Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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Displaying 229 - 240 of 404
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
Two books of research on the Jewish communities in Nuremberg and Fürth, by Andreas Würfel (1718-1769). Bound together:
1. Historische Nachrichten von der Juden-Gemeinde welche ehehin in der Reichsstadt Nürnberg [Historical Information about the Jewish Community which formerly Existed in the Imperial City of Nuremberg], by Andreas Würfel. Nuremberg: Georg Peter Monath, 1755. German, Latin and some Hebrew.
A book on the Jewish community in Nuremberg in the Middle Ages. Contains historical facts as well as falsehoods and inaccuracies of an anti-Semitic nature.
Facing the title page is an impressive engraving: the top part shows the Jewish synagogue in Nuremberg. Beneath it are two rectangles showing Jewish figures wearing various traditional garments from the Middle Ages: weekday attire, a Jewish woman in Sabbath dress, and more.
The Hebrew texts incorporated in the book include: tombstone inscriptions from the Nuremberg cemetery and a "zichron edut" [testament] from 1426 listing the property and real estate bequeathed by Rabbi Uri Yekutiel to this son. [1] engraving, [3] leaves, 164 pp.
2. Historische Nachricht von der Judengemeinde in dem Hofmarkt Fürth unterhalb Nürnberg [Historical Information on the Jewish Community of Fürth], by Andreas Würfel. Frankfurt and Prague, 1754. German and some Hebrew. Two parts.
A book on the Jewish community of Fürth. The Hebrew texts incorporated in the book include tombstone inscriptions from the cemetery in Fürth. [2] leaves, 170 pp.
Volume 20 cm. Good condition. Stains, some dark. Binding with vellum spine and corners (damaged). Some loose pages.
1. Historische Nachrichten von der Juden-Gemeinde welche ehehin in der Reichsstadt Nürnberg [Historical Information about the Jewish Community which formerly Existed in the Imperial City of Nuremberg], by Andreas Würfel. Nuremberg: Georg Peter Monath, 1755. German, Latin and some Hebrew.
A book on the Jewish community in Nuremberg in the Middle Ages. Contains historical facts as well as falsehoods and inaccuracies of an anti-Semitic nature.
Facing the title page is an impressive engraving: the top part shows the Jewish synagogue in Nuremberg. Beneath it are two rectangles showing Jewish figures wearing various traditional garments from the Middle Ages: weekday attire, a Jewish woman in Sabbath dress, and more.
The Hebrew texts incorporated in the book include: tombstone inscriptions from the Nuremberg cemetery and a "zichron edut" [testament] from 1426 listing the property and real estate bequeathed by Rabbi Uri Yekutiel to this son. [1] engraving, [3] leaves, 164 pp.
2. Historische Nachricht von der Judengemeinde in dem Hofmarkt Fürth unterhalb Nürnberg [Historical Information on the Jewish Community of Fürth], by Andreas Würfel. Frankfurt and Prague, 1754. German and some Hebrew. Two parts.
A book on the Jewish community of Fürth. The Hebrew texts incorporated in the book include tombstone inscriptions from the cemetery in Fürth. [2] leaves, 170 pp.
Volume 20 cm. Good condition. Stains, some dark. Binding with vellum spine and corners (damaged). Some loose pages.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $1,200
Seder ha-Avodah le-Shabatoth ha-Shanah u-Mo’adei Mikra’ei Kodesh ke-Minhag Kahal Bayith Chadash asher be-Hamburg / Ordnung der öffentlichen Andacht für die Sabbath und festtage des ganzen Jahres, nach dem Gebrauche des Neuen Tempel Vereins in Hamburg [Service for Sabbath and festivals of the entire year according to the rite of the New Temple in Hamburg]. Published by S.I. Fränkel und M.I. Bresselau, Hamburg, 1891. Hebrew and German.
The first reform prayer book in Hebrew.
Reform Judaism originated in Germany and in central Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. One of the heralds of Reform Judaism was Israel Jacobson [to whom this prayer book is dedicated (in print)]. Jacobson was a Jewish-German banker and businessman who headed the Jewish Consistory of Westphalia (a body governing the Jewish matters of Westphalia in Germany), and in his capacity as head of the consistory introduced changes in the order of prayers and in Jewish customs. The first attempt to establish a reform synagogue was in 1810 in the town of Seesen near Hannover, but it did not last long. In 1815 reform services were held in private homes in Berlin, with shortened prayers, passages in German, a choir and organ accompaniment.
A reform congregation was founded in Hamburg in 1817, and in 1818 the Hamburg Temple, the first Reform Synagogue, was inaugurated. The prayer book offered here was printed there and is a "revised" prayer book that for the first time introduced changes in the Hebrew prayer version. Among other changes, passages of prayer for "Shivat Zion" (return to Zion) were omitted. The prayers in the Temple and the prayer book led to a fierce opposition on the part of rabbinical leadership, and as a reaction the book "Ele Divrei HaBrit" was published compiling Halachic responses by leading European rabbis who ruled that changing the order of prayers is absolutely forbidden.
Bound at the end of the prayer book is a document of four pages on behalf of Die Direction des Neuen-Tempel-Vereins (directorship of the New Synagogue Union) titled "Bekanntmachung" [announcement] with printed regulations concerning conduct in the synagogue and during prayer (including regulations concerning the choir, donations, Azkarat Neshamot, confirmation ceremony, and more).
X, 356, 65-108, [4] pp, 19.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains and tears. Adhesive tape to some leaves. Several leaves restored with paper. Lacking spine. Detached binding. First signature and last ten leaves are partly detached. Ink stamps. Inscription in pen on Hebrew title page.
The first reform prayer book in Hebrew.
Reform Judaism originated in Germany and in central Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. One of the heralds of Reform Judaism was Israel Jacobson [to whom this prayer book is dedicated (in print)]. Jacobson was a Jewish-German banker and businessman who headed the Jewish Consistory of Westphalia (a body governing the Jewish matters of Westphalia in Germany), and in his capacity as head of the consistory introduced changes in the order of prayers and in Jewish customs. The first attempt to establish a reform synagogue was in 1810 in the town of Seesen near Hannover, but it did not last long. In 1815 reform services were held in private homes in Berlin, with shortened prayers, passages in German, a choir and organ accompaniment.
A reform congregation was founded in Hamburg in 1817, and in 1818 the Hamburg Temple, the first Reform Synagogue, was inaugurated. The prayer book offered here was printed there and is a "revised" prayer book that for the first time introduced changes in the Hebrew prayer version. Among other changes, passages of prayer for "Shivat Zion" (return to Zion) were omitted. The prayers in the Temple and the prayer book led to a fierce opposition on the part of rabbinical leadership, and as a reaction the book "Ele Divrei HaBrit" was published compiling Halachic responses by leading European rabbis who ruled that changing the order of prayers is absolutely forbidden.
Bound at the end of the prayer book is a document of four pages on behalf of Die Direction des Neuen-Tempel-Vereins (directorship of the New Synagogue Union) titled "Bekanntmachung" [announcement] with printed regulations concerning conduct in the synagogue and during prayer (including regulations concerning the choir, donations, Azkarat Neshamot, confirmation ceremony, and more).
X, 356, 65-108, [4] pp, 19.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains and tears. Adhesive tape to some leaves. Several leaves restored with paper. Lacking spine. Detached binding. First signature and last ten leaves are partly detached. Ink stamps. Inscription in pen on Hebrew title page.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $400
Two volumes of issues of the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums [The General Newspaper of Judaism], edited by Ludwig Philippson. Leipzig, 1837-1838. German.
Volume I: issues 1-116 from the first year, May-December 1837. Volume II: issues 1-155 from the second year, January-December 1838 + issues of the literary supplement Homiletisches und Literarisches Beiblatt.
At the beginning of the first volume is a dedication signed in the hand of the periodical's founder and editor, Yehuda Ludwig Philippson, from 1838. Philippson (1811-1889) was a Reform Rabbi, writer and translator. His works include a German translation of the Bible.
Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, a Jewish-German periodical published from 1837 to 1922 and dedicated to subjects from the Jewish world, particularly German Jewry. The periodical's founder and editor in its first years, Ludwig Philippson, sought to deepen the Jews' historical knowledge about their own people and to address all of the fields relevant to the Jewish community. The issues address general and Jewish history, politics, religion, philology and literature. The periodical's contributors during its first years included Gabriel Riesser, Leopold Zunz, Adolf Jellinek and many others.
Volume I: [2] leaves, 464 pp. Volume II: [2] leaves, 626 pp + issues of the literary supplement. 25 cm. Condition varies. Stains. Stamps on title-page of volume I. Worn bindings.
Volume I: issues 1-116 from the first year, May-December 1837. Volume II: issues 1-155 from the second year, January-December 1838 + issues of the literary supplement Homiletisches und Literarisches Beiblatt.
At the beginning of the first volume is a dedication signed in the hand of the periodical's founder and editor, Yehuda Ludwig Philippson, from 1838. Philippson (1811-1889) was a Reform Rabbi, writer and translator. His works include a German translation of the Bible.
Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, a Jewish-German periodical published from 1837 to 1922 and dedicated to subjects from the Jewish world, particularly German Jewry. The periodical's founder and editor in its first years, Ludwig Philippson, sought to deepen the Jews' historical knowledge about their own people and to address all of the fields relevant to the Jewish community. The issues address general and Jewish history, politics, religion, philology and literature. The periodical's contributors during its first years included Gabriel Riesser, Leopold Zunz, Adolf Jellinek and many others.
Volume I: [2] leaves, 464 pp. Volume II: [2] leaves, 626 pp + issues of the literary supplement. 25 cm. Condition varies. Stains. Stamps on title-page of volume I. Worn bindings.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $500
Two decrees regarding the Jews of Bohemia, issued by Francis II, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in the years 1792-1806 (from 1806 he was Francis I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary and Bohemia). Vienna, 1798 and 1808. German and Czech (in facing columns).
The two decrees concern the annulment of taxes imposed on the Jews of Bohemia, and the imposition of new taxes.
Decree from 1798: [10] pp, 33 cm; 1808 decree: [26] pp, 33 cm. Good condition. Stains and some creases.
The two decrees concern the annulment of taxes imposed on the Jews of Bohemia, and the imposition of new taxes.
Decree from 1798: [10] pp, 33 cm; 1808 decree: [26] pp, 33 cm. Good condition. Stains and some creases.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Ehren-Blatt, printed certificate of appreciation for two members of the Austrian parliament - Dr. Bloch (apparently, Rabbi Joseph Samuel Bloch) and Prof. Zucker (Alois Zucker) - acknowledging their contribution to the struggle against anti-Semitism. Published by Josef Abeles; Philipp & Wittasek printing press, Vienna, [1890]. German and some Hebrew.
Impressive color certificate granted to two members of the Austrian parliament. Printed in appreciation of speeches they delivered in 1890 in condemnation of anti-Semitism. Folded into a notebook-like booklet.
At the top of the certificate are three arches. On the middle arch is the inscription "Write this as a Memorial in a Book" (Exodus 17:14). Beneath it are blessings for the two and an illustration of a stone tomb bearing the inscription "And if a Man's Offering is a Sacrifice of Thanks" (based on Leviticus 3:1). Beneath the other two arches are the portraits of Dr. Bloch and Prof. Zucker.
The bottom of the certificate is printed with selected excerpts from Bloch's and Zucker's speeches (German). Surrounding the three arches and the speech fragments are Biblical verses (printed in Hebrew and German): "A Word in Season, How Good it is!" (Proverbs 15:23), "A Time to Keep Silence, and a Time to Speak" (Ecclesiastes 3:7), "My spirit which is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your children" (Isaiah 59:21), "Remove the Filthy Garments from Him" (Zechariah 3:4), and more.
Rabbi Dr. Joseph Samuel Bloch (1850-1923) was a rabbi, journalist and member of the Austrian parliament, known for his writings against anti-Semitism, particularly against the blood libels that spread in his time. Bloch was thrice elected to the Austrian parliament and actively promoted the interests of the Jewish community.
Prof. Alois Zucker (1842-1906), professor of law at the University of Prague, was elected to the Austrian parliament in 1885.
Sheet 83X56.5 cm, folded to a booklet, approx. 14X19 cm, with a cardboard binding (torn). Good-fair condition. Tears to margins and folding lines (some with damage to text). Folding lines reinforced with adhesive tape to verso.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Simon Cohen.
Impressive color certificate granted to two members of the Austrian parliament. Printed in appreciation of speeches they delivered in 1890 in condemnation of anti-Semitism. Folded into a notebook-like booklet.
At the top of the certificate are three arches. On the middle arch is the inscription "Write this as a Memorial in a Book" (Exodus 17:14). Beneath it are blessings for the two and an illustration of a stone tomb bearing the inscription "And if a Man's Offering is a Sacrifice of Thanks" (based on Leviticus 3:1). Beneath the other two arches are the portraits of Dr. Bloch and Prof. Zucker.
The bottom of the certificate is printed with selected excerpts from Bloch's and Zucker's speeches (German). Surrounding the three arches and the speech fragments are Biblical verses (printed in Hebrew and German): "A Word in Season, How Good it is!" (Proverbs 15:23), "A Time to Keep Silence, and a Time to Speak" (Ecclesiastes 3:7), "My spirit which is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your children" (Isaiah 59:21), "Remove the Filthy Garments from Him" (Zechariah 3:4), and more.
Rabbi Dr. Joseph Samuel Bloch (1850-1923) was a rabbi, journalist and member of the Austrian parliament, known for his writings against anti-Semitism, particularly against the blood libels that spread in his time. Bloch was thrice elected to the Austrian parliament and actively promoted the interests of the Jewish community.
Prof. Alois Zucker (1842-1906), professor of law at the University of Prague, was elected to the Austrian parliament in 1885.
Sheet 83X56.5 cm, folded to a booklet, approx. 14X19 cm, with a cardboard binding (torn). Good-fair condition. Tears to margins and folding lines (some with damage to text). Folding lines reinforced with adhesive tape to verso.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Simon Cohen.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $300
Originalaufnahmen vom Kriegsschauplatz 1914/1915. Portfolio with five prints of photographs of German Jews during World War I. Berlin: Louis Lamm, [ca. 1915]. German.
Five sheets with photographs (prints) in black and white, mounted on thick paper plates and accompanied by printed titles: Soldier conveying news of the war to Jews; Jews performing religious rituals on the battlefield; Jewish refugees in Warsaw; German soldier speaking with Jews; Three clerics in military service - a Jew, a Catholic and an Evangelist. On the front of the portfolio is an embossed Star of David, underneath which is the inscription "Fear the LORD and the king" (Proverbs).
Prints: 13.5X9 cm, portfolio: 22 cm. Good condition. Stains, creases and tears to portfolio. Portfolio reinforced with adhesive tape.
Five sheets with photographs (prints) in black and white, mounted on thick paper plates and accompanied by printed titles: Soldier conveying news of the war to Jews; Jews performing religious rituals on the battlefield; Jewish refugees in Warsaw; German soldier speaking with Jews; Three clerics in military service - a Jew, a Catholic and an Evangelist. On the front of the portfolio is an embossed Star of David, underneath which is the inscription "Fear the LORD and the king" (Proverbs).
Prints: 13.5X9 cm, portfolio: 22 cm. Good condition. Stains, creases and tears to portfolio. Portfolio reinforced with adhesive tape.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $3,000
Sold for: $4,250
Including buyer's premium
About 980 letters and postal items, from the archive of the Bing family of bankers. Hannover, Munich, Frankfurt, Pressburg, Amsterdam, Paris, The Hague, London and other cities. Ca. 1820-1870. German, French, Dutch, Yiddish, Hungarian and Hebrew.
Collection of letters and correspondences from the archive of the Bing family, leading Jewish bankers in Europe in the 19th century, who had widespread contacts with the Jewish bankers community of the period, and with leaders of European Jewry. Among the items:
· Letters with greetings for the New Year 1872, from the Bamberger family, among them the family head Yitzchak Bamberger Halevi. · Two letters from Rabbi Shimon Bamberger written on his official stationery with his personal seal. · Three letters from Rabbi Leopold Löw, one of them on official stationery with embossing and wax seal. · Persoanl letter from Dr. Isaak Konigswarter. · Letters from family members Jonas and Henrietta Bing. · Correspondence with Jewish families of bankers, members of "Irgun HaPekidim veHa'amarchalim": Hollander-Lehren, Goldschmidt, Simon and others.
Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. Ink stamps, embossing and wax seals on numerous letters. Folding marks and creases. Stains and tears to some of the items.
Collection of letters and correspondences from the archive of the Bing family, leading Jewish bankers in Europe in the 19th century, who had widespread contacts with the Jewish bankers community of the period, and with leaders of European Jewry. Among the items:
· Letters with greetings for the New Year 1872, from the Bamberger family, among them the family head Yitzchak Bamberger Halevi. · Two letters from Rabbi Shimon Bamberger written on his official stationery with his personal seal. · Three letters from Rabbi Leopold Löw, one of them on official stationery with embossing and wax seal. · Persoanl letter from Dr. Isaak Konigswarter. · Letters from family members Jonas and Henrietta Bing. · Correspondence with Jewish families of bankers, members of "Irgun HaPekidim veHa'amarchalim": Hollander-Lehren, Goldschmidt, Simon and others.
Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. Ink stamps, embossing and wax seals on numerous letters. Folding marks and creases. Stains and tears to some of the items.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $400
Essai sur l’état actuel des Juifs de Pologne et leur perfectibilité [Essay Concerning the Present State of the Jews of Poland and their Perfectibility], [by Jacques Calmanson]. Warsaw, 1796. French.
Essay on the condition of the Jews of Poland, by Jacques Calmanson (1722-1811), a physician and member of the Polish Enlightenment. Calmanson was the private doctor of the King of Poland. In addition he translated works from Hebrew and Yiddish for the king and served as mediator between representatives of the Jewish communities and the King's secretary. He wrote the present essay following the occupation of Warsaw by the Prussians. Calmanson called for extensive changes in the Jewish community in Poland, criticizing the Jews' communal autonomy (particularly the rabbinical courts and their use to expel members from the community), and the rise of Chassidism in Poland.
[7] leaves, [1], 10-31, 16 pp, 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Creases and some tears. Open tears to bottom right corners of about 15 leaves, restored with paper (mostly without damage to text). The title page is cut and restored with paper. Cardboard binding, somewhat damaged (bound with back wrapper, front wrapper missing). Stamp on inner side of front cover and labels on the cover. Pen inscription, from the period, on the back wrapper (French).
Essay on the condition of the Jews of Poland, by Jacques Calmanson (1722-1811), a physician and member of the Polish Enlightenment. Calmanson was the private doctor of the King of Poland. In addition he translated works from Hebrew and Yiddish for the king and served as mediator between representatives of the Jewish communities and the King's secretary. He wrote the present essay following the occupation of Warsaw by the Prussians. Calmanson called for extensive changes in the Jewish community in Poland, criticizing the Jews' communal autonomy (particularly the rabbinical courts and their use to expel members from the community), and the rise of Chassidism in Poland.
[7] leaves, [1], 10-31, 16 pp, 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Creases and some tears. Open tears to bottom right corners of about 15 leaves, restored with paper (mostly without damage to text). The title page is cut and restored with paper. Cardboard binding, somewhat damaged (bound with back wrapper, front wrapper missing). Stamp on inner side of front cover and labels on the cover. Pen inscription, from the period, on the back wrapper (French).
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $400
Хроника Восхода (Khronika Voskhoda), weekly supplement of the Jewish-Russian newspaper Voskhod, edited by Adolph Landau. Volume containing issues of year 17: issues 1-52. St. Petersburg, January-December 1898. Russian and some Hebrew.
The issues contain news from Russia and from around the world (including items and articles on the Dreyfus Affair), articles on the Jewish community, Zionism, Hebrew literature and press, and more. The issues also contain many advertisements, some of them printed in Hebrew, advertising, among other things, Jewish businesses, publishing houses and journals (with ads of the tea company Wissotzky, Carmel Warsaw wine, the Hebrew newspaper Hashiloach, Tushiyah Press, and more).
1924 columns (two columns per page), 32 cm. Good condition. Stains and creases. Worming to first leaves. Some leaves partly detached. Tears to some leaves. Worn binding, almost entirely detached.
The issues contain news from Russia and from around the world (including items and articles on the Dreyfus Affair), articles on the Jewish community, Zionism, Hebrew literature and press, and more. The issues also contain many advertisements, some of them printed in Hebrew, advertising, among other things, Jewish businesses, publishing houses and journals (with ads of the tea company Wissotzky, Carmel Warsaw wine, the Hebrew newspaper Hashiloach, Tushiyah Press, and more).
1924 columns (two columns per page), 32 cm. Good condition. Stains and creases. Worming to first leaves. Some leaves partly detached. Tears to some leaves. Worn binding, almost entirely detached.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $500
Two informative posters printed in four languages: German, Polish, Lithuanian and Yiddish. [Vilna], 1915-1916.
1. Regulations regarding a correction of the ruble exchange rate, signed (in print) by Paul von Hindenburg, November 1915. In this period Hindenburg, later president of Germany, served as Generalfeldmarschall of the Imperial German Army. 29.5X72.5 cm. Good condition. Tears, creases and folding marks. Pastings. Stamp.
2. Regulations regarding the slaughter and castration of cattle, February 1916. 44.5X71 cm. Good condition. Tears, creases and folding marks. Pastings. Pencil markings on reverse. Stamps.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Simon Cohen.
1. Regulations regarding a correction of the ruble exchange rate, signed (in print) by Paul von Hindenburg, November 1915. In this period Hindenburg, later president of Germany, served as Generalfeldmarschall of the Imperial German Army. 29.5X72.5 cm. Good condition. Tears, creases and folding marks. Pastings. Stamp.
2. Regulations regarding the slaughter and castration of cattle, February 1916. 44.5X71 cm. Good condition. Tears, creases and folding marks. Pastings. Pencil markings on reverse. Stamps.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Simon Cohen.
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $600
Exquisite certificate on behalf of the Jewish Writers and Journalists Association in Bialystok, written on the occasion of the opening of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Bialystok, March 15, 1925. Handwritten, in black and gold ink, on parchment. Hebrew.
"The Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists in Bialystok (Poland) partakes with all its national sentiments in the exalted celebration of the opening of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The residents of Bialystok, where the first visionary of the idea of national revival, Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, and the first founder of the national university library, Dr. Joseph Chazanowicz, lived and worked [Joseph Chazanowicz (1844-1919), Jewish-Polish physician, one of the first Zionists. His book collection was the basis of the collection of the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem], can truly appreciate this historic day, when the light of the Torah and of science again dawns on the hills of Zion and Jerusalem, spreading its rays among all corners of our national home in Palestine, and from there to all the diasporas…"
The certificate is signed by twenty-six members of the Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists in Bialystok, including: A. S. Herschberg [Avraham Shmuel Hirschberg], Pesach Kaplan, Noah Zavlodovsky, A. S. Amiel, Aharon Berzinsky, Moshe Ben Zvi Wissotzky, and others.
47X32 cm. Good condition. Upper corners trimmed. Stains. Small tears at margins. A few missing pieces. Rolled and inserted in leather-covered cardboard case (damaged).
"The Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists in Bialystok (Poland) partakes with all its national sentiments in the exalted celebration of the opening of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The residents of Bialystok, where the first visionary of the idea of national revival, Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, and the first founder of the national university library, Dr. Joseph Chazanowicz, lived and worked [Joseph Chazanowicz (1844-1919), Jewish-Polish physician, one of the first Zionists. His book collection was the basis of the collection of the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem], can truly appreciate this historic day, when the light of the Torah and of science again dawns on the hills of Zion and Jerusalem, spreading its rays among all corners of our national home in Palestine, and from there to all the diasporas…"
The certificate is signed by twenty-six members of the Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists in Bialystok, including: A. S. Herschberg [Avraham Shmuel Hirschberg], Pesach Kaplan, Noah Zavlodovsky, A. S. Amiel, Aharon Berzinsky, Moshe Ben Zvi Wissotzky, and others.
47X32 cm. Good condition. Upper corners trimmed. Stains. Small tears at margins. A few missing pieces. Rolled and inserted in leather-covered cardboard case (damaged).
Jewish Communities, Americana
Auction 52 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
September 20, 2016
Opening: $400
Five booklets devoted to Birobidzhan, the capital of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in the Russian Far East.
1-4. Birobidzshan, shilderungen fun a rayze in Yuli-Oygust 1934 [Birobidzhan, descriptions from a trip in July-August 1934], by O. Perelman. Warsaw: Groszen-Bibljotek, 1934. Yiddish.
Four consecutive booklets, bound together. Photographs on the covers. One of the booklets contains a map of Birobidzhan. 255, [1] pp, 16 cm. Creases, stains and small tears to binding. Detached leaves.
5. Birobidzshan, an algemayne iberzikht fun dir Idisher avṭonomer gegnt [Birobidzhan, a general survey of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast], by David Bergelson and Emanuel Kozakevitch. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1939. Yiddish. 39, [1] pp, 14 cm. Stains. Creases and small tears.
1-4. Birobidzshan, shilderungen fun a rayze in Yuli-Oygust 1934 [Birobidzhan, descriptions from a trip in July-August 1934], by O. Perelman. Warsaw: Groszen-Bibljotek, 1934. Yiddish.
Four consecutive booklets, bound together. Photographs on the covers. One of the booklets contains a map of Birobidzhan. 255, [1] pp, 16 cm. Creases, stains and small tears to binding. Detached leaves.
5. Birobidzshan, an algemayne iberzikht fun dir Idisher avṭonomer gegnt [Birobidzhan, a general survey of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast], by David Bergelson and Emanuel Kozakevitch. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1939. Yiddish. 39, [1] pp, 14 cm. Stains. Creases and small tears.
Jewish Communities, Americana