Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Printed leaf containing an appeal for the community of Zülz, Silesia after its synagogue burnt down. With a Signature of R. Koppel, son of R. Yona, Dayan in Zülz. [Breslau?, Silesia (today Poland)], Cheshvan 1769.
The leaf begins with a report of the fire in Zülz, which consumed the synagogue and some of the Jewish houses. It continues with the community leaders' request to send donations to R. Yitzchak Yosef Teomim, Rabbi of Breslau and Silesia.
The date 17th Cheshvan 1769 is printed at the end of the leaf, followed by the printed signatures of the rabbi of Zülz, R. Tzvi Hirsh son of R. Avraham, and another ten of the town's dayanim and community leaders. A handwritten signature was added close to the printed signatures: "Koppel son of R. Yona, dayan of this community". An additional section was printed subsequently with a further appeal from the Breslau community, dated 24th Cheshvan 1769, followed by the printed signatures of respected members of the Breslau community. Heading the list of signees is "Yitzchak Yosef son of the great Torah scholar R. Chaim Yona Teomim, rabbi of [Breslau] and Silesia". At the foot of this section, a handwritten signature was added: "Moshe son of R. Uri Shraga Veibish, community leader of the province, with the consent of the other community leaders".
The verso of the leaf contains inscriptions in Hebrew and German (the leaf was presumably folded and sent by post).
[1] leaf, [2] pages. 43X34 cm. Good condition. Thick paper. Stains and wear. Folding marks. Remnants of wax seals.
The leaf begins with a report of the fire in Zülz, which consumed the synagogue and some of the Jewish houses. It continues with the community leaders' request to send donations to R. Yitzchak Yosef Teomim, Rabbi of Breslau and Silesia.
The date 17th Cheshvan 1769 is printed at the end of the leaf, followed by the printed signatures of the rabbi of Zülz, R. Tzvi Hirsh son of R. Avraham, and another ten of the town's dayanim and community leaders. A handwritten signature was added close to the printed signatures: "Koppel son of R. Yona, dayan of this community". An additional section was printed subsequently with a further appeal from the Breslau community, dated 24th Cheshvan 1769, followed by the printed signatures of respected members of the Breslau community. Heading the list of signees is "Yitzchak Yosef son of the great Torah scholar R. Chaim Yona Teomim, rabbi of [Breslau] and Silesia". At the foot of this section, a handwritten signature was added: "Moshe son of R. Uri Shraga Veibish, community leader of the province, with the consent of the other community leaders".
The verso of the leaf contains inscriptions in Hebrew and German (the leaf was presumably folded and sent by post).
[1] leaf, [2] pages. 43X34 cm. Good condition. Thick paper. Stains and wear. Folding marks. Remnants of wax seals.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $500
Sold for: $938
Including buyer's premium
Two printed proclamations calling for help following the fire which destroyed houses and Jewish institutes in the city of Lissa in 1790.
· Large printed proclamation, "The sound of wailing… from Heaven, He sent fire… our large city Lissa! It consumed their possessions and multiple belongings… The four large synagogues besides the smaller ones… were consumed by fire and the large Beit Midrash…". This call for help to restore the Lissa community bears the [printed] signatures of Lissa rabbis, supplemented by a printed recommendation by the Rabbi of the city of Breslau and community dignitaries. Breslau, [1791].
[1] page. 34X43. Fair-good condition. Stains, folding marks, tears to edges.
· Proclamation printed on both sides, "The sound of wailing…", a call to help restore the Lithuanian community after the fire. A similar account as in the previous item opens the proclamation followed by a request to send charity funds to the Berlin or Breslau communities. [Printed] signatures of Lissa rabbis, with a printed recommendation of the rabbi of Berlin and community dignitaries. [Berlin? 1791]. This leaf is bibliographically unlisted.
[2] pages. 23X36 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
· Large printed proclamation, "The sound of wailing… from Heaven, He sent fire… our large city Lissa! It consumed their possessions and multiple belongings… The four large synagogues besides the smaller ones… were consumed by fire and the large Beit Midrash…". This call for help to restore the Lissa community bears the [printed] signatures of Lissa rabbis, supplemented by a printed recommendation by the Rabbi of the city of Breslau and community dignitaries. Breslau, [1791].
[1] page. 34X43. Fair-good condition. Stains, folding marks, tears to edges.
· Proclamation printed on both sides, "The sound of wailing…", a call to help restore the Lithuanian community after the fire. A similar account as in the previous item opens the proclamation followed by a request to send charity funds to the Berlin or Breslau communities. [Printed] signatures of Lissa rabbis, with a printed recommendation of the rabbi of Berlin and community dignitaries. [Berlin? 1791]. This leaf is bibliographically unlisted.
[2] pages. 23X36 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $500
Printed leaf, "Prayer by… the Rabbi of our community Rabbi Yechezkel Landau to recite daily… for the success of Her Majesty Queen Maria Theresa and for the success of her husband the mighty Emperor… Here in Prague, they have begun to recite it in all the synagogues, Sunday 10th of Elul 1756". Prague, [1756/7].
Large broadside, printed on one side in two columns. The right column is the prayer composed by the Nodah B'Yehuda for the success of the Empress and the left column is a long "Cherem Gadol" (ban) [in Yiddish incorporated with Hebrew] announced by the Nodah B'Yehuda on the 29th of Kislev 1757, "before the Torah scrolls and with shofar blowing and candles extinguished in the presence of all community members". This ban was announced in the Altneu Synagogue in the course of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), obligating all the community members to be faithful to Empress Maria Theresa and to pray for her welfare and for peace to the country, with heavy curses upon all who act against the monarchy.
[1] leaf, 34.5X43 cm. Fair condition. Stains, ink-stains. Folding marks. Wear and tears, particularly to folding marks, slightly affecting text in a few places.
Large broadside, printed on one side in two columns. The right column is the prayer composed by the Nodah B'Yehuda for the success of the Empress and the left column is a long "Cherem Gadol" (ban) [in Yiddish incorporated with Hebrew] announced by the Nodah B'Yehuda on the 29th of Kislev 1757, "before the Torah scrolls and with shofar blowing and candles extinguished in the presence of all community members". This ban was announced in the Altneu Synagogue in the course of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), obligating all the community members to be faithful to Empress Maria Theresa and to pray for her welfare and for peace to the country, with heavy curses upon all who act against the monarchy.
[1] leaf, 34.5X43 cm. Fair condition. Stains, ink-stains. Folding marks. Wear and tears, particularly to folding marks, slightly affecting text in a few places.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $300
Printed pamphlet, "Shevua M'Capital" [oath regarding property]. [Prague, 18th century]. Two copies on one sheet of paper which was not cut at printing.
Printed on both sides, square vowelized script.
Contains a long version of a Beit Din oath, in Yiddish, with a declaration of the value of the assets possessed by the person taking the oath [to determine his contribution to community taxes, according to the regulations of the Nodah B’Yehuda] with reference to Prague and its Beit Din on verso. The leaf contains a separate version of the oath for women.
Leaf, [2] pages. 36 cm. Good-fair condition. Wear and tears to edges. Folding marks.
Printed on both sides, square vowelized script.
Contains a long version of a Beit Din oath, in Yiddish, with a declaration of the value of the assets possessed by the person taking the oath [to determine his contribution to community taxes, according to the regulations of the Nodah B’Yehuda] with reference to Prague and its Beit Din on verso. The leaf contains a separate version of the oath for women.
Leaf, [2] pages. 36 cm. Good-fair condition. Wear and tears to edges. Folding marks.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $500
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
Proclamation to the Jewish community, issued by the "Assembly of Jewish Notables, citizens of France and Italy", in preparation for the Grand Sanhedrin. Paris, October 6, 1806. Hebrew and French, on facing columns.
Printed proclamation, addressing "Our brethren, Adat Yeshurun", issued by the Assembly of Notables of the Jewish communities of France and Italy, to encourage participation in the Grand Sanhedrin.
The proclamation depicts at length the great importance of the "Sanhedrin of Paris", and the glory of Napoleon, their imperial protector.
On May 30, 1806, following a wave of antisemitism which hit the Alsace-Lorraine region, the Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, gathered an assembly of notables, rabbis and Jewish community leaders of France and Italy. Twelve questions were presented before the assembly to assess their identification with the French Empire, and particularly to determine whether Jewish law contradicts French Law. The responses, which expressed the Jewish people's connection to France, satisfied Napoleon, who wished to give these answers judicial validity and use them as the basis for the legislation of the Jews' status. He therefore convened another, exclusive assembly, of rabbis and Jewish notables - the "Grand Sanhedrin". The Sanhedrin authorized the conclusions of the Assembly and thereby allegedly gave them halachic validity.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book lists copies of this proclamation with Italian and German translations only, and does not list a French translation. The catalogue of the NLI also only contains copies in these two languages.
[4] pages (sheet folded in two). 35.5 cm. Good condition. Light stains. Folding marks and creases.
Printed proclamation, addressing "Our brethren, Adat Yeshurun", issued by the Assembly of Notables of the Jewish communities of France and Italy, to encourage participation in the Grand Sanhedrin.
The proclamation depicts at length the great importance of the "Sanhedrin of Paris", and the glory of Napoleon, their imperial protector.
On May 30, 1806, following a wave of antisemitism which hit the Alsace-Lorraine region, the Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, gathered an assembly of notables, rabbis and Jewish community leaders of France and Italy. Twelve questions were presented before the assembly to assess their identification with the French Empire, and particularly to determine whether Jewish law contradicts French Law. The responses, which expressed the Jewish people's connection to France, satisfied Napoleon, who wished to give these answers judicial validity and use them as the basis for the legislation of the Jews' status. He therefore convened another, exclusive assembly, of rabbis and Jewish notables - the "Grand Sanhedrin". The Sanhedrin authorized the conclusions of the Assembly and thereby allegedly gave them halachic validity.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book lists copies of this proclamation with Italian and German translations only, and does not list a French translation. The catalogue of the NLI also only contains copies in these two languages.
[4] pages (sheet folded in two). 35.5 cm. Good condition. Light stains. Folding marks and creases.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $300
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Naakat Yisrael booklet, "Composition including Psalms, prayers and some words of reproach… to pray for the cessation of the Cholera disease", by R. Tzvi Kahana Rapaport. Rödelheim, 1831.
Booklet of prayers and supplications in response to the Cholera epidemic which spread in various countries in Europe.
16 pages. 17 cm. Blueish paper. Good condition. Light stains. Some of the leaves are detached. New paper cover.
Not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
Booklet of prayers and supplications in response to the Cholera epidemic which spread in various countries in Europe.
16 pages. 17 cm. Blueish paper. Good condition. Light stains. Some of the leaves are detached. New paper cover.
Not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $300
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
Old Vilna cemetery, two photographs, by an unknown photographer. [Early 20th century].
Two photographs of the old Vilna cemetery before it was destroyed during WWII.
1. Photograph of the ohel (gravesite) of the Vilna Gaon with the inscription "HaGaon Rabbeinu Eliyahu". Other tombstones can be seen in the photo: the tombstone of the wife of the Vilna Gaon, the mutual tombstone of R. Eliyahu (Miles) and of R. Shlomo Zalman, father of the Vilna Gaon, tombstone of R. Shlomo Zalman [R. Zelme'le] of Volozhin (disciple of the Vilna Gaon and brother of R. Chaim Volozhin), tombstone of the father of R. Chaim of Volozhin and tombstones of other notables of the Vilna community.
11.5X17 cm. Good condition. Small open tear to the top right corner.
2. A wide angle photograph of the cemetery. The Gediminas Tower situated on the other side of the Neris River appears in the background. Two Jewish women in traditional attire are seen standing among the tombstones.
The Vilna Jewish cemetery is situated on the banks of the Neris River in Šnipiškės and is often called after the town. It is also known as the "Alter Feld" (old field) or Piramónt, after the adjacent estate. According to tradition, the Jews of Vilna began burying their dead in this cemetery in 1487 and ceased using it in 1830. The cemetery was destroyed by the Soviet authorities in 1949 and a sports stadium was constructed in its place. However, the authorities permitted removing the bones of the Vilna Gaon and the remains in other graves next to his and interring them in the new cemetery.
17X23 cm. Good condition. Open tears to the two right corners.
Two photographs of the old Vilna cemetery before it was destroyed during WWII.
1. Photograph of the ohel (gravesite) of the Vilna Gaon with the inscription "HaGaon Rabbeinu Eliyahu". Other tombstones can be seen in the photo: the tombstone of the wife of the Vilna Gaon, the mutual tombstone of R. Eliyahu (Miles) and of R. Shlomo Zalman, father of the Vilna Gaon, tombstone of R. Shlomo Zalman [R. Zelme'le] of Volozhin (disciple of the Vilna Gaon and brother of R. Chaim Volozhin), tombstone of the father of R. Chaim of Volozhin and tombstones of other notables of the Vilna community.
11.5X17 cm. Good condition. Small open tear to the top right corner.
2. A wide angle photograph of the cemetery. The Gediminas Tower situated on the other side of the Neris River appears in the background. Two Jewish women in traditional attire are seen standing among the tombstones.
The Vilna Jewish cemetery is situated on the banks of the Neris River in Šnipiškės and is often called after the town. It is also known as the "Alter Feld" (old field) or Piramónt, after the adjacent estate. According to tradition, the Jews of Vilna began burying their dead in this cemetery in 1487 and ceased using it in 1830. The cemetery was destroyed by the Soviet authorities in 1949 and a sports stadium was constructed in its place. However, the authorities permitted removing the bones of the Vilna Gaon and the remains in other graves next to his and interring them in the new cemetery.
17X23 cm. Good condition. Open tears to the two right corners.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $800
Grosse Jüdische National-Biographie, mit mehr als 8000 Lebensbeschreibungen namhafter jüdischer Männer und Frauen aller Zeiten und Länder (Great Jewish National Biography - biographical lexicon of Jewish personalities of all times and countries), by Salomon Wininger. Czernowitz (Chernivtsi): Orient, [1925-1936]. Seven volumes. In German.
Monumental work by Salomon Wininger (1877-1968), native of Bucovina. Wininger, who studied in Vienna's universities at the beginning of the century, was greatly impacted by the Zionist Movement and joined it. He wrote this lexicon to display the importance of the Jewish People to the world and to demonstrate the many great and famous personalities it produced: authors, poets, scientists, inventors, illustrious military leaders, etc. The lexicon contains more than 12,000 biographies, and includes personalities born to Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers, as well as those who were baptized at birth or later converted to another faith, in conformance with the author's assertion that "a Jewish head and Jewish blood endure forever".
Seven volumes. 24.5 cm. Good condition. Few stains. Original bindings.
Monumental work by Salomon Wininger (1877-1968), native of Bucovina. Wininger, who studied in Vienna's universities at the beginning of the century, was greatly impacted by the Zionist Movement and joined it. He wrote this lexicon to display the importance of the Jewish People to the world and to demonstrate the many great and famous personalities it produced: authors, poets, scientists, inventors, illustrious military leaders, etc. The lexicon contains more than 12,000 biographies, and includes personalities born to Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers, as well as those who were baptized at birth or later converted to another faith, in conformance with the author's assertion that "a Jewish head and Jewish blood endure forever".
Seven volumes. 24.5 cm. Good condition. Few stains. Original bindings.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides
Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
August 28, 2018
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Large collection of booklets and prayer leaves, for various occasions, by Jewish communities and institutes in England, 1871-1971.
Approximately 55 printed booklets and leaves. Most of them were printed in London, some in Manchester, Chelsey and Oxford.
Among them are prayers in honor of various events which took place during the history of the Jews of England and of the United Kingdom: Prayers for England's success during WWII and for the welfare of the British soldiers (for example: The Nazi War: Intercession prayer and pleas for the victory of our forces. London, 1940; A service of prayer and intercession in connection with the Second Anniversary of the Outbreak of Hostilities, London, 1941; etc.); Prayers connected to the Boer War in Africa (A prayer for Her Majesty's forces in South Africa. London, 1899; Thanksgiving service, on the occasion of the cessation of hostilities in South Africa and the conclusion of peace. London, 1902); prayers and ceremonies for various occasions in the life of the British Royal family (for example: Form of prayer, for the recovery of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and also on behalf of the Queen, the Princess of Wales and of all the royal family. London, 1872; Memorial service, on the occasion of the burial of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. London, 1901; etc.), eulogies and memorial services of rabbis and various notables, various occasions in the life of the Jewish communities (dedication of a synagogue, 10th anniversary of the State of Israel, etc.); more paper items.
Approximately 55 booklets and leaves. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition.
A detailed list will be sent upon request.
Approximately 55 printed booklets and leaves. Most of them were printed in London, some in Manchester, Chelsey and Oxford.
Among them are prayers in honor of various events which took place during the history of the Jews of England and of the United Kingdom: Prayers for England's success during WWII and for the welfare of the British soldiers (for example: The Nazi War: Intercession prayer and pleas for the victory of our forces. London, 1940; A service of prayer and intercession in connection with the Second Anniversary of the Outbreak of Hostilities, London, 1941; etc.); Prayers connected to the Boer War in Africa (A prayer for Her Majesty's forces in South Africa. London, 1899; Thanksgiving service, on the occasion of the cessation of hostilities in South Africa and the conclusion of peace. London, 1902); prayers and ceremonies for various occasions in the life of the British Royal family (for example: Form of prayer, for the recovery of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and also on behalf of the Queen, the Princess of Wales and of all the royal family. London, 1872; Memorial service, on the occasion of the burial of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. London, 1901; etc.), eulogies and memorial services of rabbis and various notables, various occasions in the life of the Jewish communities (dedication of a synagogue, 10th anniversary of the State of Israel, etc.); more paper items.
Approximately 55 booklets and leaves. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition.
A detailed list will be sent upon request.
Jewish Communities - Books and Broadsides