Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Displaying 1 - 12 of 55
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $1,800
Yesod Yitzchak, kabalistic and Chassidic interpretations of matters pertaining to circumcision. Halichot Olam, customs and segulot. Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi Mazarowitz [author of Raza MeHeimna and Otiot D'Rabbi Yitzchak]. Zhovkva, 1810. First edition.
Many approbations by leading Torah scholars: Rabbi Meir [Kristinpoller] of Brad; Rabbi Ya'akov Orenstein of Lvov, author of Yeshuot Ya'akov; Rabbi Efraim Margaliot of Brad; Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Zaliztsi; Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaCohen of Stryy, author of Ketzot HaChoshen; etc.
On Leaves 41-47 is a kuntress of what to study the night before circumcision called "Vach-Nacht" [compilations from the Zohar].
The author Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi (1735-1783), mekubal and hidden tzaddik among the lamed-vav (36) tzaddikim in the Ba'al Shem Tov's generation and teacher of Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, author of Yismach Moshe. Served as Shochet and Bodek and teacher in the village of Zhuravichi, hid his holy ways so much that many thought he lost his mind, was unlearned and uncouth. At nights, he would toil in prayer and kabbalah and write his books. The Ba'al Shem Tov would travel to discuss secret matters with him. When his greatness and holiness became famous, masses thronged to him leading him to wander from his home. During his travels he died in the city of Przemyśl. The story about him is told that when yet healthy and well he sent his wife to call the Chevra Kadisha and told them that the time had come for him to die and asked them to copy his many kabalistic writings before dressing him in his shrouds until they see his face burn like a torch. 100 Torah scholars copied his writings until they saw his face change and the box of writings close on its own, they then buried him and eulogized him fittingly. The copies were buried in his holy grave but his manuscripts reached the Maggid of Kremnitz Rabbi Ya’akov Yisrael HaLevi, who printed the books Raza MeHeimna (Lvov, 1791), Otiot D’Rabbi Yitzchak (Zhovkva, 1801) and Yesod Yitzchak to print.
[1] 69 leaves. 21.5 cm. Thick paper, good condition, use stains, few restored damages. New binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 233.
Many approbations by leading Torah scholars: Rabbi Meir [Kristinpoller] of Brad; Rabbi Ya'akov Orenstein of Lvov, author of Yeshuot Ya'akov; Rabbi Efraim Margaliot of Brad; Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Zaliztsi; Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaCohen of Stryy, author of Ketzot HaChoshen; etc.
On Leaves 41-47 is a kuntress of what to study the night before circumcision called "Vach-Nacht" [compilations from the Zohar].
The author Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi (1735-1783), mekubal and hidden tzaddik among the lamed-vav (36) tzaddikim in the Ba'al Shem Tov's generation and teacher of Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, author of Yismach Moshe. Served as Shochet and Bodek and teacher in the village of Zhuravichi, hid his holy ways so much that many thought he lost his mind, was unlearned and uncouth. At nights, he would toil in prayer and kabbalah and write his books. The Ba'al Shem Tov would travel to discuss secret matters with him. When his greatness and holiness became famous, masses thronged to him leading him to wander from his home. During his travels he died in the city of Przemyśl. The story about him is told that when yet healthy and well he sent his wife to call the Chevra Kadisha and told them that the time had come for him to die and asked them to copy his many kabalistic writings before dressing him in his shrouds until they see his face burn like a torch. 100 Torah scholars copied his writings until they saw his face change and the box of writings close on its own, they then buried him and eulogized him fittingly. The copies were buried in his holy grave but his manuscripts reached the Maggid of Kremnitz Rabbi Ya’akov Yisrael HaLevi, who printed the books Raza MeHeimna (Lvov, 1791), Otiot D’Rabbi Yitzchak (Zhovkva, 1801) and Yesod Yitzchak to print.
[1] 69 leaves. 21.5 cm. Thick paper, good condition, use stains, few restored damages. New binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 233.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $1,500
Sold for: $2,125
Including buyer's premium
Or Pnei Moshe, on the Torah and Megillot, by Rabbi Moshe Sofer Stam of Przeworsk . Mezhirichi, 1810. First edition.
Many approbations by Chassidic leaders of those times: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv, Rabbi Yisrael of Kozienice, Rabbi Ya'akov Yitzchak The Chozeh of Lublin [who writes in his approbation of the author's greatness. "I know him because in my youth I would obey him and I drank from his pleasant waters, and I know that he conducted all his affairs for the sake of Heaven and to give spiritual satisfaction to G-d. He reached such a level, Rabbi Moshe Alshich would appear to him…"], Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta, Rabbi Chaim of Batishan [author of Be'er Mayim Chaim], etc.
On the title page are ownership inscriptions by two writers: "The Rabbi of Nashc—"; "This belongs to Rabbi Yisrael Leib[sh] son of the renowned rabbi".
[2], 240 leaves. Approximately 21 cm. Greenish paper, fair condition, stains and wear damage, (damage to text on leaf corners). Leather and fabric binding.
Stefansky Chassidut no. 32. Lacking the two leaves of additional approbations (in small letters), added after printing to some copies.
Many approbations by Chassidic leaders of those times: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv, Rabbi Yisrael of Kozienice, Rabbi Ya'akov Yitzchak The Chozeh of Lublin [who writes in his approbation of the author's greatness. "I know him because in my youth I would obey him and I drank from his pleasant waters, and I know that he conducted all his affairs for the sake of Heaven and to give spiritual satisfaction to G-d. He reached such a level, Rabbi Moshe Alshich would appear to him…"], Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta, Rabbi Chaim of Batishan [author of Be'er Mayim Chaim], etc.
On the title page are ownership inscriptions by two writers: "The Rabbi of Nashc—"; "This belongs to Rabbi Yisrael Leib[sh] son of the renowned rabbi".
[2], 240 leaves. Approximately 21 cm. Greenish paper, fair condition, stains and wear damage, (damage to text on leaf corners). Leather and fabric binding.
Stefansky Chassidut no. 32. Lacking the two leaves of additional approbations (in small letters), added after printing to some copies.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $200
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
Order of prayer for entire year with intentions of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (the Arizal), section I (for weekdays). By Rabbi Shabtai of Raşcov. [Korets, 1794].
Sephardic version prayer book (Chassidic Ashkenaz) with intentions of the Ari, based upon the manuscript Siddur of Rabbi Shabtai of Raşcov and Siddur of Rabbi Asher Margaliot disciple of Ba’al Shem Tov which was printed in Lvov in 1788. This edition received approval of Rabbi Zusha of Hanipol and other great rabbis of that generation of inception of Chassidism. This edition contains unique additions and prayer customs by the Ba’al Shem Tov, which were printed for the first time in this edition.
Incomplete copy: contains leaves 7-263 only. (Section I missing 8 leaves at beginning. Originally all sections printed together: II, 263 leaves; [1], 261-344; 62; 99 leaves]. 18.5 cm. Fair condition, stains and extensive wear, moth damage. Damage and missing text. Damaged and worn binding, glued with fabric glue. Additional leaves, with notations and signatures in Oriental handwriting (Persia?).
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 412.
Sephardic version prayer book (Chassidic Ashkenaz) with intentions of the Ari, based upon the manuscript Siddur of Rabbi Shabtai of Raşcov and Siddur of Rabbi Asher Margaliot disciple of Ba’al Shem Tov which was printed in Lvov in 1788. This edition received approval of Rabbi Zusha of Hanipol and other great rabbis of that generation of inception of Chassidism. This edition contains unique additions and prayer customs by the Ba’al Shem Tov, which were printed for the first time in this edition.
Incomplete copy: contains leaves 7-263 only. (Section I missing 8 leaves at beginning. Originally all sections printed together: II, 263 leaves; [1], 261-344; 62; 99 leaves]. 18.5 cm. Fair condition, stains and extensive wear, moth damage. Damage and missing text. Damaged and worn binding, glued with fabric glue. Additional leaves, with notations and signatures in Oriental handwriting (Persia?).
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 412.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $650
Sefer Likutim Yekarim, from the Ba'al Shem Tov and Chassidic leaders. [Ostroh?, c. 1820?]. With new additions not printed in earlier editions.
Stamp of Rabbi "Avraham son of the famous tzaddik Rabbi Uri…grandson of the holy renowned rebbes of Stretin". Rabbi Avraham Brandwein of Stretin-Haifa, son of Rebbe Uri Brandwein of Yezupil (Azipoli). Served as rebbe of Piatra Neamţ in Romania and was very active during the Holocaust in assisting refugees who arrived from Poland. After the Holocaust, he ascended to Haifa where he established his Beit Midrash. Died in 1973.
37, 39-42 leaves. 22.5 cm. Good-fair condition, minor wear damages. Detached leaves, torn lacking binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 304. For place and date of printing see: Y. Yudlov, Ginzei Yisrael, no. 1155. Ibid: "We doubt whether the book was printed there [in Ostroh] and if it was printed on that date". The place and date suggested there are: Zhovkva?, c. 1800. [In our estimation, the book was printed in Lemberg or Zhovkva c. 1820-1830].
Stamp of Rabbi "Avraham son of the famous tzaddik Rabbi Uri…grandson of the holy renowned rebbes of Stretin". Rabbi Avraham Brandwein of Stretin-Haifa, son of Rebbe Uri Brandwein of Yezupil (Azipoli). Served as rebbe of Piatra Neamţ in Romania and was very active during the Holocaust in assisting refugees who arrived from Poland. After the Holocaust, he ascended to Haifa where he established his Beit Midrash. Died in 1973.
37, 39-42 leaves. 22.5 cm. Good-fair condition, minor wear damages. Detached leaves, torn lacking binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 304. For place and date of printing see: Y. Yudlov, Ginzei Yisrael, no. 1155. Ibid: "We doubt whether the book was printed there [in Ostroh] and if it was printed on that date". The place and date suggested there are: Zhovkva?, c. 1800. [In our estimation, the book was printed in Lemberg or Zhovkva c. 1820-1830].
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $750
Sold for: $938
Including buyer's premium
Binat Moshe, by the Magid Rabbi Moshe Elyakim Beriya of Kozienice, son of the Magid Yisrael Hofstein of Kozienice. Kraków, 1888.
Self-dedication on title page: "Shmuel Zanvil son of Baruch Avraham of Bardejov son-in-law of the author of this holy book and son-in-law of the author of No'am Elimelech…".
Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil of Bardejov , son of Rabbi Baruch Avraham Bindiger Rabbi of Hanusovce [wonder-worker, disciple of the Magid of Kozienice , Rabbi Naftali Zvi of Rupshitz and an outstanding disciple of Rabbi Chaim of Sanz [see Encyclopedia L'Chassidut Vol. 1 p. 387]. Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil's first marriage was to the daughter of Rabbi Naftali of Lizhensk, grandson of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, author of Noam Elimelech [interesting to note that in this item he writes that he is the son-in-law of the author of Noam Elimelech]. By second marriage, he was the son-in-law of the author Rabbi Moshe Elyakim Beriya of Kozienice . As written in his introduction which was printed at the beginning of this book, he dwelled in Safed at the time the book was printed and he gave the publisher his father-in-law's writings to publish.
[4], 48 leaves. 21 cm. Good condition, stains and slight wear. Damage to binding.
Self-dedication on title page: "Shmuel Zanvil son of Baruch Avraham of Bardejov son-in-law of the author of this holy book and son-in-law of the author of No'am Elimelech…".
Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil of Bardejov , son of Rabbi Baruch Avraham Bindiger Rabbi of Hanusovce [wonder-worker, disciple of the Magid of Kozienice , Rabbi Naftali Zvi of Rupshitz and an outstanding disciple of Rabbi Chaim of Sanz [see Encyclopedia L'Chassidut Vol. 1 p. 387]. Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil's first marriage was to the daughter of Rabbi Naftali of Lizhensk, grandson of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, author of Noam Elimelech [interesting to note that in this item he writes that he is the son-in-law of the author of Noam Elimelech]. By second marriage, he was the son-in-law of the author Rabbi Moshe Elyakim Beriya of Kozienice . As written in his introduction which was printed at the beginning of this book, he dwelled in Safed at the time the book was printed and he gave the publisher his father-in-law's writings to publish.
[4], 48 leaves. 21 cm. Good condition, stains and slight wear. Damage to binding.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,125
Including buyer's premium
Raziel HaMalach, attributed to Adam. Warsaw, [1812].
With approbation by Rabbi Yisrael Hofstein – the Magid of Kozienice, who gave the printer his glosses for the book as he writes in his approbation: "And I gave him also some things that are written on the book sheets, which G-d graced me with, some glosses and a few novellae". These glosses were printed only in this edition.
Signatures "…Feivel son of Rabbi M. Yosef Lifshitz", "A gift from G-d… Shimon Weiner from Csongrád and its region" – signature of Rabbi Shimon Weiner (1769-1878), a leading disciple of the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi in Csongrád and afterward in Lovasberény (see item no.127), another inscription that he owns the book (his son's handwriting).
51 leaves.22 cm. Good condition, stains. Damages to binding.
With approbation by Rabbi Yisrael Hofstein – the Magid of Kozienice, who gave the printer his glosses for the book as he writes in his approbation: "And I gave him also some things that are written on the book sheets, which G-d graced me with, some glosses and a few novellae". These glosses were printed only in this edition.
Signatures "…Feivel son of Rabbi M. Yosef Lifshitz", "A gift from G-d… Shimon Weiner from Csongrád and its region" – signature of Rabbi Shimon Weiner (1769-1878), a leading disciple of the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi in Csongrád and afterward in Lovasberény (see item no.127), another inscription that he owns the book (his son's handwriting).
51 leaves.22 cm. Good condition, stains. Damages to binding.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $300
Sidduro Shel Shabbat, about the holiness of Shabbat according to Chassidic thought, by Rebbe Chaim ben Shlomo of Chernivtsi. Parts 1-2. Poryck, [1817].
4, 70; 46, [1] leaves. 22 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and moth damage. Old binding, slightly worn.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 424. Two editions of this book were published in Poryck: in 1817 and in 1818. This is the first of the two editions. Vinograd, Poryck 44.
4, 70; 46, [1] leaves. 22 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and moth damage. Old binding, slightly worn.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 424. Two editions of this book were published in Poryck: in 1817 and in 1818. This is the first of the two editions. Vinograd, Poryck 44.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Megale Amukot, 252 ways to understand Moshe Rabbeinu's prayer. By Rabbi Natan Shapira Av Beit Din of Krakow. Lemberg, 1858. Bound with Regel Yeshara, Kabalistic ideas and topics according to alphabetical order. By Rebbe Zvi Elimelech Av Beit Din of Dinow, author of Bnei Yissachar. Lemberg, [1858]. First edition.
Stamps of the Rebbe of Vishiva-Vizhnitz Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Meir Hager (1912-1969). And signature "Meir" in the handwriting of his grandfather Rabbi Chaim Yehuda "Meir" Chodrov of Berdychiv [son-in-law of Rebbe David of Tolna and father-in-law of Rebbe Moshe Dan of Skvira].
55, [4] leaves; 47, [5] leaves. Approximately 25 cm. Part of the paper is blue. Fair condition, wear and moth damage. Torn binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 534.
Stamps of the Rebbe of Vishiva-Vizhnitz Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Meir Hager (1912-1969). And signature "Meir" in the handwriting of his grandfather Rabbi Chaim Yehuda "Meir" Chodrov of Berdychiv [son-in-law of Rebbe David of Tolna and father-in-law of Rebbe Moshe Dan of Skvira].
55, [4] leaves; 47, [5] leaves. Approximately 25 cm. Part of the paper is blue. Fair condition, wear and moth damage. Torn binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 534.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Bat Ayin on the Torah, by Rebbe Avraham Dov of Ovruch and Safed. Zhitomir, 1869. Printed by Rabbi Avraham Shalom Shadov.
Approbations from Rebbe Aharon of Chernobyl who blesses the publisher and those who purchase the book: "And I bless him and every person that buys this book for its full price, that they should see good reward in their toils, and G-d should shine His light upon them that they should merit… all types of good, Amen". Also an approbation by Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael of Cherkasy who blesses those who buy the book "And the merit of the holy rabbi should stand for them and for their children that they should be successful in all their endeavors in spiritual and material matters, with children, life and plenty".
This book was first printed in Jerusalem in 1847, according to a copy of a manuscript written by one of the disciples of Rabbi Yisrael of Fălticeni. In 1850, the book was reprinted in Zhitomir according to the manuscript of Rabbi Meshulam Zussman of Zhitomir, a different disciple of the Rabbi of Ovruch. This edition has many additions to the Jerusalem edition and many changes of content and style. The edition presented here is the third edition, printed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Rabbi in Zhitomir, son of Rabbi Meshulam Zussman, who wrote the edition printed in Zhitomir. It is based on the 1850 Zhitomir edition with the addition of the introduction and approbations mentioned above.
[3], 138 leaves. 20.5 cm. High-quality paper, minor damage and many stains, mildew marks, primarily to binding. Old binding with leather back.
Approbations from Rebbe Aharon of Chernobyl who blesses the publisher and those who purchase the book: "And I bless him and every person that buys this book for its full price, that they should see good reward in their toils, and G-d should shine His light upon them that they should merit… all types of good, Amen". Also an approbation by Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael of Cherkasy who blesses those who buy the book "And the merit of the holy rabbi should stand for them and for their children that they should be successful in all their endeavors in spiritual and material matters, with children, life and plenty".
This book was first printed in Jerusalem in 1847, according to a copy of a manuscript written by one of the disciples of Rabbi Yisrael of Fălticeni. In 1850, the book was reprinted in Zhitomir according to the manuscript of Rabbi Meshulam Zussman of Zhitomir, a different disciple of the Rabbi of Ovruch. This edition has many additions to the Jerusalem edition and many changes of content and style. The edition presented here is the third edition, printed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Rabbi in Zhitomir, son of Rabbi Meshulam Zussman, who wrote the edition printed in Zhitomir. It is based on the 1850 Zhitomir edition with the addition of the introduction and approbations mentioned above.
[3], 138 leaves. 20.5 cm. High-quality paper, minor damage and many stains, mildew marks, primarily to binding. Old binding with leather back.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
V'Heye Bracha, on Mishnayot Brachot and Tosefta. By Rebbe Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Dynów, author of Bnei Yissaschar. Przemyśl, 1872. With the book Magid Ta'aluma, on Tractate Brachot of the Babylonian Talmud, by Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Dynów. Przemyśl, 1876.
The date on the title page of the first book is 1872, but the book was actually printed in 1875 or 1876. The title page of this book is forged and contains intentional misleading errors: First, the real identity of the author is omitted and written instead on the title page is the name of a disciple of the Bayit Chadash: "Rabbi Zvi disciple of the rabbi author of Bayit Chadash". Moreover, written on the title page is that the book had been printed for the first time in Krakow in 1746. Furthermore, the printer of this forgery omitted from this copy the approbations given for this book in 1874-1875. The reason for this falsification is obscure.
37; [2], 114 leaves. 30 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear to several leaves. The first title page is detached and slightly torn. Damaged binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 190.
This title page is rare and not listed in the Bibliography Institute. A similar forgery was performed to some copies of the book Magid Ta’aluma. See ibid. Listing 000171581.
The date on the title page of the first book is 1872, but the book was actually printed in 1875 or 1876. The title page of this book is forged and contains intentional misleading errors: First, the real identity of the author is omitted and written instead on the title page is the name of a disciple of the Bayit Chadash: "Rabbi Zvi disciple of the rabbi author of Bayit Chadash". Moreover, written on the title page is that the book had been printed for the first time in Krakow in 1746. Furthermore, the printer of this forgery omitted from this copy the approbations given for this book in 1874-1875. The reason for this falsification is obscure.
37; [2], 114 leaves. 30 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear to several leaves. The first title page is detached and slightly torn. Damaged binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 190.
This title page is rare and not listed in the Bibliography Institute. A similar forgery was performed to some copies of the book Magid Ta’aluma. See ibid. Listing 000171581.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $200
Sold for: $325
Including buyer's premium
Tehillim with the Tefillah L'Moshe commentary, by Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum, author of Yishmach Moshe. Szolyva, 1906. Second edition with appendixes.
Many stamps of Rabbi "Shraga Feibush Ashkenazi of Safed", and stamps for inscribing the birthday of his son "Efraim Yosef Dov on the 12th of Kislev 1911".
Rabbi Shraga Feibush Ashkenazi – grandson of
Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi of Zlotshov, son-in-law of the Kedushat Yom Tov, arrived in Hungary from Safed. Following the counsel of the Plontcher Rebbe, he became a close follower of the rebbe’s son-in-law Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar [who was also his relative], and served him for 27 years. Was murdered in the Holocaust in 1944.
His son, Rabbi Ephraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi, (1911-2002), the Meshamesh BaKodesh and companion of the Rebbe for 60 years, assisted him in all matters. Rabbi Yosef Ashkenazi himself was a holy person, a G-d fearing Chassid and outstanding Torah scholar. Edited and published the Satmar Rebbe’s books in Halacha and Agadah. [See introduction of Divrei Yoel Responsa].
[4], 4-354 leaves. 21.5 cm. Brittle paper, most leaves are in good condition, tears and stains. Damaged binding.
Many stamps of Rabbi "Shraga Feibush Ashkenazi of Safed", and stamps for inscribing the birthday of his son "Efraim Yosef Dov on the 12th of Kislev 1911".
Rabbi Shraga Feibush Ashkenazi – grandson of
Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi of Zlotshov, son-in-law of the Kedushat Yom Tov, arrived in Hungary from Safed. Following the counsel of the Plontcher Rebbe, he became a close follower of the rebbe’s son-in-law Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar [who was also his relative], and served him for 27 years. Was murdered in the Holocaust in 1944.
His son, Rabbi Ephraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi, (1911-2002), the Meshamesh BaKodesh and companion of the Rebbe for 60 years, assisted him in all matters. Rabbi Yosef Ashkenazi himself was a holy person, a G-d fearing Chassid and outstanding Torah scholar. Edited and published the Satmar Rebbe’s books in Halacha and Agadah. [See introduction of Divrei Yoel Responsa].
[4], 4-354 leaves. 21.5 cm. Brittle paper, most leaves are in good condition, tears and stains. Damaged binding.
Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
April 2, 2014
Opening: $1,500
Chidushei Maharsha on the Torah, Kopyl, [1795]. Approbations by Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf of Chërny Ostrov, (also served as Rabbi of Kopyl) and Rabbi Asher Zvi of Ostroh (author of Ma'ayan HaBracha).
82 leaves, 21.5 cm. Varied condition, stains and wear. Title page worn and restored. Ancient ownership stamps: "Yisrael Leib ben Yosef". Attractive leather binding.
Rare, one of the only two books printed in Kopyl.
82 leaves, 21.5 cm. Varied condition, stains and wear. Title page worn and restored. Ancient ownership stamps: "Yisrael Leib ben Yosef". Attractive leather binding.
Rare, one of the only two books printed in Kopyl.