Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 193 - 204 of 402
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $2,000
Sold for: $3,500
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, novellae on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, laws of Nidah, laws of blood and salting meat, and ta'arovot (mixtures - kashrut). [Metz, c. 1740-1750]. Two pamphlets of Torah novellae bound together. Written by two writers, both disciples of Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz while in Metz. [Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz served as Rabbi of Metz from 1740-1750, thereafter he moved to serve in the Altona and Hamburg rabbinates]. At the beginning of the laws of Nidah is the title: "Explanations of the laws of Nidah from my teacher…Rabbi Yonatan Eybeschutz Av Beit Din of Metz". At the beginning of the laws of blood and salting is the title: "Novellae on halachot of blood and salting by R' Y. Av Beit Din of Metz". The novellae on the laws of Nidah are almost identical to the version printed in his book Kreiti V'Pleiti, but the novellae on the laws of blood and salting and ta'arovot are completely different from the printed version although the subject matter is similar and we are certain that this manuscript contains the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz written by one of his disciples in his lifetime. While editing his books Kreiti U'Pleiti and Urim V'Tumim, Rabbi Eybeschutz would be careful to arrange two editions of his novellae: First, Mahudura Kama and after inspecting the notebooks of his leading disciples who wrote his novellae, he would re-edit the topics in Mahadura Batra (second edition) from his own writings and his disciples' writings. [His other books: Ye'arot Dvash and the rest of his books of homiletics and Torah commentary were primarily written from disciples' notebooks]. This first pamphlet on the laws of Nidah is apparently the Mahadura Batra, since it matches the printed version. [The first pamphlet on the laws of Nidah is a copy – apparently from a manuscript of the author himself and it has the signs of a scribe's copy: omissions of mistakes of similar letters and copier's errors]. However, the second pamphlet on the laws of blood and salting and ta'arovot differs from the printed version and has novellae that had not been printed. The style of the language in this pamphlet is similar to the writing of Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz, apparently these are sections of the Mahadura Kama of his Kreiti U'Pleiti. Nonetheless, possibly this pamphlet is not a copy of his manuscript, but a copy of a notebook of a disciple who wrote his own thoughts. Rabbi Eybeschutz himself writes in his introduction to his disciples' notebooks that "Each one writes according to his understanding and ability". 41 leaves; 20 leaves (more than 120 written leaves). 22 cm. + two torn leaf fragments. Good-fair condition, wear and stains. Light worming. Without binding.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Three pamphlets of Torah novellae bound together, Torah novellae of Nikolsburg sages. Contains: Novellae in the name of the Chatam Sofer and Moravia sages. [Nikolsburg, c. 1825-1840]. The last two pamphlets have many stamps of Rebbe Zvi Hirsh Shapira Av Beit Din of Mukacheve. · Manuscript, Torah novellae on Tractate Bava Metziah, Chapter Ezehu Neshech, in the name of Rabbi Nachum Tribitch (1779-1842) Av Beit Din of Nikolsburg and Chief Rabbi of the region of Moravia and Silesia. [C. 1840]. · Manuscript, anthology on the Torah and treatise novellae. By Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Katz, a Nikolsburg Dayan. Added at the end are various anthologies in the name of sages of those times: Rabbi Baruch Yitlish a Prague physician, [author of Ta'am HaMelech], Rabbi Leberlin of Pohrlitz, from the Av Beit Din of Bzenec [Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Av Beit Din of Bzenec], from the Av Beit Din of Pressburg [author of the Chatam Sofer], and Rabbi Mordechai Bennet, Chief Rabbi of Nikolsburg and of Moravia and Hungary. Signatures of the writer Rabbi "Moshe Yelinek of Holešov”, [Nikolsburg, 1827-1829] – apparently, most of the manuscript was written by Rabbi Moshe Yelinek of Holešov, Moravia "at the time he was a student at the yeshiva" – Igrot Shapirin p. 176, Ot 37]. · Manuscript, novellae on Talmudic treatises and novellae on the Torah and Tehillim, by Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Cohen [Katz] Dayan in Nikolsburg. On the title page and last leaf are signature of the writer Rabbi "Moshe Yelinek of Holešov" disciple of Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Katz. [The dates of the writing appear on the title pages, in the colophon and in the titles of the articles: from 1825]. Approximately 40 leaves (62 written pages), varying size 22-24 cm. Good-fair condition, heavy wear and stains. New elaborate binding with vellum spine. Provenance: Library of manuscripts of Rebbe Zvi Hirsh Shapira author of Darkei Teshuva [he wrote in his letter from 1900 of "Manuscript which I had purchased from a man who bought it in Nikolsburg"], and his son the rebbe, author of Minchat Elazer of Mukacheve. [In the book Igrot Shapirin, pp. 173-178, is a list of manuscripts from the booklist of the author of the Minchat Elazar, and these manuscripts appear in that list under Ot 16 and Ot 37].
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Two letters with halachic responsa, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Eliyahu E.S. [Eisenstadter]. Derecske, 1859. The letters were addressed to his teacher Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, author of the Ktav Sofer. Rabbi Eliyahu Eisenstadter was born in Vilna, Lithuania. In his youth, he traveled to Hungary to study in the Pressburg Yeshiva headed by the Ktav Sofer. In 1852, he married his wife from the Heller family in Surány and from 1855 he served as first rabbi of the Derecske community in Hungary (Bihar district, near the city of Debrecen). He remained at that post for two decades and established all the community institutes, a yeshiva and elementary school. He exchanged halachic correspondence with his teacher, the Ktav Sofer [see the Ktav Sofer responsa, Orach Chaim, Siman 5; Yoreh Deah, Simanim 13, 146, 165; Even HaEzer Simanim 12, 13]. In the book, Shem HaGedolim M'Eretz Hagar, Rabbi Elya is described as a "Complete Tsaddik, famous Chassid, fasted from one Shabbat until the next". After his death in 1876, eulogies about him were printed in Tikun Shlomo, by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Shpitzer, and in Likutei Chaver ben Chaim, by Rabbi Feivel Plaut. His Torah novellae were never printed. 8 written pages, approx. 21 cm. Good-fair condition, worn.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $400
Manuscript, Ir Miklat, on the 613 mitzvot, by Rabbi David, Av Beit Din of Mainz, ben Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Zwoleń (Rabbi David Lida). Navahrudak, 1809. Decorated Title page. On the last leaves are mussar adages and various anthologies, a mussar play about physicians, the angel of death, and hell. On the last leaf is a long Yiddish text – a story about the Ba'al Shem Tov. Various signatures and ownership inscriptions: Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Vilenkin of Navahrudak (apparently, the manuscript copier), and Rabbi Binyamin Beinish Margalit of the city of Karlin [possibly, Rabbi Binyamin Beinish Margaliot of Navahrudak, illustrious son-in-law of Rabbi Eliyahu Ragoler, Av Beit Din of Kalisz]. [3], 2-55, [7] leaves. 20.5 cm. Fair condition, wear and stains, most of the manuscript is written on high-quality blue paper. Worn, damaged binding. The book Ir Miklat by Rabbi David Lida was first printed in Dyhernfurth in 1690 and in his book Yad Kol Bo, Frankfurt am Main, 1727.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, "Anthology – compiled from first and later Torah authorities dearer than gold and costly pearls", novellae on the Talmud and on the Maharsha, with a circumcision ledger, by Rabbi Shmuel Shub Perlberg. [Hungary, 1851-1884]. Thick volume, in attractive Ashkenazi writing. Ornamented title page, written on its margin: "Completed on Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, 1851". Although the words "compiled from first and later Torah authorities" are written on the title page, this seems to be an original composition, containing novellae on tractates heard or copied by the writer. The author, Rabbi Shmuel Shub Perlberg, born in Novy Dvor. From around 1860, he lived in Hungary. At the end of the volume is a circumcision ledger: Prayers for a Mohel and the Seder Milah, followed by records of circumcisions performed by the writer during 1862-1984 in various Hungarian villages. On the last pages are family records of Rabbi Shmuel Shub. [1], 223; 53, [13] leaves (approximately 290 written leaves and many empty leaves). 16 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear, detached leaf, some worming. Leather binding, used. Enclosed is an expert's authorization.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Bundle of handwritten leaves, halachic responsa and novellae on Talmudic treatises, handwritten by Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Eckstein, Dayan in Vác (Hungary). [c. 1830]. · Letter of responsum sent to the Chatam Sofer – "Responsum I have written to Rabbi Moshe Sofer Av Beit Din of Pressburg", on the laws of chametz which remained over Pesach. · "A question written to me by the rabbi…R' Yosef Av Beit Din of Warsaw, mechutan of…Rabbi Ya'akov Wetch, Av Beit Din of Serdeheli and now residing in Eretz Israel". · More novellae on various matters and responsa on the laws of terefot. Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Eckstein – called Rabbi Leib Ohen (c. 1810-Cheshvan 1866), son of Rabbi Simcha Eckstein dayan in Vác. Served as rabbi in Serdeheli, until he moved to succeed his father as Dayan in Vác. He exchanged halachic correspondence with the author of the Chatam Sofer, with Rabbi Yehuda Asad [who gave him very lofty titles – Mahari responsa Siman 124 and Siman 198], and with many other Hungarian rabbis. In 1861, with the approbation of Rabbi Yosef Shaul Natanson, he printed his work Kanfei Nesharim about the question of the new fowl. His sons and sons-in-law also served in the rabbinates of various Hungarian communities. One of his sons was Rabbi Avraham Eliezer Eckstein Dayan in Budapest [see next Item]. His Torah novellae were printed from his manuscripts in the book Lo Yasur Shevet M’Yehuda (Jerusalem, 1995) and in various anthologies (Pe’amei Ya’akov, Otzrot Yerushalayim, etc.). Apparently, most or all of the content of this manuscript has already been printed. 16 written pages, 39 cm. Good-fair condition, wear and stains, some worming.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $550
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, novellae of Talmudic treatises regarding various topics, and a signed letter of responsum, handwritten and signed by Rabbi "Avraham Eliezer" Eckstein. [Hungary, end of the 19th century]. Rabbi Avraham Eliezer Eckstein (1838-1908), was a prominent Hungarian rabbi, disciple of Rabbi Yirmiyahu Lev and the Maharam Ash. Son of Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Eckstein, Dayan in Vác [see previous item]. Served as Dayan and Ra'avad in Pest for 35 years in the Beit Din of Rabbi Chaim Sofer and Rabbi Koppel Reich who served as Av Beit Din in his days and asked Rabbi Eckstein's approval on every matter. The writings include copies of responsa, novellae on treatises, on Tractates Beitzah and Shabbat delivered in his discourses in the Beit Midrash of the Orthodox community of Budapest. 18 written pages, approximately 37 cm. Fair condition, much wear.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Bundle of handwritten leaves, novellae on Talmudic treatises, in the handwriting of Rabbi Yechizkiya Katz Av Beit Din of Beled. [Hungary, c. 1810s]. Rabbi Yechizkiya HaCohen Katz (died on Purim 1830), disciple of Rabbi Yosef Steinhart Av Beit Din of Furth, served as Rabbi of Gyömöre and after the founding of the Beled community [c. 1810], moved there to serve as Rabbi of Beled and the entire Győr region. He exchanged halachic correspondence with the author of the Chatam Sofer (see Chatam Sofer responsa, Yoreh Deah Siman 202 – wrote about him "The veteran rabbi filled with wisdom, outstanding among men…", Choshen Mishpat Siman 244). His son-in-law Rabbi Zelig Leib (Pinchas Yehuda) Pfeifer Av Beit Din of Kővágóörs and disciple of the Chatam Sofer (1806-1868, see next item). These novellae were printed from this manuscript in the book "Migdenot Chizkiyahu – Imrei Fi" (Bnei Brak, 2002). Approximately 17 written pages, 30 cm. Fair condition, wear and tears. Stains.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
A bundle of handwritten leaves, novellae on Talmudic treatises and on Aggadah, in the handwriting of Rabbi Pinchas Yehuda Zelig Leib Pfeifer Av Beit Din of Kővágóörs. [Hungary, c. 1830s]. Rabbi Pinchas Yehuda (Zelig Leib) Pfeifer (1806-1868), disciple of the Chatam Sofer, son-in-law of Rabbi Yechizkiya Katz Av Beit Din of Gyömöre (see previous item), served in the Kővágóörs rabbinate from c. 1832. These Torah novellae which he wrote were recently printed in the pamphlet Imrei Fi in the book Migdenot Yechizkiyahu' (Bnei Brak, 2002). His sons-in-law were: Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Hershler Av Beit Din of Szabadi who immigrated to Jerusalem, and Rabbi Avraham Eliezer Eckstein a Dayan in Budapest (see Item 199). Approximately 22 written pages, 36-37 cm. Greenish paper, fair condition, much wear and tears, stains.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, sermons on the Bible and on the Festivals. Rashi script [Poland-Germany?, ca. 1820s-1850s]. Unidentified author. Still, the sermons indicate that he was a rabbi who delivered these sermons in public and his style is based on mussar and Jewish philosophy books (Moreh Nevuchim, Chovot HaLevavot, Akedat Yitzchak, etc.). Here and there, he uses a few German-Yiddish words. Approximately 84 written pages. 19 cm. High quality greenish and white paper. Fair condition, wear with damage to text. The writing is faded on several pages. Stains, tears and worming. New fabric binding.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Collection of various manuscripts: · Novellae on Tractate Berachot. Unidentified author. Ashkenazi handwriting, [19th/20th century]. 10 written pages. · A complete handwritten composition. Novellae on the Talmud. This composition was copied by the author's son from his father's manuscripts. 8 pages are handwritten by the author himself, including copies of his correspondence with Rabbi Avraham Te'omim. Approximately 252 large written pages. · Handwritten leaf of homiletics. [Autographic Ashkenazi writing, c. 19th century]. 2 written pages. · Handwritten leaf, novellae for Parashat Chukat, in the name of the Vilna Gaon. [Ashkenazi handwriting, on flyleaf of Chumash, c. 19th century]. Four items, approximately 135 leaves. Size and condition vary.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Collection of handwritten notebooks, novellae by the Gaon, the Tzadik Rabbi Shabtai Sheftel Weiss, Av-Beit-Din of Nagysimonyi, author of "Hilchata Rabbata L'Shabta", on various matters – Halacha, Aggada and Talmudic matters, written by his disciple Rabbi Feivel Buchinger. [Nagysimonyi, Hungary, 1920s-1940s]. One notebook contains novellae on weekly Torah portions and the Bible. Written at the beginning: "Torah novellae that----Rebbe of Nagysimonyi and copies of letters which I got from him". One notebook on the Talmud. In other notebooks, novellae on treatises, various matters and sermons. At the beginning of one notebook: "Third Kuntress of novellae by the Rebbe of Nagysimonyi…". In one of the notebooks appears copy of a letter of gratitude "for the exalted rabbi…R' Naftali Zvi Katz Schwartz" [Av-Beit-Din of Mad]. · Enclosed is a letter from Rabbi Raphael Shmuel Weiss, son of the Tzadik of Nagysimonyi. Weiss writes about the manuscripts and tells about his father and his family. Jamaica, 1954. The holy Gaon Rabbi Shabtai Sheftel Weiss (1866-1944, Otzar HaRabanim 18058 a), a foremost Gaon and Tzadik who performed wonders. One of the great Hungarian rabbis. Disciple of the "Shevet Sofer". Served as Rebbe of Nagysimonyi and its surroundings for fifty years. Most of his writings were lost in the holocaust, except for the book Hilchata Rabbata L'Shabta which survived and was printed in 1972 [see enclosed material]. Some of the novellae offered here were printed in the compilations at the end of the book. 8 notebooks, more than 150 leaves. Size and condition vary. Tears to some of the leaves.
Manuscripts - Ashkenaz