Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Displaying 1 - 12 of 22
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $4,000
Zacuti Lusitani Opera omnia, In Duos Tomos Divisa [Abraham Zacuto, complete writings, in two volumes], Lyon: Sumptibus Ioannis-Antonii Huguetan, 1644. First volume. Latin.
First of two volumes. All of Abraham Zacuto writings concerning medicine. Facing the title page appears an etching – portrait of Abraham Zacuto (See: A Jewish Iconography, Alfred Rubens. The Jewish Museum, London, 1954, no. 2241).
Abraham Zacuto (1575-1642), Jewish doctor and author. Native of Portugal, one of the Marranos, as a Christian was named Manuel Alvarash. Zacut studied medicine and philosophy in Spanish and Portugese universities and worked as a doctor in Lisbon for 30 years. In 1625, fear of the inquisition led him to flee to Amsterdam. When he arrived in Amsterdam he started his scientific work. His particularly accurate clinical descriptions of the plague, diphtheria, skin rashes and malignant tumors are outstanding. [71], 984, [31], 37 cm. Good condition. Staining.
First of two volumes. All of Abraham Zacuto writings concerning medicine. Facing the title page appears an etching – portrait of Abraham Zacuto (See: A Jewish Iconography, Alfred Rubens. The Jewish Museum, London, 1954, no. 2241).
Abraham Zacuto (1575-1642), Jewish doctor and author. Native of Portugal, one of the Marranos, as a Christian was named Manuel Alvarash. Zacut studied medicine and philosophy in Spanish and Portugese universities and worked as a doctor in Lisbon for 30 years. In 1625, fear of the inquisition led him to flee to Amsterdam. When he arrived in Amsterdam he started his scientific work. His particularly accurate clinical descriptions of the plague, diphtheria, skin rashes and malignant tumors are outstanding. [71], 984, [31], 37 cm. Good condition. Staining.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $300
Libri IV. de Sepulchris Hebraeorum, in quibus variorum populorum mores proponuntur, multa obscura loca enucleantur, usus approbantur & abusus rejiciuntur, genuina Hebraeorum sepulcrorum forma ostenditur, illorumque ritus in illis exhibentur et figuris aeneis illustrantur. By Johannis Nicolai, Henricum Teering publishing house, Leiden, 1706.
1st edition. Latin and some Hebrew.
Research of Jewish burial customs by Johann Nicolai (1653-1708), Philologist and professor of Classic Studies in Tuebingen.
Includes illustrations and 10 etchings (eight plates, and two etchings incorporated into the text) portraying Jewish tomb stones and graves. Three etchings include folding paper-parts which visualize the interior design of burial rooms.
[16], 286. [3] pp. [8] etching plates (one folded) + two etchings within the text (it seems that several plates are missing), 21 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor damages and restored tears to folded etching. Parchment binding. Ex-Libris of Riccardo Bachi.
1st edition. Latin and some Hebrew.
Research of Jewish burial customs by Johann Nicolai (1653-1708), Philologist and professor of Classic Studies in Tuebingen.
Includes illustrations and 10 etchings (eight plates, and two etchings incorporated into the text) portraying Jewish tomb stones and graves. Three etchings include folding paper-parts which visualize the interior design of burial rooms.
[16], 286. [3] pp. [8] etching plates (one folded) + two etchings within the text (it seems that several plates are missing), 21 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor damages and restored tears to folded etching. Parchment binding. Ex-Libris of Riccardo Bachi.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
De alceis Hebraeorum libri duo, curis secundis recogniti at aucti. Accedit ejusdem somnium, tertio recuseum, Antonii Bynaei. Dordrecht (Holland): Ex officinal Theodori Goris, 1715. Latin and some Hebrew.Two compositions by Anthony Bynaeus, (1654-1698), a Dutch priest, researcher of Judaism and ancient languages. The first composition deals with Jewish shoes and is accompanied by etchings. The second composition deals with sleep and solving dreams. [16], 267, [37], 24 pp+[2] plates, 19.5 cm. Good condition. Staining. Vellum binding.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Moses et Aaron, seu, civiles & ecclesiastici Ritus, illustrati, emendati & praecipuis thematibus aucti, studio Joh. Henr. Hottingeri. Frankfurt am Main: Dominicum à Sande, 1716. Second edition. Latin and some Hebrew. "Moses and Aaron, civil and religious customs", study of various Jewish customs by the theologians Thomas Goodwin and Johann Heinrich Hottinger. Accompanied by two etchings: one is facing the title-page and portrays ceremonies and a Jewish ritual, and the other – a folded map of Eretz Israel, with the Tribes territories.
[50], 976, [50] + [2] plates, 17 cm. Good condition. Leather binding. Stains, damages to binding. Ex-library copy, handwritten inscriptions.
[50], 976, [50] + [2] plates, 17 cm. Good condition. Leather binding. Stains, damages to binding. Ex-library copy, handwritten inscriptions.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $450
De Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani in Arcu Titiano Romae Conspicuis Liber Singularis. Arcum ipsum & spolia templi in eo sculpta tabulae in aes incisae exhibent, Hadriani Relandi. Utrecht, 1716. Latin and some Hebrew and Greek.
Research concerning the treasures which were looted from the Second Temple in Jerusalem, as presented in the "Victory Parade" on the Arch of Titus, Rome. Accompanied by seven etchings, amongst them folding etchings of the Arch of Titus and the Temple Menorah. The etchings were made by Jan Goeree, after the works of the Dutch artist Bonaventura van Overbeek.
Hadriani Relandi / Adriaan Reelant (1676-1718) – Dutch geographer, cartographer and philologist, of the first orientalists. Professor of Semitic languages in the University of Utrecht as of 1701 and a teacher of Jewish History. [4], 138. [26] pp + 7 plates (four are folded), 16.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains and tears. Tears and damages restored with adhesive tape to the Titus Arch etching; tear to Menorah etching. Original parchment binding.
Research concerning the treasures which were looted from the Second Temple in Jerusalem, as presented in the "Victory Parade" on the Arch of Titus, Rome. Accompanied by seven etchings, amongst them folding etchings of the Arch of Titus and the Temple Menorah. The etchings were made by Jan Goeree, after the works of the Dutch artist Bonaventura van Overbeek.
Hadriani Relandi / Adriaan Reelant (1676-1718) – Dutch geographer, cartographer and philologist, of the first orientalists. Professor of Semitic languages in the University of Utrecht as of 1701 and a teacher of Jewish History. [4], 138. [26] pp + 7 plates (four are folded), 16.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains and tears. Tears and damages restored with adhesive tape to the Titus Arch etching; tear to Menorah etching. Original parchment binding.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Introductio ad Historiam Philosophiae Ebraerum [Introduction to the History of Jewish Philosophy]. By Johann Franz Buddeus. Halle, 1720. Latin and some Hebrew.
Introduction to the history of Jewish philosophy by philosopher and theologian Johann Franz Buddeus, with some citations in Hebrew and four Kabbalistic diagrams. [27], 736, [20] pp + [4] plates, 17 cm. Good condition. Stains, ink-stamps. Original vellum binding, somewhat worn.
Introduction to the history of Jewish philosophy by philosopher and theologian Johann Franz Buddeus, with some citations in Hebrew and four Kabbalistic diagrams. [27], 736, [20] pp + [4] plates, 17 cm. Good condition. Stains, ink-stamps. Original vellum binding, somewhat worn.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Lettera apologetica a sua eccellenza il signor marchese N.N., amico del signor avvocato Giovambattista Benedetti..., nell' occasione di certo libello diffamatorio contro agli Ebrei venuto alla luce sotto il titolo di Dissertazione delle Religione e del Giuramento degli Ebrei fallacemente attribuito al detto Sig. Avvocato. Printed by Alberto Pazzoni, Mantua, 1775. Italian.
Treatise is a defense of Giovambattista Benedetti, published anonymously following a booklet by the name “Dissertation on the birth and oaths of the Jews” which slanders the Jews and which was also published anonymously and attributed erroneously to the same Benedetti. VII, [1], 110 pages, 26 cm. Fair to good condition, stains on title page and in page margins, tears in the margins of several pages, light moth damage.
Treatise is a defense of Giovambattista Benedetti, published anonymously following a booklet by the name “Dissertation on the birth and oaths of the Jews” which slanders the Jews and which was also published anonymously and attributed erroneously to the same Benedetti. VII, [1], 110 pages, 26 cm. Fair to good condition, stains on title page and in page margins, tears in the margins of several pages, light moth damage.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $300
Including buyer's premium
De Synedriis & Praefecturis Juridicis Veterum Ebraeorum, Libri Tres. Editio Ultima Priori correctior [The Sanhedrin and ancient Jewish Juridical system, in three volumes]. Amsterdam: Henrici & Theodori Boom, & viduæ Joannis à Someren, 1679. Latin and some Hebrew, Greek and Arabic
A comprehensive research of Jewish laws, the Jewish juridical system and the Sanhedrin, by the British jurist John Selden (1584-1654). Selden refers in his study to numerous Jewish writings and presents the Sanhedrin as an exemplary parliament. This research was first published in 1650-1655, in three different volumes. [16], 361, [7], 428, [12], 266, [12] pp. 22.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, tear to one leaf, partly detached parchment binding, stained. Handwritten ownership inscription.
A comprehensive research of Jewish laws, the Jewish juridical system and the Sanhedrin, by the British jurist John Selden (1584-1654). Selden refers in his study to numerous Jewish writings and presents the Sanhedrin as an exemplary parliament. This research was first published in 1650-1655, in three different volumes. [16], 361, [7], 428, [12], 266, [12] pp. 22.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, tear to one leaf, partly detached parchment binding, stained. Handwritten ownership inscription.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $250
Dissertatio historico philologica de Essenis, in qua inter alia non pauca Fl. Josephi Loca expenduntur... simul phlyariai Nic. Serarii, aliorumque circa hoc argumentum errores exploduntur atque discutiuntur ... publice disquisitioni exhibita praeside M. Eberhardo Rudolpho Roht [Roth], Ulmense respondente Johanne Ernesto Buethnero, Kirchhayna - Lusato ante diem Januar. Printed in Jena (University City in central Germany), 1669. Latin.
Dissertation (thesis) dealing with Flavius Josephus’ "Antiquities of the Jews". Written in Latin and contains quotations in Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic. [32] Leaves 18.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Upper margins slightly clipped, dark paper, damage repaired professionally. Parchment binding with leather laces (not original).
Dissertation (thesis) dealing with Flavius Josephus’ "Antiquities of the Jews". Written in Latin and contains quotations in Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic. [32] Leaves 18.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Upper margins slightly clipped, dark paper, damage repaired professionally. Parchment binding with leather laces (not original).
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
The Present State of the Jews, Wherein is contained an exact account of their customs, secular and religious. To which is annexed a summary discourse of the Misna, Talmud, & Gemara, by Lancelot Addison. London: J.C. for William Crooke, 1767. 2nd ed. English.
"Thw Present State of Jews", a comprehensive research about the Jewish Berber population (North African) in the 17th cent, by the Anglican priest Lancelot Addison. The book surveys customs, ceremonies and religion of North African Jews. The book ends with a chapter about the Mishna, Gemara and Talmud. [12], 247, [5] pp, 16 cm. Etching is missing. Good condition. Staining. Tears and damages to binding. Handwritten inscription and Ex-Libris label.
"Thw Present State of Jews", a comprehensive research about the Jewish Berber population (North African) in the 17th cent, by the Anglican priest Lancelot Addison. The book surveys customs, ceremonies and religion of North African Jews. The book ends with a chapter about the Mishna, Gemara and Talmud. [12], 247, [5] pp, 16 cm. Etching is missing. Good condition. Staining. Tears and damages to binding. Handwritten inscription and Ex-Libris label.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Volume contains 185 engravings printed in London in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The volume contains engravings that appeared in a number of different books, most showing scenes from the Bible (some from New Testament), some of the Temple, priests, holy vessels, etc. Also contains 13 maps of Eretz Israel. Most of the etchings are described in English, some of them were printed as part of the book of Flavius Josephus. [185] leaves, a number of engravings are folded. Volume 39 cm. Condition varies fair to good, tears, stains and creases in some of the engravings.
The volume contains engravings that appeared in a number of different books, most showing scenes from the Bible (some from New Testament), some of the Temple, priests, holy vessels, etc. Also contains 13 maps of Eretz Israel. Most of the etchings are described in English, some of them were printed as part of the book of Flavius Josephus. [185] leaves, a number of engravings are folded. Volume 39 cm. Condition varies fair to good, tears, stains and creases in some of the engravings.
Research and Bibliography
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
RUBENS, Alfred. A Jewish Iconography. London: The Jewish Museum, 1954.
Extensive, richly illustrated lexicon of important Jewish artists, traditions and works, with bibliographical records of ceremonial prints, costume plates and engraved portraits from the author's collection, representing five centuries of Jewish social history. 75 illustrations in collotype. . Alfred Rubens (1903-1998),renowned curator, collector and historian of Jewish art, served as director of the London Jewish Museum between 1958 and 1983. Limited edition of 500 copies.
xvi, 160 pp, [31] plates. 26 cm. Half vellum cloth binding, TEG. Near Fine Minus condition. Very slight damage to the spine. Some of the sheets uncut.
Extensive, richly illustrated lexicon of important Jewish artists, traditions and works, with bibliographical records of ceremonial prints, costume plates and engraved portraits from the author's collection, representing five centuries of Jewish social history. 75 illustrations in collotype. . Alfred Rubens (1903-1998),renowned curator, collector and historian of Jewish art, served as director of the London Jewish Museum between 1958 and 1983. Limited edition of 500 copies.
xvi, 160 pp, [31] plates. 26 cm. Half vellum cloth binding, TEG. Near Fine Minus condition. Very slight damage to the spine. Some of the sheets uncut.
Research and Bibliography