organized Hebrew – in the Homeland", booklet by the Irgun and Lehi, typewritten and mimeographed, addressing the Jewish Yishuv and calling on it to avoid a civil war. Printed in Heshvan 1944.
• "Statements of the Accused in the Cairo Trial, whose Publication was Prohibited by the President of the Court", booklet by Lehi, typewritten and mimeographed, with the statements of the two assassins of Lord Moyne, Eliyahu Bet-Zuri and Eliyahu Hakim. Printed in 1945.
• HaHazit [The Front], the Lehi newspaper. Issue no. 18, from Nissan 1945.
• And more.
Enclosed: Broadside with a notice from High Commissioner Alan Cunningham, broadcast on the radio on June 30, 1946 following the explosion at the King David Hotel.
Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $500
Seven photographs of "Ole HaGardom" Avshalom Haviv and five photographs of his family members, during official memorial ceremonies. Jerusalem and other places, ca. 1930s through 1970s.
Among the photographs: a photograph of Avshalom with his family from his childhood; photograph of Avshalom and his sister Ruth, building a snowman on the roof of their house in Jerusalem; Avshalom in Palmach uniform on the beach; portrait photograph of Avshalom and his brother Israel; two photographs of Zalman Shazar shaking the hand of one family member (most probably Avshalom's father, Eliezer); two photographs of Menachem Begin and the family members; and more.
Two photographs appear in two copies. Six photographs are titled and dated on the back. Ink stamps on the back of three photographs.
Avshalom Haviv (1926-1947), Palmach and Etzel (Irgun) member, one of the ten underground activists sentenced to hanging by the British ("Olei HaGardon"). Haviv participated in numerous operations (among them the release of illegal immigrants from Atlit detention camp, attack on British secret police offices and bombing of the Goldschmidt British officers' club). On May 4, 1947 he was arrested together with four of his friends while breaking into the Acre prison. During his trial, Haviv refused to acknowledge the authority of the court, rejected the offer for legal defense and instead asked to read a long declaration, voicing his stands and beliefs. On July 29, at four o'clock in the morning, Haviv was taken from his cell and was led to the gallows singing "HaTikva".
Enclosed: three portrait photographs of Avshalom's brother, Israel Haviv; three invitations to ceremonies and official occasions in memory of "Olei HaGardom"; booklet commemorating "Olei HaGardom" issued by the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Municipality; certificate of appreciation on behalf of "Misdar al shem Zeev Jaborinsky" awarded to the author Aryeh Eshel, following the publication of his book about Avshalom.
12 photographs (two appear in two copies). Size and condition vary. Good overall condition. Stains and blemishes (mostly slight). One photograph has four pinholes at the corners.
Among the photographs: a photograph of Avshalom with his family from his childhood; photograph of Avshalom and his sister Ruth, building a snowman on the roof of their house in Jerusalem; Avshalom in Palmach uniform on the beach; portrait photograph of Avshalom and his brother Israel; two photographs of Zalman Shazar shaking the hand of one family member (most probably Avshalom's father, Eliezer); two photographs of Menachem Begin and the family members; and more.
Two photographs appear in two copies. Six photographs are titled and dated on the back. Ink stamps on the back of three photographs.
Avshalom Haviv (1926-1947), Palmach and Etzel (Irgun) member, one of the ten underground activists sentenced to hanging by the British ("Olei HaGardon"). Haviv participated in numerous operations (among them the release of illegal immigrants from Atlit detention camp, attack on British secret police offices and bombing of the Goldschmidt British officers' club). On May 4, 1947 he was arrested together with four of his friends while breaking into the Acre prison. During his trial, Haviv refused to acknowledge the authority of the court, rejected the offer for legal defense and instead asked to read a long declaration, voicing his stands and beliefs. On July 29, at four o'clock in the morning, Haviv was taken from his cell and was led to the gallows singing "HaTikva".
Enclosed: three portrait photographs of Avshalom's brother, Israel Haviv; three invitations to ceremonies and official occasions in memory of "Olei HaGardom"; booklet commemorating "Olei HaGardom" issued by the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Municipality; certificate of appreciation on behalf of "Misdar al shem Zeev Jaborinsky" awarded to the author Aryeh Eshel, following the publication of his book about Avshalom.
12 photographs (two appear in two copies). Size and condition vary. Good overall condition. Stains and blemishes (mostly slight). One photograph has four pinholes at the corners.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $500
1st. Infantry Division Report on "Operation Elephant", Palestine, 1947. Printed by Survey of Palestine, [Jerusalem?], April 1947.
"Operation Hippopotamus" and "Operation Elephant" were the names given by the British authorities to the military curfew imposed on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in response to actions by the Irgun and Lehi in the years 1946-1947. The operation, meticulously planned months in advance, was meant to force the Jewish public to hand in members of these paramilitary groups. It included the cessation of bus traffic, closing of the courts, cessation of mail and telephone services and a prohibition on leaving one's home during night hours. Despite the operation, the paramilitary groups continued to carry out dozens of missions while the curfew was in place. On March 17, 1947, about two weeks after it began, the British decided to end the operation.
The present item is the official report written by the commanders of the First Infantry Division, the unit responsible for imposing the curfew, in April 1947. The report includes, among other things, a witness statement by Richard Gale, the division's commander; English translations of articles from Hebrew newspapers; a survey of the preliminary planning and the execution of the curfew; diagrams of central streets in Tel Aviv with markings of passageways and entrances; maps with markings of telephone switchboards near the major cities; a list of telephone numbers of Jewish institutions; and other topics. In addition, at the end of the report are three large maps showing the area of the curfew, the forces' arrangement, and places where the paramilitary groups were able to carry out operations against the British army.
At the beginning of the report is an illustrated title page showing an elephant wearing a policeman's hat, waving the unit's flag with his trunk.
Numbered with an ink stamp on the front cover: 134 (the end of the report contains instructions for distribution among the different units. According to these instructions, only 200 copies in total were printed). Printed on the front cover and on top of each page is the classification: Secret.
[2], 145 pp + [3] folded maps and [1] folded index, 30 cm. Good condition. Stains, creases and minor blemishes (mostly to cover). Small tears to seam between title page and following leaf. Small marginal tear to one of the maps.
"Operation Hippopotamus" and "Operation Elephant" were the names given by the British authorities to the military curfew imposed on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in response to actions by the Irgun and Lehi in the years 1946-1947. The operation, meticulously planned months in advance, was meant to force the Jewish public to hand in members of these paramilitary groups. It included the cessation of bus traffic, closing of the courts, cessation of mail and telephone services and a prohibition on leaving one's home during night hours. Despite the operation, the paramilitary groups continued to carry out dozens of missions while the curfew was in place. On March 17, 1947, about two weeks after it began, the British decided to end the operation.
The present item is the official report written by the commanders of the First Infantry Division, the unit responsible for imposing the curfew, in April 1947. The report includes, among other things, a witness statement by Richard Gale, the division's commander; English translations of articles from Hebrew newspapers; a survey of the preliminary planning and the execution of the curfew; diagrams of central streets in Tel Aviv with markings of passageways and entrances; maps with markings of telephone switchboards near the major cities; a list of telephone numbers of Jewish institutions; and other topics. In addition, at the end of the report are three large maps showing the area of the curfew, the forces' arrangement, and places where the paramilitary groups were able to carry out operations against the British army.
At the beginning of the report is an illustrated title page showing an elephant wearing a policeman's hat, waving the unit's flag with his trunk.
Numbered with an ink stamp on the front cover: 134 (the end of the report contains instructions for distribution among the different units. According to these instructions, only 200 copies in total were printed). Printed on the front cover and on top of each page is the classification: Secret.
[2], 145 pp + [3] folded maps and [1] folded index, 30 cm. Good condition. Stains, creases and minor blemishes (mostly to cover). Small tears to seam between title page and following leaf. Small marginal tear to one of the maps.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $800
Eighteen letters, telegrams, photographs and paper items from the internment camps of Irgun and Lehi exiles in Africa. Gilgil (Kenya), Asmara (Eritrea), Carthago (Sudan), Tel Aviv and Johannesburg, 1945-1948 [most of the letters are from the camp at Gilgil, from 1948].
Items include:
• Letter from May 11, 1945, sent by eleven mayors of Jewish cities and towns in Palestine to the High Commissioner John Vereker, with an urgent request to transfer the inmates of the African camps back to Palestine. Stamped with ink stamps and signed by each of the mayors of the following cities: Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Rishon LeTzion, Petah Tikva, Petah Tikva (rural area), Bat Yam, Kfar Saba, Holon, Ra'anana, Herzliya and Afula. Typewritten on official stationery of the "Union of Local Councils".
• Letter from March 28, 1948, sent by the "camp representative" at Gilgil, Shmuel M. Katzenelson (Shmuel Tamir) to a member of the Tel Aviv Municipality, H. Ariav. The letter expresses the apprehension of the detainees following the arrival in Kenya of the English officer Roy Farran, murderer of Alexander Rubowitz, accompanied by two deserters from the English army.
• Four handwritten letters sent by detainees at the Gilgil camp to Palestine in February-April 1948. The letters concern life in the camps, receiving newspapers and news from Palestine, sports competitions, the visit to the camp by Chief Rabbi of South Africa Louis Isaac Rabinowitz, and other topics. One of the letters is addressed to the "Le'Asireinu" ("For Our Prisoners") Society (which assisted Jewish prisoners and detainees), concerning the "disappearance" of moneys sent to detainees.
• Telegram sent from Tel Aviv in March 1948 by Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz to the Jewish inmates at Gilgil camp. The telegram tells of a U.N. resolution to return the inmates to Palestine no later than May 15, 1948.
• Certificate issued to Irgun member Chaim Tsines on behalf of the "Exile Camp Representatives". The certificate attests that Tsines "was detained at the Zion Exiles camp in Kenya and left for the homeland with the last exiles". It is dated on the bottom: "Eve of the closing of the Gilgil exile camp, 27 Sivan [June 4] 1948". Marked with an ink stamp of the "Directorate of the Jewish Exile Camp, Kenya".
• In Exile at Asmara, Quarantine Camp, Asmara, Eritrea. 22 Nissan (April 23) 1946. Issue no. 124. Single leaf in handwriting, in newspaper format – review of an attack on military camps and courts in Palestine, report on the proposal to return Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini to Lebanon, the burial of one of the detainees and other topics. Written on the reverse of a certificate used by the Italian army.
• In Exile in Sudan [...] Cathago Internment Camp, Sudan Desert. 4 Nissan (March 18) 1945. Issue no. 38 (107). Two leaves, typewritten and mimeographed, in newspaper format – review of the capture of detainees who had escaped from the camp, the inauguration of a Torah scroll at the camp synagogue, news from the war fronts in Europe and other topics.
• Two uncut sheets, one in Hebrew and the other in English, of notes with propaganda slogans protesting the deportation of Jews to African camps.
• Two group photographs of detainees at the Asmara camp.
• And more.
Enclosed: two envelopes of letters sent by detainees at the Gilgil camp in 1948, one to Palestine and the other to Paris.
Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains. Folding marks, filing holes, tears and open tears (mostly small and restored) to some items.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Items include:
• Letter from May 11, 1945, sent by eleven mayors of Jewish cities and towns in Palestine to the High Commissioner John Vereker, with an urgent request to transfer the inmates of the African camps back to Palestine. Stamped with ink stamps and signed by each of the mayors of the following cities: Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Rishon LeTzion, Petah Tikva, Petah Tikva (rural area), Bat Yam, Kfar Saba, Holon, Ra'anana, Herzliya and Afula. Typewritten on official stationery of the "Union of Local Councils".
• Letter from March 28, 1948, sent by the "camp representative" at Gilgil, Shmuel M. Katzenelson (Shmuel Tamir) to a member of the Tel Aviv Municipality, H. Ariav. The letter expresses the apprehension of the detainees following the arrival in Kenya of the English officer Roy Farran, murderer of Alexander Rubowitz, accompanied by two deserters from the English army.
• Four handwritten letters sent by detainees at the Gilgil camp to Palestine in February-April 1948. The letters concern life in the camps, receiving newspapers and news from Palestine, sports competitions, the visit to the camp by Chief Rabbi of South Africa Louis Isaac Rabinowitz, and other topics. One of the letters is addressed to the "Le'Asireinu" ("For Our Prisoners") Society (which assisted Jewish prisoners and detainees), concerning the "disappearance" of moneys sent to detainees.
• Telegram sent from Tel Aviv in March 1948 by Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz to the Jewish inmates at Gilgil camp. The telegram tells of a U.N. resolution to return the inmates to Palestine no later than May 15, 1948.
• Certificate issued to Irgun member Chaim Tsines on behalf of the "Exile Camp Representatives". The certificate attests that Tsines "was detained at the Zion Exiles camp in Kenya and left for the homeland with the last exiles". It is dated on the bottom: "Eve of the closing of the Gilgil exile camp, 27 Sivan [June 4] 1948". Marked with an ink stamp of the "Directorate of the Jewish Exile Camp, Kenya".
• In Exile at Asmara, Quarantine Camp, Asmara, Eritrea. 22 Nissan (April 23) 1946. Issue no. 124. Single leaf in handwriting, in newspaper format – review of an attack on military camps and courts in Palestine, report on the proposal to return Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini to Lebanon, the burial of one of the detainees and other topics. Written on the reverse of a certificate used by the Italian army.
• In Exile in Sudan [...] Cathago Internment Camp, Sudan Desert. 4 Nissan (March 18) 1945. Issue no. 38 (107). Two leaves, typewritten and mimeographed, in newspaper format – review of the capture of detainees who had escaped from the camp, the inauguration of a Torah scroll at the camp synagogue, news from the war fronts in Europe and other topics.
• Two uncut sheets, one in Hebrew and the other in English, of notes with propaganda slogans protesting the deportation of Jews to African camps.
• Two group photographs of detainees at the Asmara camp.
• And more.
Enclosed: two envelopes of letters sent by detainees at the Gilgil camp in 1948, one to Palestine and the other to Paris.
Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains. Folding marks, filing holes, tears and open tears (mostly small and restored) to some items.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel
Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
January 22, 2019
Opening: $500
Sefer HaMa'atzar VeHagalut (Shalosh Shanim LeGalutenu) [The Book of Detention and Exile (three years to our exile)] / "Badad" – periodical for philosophy and literature. "Detention camp of Jews in exile", Gilgil, Kenya, 1947.
Thick book, mimeographed, with illustrations, diagrams, charts, sheet music, appendices and maps. A comprehensive study of the three years spent by the Etzel and Lehi exiles in detention camps in Africa.
A handwritten note to David Linivsky (Niv), one of the book's editors, was bound in the book. The note reads: "To David Linivsky from Rivka and Moshe Ben-Gal (Bachar), 'Good Luck'!!! 11.7.49".
321, [4] leaves + [3] photograph plates. Leaves 11 and 301 were bound twice. 33 cm. Some stains and markings in pen. Creases. Some tears at margins of leaves. Rough tears at margins of two leaves, affecting the text. Creases and tears to cover. The cover is restored, cloth spine.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Thick book, mimeographed, with illustrations, diagrams, charts, sheet music, appendices and maps. A comprehensive study of the three years spent by the Etzel and Lehi exiles in detention camps in Africa.
A handwritten note to David Linivsky (Niv), one of the book's editors, was bound in the book. The note reads: "To David Linivsky from Rivka and Moshe Ben-Gal (Bachar), 'Good Luck'!!! 11.7.49".
321, [4] leaves + [3] photograph plates. Leaves 11 and 301 were bound twice. 33 cm. Some stains and markings in pen. Creases. Some tears at margins of leaves. Rough tears at margins of two leaves, affecting the text. Creases and tears to cover. The cover is restored, cloth spine.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Palestine, Ha'apala (Illegal Immigration), the British Mandate, the Establishment of the State of Israel