Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 181 - 192 of 402
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $400
Sold for: $575
Including buyer's premium
Chavat Yair – Anecdotes, acronyms and initials, in alphabetical order. By Rabbi Avraham Cohen Fort. Venice, 1628. Printed by Giovanni Caleoni. 40 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition, wear and stains. Restoration with a piece of paper in the center of the title page. Handwritten inscriptions on title page margins.
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $400
Sold for: $575
Including buyer's premium
Ta'alumot Chochma, "Various compilations compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Ashkenazi from the large book which he began to write… Rabbi Yosef of Candia", Part 1 – including Bechinat HaDat by Rabbi Eliyahu del Medigo and Mitzraf L'Chochma by Rabbi Yosef Shlomo del Medigo (of Candia). [Hanau, 1629]. Title page for the entire book and two separate title pages for the books Bechinat HaDat and Mitzraf L'Chochma; (the title page of Bechinat HaDat was erroneously bound before the general title page). "Basilia" is falsely written as the place of printing on the two title pages. Additional works were added to Mitzraf L'Chochma: Shivchei Ha'Ari, Ma'amar Olam Katan, Kitzur Olam HaTikun, Seder Ha'Atzilut – Drush Adam Kadmon, Shever Yosef, Kabalat Maharari Srug, Igeret HaRamban, Igeret Teiman and Ma'amar Techiyat HaMetim. Ownership inscription on the title page of Bechinat HaDat: "Yitzchak Urbino bought this book from Chananya Yechiel Orkanilo… Pesaro". Apparently, this is Rabbi Yitzchak Shabtai Chaim Urbino (1675-1764), close disciple of the Rabach from whom he learned both the revealed and hidden Torah, together with his friend Rabbi Yeshaya Bassan. 10, 110 leaves. 17.5 cm. Fair condition. Worming (with damage to text), leaves restored with adhesive tape. Stains and wear.
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $2,000
Chochmat HaMazalot (Kalendarium Hebraicum), by Sebastian Munster. Basel, 1527. Printed by Iohannes Frobenius. Hebrew and Latin. A compilation of various compositions regarding the Hebrew calendar, historical chronicles, etc. They include: compilations from Seder Olam Zuta; compilations from the Kabbalistic book by Rabbi Avraham ben Rabbi David HaLevi; Book for finding New Moons and Tekufot...; routine leap years according to Rav Nachshon [Gaon]; the names of the constellations and the angels; etc. Some of the compositions are with a Latin translation (on facing pages). Includes woodcut illustrations. At the end of the book are two foldout plates with woodcut illustrations of the solar system. [7], 200, [16] pages, [2] folded leaves. 20.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, inscriptions. New leather binding, with damages.
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Manuscript, commentary of Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerondi on Tractate Avot. [Cursive Sephardi writing, 15th century?]. Begins with Chapter 2, Mishnah 3, until the end of the tractate (Completed praise to the Almighty). Contains variations from the regular printed editions (Berlin 1848 and other editions). These variations appear in the edition of Machon Torah Shleima (Jerusalem 1969). The manuscript is bound with: · A partial copy of Lechem Yehuda – a commentary on Tractate Avot, by Rabbi Yehuda Lirma. Savyonita, 1544. Printed by Tuvia Puah. · Manuscript, homiletics, novellae and articles – compilations from various books. Marrakech (Morocco), [1848]. Author's signature "Shlomo Banebashti" in several places. In the middle of the manuscript is an illustrated title page with the name of the author, the place and year. Manuscript of the Rabbeinu Yona commentary: [45] leaves. Moroccan manuscript: [49] leaves. Lechem Yehuda: Leaves 105-121 (originally: 163, [1] leaves). Leaves 81-104 are bound between Leaves 120-121. 19 cm. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Worming. Detached leaves. Unbound.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
Collection of leaf fragments removed from the Binding Geniza: · More than 15 leaf fragments, from a manuscript of an unidentified Hebrew composition on medical topics. [Sephardi writing, end of 14th century or beginning of the 15th century]. Watermarks on leaves correlate to paper produced in North Italy in the second half of the 14th century. · Fragments from an ancient manuscript of a Chumash with Targum (Scriptures and Targum, verse after verse), [ancient Oriental vowelized writing, 13th/14th century?]. · Fragments from a Yemenite manuscript. Approximately 20 leaf fragments, varied size and damages sustained by removal from binding.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,500
Collection of leaf fragments from ancient manuscripts, removed from the "Binding Geniza": · Two leaf fragments, sections from the book Arba'a Turim (one section of Choshen Mishpat, Siman 16, and sections of the indexes). [Spain? 14th/15th century]. · Two leaf fragments, sections of the Ramban commentary on the Torah (Parshat Ki Tisa – Shemot 30, 34 and Shemot 32, 18). [Spain? 14th/15th century]. · Leaf fragment, on one side is a Piyyut for the haftarah Asof Asifem (read on Tisha B’Av), by the Rashbetz and on the reverse side is the translation of the haftarah in Judeo-Arabic. [Algeria? 15th/16th century?]. · Leaf fragment, commentary [Ba’alei Tosfot?] on the Torah, Parshat Vayechi. [Oriental writing]. Six leaf fragments, varied size and damages sustained by binding.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Fragments of an ancient manuscript removed from the Binding Geniza. Commentary on the Rambam, laws of the impurity of tzara'at. Unidentified composition. Sephardi writing. [15th/16th century]. Written on one leaf: "I will begin to write the laws of the impurity of tzara'at with the assistance of He who gives man understanding". The watermarks on the leaves are similar to those which appear on paper produced in Europe in the second half of the 15th century and in the beginning of the 16th century. 18 leaf fragments, varying sizes. Various damages sustained by removal from binding. Provenance: Collection of David Frankel, NY.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Two parchment fragments from ancient manuscripts: · Handwritten parchment leaf, part of the book Melamed HaTalmidim, by Rabbi Ya'akov ben Abba Mari Antoli. [Italian writing, 14th/15th century]. Several parts of this manuscript exist in the Columbia University Library in NY. · Fragment of a handwritten leaf, Parshat VaYishlach of Bereshit. [Oriental writing, vowelized]. 2 parchment leaves, size and condition vary. Provenance: Collection of David Frankel, NY. See page 137.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $700
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
Large collection of manuscripts, leaves and composition fragments, pamphlets and prayer leaves, segulot and cures. From the collection of the collector David Frankel, NY. Among the items: · Leaf remnants of books of cures. Ancient Oriental writing, [16th/17th century]. · Pamphlet, "Prayer for rescinding wars". [Italy, during the Napoleon wars, turn of 18th and 19th centuries]. · Anthology of prayers and piyyutim for the High Holidays, for drought and a special prayer for "the emissaries of the Jewish people who are called and gather before our master, His Majesty the Emperor, show them how to respond" [Frankel writes: "this was apparently made up at the time the Sanhedrin gathered in Paris"]. [Beginning of the 19th century]. · Two handwritten leaves, piyyutim and prayers. Italian handwriting. Capped by the title "These verses were copied from the manuscript of R' K. Yehuda HeChassid". [19th century]. · Collection of leaves from various times. Segulot, hasba'ot and illustrations of practical Kabbalah. (Frankel wrote: "sections which originated in a very ancient geniza"). Oriental writing, [18th-20th centuries]. · Leaf remnants of the book Sefer Tuvia. (Frankel wrote that they originated from a "very ancient geniza in Persia"). [17th/18th centuries?], etc. A complete list is available upon request. 18 items, more than 100 leaves and leaf remnants. Size and condition vary.
Ancient Manuscripts
Lot 190 Collection of Ancient Manuscript Leaf Fragments – Yemen, 14th-16th Centuries and Other Times
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,188
Including buyer's premium
Collection of manuscript leaf fragments removed from the "Binding Geniza", including especially ancient leaves. [Yemen, 14th, 15th and 16th centuries and other times]. The collection contains: fragments from the Book of Melachim, vowelized and with Targum; fragment from the Taj with Targum (Shemot); fragment from the Haftara of Parshat Zachor and Para, with Targum; fragment from the Haftara of Ki Tisa, with Targum; fragment from Bereshit, with Targum; fragment from Devarim, with Targum; six fragments from the Torah with Mesorah; fragment from the Book of Yehoshua, with Aramaic Targum; leaf fragments of Vayikra, some vowelized and with the Mesorah; fragments from the Haftara of Chukat and Balak, with Mesorah; three fragments from Shemot and a fragment from Bamidbar, vowelized and with Mesorah; five leaf fragments of Selichot for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Some fragments have Babylonian nikud (Nikud Elyon). Approximately 30 leaves and leaf remnants. Size and condition vary, various damages sustained from removal from binding.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $600
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Leaf fragments from an ancient manuscript, removed from the Binding Geniza. Italian / Byzantine writing, [14th/15 century]. One leaf was identified as a part of Sefer HaChaim, a basic book of Ashkenazi Chassidim, attributed by some to Rabbi Eliezer of Worms, author of the Rokeach. The other leaves are from the Ramban's commentary on Bereshit and Shemot. 6 leaf fragments. Size and condition vary, various damages sustained by removal from the binding.
Ancient Manuscripts
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,063
Including buyer's premium
Five handwritten leaves, from Ibn Sina's The Canon of Medicine. Ancient Sephardi writing [by two writers]. [15th century]. Hebrew translation of The Canon of Medicine by the wise philosopher Ibn Sina, who had a great impact on Jewish scholars including the Rambam. [5] leaves. 30 cm. Fair condition. Stains, tears and worming. Bound.
Ancient Manuscripts