Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 25 - 36 of 126
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $2,000
Sold for: $4,500
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Siddur Tiklal, for Shabbat, Festivals and the High Holy Days (Yamim Nora'im), including Pirkei Avot, Megillat Esther, Megillat Eicha and Kinot, Selichot and Keter Malchut. Wording of Ketubot, Gittin and Shtarot, etc. Calendar of leap years for the period between 1580-1636.
Some of the leaves of the Siddur are replacements in different handwritings and from different times, but most of the Siddur is written in the characteristic writing of the 16th century.
Incomplete copy, approximately 104 leaves. Approximately 28 cm. Fair condition, spotting, wear and tears. New binding.
Some of the leaves of the Siddur are replacements in different handwritings and from different times, but most of the Siddur is written in the characteristic writing of the 16th century.
Incomplete copy, approximately 104 leaves. Approximately 28 cm. Fair condition, spotting, wear and tears. New binding.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Sefer HaZohar, Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim. Handsome writing in two columns. Title page including the place and date of writing.
Rada (Yemen). 1708.
146 leaves, approximately 30 cm. Varying condition, most leaves are in good condition. The first and last leaves suffer from worm damages and wear. Yemenite amateur leather binding. Worm damages and wear. Handwritten and printed leaves are glued to the cover. (One of them includes a list of testimonies from a Beit Din).
Rada (Yemen). 1708.
146 leaves, approximately 30 cm. Varying condition, most leaves are in good condition. The first and last leaves suffer from worm damages and wear. Yemenite amateur leather binding. Worm damages and wear. Handwritten and printed leaves are glued to the cover. (One of them includes a list of testimonies from a Beit Din).
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $5,000
Sold for: $7,500
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, midrashim and compositions on matters of mesorah and grammar. [Yemen, 14th/15th century?].
Contains a number of compositions: * Midrash Chaserot V'Yeterot, on the Bible – This Midrash is an early midrash already studied in the time of the Geonim. It was printed in several versions from various manuscripts, including a manuscript by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer in his book Batei Midrashot (Part 2). Many changes, additions and omissions were found in comparison to the printed version. This manuscript begins with the Midrash in the middle of Parshat VaEra. Missing one (or more) leaves from Sefer Shmuel. * List of large and small letters in the Bible and lists of the prophets and the time they prophesized. * A long composition on letters, grammar and te'amim, including midrashic and poetic sections. Part of the compositon is the book Dikdukei HaTe'amim, by Aharon ben Asher [an early Ba'al Mesorah who lived in Tiberias during the time of the Geonim], with variations and editing which varies from that which was printed in Lipsia (Leipzig) in 1879. The other parts of the composition were not completely identified and were not thoroughly examined.
[49] leaves. Missing leaves at the beginning and at the end. Several leaves missing in the middle of the manuscript as well. Overall fair condition. Varied damages of wear and tear, stains, moisture traces and worm damages. Several leaves have coarse tears with damage to text. Worn and damaged binding.
The manuscript originated in the important library of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (1918-2000), a leader of Yemenite Jews in Eretz Israel, member of the rabbinical Beit Din and the Council of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. He translated and edited the Rambam's writings and many compositions of leading Rishonim.
Contains a number of compositions: * Midrash Chaserot V'Yeterot, on the Bible – This Midrash is an early midrash already studied in the time of the Geonim. It was printed in several versions from various manuscripts, including a manuscript by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer in his book Batei Midrashot (Part 2). Many changes, additions and omissions were found in comparison to the printed version. This manuscript begins with the Midrash in the middle of Parshat VaEra. Missing one (or more) leaves from Sefer Shmuel. * List of large and small letters in the Bible and lists of the prophets and the time they prophesized. * A long composition on letters, grammar and te'amim, including midrashic and poetic sections. Part of the compositon is the book Dikdukei HaTe'amim, by Aharon ben Asher [an early Ba'al Mesorah who lived in Tiberias during the time of the Geonim], with variations and editing which varies from that which was printed in Lipsia (Leipzig) in 1879. The other parts of the composition were not completely identified and were not thoroughly examined.
[49] leaves. Missing leaves at the beginning and at the end. Several leaves missing in the middle of the manuscript as well. Overall fair condition. Varied damages of wear and tear, stains, moisture traces and worm damages. Several leaves have coarse tears with damage to text. Worn and damaged binding.
The manuscript originated in the important library of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (1918-2000), a leader of Yemenite Jews in Eretz Israel, member of the rabbinical Beit Din and the Council of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. He translated and edited the Rambam's writings and many compositions of leading Rishonim.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $600
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Commentary on the Torah by Rabbeinu Bachya. [1566 Venice edition,
Giorgio De Cavalli printing press].
Leaf margins contain hundreds of lengthy glosses of Kabbalistic content,
quotations from books of the Zohar and collection of Midrashim and early
writings. Ancient Yemenite writing [Characteristic of Yemenite manuscripts
from the 17th century].
Damaged copy, Missing pages at the beginning and at the end. Leaves 9-242
only (originally 251 leaves). Approximately 29 cm. Poor condition. Moisture
marks. Detached and worn leaves. Tears with missing parts at the margins,
some glosses damaged, faded and incomplete. Detached binding.
Giorgio De Cavalli printing press].
Leaf margins contain hundreds of lengthy glosses of Kabbalistic content,
quotations from books of the Zohar and collection of Midrashim and early
writings. Ancient Yemenite writing [Characteristic of Yemenite manuscripts
from the 17th century].
Damaged copy, Missing pages at the beginning and at the end. Leaves 9-242
only (originally 251 leaves). Approximately 29 cm. Poor condition. Moisture
marks. Detached and worn leaves. Tears with missing parts at the margins,
some glosses damaged, faded and incomplete. Detached binding.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $600
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Keter Torah Taj, Bereshit Shemot. [Yemen, beginning of the 19th century, ca. 1800].
Torah with Targum Unkelos and Arabic Tafseer translation at the margins. Rashi commentary, compilation of commentaries and Ba'al HaTurim. Contains Haftarot with the Targum as well.
Marginalia, primarily on matters pertaining to the Mesorah (until Parshat VaYechi). Entries in the name of the Tijan (12/a), the Maharitz (13/b), Rabbi Sa'adya in his Arabic commentary (14/b), the grammar book by the Maharitz (15/b, Sefer Ha'Azara (16/b).
154 leaves. Approximately 30 cm. Overall good condition. Spotting, wear and tears (some with missing text). Amateur fabric and leather binding.
Torah with Targum Unkelos and Arabic Tafseer translation at the margins. Rashi commentary, compilation of commentaries and Ba'al HaTurim. Contains Haftarot with the Targum as well.
Marginalia, primarily on matters pertaining to the Mesorah (until Parshat VaYechi). Entries in the name of the Tijan (12/a), the Maharitz (13/b), Rabbi Sa'adya in his Arabic commentary (14/b), the grammar book by the Maharitz (15/b, Sefer Ha'Azara (16/b).
154 leaves. Approximately 30 cm. Overall good condition. Spotting, wear and tears (some with missing text). Amateur fabric and leather binding.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Machzor for the High Holy Days (Ha'Yaymim Ha'Noraim) and Succot. [Yemen, 19th/20th century].
Thick volume in small format. Without vowels (Nikud). Some places have red ink adornments.
Contains: Seder Erev Rosh Hashana, prayers and Piyutim for Rosh Hashana, Seder Erev Yom Kippur, prayers and Piyutim for Yom Kippur, prayers for Succot, Hosha'anot and Tikun HaGeshem.
[107] leaves. 13 cm. High-quality paper, overall good condition. Spotting and moisture marks, worm marks. Old fabric binding.
Thick volume in small format. Without vowels (Nikud). Some places have red ink adornments.
Contains: Seder Erev Rosh Hashana, prayers and Piyutim for Rosh Hashana, Seder Erev Yom Kippur, prayers and Piyutim for Yom Kippur, prayers for Succot, Hosha'anot and Tikun HaGeshem.
[107] leaves. 13 cm. High-quality paper, overall good condition. Spotting and moisture marks, worm marks. Old fabric binding.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Machzor for the High Holy Days (Ha'Yaymim Ha'Noraim), and a machzor for the Three Festivals. [Yemen, c. 19th century].
Two volumes in a small format. Especially eloquent Yemenite handwriting. Most of the text has vowels. Titles and opening words are adorned with red ink.
* Prayers for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, Rashuyot for Seder Ha'Avodah (of the High Priest), Piyutim, Tractate Yoma and Keter Malchut by Rabbi Shlomo Ebn Gevirol. * Prayers for Succot, Hosha'anot, Tikun HaGeshem, Hakafot and Piyutim for Simchat Torah, Passover Haggadah, Tikun HaTal and Azharot for Shavuot.
Colophon at the end of the first manuscript: "This booklet was written in the name of the pleasant friend… Yehuda ben Avraham ben Yosef ben Mantzur Elnadaf… and the young writer… Yosef… Elkapach…".
Machzor for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur: [43] leaves; Machzor for the Three Festivals: [34] leaves. Approximately 15 cm. The different leaves vary in state and condition: good-fair. Spotting, wear and tears, damage to the text and worm damages on several leaves. New bindings
Two volumes in a small format. Especially eloquent Yemenite handwriting. Most of the text has vowels. Titles and opening words are adorned with red ink.
* Prayers for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, Rashuyot for Seder Ha'Avodah (of the High Priest), Piyutim, Tractate Yoma and Keter Malchut by Rabbi Shlomo Ebn Gevirol. * Prayers for Succot, Hosha'anot, Tikun HaGeshem, Hakafot and Piyutim for Simchat Torah, Passover Haggadah, Tikun HaTal and Azharot for Shavuot.
Colophon at the end of the first manuscript: "This booklet was written in the name of the pleasant friend… Yehuda ben Avraham ben Yosef ben Mantzur Elnadaf… and the young writer… Yosef… Elkapach…".
Machzor for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur: [43] leaves; Machzor for the Three Festivals: [34] leaves. Approximately 15 cm. The different leaves vary in state and condition: good-fair. Spotting, wear and tears, damage to the text and worm damages on several leaves. New bindings
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Two ancient manuscripts of Haggadot. [Yemen, 19th/20th century].
* Haggadah with vowels (Nikud). Begins with: "Order of things to do on Passover eve". On the first page is a bill of the distribution of the manuscript and a dedication mentioning Musa (Moshe) Sa'id, Sa'id Yitzchak and Ha'aron (Aharon) his brother. At the bottom of the bill is the signature of "Avraham Ebn Avraham".
* Haggadah. Partially with vowels (Nikud). On the Hallel prayer is a gloss with a short commentary and additional glosses.
[10] leaves + [9] leaves. Condition varies: good-fair. Approximately 17 cm. New bindings.
* Haggadah with vowels (Nikud). Begins with: "Order of things to do on Passover eve". On the first page is a bill of the distribution of the manuscript and a dedication mentioning Musa (Moshe) Sa'id, Sa'id Yitzchak and Ha'aron (Aharon) his brother. At the bottom of the bill is the signature of "Avraham Ebn Avraham".
* Haggadah. Partially with vowels (Nikud). On the Hallel prayer is a gloss with a short commentary and additional glosses.
[10] leaves + [9] leaves. Condition varies: good-fair. Approximately 17 cm. New bindings.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Tola'at Ya'akov, commentary on prayer: Pshat, Remez, Drash and Sod, by the Kabbalist Rabbi Meir Ebn Gabai together with Sha'arei Ora by the Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Jikatilia. [Yemen, 18th/19th century],
Yemenite handwriting. Glosses and several long marginalia [some written by another writer]. Additions to the beginning and end of the manuscript. At the top of page 80/1 the copier wrote: "That which is written here is not found in the version of the manuscript from which I have copied, but is found in the book Sha'arei Orah printed in Mantua".
At the beginning of the manuscript is an ownership inscription: "Had the merit and purchased this object named Tola'at Ya'akov… Yichye Ebn Yosef Aleraki…[1842]" and a long interesting inscription in rhyme by the same writer dated 1857. Another family inscription with a stamp. At the end of the manuscript is a signature "Yosef ben Rabbi Shalom Korach".
The book Tola'at Ya'akov: [1], 18, [2], 19-64, 69-75 (Leaves 65-68 are missing). Sha'arei Ora: 90 leaves. 23 cm. Fair-good condition, many worm damages, primarily near the binding. Spotting and wear. Detached leaves. Damaged binding.
Yemenite handwriting. Glosses and several long marginalia [some written by another writer]. Additions to the beginning and end of the manuscript. At the top of page 80/1 the copier wrote: "That which is written here is not found in the version of the manuscript from which I have copied, but is found in the book Sha'arei Orah printed in Mantua".
At the beginning of the manuscript is an ownership inscription: "Had the merit and purchased this object named Tola'at Ya'akov… Yichye Ebn Yosef Aleraki…[1842]" and a long interesting inscription in rhyme by the same writer dated 1857. Another family inscription with a stamp. At the end of the manuscript is a signature "Yosef ben Rabbi Shalom Korach".
The book Tola'at Ya'akov: [1], 18, [2], 19-64, 69-75 (Leaves 65-68 are missing). Sha'arei Ora: 90 leaves. 23 cm. Fair-good condition, many worm damages, primarily near the binding. Spotting and wear. Detached leaves. Damaged binding.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,063
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Hosha'anot for the seven days of Succot, and Tikkun Simchat Torah, with songs and Piyutim according to the Yemenite custom. [Yemen, 19th century].
Handsome manuscript, decorated and adorned in red ink. At the top of the manuscript is a "Nice pleasant commentary… by the Rabbi Rashbetz, known also as Duran". Includes a blessing for the general public meant to be said on Simchat Torah. At the end of the manuscript are the rules of the Jewish calendar in Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic.
[66] pages. 16 cm. Fair condition, spotting, wear and tears at the margins. Some detached leaves. Contemporary leather binding, damaged.
Handsome manuscript, decorated and adorned in red ink. At the top of the manuscript is a "Nice pleasant commentary… by the Rabbi Rashbetz, known also as Duran". Includes a blessing for the general public meant to be said on Simchat Torah. At the end of the manuscript are the rules of the Jewish calendar in Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic.
[66] pages. 16 cm. Fair condition, spotting, wear and tears at the margins. Some detached leaves. Contemporary leather binding, damaged.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $600
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript including copies of three works: * Pirkei Shira with the commentaries of Siach Yitzchak and Sha'ar Shimshon, as printed in Venice (1664). * Moreh Chata'im Yesod HaTeshuva, and "a Hundred Year Old Introduction" to the book Shefa Tal, by Rabbi Sheftil. Especially handsome writings, with Kabbalistic illustrations and illustrations of hands. Ma'bar (Yemen), 1691. Illustrated title page.
Colophon signed by the author "Chaim ben A. M. Sa'adya". The date of the writing is on the title page and on the colophon. Marginalia.
[20], 98, [2] leaves; 26 leaves. 20.5 cm. High-quality paper, fair condition, spotting, many worm damages. Leather spine.
Colophon signed by the author "Chaim ben A. M. Sa'adya". The date of the writing is on the title page and on the colophon. Marginalia.
[20], 98, [2] leaves; 26 leaves. 20.5 cm. High-quality paper, fair condition, spotting, many worm damages. Leather spine.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters
Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
September 3, 2014
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,875
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, three megillot – Shir HaShirim, Ruth and Kohelet, with the Targum and Rashi commentary and with Seder Tikun Lel Shavuot. [Yemen, c. 19th century].
A complete volume, handsome script. Seder Lel Shavuot is placed between Shir HaShirim and Megillat Ruth. The Megillot have Nikud Elyon. The verses of Tikun Lel Shavuot have regular vowels. With Ta'amei HaMikra. Seder Lel Shavuot also includes the six Sidrei Mishna followed by the Ramak's introduction to the Zohar, the Idra Raba Kadisha and the Idra Zuta Kadisha. Several glosses by the scribe who wrote the manuscript.
[125] leaves. 22 cm. Spotting, tears to margins and wear. At the beginning and end are remnants of leaves of the book "Keter Torah – Taj" used for binding.
A complete volume, handsome script. Seder Lel Shavuot is placed between Shir HaShirim and Megillat Ruth. The Megillot have Nikud Elyon. The verses of Tikun Lel Shavuot have regular vowels. With Ta'amei HaMikra. Seder Lel Shavuot also includes the six Sidrei Mishna followed by the Ramak's introduction to the Zohar, the Idra Raba Kadisha and the Idra Zuta Kadisha. Several glosses by the scribe who wrote the manuscript.
[125] leaves. 22 cm. Spotting, tears to margins and wear. At the beginning and end are remnants of leaves of the book "Keter Torah – Taj" used for binding.
Yemenite Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Letters
Glosses and Letters