Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 13 - 24 of 141
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $700
Manuscript, Chassidic essays of Lubavitch-Chabad Rebbes. Most of the essays are teachings of the Rashab of Lubavitch – Rabbi Shalom Duber Schneerson. 1892-1898.
Most of the pamphlets were written by one person, in attractive handwriting, with comments and corrections in the margins. Essays for Parshat Zachor, teki'at shofar, Bar-Mitzvah, wedding, etc.
Approximately 172 written pages (pagination of Leaves 75-135, with skipped leaves). 22 cm. Varying condition good to fair, worm holes, damages and tears to few leaves, new leather binding.
Most of the pamphlets were written by one person, in attractive handwriting, with comments and corrections in the margins. Essays for Parshat Zachor, teki'at shofar, Bar-Mitzvah, wedding, etc.
Approximately 172 written pages (pagination of Leaves 75-135, with skipped leaves). 22 cm. Varying condition good to fair, worm holes, damages and tears to few leaves, new leather binding.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $250
Manuscript, "copy of a letter by the Lubavitch Rebbe", Shalom Dov Ber Schneerson – a copy of his historical letter written on the 10 th of Tamuz 1899.
Among other things he writes: "…Even if these people completely fulfilled G-d's will and his Torah, and even if there were grounds for thinking that they would reach their goal, we are not to heed them in this matter to achieve our redemption by our own strength. Behold, we are not allowed to force the redemption even by insistent entreaties… how much more so by force and material schemes… i.e. we are not allowed to force our way out of exile and this will not be our redemption…". Further in the letter, the Rashab sharply criticizes the Zionist leaders who blaspheme basic Jewish beliefs and fight to destroy the education of Torah and fear of Heaven to exchange it for the "Torah" of the new nationalism.
Written on official stationery of Rabbi "Pesach ben Rabbi Chanoch Hendel Freidland" from the city of Kremenchuk. Rabbi Pesach Freidland (1869-1942), son of Rabbi Chanoch Hendel Freidland [1850-1914, Av Beit Din of Porechye, Babruysk region], student at the Volozhin Yeshiva. A founder of the Zionist Union Nes Tziona. Delegate at the convention of Jewish Public Activists from the entire Tsarist Russia who convened in Kovno in 1910. He was an active member of the Mizrachi Union from the beginning of its establishment. Delegate of the Mizrachi convention in Lida in 1903 and a Mizrachi delegate to all the Zionist congresses from the second congress until the thirteenth. In 1922, he moved to Jerusalem and was one of the founders of the Mizrachi Bank.
4 pages, 21 cm. good condition.
Among other things he writes: "…Even if these people completely fulfilled G-d's will and his Torah, and even if there were grounds for thinking that they would reach their goal, we are not to heed them in this matter to achieve our redemption by our own strength. Behold, we are not allowed to force the redemption even by insistent entreaties… how much more so by force and material schemes… i.e. we are not allowed to force our way out of exile and this will not be our redemption…". Further in the letter, the Rashab sharply criticizes the Zionist leaders who blaspheme basic Jewish beliefs and fight to destroy the education of Torah and fear of Heaven to exchange it for the "Torah" of the new nationalism.
Written on official stationery of Rabbi "Pesach ben Rabbi Chanoch Hendel Freidland" from the city of Kremenchuk. Rabbi Pesach Freidland (1869-1942), son of Rabbi Chanoch Hendel Freidland [1850-1914, Av Beit Din of Porechye, Babruysk region], student at the Volozhin Yeshiva. A founder of the Zionist Union Nes Tziona. Delegate at the convention of Jewish Public Activists from the entire Tsarist Russia who convened in Kovno in 1910. He was an active member of the Mizrachi Union from the beginning of its establishment. Delegate of the Mizrachi convention in Lida in 1903 and a Mizrachi delegate to all the Zionist congresses from the second congress until the thirteenth. In 1922, he moved to Jerusalem and was one of the founders of the Mizrachi Bank.
4 pages, 21 cm. good condition.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Letter in Yiddish in the handwriting of Rebbetzin Chaya Shterna Schneerson wife of the Rebbe the Rashab, sent to "My honorable and modest friend Musha Chaya". Tishrei 1928.
Rebbetzin Sarah Shterna – the fifth rebbetzin of the Chabad dynasty, was born in 1859 to her father Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak of Ovruch son of the Tzemach Tzedek and to her mother, daughter of Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael of Cherkasy, son-in-law of the Middle Rebbe. In 1865, her betrothal to the Rashab was celebrated in the home of her illustrious grandfather, author of the Tzemach Tzedek (the bride and groom were 5 years old at the time), and their marriage took place ten years later in 1875. In 1940, she immigrated with her only son the Rebbe the Rayatz to the USA and in 1942 she died. She was renowned for her righteousness and her wisdom. The girls' school network Beit Sarah established by her son the Rayatz, was named after her.
1 leaf, 27 cm. 11 handwritten lines. Good condition, creases and folding marks.
Rebbetzin Sarah Shterna – the fifth rebbetzin of the Chabad dynasty, was born in 1859 to her father Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak of Ovruch son of the Tzemach Tzedek and to her mother, daughter of Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael of Cherkasy, son-in-law of the Middle Rebbe. In 1865, her betrothal to the Rashab was celebrated in the home of her illustrious grandfather, author of the Tzemach Tzedek (the bride and groom were 5 years old at the time), and their marriage took place ten years later in 1875. In 1940, she immigrated with her only son the Rebbe the Rayatz to the USA and in 1942 she died. She was renowned for her righteousness and her wisdom. The girls' school network Beit Sarah established by her son the Rayatz, was named after her.
1 leaf, 27 cm. 11 handwritten lines. Good condition, creases and folding marks.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $1,000
Interesting letter by Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson of Lubavitch-Chabad (the Rebbe Rayatz), after he recuperated from his illness. Brooklyn, Chanuka 1944.
Typewritten, with his signature.
"I praise and thank Hashem for his kindness… in the merit of my fathers he received the prayers of my friends and fulfilled their requests… to elevate me from my illness and although I am still weak – G-d should strengthen me… I can hold my pen to write…".
The Rebbe adds thoughts about his mission in the world: "The purpose and mission of my soul is to teach Torah and fear of Heaven, to rouse the Jewish people to study and tread in the path of Chassidism and the Chassidim and to be among those who benefit and influence much good through their love of the Jewish people…".
Letter, 28 cm. Good condition.
This letter was not published in "Igrot Kodesh" of the Rayatz.
Typewritten, with his signature.
"I praise and thank Hashem for his kindness… in the merit of my fathers he received the prayers of my friends and fulfilled their requests… to elevate me from my illness and although I am still weak – G-d should strengthen me… I can hold my pen to write…".
The Rebbe adds thoughts about his mission in the world: "The purpose and mission of my soul is to teach Torah and fear of Heaven, to rouse the Jewish people to study and tread in the path of Chassidism and the Chassidim and to be among those who benefit and influence much good through their love of the Jewish people…".
Letter, 28 cm. Good condition.
This letter was not published in "Igrot Kodesh" of the Rayatz.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $700
An interesting letter by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson of Lubavitch-Chabad (the Rayatz), concerning the students of the Chabad Yeshiva in Shanghai, arriving to the USA. Brooklyn, 1946.
Typewritten, with his own signature.
"My friends the student of Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Shanghai are coming at the end of this week to this country, and I am requesting that you arrange a wonderful meeting for them…".
Official stationery, 21 cm. Good condition, stains and folding marks.
Typewritten, with his own signature.
"My friends the student of Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Shanghai are coming at the end of this week to this country, and I am requesting that you arrange a wonderful meeting for them…".
Official stationery, 21 cm. Good condition, stains and folding marks.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $600
Letter with blessing for health and success, by the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson of Lubavitch-Chabad (the Rayatz). Brooklyn, 1946.
Typewritten on official stationery, with his signature.
21 cm. Good condition, folding marks.
Typewritten on official stationery, with his signature.
21 cm. Good condition, folding marks.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $5,000
Letter of invitation by Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson (the Rayatz) upon the marriage of his daughter Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka with Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson – The Lubavitch-Chabad Rebbe. Riga, 1928.
"G-d has given me the privilege to marry off my daughter, the praiseworthy bride Chaya Mushka with the bridegroom Rabbi Menachem Mendel… the chuppah will take place on Tuesday the 14th of the month of Kislev in the courtyard of the Lubavitch Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in Warsaw…".
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationary, the date and recipient completed in the Rebbe's handwriting ["My honored Mechutan… R' Yitzchak"], and with the Rebbe's signature.
24 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
"G-d has given me the privilege to marry off my daughter, the praiseworthy bride Chaya Mushka with the bridegroom Rabbi Menachem Mendel… the chuppah will take place on Tuesday the 14th of the month of Kislev in the courtyard of the Lubavitch Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in Warsaw…".
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationary, the date and recipient completed in the Rebbe's handwriting ["My honored Mechutan… R' Yitzchak"], and with the Rebbe's signature.
24 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $300
Lithograph letter by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson – The Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch, on the marriage of his daughter Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka with Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson – the Chabad Rebbe. Warsaw, Kislev 1928.
Lithograph printing of a handwritten letter, with a copy of the Rebbe's signature. "In memory of the wedding day of my daughter the laudable bride Ms. Chaya Mushka with the bridegroom Rabbi Menachem Mendel…". A “gift” originally accompanied this letter – a facsimile of a letter in the handwriting of the Rebbe Ba'al HaTanya, and in this letter the Rebbe, the Rayatz explains the historic context of the letter – the dispute between the Chassidim and the Mitnagdim in Vilna.
Lithograph printed brochure, [2] pages (without the facsimile leaf enclosed with the letter). 15 cm. Good condition, stains and wear.
Lithograph printing of a handwritten letter, with a copy of the Rebbe's signature. "In memory of the wedding day of my daughter the laudable bride Ms. Chaya Mushka with the bridegroom Rabbi Menachem Mendel…". A “gift” originally accompanied this letter – a facsimile of a letter in the handwriting of the Rebbe Ba'al HaTanya, and in this letter the Rebbe, the Rayatz explains the historic context of the letter – the dispute between the Chassidim and the Mitnagdim in Vilna.
Lithograph printed brochure, [2] pages (without the facsimile leaf enclosed with the letter). 15 cm. Good condition, stains and wear.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $400
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Letter of blessing by Rebbetzin Nechama Dinah Schneerson, wife of Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson of Lubavitch-Chabad (the Rayatz). Brooklyn 1950.
Written in Yiddish, typewritten on official stationery, with the Rebbetzin's signature.
Rebbetzin Nechama Dinah (1882-1971), daughter of Rabbi Avraham Schneerson, son of the Rebbe author of Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. Wife of the Rayatz. In the summer of 1927, at the time her husband was imprisoned, she led the fight for his release and rescue in spite of the danger involved in these activities under the communist rule.
21 cm. Good condition, stains and folding marks.
Written in Yiddish, typewritten on official stationery, with the Rebbetzin's signature.
Rebbetzin Nechama Dinah (1882-1971), daughter of Rabbi Avraham Schneerson, son of the Rebbe author of Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. Wife of the Rayatz. In the summer of 1927, at the time her husband was imprisoned, she led the fight for his release and rescue in spite of the danger involved in these activities under the communist rule.
21 cm. Good condition, stains and folding marks.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $500
Collection of publications / single leaves from various times printed and distributed by Kollel Chabad in Eretz Israel. 1910-1936.
Including: Lithograph of a handwritten letter by the Rayatz, to assist the Kollel's needy members. Rostov-na-Donu 1921. • Letter signed by Rabbi S. Zalman Havlin, head of the Torat Emet Yeshiva. • Various receipts of Kollel Chabad, some completed with signatures. • Emergency fund – printed leaf of US postage stamps with a picture of the Temple Mount and the Torat Emet Yeshiva building in Jerusalem, etc.
14 items, varied size and colors, overall very-good condition.
Including: Lithograph of a handwritten letter by the Rayatz, to assist the Kollel's needy members. Rostov-na-Donu 1921. • Letter signed by Rabbi S. Zalman Havlin, head of the Torat Emet Yeshiva. • Various receipts of Kollel Chabad, some completed with signatures. • Emergency fund – printed leaf of US postage stamps with a picture of the Temple Mount and the Torat Emet Yeshiva building in Jerusalem, etc.
14 items, varied size and colors, overall very-good condition.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $250
Chabad Chassidism – compilation of printed proclamations and leaves:
• Awaken Awaken Jerusalem" – Printed proclamation against Rabbi Zevin and the Mizrachi movement, by Chabad Chassidism in Jerusalem. [Jerusalem, Katzburg printing]. • Printed leaf, letter by the Chabad Rebbe the Rayatz opposing the Mizrachi movement. [Jerusalem, Kalisher printing press]. • Letter of guidance by the Rebbe Rayatz of Chabad to yeshiva students. [Jerusalem, Weinfeld printing press]. • Printed leaf, "copy" of a telegram sent by the Lubavitcher Rebbe [the Rayatz] to Rabbi Herzog, on the polemic of Yaldei Teheran. • Letter by the Rayatz in response to those who ask "how to relate to current events", 14 th of Iyar 1948. Stencil printing. • Yom Shemini Atzeret V'Simchat Torah, printed leaf, by Tzeirei Agudat Chabad in Tel Aviv.
6 paper items, varied size and condition.
• Awaken Awaken Jerusalem" – Printed proclamation against Rabbi Zevin and the Mizrachi movement, by Chabad Chassidism in Jerusalem. [Jerusalem, Katzburg printing]. • Printed leaf, letter by the Chabad Rebbe the Rayatz opposing the Mizrachi movement. [Jerusalem, Kalisher printing press]. • Letter of guidance by the Rebbe Rayatz of Chabad to yeshiva students. [Jerusalem, Weinfeld printing press]. • Printed leaf, "copy" of a telegram sent by the Lubavitcher Rebbe [the Rayatz] to Rabbi Herzog, on the polemic of Yaldei Teheran. • Letter by the Rayatz in response to those who ask "how to relate to current events", 14 th of Iyar 1948. Stencil printing. • Yom Shemini Atzeret V'Simchat Torah, printed leaf, by Tzeirei Agudat Chabad in Tel Aviv.
6 paper items, varied size and condition.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
March 11, 2015
Opening: $500
Letter by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson the Lubavitch-Chabad Rebbe, to Rabbi Yeshaya Horwitz, author of Yavo Shilo. Brooklyn, 1950.
Two leaves, on official stationery of the Center for Education [headed by the Rebbe from 1942], typewritten with many corrections and additions (approximately 28 lines) in the Rebbe's own handwriting. These additions have not been printed in Igrot Kodesh (Vol 3, Igeret 538).
The letter contains kabbalistic thoughts (Gilgul neshamot of Aristotle and Antigonus of Sokho) and halachic matters (laws of Gittin).
2 leaves, 28 cm. Fair condition, stains, folding marks and minor tears.
Two leaves, on official stationery of the Center for Education [headed by the Rebbe from 1942], typewritten with many corrections and additions (approximately 28 lines) in the Rebbe's own handwriting. These additions have not been printed in Igrot Kodesh (Vol 3, Igeret 538).
The letter contains kabbalistic thoughts (Gilgul neshamot of Aristotle and Antigonus of Sokho) and halachic matters (laws of Gittin).
2 leaves, 28 cm. Fair condition, stains, folding marks and minor tears.
Chabad – Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters