Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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80 issues of the journal of the Poalei Zion party for She'erit Hapletah (Holocaust survivors) in Germany, edited by the author and Zionist leader Mordechai Kroshnitz. The issues include articles and news items about important current events: illegal immigrant ships, Betar and Irgun activities in displaced-persons camps, the U.N. resolution regarding the Partition Plan, battles of the War of Independence, and an issue from Iyar 5, 1948 (May 14, 1948) announcing the the establishment of the State of Israel and other topics. Numerous pictures.
First volume: issues nos. 1-35, approx. 45 cm. Second volume: issues nos. 36-80, approx. 51.5 cm. Condition varies between issues. Good overall condition. Minor blemishes, mostly to margins. Slightly worn bindings, with rubbing and tears to spines and edges.
1. Wyzwolenie [Liberation], newspaper published by the Central Council of Poalei Zion in Poland. Lodz, May 15, 1948. Issue no. 1. Polish.
Printed at the top of the first page is the title: "Long live the Jewish State – The State of Israel!". The issue includes: photographs of Mapai members who participated in the People's Council – David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharet, Eliezer Kaplan and David Remez; photographs of Haganah soldiers; an excerpt from a speech delivered by David Ben Gurion; and more.
4 pp, 47 cm. Fair condition. Folding marks. Tears to margins, along folding marks and to seam between the leaves. Stains. Torn and detached strip at the bottom of both leaves as a result of folding (without damage to text). Thin and brittle paper.
2. Befreiung [Liberation], newspaper published by the "Organ fun der Yid. Zionistisch-Socialisticher Arbater Partie Poalei Zion Hitachdut in Polin" [Poalei Zion in Poland]. Lodz, May 15, 1948. Issue no. 10. Yiddish.
Opening the issue is a blessing for the establishment of the state, "We Bless the first Jewish Government". On the first page is an illustration of a soldier waving a flag; beneath him is a map of Palestine. The illustration accompanies an essay by A. S. Yuris (Avraham Shmuel Yuris) – "Der Chalom fun Dorot".
4 pp, 47 cm. Fair-good condition. Folding marks. Tears and open tears to margins, along folding marks and to seam between the leaves, some of them restored. Stains. Filing holes at the top. Pages partly detached. Thin and brittle paper.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Headline of this issue: "Vision of generations comes true: State of Israel is established".
4 pp, approx. 58 cm. Fair-good condition. Creases, stains and folding marks. Some tears and pinholes at margins and along the folding marks (mostly slight).
This was the first poster to be printed by the Provisional Government.
The poster calls upon the inhabitants of the state to enlist for the defense of the homeland and to work for its welfare: "At a time of supreme trial, at a time of malicious attack by our enemies, the Provisional Government is taking the rule of Israel into its hands"; "We have been thrust into a cruel war. But let us remember: Citizens who belong to the Arab nation will continue to live within the borders of our state - and many of them find this war abhorrent. We are obliged to uphold their rights, the equal rights of citizens. We seek peace. We stretch out our hands to them as partners in building the homeland. Citizens! Let us uphold the honor of our young state. Each one of us maintains it with his behavior, his good character and his integrity. Each person is responsible for its security and its future".
61.5X95 cm. Good condition. Folding marks, creases and minor blemishes. Some stains. A few tears, mostly at the margins and folding marks, some open (one open tear affects text). The entire poster is mounted on thin acid-free paper.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
The State Establishment Order was the first legal document of the State of Israel, drawn up by the People's Council and People's Administration a few hours prior to the Declaration of Independence. The document was formulated at a meeting held at the JNF House in Tel Aviv (the same meeting in which the decision was taken to establish the State of Israel, and the formulation of the Declaration of Independence was agreed upon), and it regulates the operation of the three branches of the new state: "the Government" (the executive branch), "the Legislature" (the legislative branch) and "the Law" (the judicial branch). In addition, the document addresses the establishment of courts, a police force, budgets and other issues.
The present document is the order's seventh draft, typewritten and mimeographed, and it includes several amendments and erasures in pencil.
[6] leaves, 33 cm. Good condition. Creases to corners and bottom margins. Some stains. Small tears to margins, restored. A note in pen at the top of the first page.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
1. Day Order – "Integration of Etzel Batallions with IDF" [May 1948]. The order encourages Etzel fighters to join IDF and notes that they will join as units. The order also announces that Etzel will continue to fight in Jerusalem as a separate force. 31.5 cm. Good condition. Creases, stains and folding marks. Some tears at margins and folding marks, repaired with adhesive tape.
2. "Day Order for Etzel Fighters", dated June 24, 1948. The organization announces that following the shelling of the weapons ship (Altalena) the fighters will not enlist as units; individuals are not prevented from enlisting. 25.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Folding marks and creases. Filing holes.
3. "Day Order for Oath Day", June 28, 1948. A day order on behalf of Palmach headquarters on the occasion of its fighters swearing in to IDF; ending: "Palmach will continue and participate in enforcing IDF…". 30 cm. Good condition. Stains. Creases. Tears at margins, repaired with adhesive tape.
4. Day order – "IDF Oath Day", 28.6.48. Signed in print by Chief of Staff Ya'akov Dostrovsky [Dori]. The order ends with the words "Military ethics, loyalty and devotion to the nation…. will be the 'pillar of fire' leading IDF" (Hebrew). 30 cm. Good condition. Creases and stains.
5. "IDF Oath", a military form with the text of the oath. The name of the soldier, Ezra Kadir, and the date 28.6.48 are written on the form. 24.5 cm. Good condition. Creases and stains.
6. "Defense-Forces", a booklet issued on IDF Oath Day, 28.6.48, by IDF Culture Department. 16 pp, 12 cm. Good condition. Pen inscriptions.
7. Printed badge with the IDF emblem and the inscription "IDF oath day…". Diameter: 3.5 cm. Fair condition. Tears and blemishes.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
The instructions specify the date, goal and framework of the ceremony. Its aim was also to collect soldiers' personal details, for which census forms were attached to be filled in by the soldiers.
[6] leaves, 33 cm. Good condition. Stains and folding marks. Tears and pinholes to margins (some restored).
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
1. "Day Order – Liberation of the Galilee" dated October 31, 1948.
2-5. Four leaves of "Battle Bulletin" published by the South Front headquarters, from December 28, 1948 to January 6, 1949.
6. Day Order issued by Regiment 9 headquarters, concerning Operation Lot (operation carried out by the Negev brigade aimed at widening the Israeli control over the eastern Negev and opening a land road to Sdom). November 25, 1948.
7. Day Order – Operation Horev, on behalf of South Front headquarters. December 22, 1948.
8-9. Two Day Orders issued by Brigade 12 headquarters, dated December 23, 1948 and March 5, 1949. The first order concerns Operation Horev.
10. "Passage permit" for IDF soldiers. A printed permit (in Hebrew and Arabic) concerning capturing soldiers, and granting the bearer the right to "cross Israeli lines". On the back of this permit appears a short conversation manual – Hebrew-Arabic – for basic words like "water", "first aid", "weapon" and more. The permit is signed in print by Chief of Staff Ya'akov Dori.
11. Broadside explaining the symbols on Iraqi and Egyptian aircrafts and instructing the soldiers to use any weapon to attack them and report their appearance as fast as possible.
12. Hebrew broadside distributed by the Egyptian army over settlements in the Negev on May 15, 1948, calling the settlers to "quietly disarm, raise a white flag, and hand in all their ammunition…".
13. Broadside in Arabic calling Syrian soldiers to stop fighting. Signed: "IDF".
Size varies. Good overall condition. Stains and creases. Slight tears at margins of some items.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
Twenty-one booklets, photographs and paper items documenting the activities of the provisional institutions for the establishment of the State of Israel. Tel Aviv and elsewhere, ca. 1948-1949.
Seven booklets, including: • People's Administration sheet, with directives and notices. Tel Aviv, 1 Iyar (May 10) 1948. • People's Council. Tel Aviv, 7 Iyar (May 16) 1948, "Printed with permission of the Provisional Government". Protocols of the four sessions of the People's Council, which took place between May 4th and May 14th. • Provisional People's Council, first session. Tel Aviv, 7 Iyar (May 16) 1948. Protocol booklet. • Makeup of the Provisional People's Council and its committees. [Tel Aviv?], Kislev (December) 1948. Booklet detailing the members of eleven committees of the Provisional People's Council: the defense committee, the constitutional committee, the state emblem and flag committee and other committees. • Records: The legal codex, issue no. 1. [Tel Aviv], 17 February 1949. • And more.
Three documents: • Order of the Constitutional Assembly (declaration of delegates) for 1949. Typewritten and mimeographed draft for the swearing-in procedure of the delegates of the State of Israel's Constituent Assembly. Includes one amendment in handwriting. • Declaration of the delegates of the Constituent Assembly. Typewritten and mimeographed note with the final version of the swearing-in text (apparently distributed to the delegates at the ceremony). • Currency order for 1948.
Seven photographs from sessions of the provisional councils, including: • Three photographs from the swearing-in ceremony of Chaim Weizmann as president of the Provisional State Council on September 30, 1948 (Chaim Weizmann's speech, David Ben Gurion's speech and Yosef Sprinzak's speech). • Two photographs from the swearing-in ceremony of Chaim Weizmann as President of the State of Israel, on February 17, 1949, attended by David Ben Gurion, Moshe Dayan, rabbis and ministers and other dignitaries (the photographs are identical; one is in a large format). • And more.
Four souvenir items: • Pin commemorating the establishment of the State of Israel, designed in the shape of the "Partition Plan" with the inscription: "State of Israel, 5 Iyar 1948". • "Musical postcard" (45 RPM) with a recording of the Declaration of Independence ceremony and "HaTikvah". • Souvenir card published by The Grand Rapids Press newspaper: on one side is an illustration of an Israeli family waving the Israeli flag, and on the other is a photograph of the newspaper issue reporting on the declaration. • "Shana Tova" card with a picture from the swearing-in ceremony of Chaim Weizmann as President of Israel.
Enclosed: • Announcement of the Chief Commander of the Irgun to the People of Zion. [Jerusalem, ca. 1948]. "Broadcast on 6 Iyar (May 15) 1948, on 'Kol HaHerut', the broadcasting station of the Irgun". • Letter from July 1, 1948 from Otte Wallish to the representative of Keren HaYesod regarding the Israeli flags and the portrait of Theodor Herzl lent by Keren HaYesod (apparently with regard to the flags and portrait hung in the hall during the Declaration of Independence).
Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains. Filing holes, creases and blemishes (mostly minor). Tears and restored tears to part of the items. Three missing pages at the end of the session of the Provisional State Council protocol booklet
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.
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