Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Displaying 1 - 12 of 31
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $1,000
In vald [in the forest], by Leib Kvitko, illustrations by Issachar Ber- Ryback. Berlin: Shveln, [1921]. Yiddish.
Story for children. On front cover and on inner side of back cover appear illustrations in color. Large black and white illustrations within the book. 16 pp, 30.5X23 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Creases and minor tear to borders of leaves. Cover is complete and in good condition, partly detached with several stains and tears.
Story for children. On front cover and on inner side of back cover appear illustrations in color. Large black and white illustrations within the book. 16 pp, 30.5X23 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Creases and minor tear to borders of leaves. Cover is complete and in good condition, partly detached with several stains and tears.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Foyglen [birds], by Leib Kvitko, illustrations by Issachar Ber Ryback. Berlin: Schwellen, [ca.1922]. Yiddish.
Children's story. Illustrations in color appear on the front and back covers. Large illustrations in b/w appear within the book. 15. [1] pp, 31X24 cm. Fair-good condition. Detached leaves, tears to borders of leaves. Detached cover. Edges of cover – professionally restored.
See: Futur antérieur, l’avant-garde et le livre yiddish (1914-1939. Skira, Paris, 2009. No. 152.
Children's story. Illustrations in color appear on the front and back covers. Large illustrations in b/w appear within the book. 15. [1] pp, 31X24 cm. Fair-good condition. Detached leaves, tears to borders of leaves. Detached cover. Edges of cover – professionally restored.
See: Futur antérieur, l’avant-garde et le livre yiddish (1914-1939. Skira, Paris, 2009. No. 152.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
Andersens mayselakh [Andersen tales], booklet no. 1-4 of the series "kinder-bibliotek" [library for children]. Kovno: "Licht", 1922. Yiddish.
Tales by Hans Christian Andersen translated into Yiddish by Der Nister (Pinchas Kahanovitch), four booklets bound together. Covers of booklets are illustrated by Issachar Ber Ryback. [2], 20, [4], 22, [6], 23, [5], 16, [2] pp, 14 cm. Good condition. Stains and moisture marks, tears, one of the title pages is restored with adhesive tape, ex-library copy.
Tales by Hans Christian Andersen translated into Yiddish by Der Nister (Pinchas Kahanovitch), four booklets bound together. Covers of booklets are illustrated by Issachar Ber Ryback. [2], 20, [4], 22, [6], 23, [5], 16, [2] pp, 14 cm. Good condition. Stains and moisture marks, tears, one of the title pages is restored with adhesive tape, ex-library copy.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $1,500
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Der galaganer hon [the boastful rooster], by Peretz Markish. Berlin: Klal, 1922. Yiddish.
Children's book by Peretz Markish illustrated by Joseph Tchaikov. On the front cover appears an illustration in color in an impressive typographic design. Within the booklet there are 25 additional illustrations in b/w.
Joseph Tchaikov (1888-1986) - sculptor, painter, graphic artist, teacher and theoretician. Studied in Paris between 1910-1913, started exhibiting from 1912. Was active member in groups and associations of Jewish artists. He was among the founders of "Kultur-Lige" in Kiev. Taught sculpture in Vkhutemas and in Vkhutein between 1923-1930.
3030 pp,31 cm. Good-fair condition.Detached leaves, tears at edges of leaves (most leaves in good condition, including the detached ones).Cover detached. Borders of front and back covers are missing and were professionally restored.
For additional information, see: Tradition and Revolution - The Jewish renaissance in Russian avant-garde 1912-1928, by Ruth Apter- Gabriel
Children's book by Peretz Markish illustrated by Joseph Tchaikov. On the front cover appears an illustration in color in an impressive typographic design. Within the booklet there are 25 additional illustrations in b/w.
Joseph Tchaikov (1888-1986) - sculptor, painter, graphic artist, teacher and theoretician. Studied in Paris between 1910-1913, started exhibiting from 1912. Was active member in groups and associations of Jewish artists. He was among the founders of "Kultur-Lige" in Kiev. Taught sculpture in Vkhutemas and in Vkhutein between 1923-1930.
3030 pp,31 cm. Good-fair condition.Detached leaves, tears at edges of leaves (most leaves in good condition, including the detached ones).Cover detached. Borders of front and back covers are missing and were professionally restored.
For additional information, see: Tradition and Revolution - The Jewish renaissance in Russian avant-garde 1912-1928, by Ruth Apter- Gabriel
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Al'dos guts – Mayselekh far kinder, Moshe Broderson. Warsaw: Kultur Lige, 1922. Yiddish.
Illustration on the cover and more than 20 additional illustrations within the book by Arthur Szyk and accompanied by rhymed tales by Moshe Broderson. 90, [4] pp, 22 cm. Poor condition. Dry and fragile paper. Numerous tears. Parts of the cover and some of the book leaves are missing. Back cover is missing. Two tears repaired with adhesive tape.
Illustration on the cover and more than 20 additional illustrations within the book by Arthur Szyk and accompanied by rhymed tales by Moshe Broderson. 90, [4] pp, 22 cm. Poor condition. Dry and fragile paper. Numerous tears. Parts of the cover and some of the book leaves are missing. Back cover is missing. Two tears repaired with adhesive tape.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Mayse-Bikhl, mit litografyes un holtshniten fun Lasar Seggal, David Berglsohn. Berlin: Wostok, 1923. Yiddish.
Tales by David Berglsohn, with illustrations by Lasar Seggal, Jewish painter, etcher and scrulptor, native of Vilnius. Berglsohn (1884-1952), Yiddish playwright and author. Was executed by Stalin in 1952. 48 pp + [8] illustration plates, 26 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks and moisture marks. Original binding (fair condition), professionally restored; lining leaves and spine are not original. Ex-Libris labels and ink-stamps.
Tales by David Berglsohn, with illustrations by Lasar Seggal, Jewish painter, etcher and scrulptor, native of Vilnius. Berglsohn (1884-1952), Yiddish playwright and author. Was executed by Stalin in 1952. 48 pp + [8] illustration plates, 26 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks and moisture marks. Original binding (fair condition), professionally restored; lining leaves and spine are not original. Ex-Libris labels and ink-stamps.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Heften far Yidisher Kunst [Booklet for Jewish Art], bi-monthly. Vilnius: Yidishn Visnshaftlekhn Institut – the Jewish Science Institute, November-December 1936. Yiddish.
Issue no. 1.Articles about Jewish art. Cover design by Ome Olkenitsky. We do not know if other booklets were published. 32pp, 24cm. Good condition. Minor stains and creases. Tears to cover. Cover partly detached.
Issue no. 1.Articles about Jewish art. Cover design by Ome Olkenitsky. We do not know if other booklets were published. 32pp, 24cm. Good condition. Minor stains and creases. Tears to cover. Cover partly detached.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $300
Including buyer's premium
Almanac VUSPP, "alukrainishe asotsiyatsye fun proletarishe shrayber – yidishe sektsye" – [Ukrainian Association for Proletarian Writers- Jewish Section]. "Centralfarlag", Kharkov, 1929. Yiddish.
Literary anthology published by the Jewish section of a group of Proletarian writers, established in 1927. With compositions by 21 Jewish writers and poets. Accompanied by works of the artists B. Blank and M. Fradkin. Yiddish. 363, [3] pp, 22.5 cm. Good condition. Worn binding. Cover missing.
Literary anthology published by the Jewish section of a group of Proletarian writers, established in 1927. With compositions by 21 Jewish writers and poets. Accompanied by works of the artists B. Blank and M. Fradkin. Yiddish. 363, [3] pp, 22.5 cm. Good condition. Worn binding. Cover missing.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Pro Peretz Markish, Pamflet fun Melech Ravitch. I. Hendler printing press, Warsaw, April 1922. Yiddish.
Review regarding Markish's poetry and passages from his poems. The cover, printed on heavy, purple colored paper, was designed by Ravitch himself. Facing the title-page is a portrait of Peretz Markish, created by the artist Yitzchak (Vincent) Brauner (1887-1944), member of "Yung-Yiddish" and "Kultur Lige" groups in Poland. 29, [2] pp, 26 cm. Good condition. Minor stains, creases and tears at borders of leaves and of cover. Cover faded at borders.
Review regarding Markish's poetry and passages from his poems. The cover, printed on heavy, purple colored paper, was designed by Ravitch himself. Facing the title-page is a portrait of Peretz Markish, created by the artist Yitzchak (Vincent) Brauner (1887-1944), member of "Yung-Yiddish" and "Kultur Lige" groups in Poland. 29, [2] pp, 26 cm. Good condition. Minor stains, creases and tears at borders of leaves and of cover. Cover faded at borders.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Записки поэта, (Zapiski poeta), anthology of poems by Ilya Selvinski, Moscow-Leningrad, 1928. Binding design: Eliezer (El) Lissitzky.
Poetry book by Ilya Selvinski (1899-1968), Jewish-Russian author, poet and playwright. A prominent poet of the constructivist movement in the USSR. Cover photomontage design by El Lissitzky. 91, [3] pp + folding plate 17.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, damages and tears to edges of cover and to spine.
Poetry book by Ilya Selvinski (1899-1968), Jewish-Russian author, poet and playwright. A prominent poet of the constructivist movement in the USSR. Cover photomontage design by El Lissitzky. 91, [3] pp + folding plate 17.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, damages and tears to edges of cover and to spine.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Zalbafert, Poetry anthology. Moscow: "Lebn", 1918. Yiddish.
Poems by Moshe Broderzon, Gershon Broide, Menache Heilprin and Daniel Charni. 32 pp, 20 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Detached leaves. Booklet in soft cover with no staples (cover fastened with adhesive tape).
Poems by Moshe Broderzon, Gershon Broide, Menache Heilprin and Daniel Charni. 32 pp, 20 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Detached leaves. Booklet in soft cover with no staples (cover fastened with adhesive tape).
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature
Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
May 21, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
Three books published by "yidishe literarisher farlag"; covers designed by Joesph Tchaikov and Abraham Mintchine. Publishing house emblem designed by Issachar Ber ryback.
1. Brenendike brink, anthology for revolutionary poetry, edited by Ezra Korman. Berlin, [1922]. 2nd edition of "Revolutionary Poetry Anthology", including mainly works by young Jewish Soviet poets (David Hofstein, Peretz Marakish, Ezra Feinenberg, Asher Schwarzman and others), composed during the revolution and civil war in Russia. The cover, title characters and illustrations by Abraham Mintchin. 158, [1] pp, 19 cm. Good condition. Stains.
2. Draysik yor in argentine, memoarn fun a yidishn kolonist [thirty years in Argentina, memories of a Jewish colonist], Mordechai Alpersohn. Berlin, 1923. Yiddish. First volume. Cover design by Joseph Tchaikov. 397, [2] pp, 18.5 cm. Good condition.
3. In shturm fun geshikhte, aroysgerisene bletlakh fun tog-bukh 1914-1921, David Koigen. Berlin, 1923. Cover design by Joseph Tchaikov. 247, [1] pp, 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains.
1. Brenendike brink, anthology for revolutionary poetry, edited by Ezra Korman. Berlin, [1922]. 2nd edition of "Revolutionary Poetry Anthology", including mainly works by young Jewish Soviet poets (David Hofstein, Peretz Marakish, Ezra Feinenberg, Asher Schwarzman and others), composed during the revolution and civil war in Russia. The cover, title characters and illustrations by Abraham Mintchin. 158, [1] pp, 19 cm. Good condition. Stains.
2. Draysik yor in argentine, memoarn fun a yidishn kolonist [thirty years in Argentina, memories of a Jewish colonist], Mordechai Alpersohn. Berlin, 1923. Yiddish. First volume. Cover design by Joseph Tchaikov. 397, [2] pp, 18.5 cm. Good condition.
3. In shturm fun geshikhte, aroysgerisene bletlakh fun tog-bukh 1914-1921, David Koigen. Berlin, 1923. Cover design by Joseph Tchaikov. 247, [1] pp, 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains.
Yiddish Literature, Avant-Garde, Hebrew Literature