Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
Collection of books by the Ga’on Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin of Salant (1810-1883), among greatest giants of Lithuania and founder of the Mussar movement.
For complete list, see Hebrew description.
Six books, various sizes and conditions; majority in good condition.
For complete list, see Hebrew description.
Six books, various sizes and conditions; majority in good condition.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $600
Sefer Achi’ezer, responsa, section Even Ha’ezer. Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski. Vilnius, [1922].
Title page contains fine inscription “memento of friendship” in handwriting and signature of author Rabbi Chaim Ozer.
[2], 88 leaves. 32 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, loose leaves, several tears. Damaged binding.
Title page contains fine inscription “memento of friendship” in handwriting and signature of author Rabbi Chaim Ozer.
[2], 88 leaves. 32 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, loose leaves, several tears. Damaged binding.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Chafetz Chaim, on laws prohibiting slander and gossip. Vilnius 1877. Second revised edition. Bound with: Sefer Shmirat HaLashon (first section) “completion of Sefer Chafetz Chaim”, words of encouragement and ethics for guarding the tongue and Torah study. Vilnius, 1876. First edition.
First books of Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen of Radun, published anonymously; name of author printed on margins of title pages in Russian initials.
Leaf preceding title page contains interesting notation: “This Chafetz Chaim book belongs to my honorable father Rabbi S. Z. Liebenstein Kidan. Rosh Chodesh Adar II 1878. Yehuda Leib Liebenstein – Purchased from author Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kahana of Radun, who was here in winter of 1878 for the price of eighty Koppels”.
78 leaves; 38 leaves. 22 cm. Fair condition, wear, moth damage. Worn and damaged antique binding.
First books of Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen of Radun, published anonymously; name of author printed on margins of title pages in Russian initials.
Leaf preceding title page contains interesting notation: “This Chafetz Chaim book belongs to my honorable father Rabbi S. Z. Liebenstein Kidan. Rosh Chodesh Adar II 1878. Yehuda Leib Liebenstein – Purchased from author Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kahana of Radun, who was here in winter of 1878 for the price of eighty Koppels”.
78 leaves; 38 leaves. 22 cm. Fair condition, wear, moth damage. Worn and damaged antique binding.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $500
Two first editions of books by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen author of Chafetz Chaim: * Sefer Nidchei Yisrael. Warsaw, 1893. * Bound with: Sefer Torah Ohr. Warsaw, 1900.
First book contains pencilled word correction, possibly in holy handwriting of author.
[1], 130 pages; 32 pages. 21.5 cm. Fair condition, stains, moth holes, tears and detached leaves.
First book contains pencilled word correction, possibly in holy handwriting of author.
[1], 130 pages; 32 pages. 21.5 cm. Fair condition, stains, moth holes, tears and detached leaves.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
* Sefer Etz Chaim, collection of articles and letters, including article “Machzikei HaTorah”, by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen author of “Chafetz Chaim”. Vilnius, [1926]. * Article “Tzipita LiShu’ah”, by the “Chafetz Chaim”, with “Ma’amar HaTochecha” by the publisher, his son-in-law Rabbi Aharon HaKohen. Tel Aviv, [1929]. * Der “Chafetz Chaim”, biography, Divrei Torah, allegories and tales from his life. Landsberg (Germany), [c. 1947]. Publication of Mercaz HaKibbutzim of Po’alei Agudat Yisrael in Germany and Kibbutz “Chafetz Chaim”.
Various sizes and conditions.
Various sizes and conditions.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $200
* Sefer Geder Olam, on head covering for women, by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen author of “Chafetz Chaim”. Fez, [1960]. * Handwritten leaf, (incomplete) copy of public appeal in favor of Va’ad HaYeshivot in Lithuania by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, in Oriental (Moroccan) writing. “Delight of the entire Jewish nation Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen author of the Chafetz Chaim…” is mentioned. * Excerpt from old newspaper in German, with picture of the “Chafetz Chaim”.
Various sizes, good condition.
Various sizes, good condition.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $200
“Article on education” and article "Why are you sleeping…" – printed proclamation with two articles by the Chafetz Chaim (signed in print: “Yisrael Meir HaCohen from Radun author of the book Chafetz Chaim and Mishna Brura”). Baranovichi, [1934?].
The first article was first publicized in 1932 and is intended as opposition to "the new schools of various types filled with heresy… such as the Yiddishistin schools… and we have already seen the fruits of such schools in recent years…". In the second article which was publicized in 1928, the Chafetz Chaim writes: "A few weeks ago, I publicized an article about the great earthquake which was in our Holy Land [Av 1927] when I urged all the people of Israel to repent… and now we hear… the "earthquake" which took place in Russia… he who understands shall take it to heart that G-d is urging us to repent…".
This pamphlet with the two articles was first printed by Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, the disciple of the Chafetz Chaim and Head of the Baranovitz Yeshiva, and was attached to the first edition of his book “Kovetz Shiurim”.
[4] pages. 34 cm. Fair condition. Dark stains and tears.
The first article was first publicized in 1932 and is intended as opposition to "the new schools of various types filled with heresy… such as the Yiddishistin schools… and we have already seen the fruits of such schools in recent years…". In the second article which was publicized in 1928, the Chafetz Chaim writes: "A few weeks ago, I publicized an article about the great earthquake which was in our Holy Land [Av 1927] when I urged all the people of Israel to repent… and now we hear… the "earthquake" which took place in Russia… he who understands shall take it to heart that G-d is urging us to repent…".
This pamphlet with the two articles was first printed by Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, the disciple of the Chafetz Chaim and Head of the Baranovitz Yeshiva, and was attached to the first edition of his book “Kovetz Shiurim”.
[4] pages. 34 cm. Fair condition. Dark stains and tears.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $2,000
Torat Kohanim with glosses of the Vilna Ga’on including new concise and clear commentary, by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin. 2 sections. Petrikov, 1911. First edition.
Stamps, signatures and glosses in handwriting of two students of the Chafetz Chaim, the righteous Rabbi “Shlomo Zalman Bloch” (1890-1973) and the Ga’on Rabbi Yoel Kluft (1906-1985). Correction glosses in holy handwriting of author, the Chafetz Chaim (see, for example: 35/1, section 2: 31/2, 38/2, 85/1 and more).
[1], 210; 188 pages. Approx. 24 cm. Dry fragile paper, fair condition, wear on margins and tears, detached leaves, original worn and detached binding.
Letter by expert attached, identifying some glosses as written in handwriting identical to that of holy handwriting of Chafetz Chaim in his letters and writings.
Stamps, signatures and glosses in handwriting of two students of the Chafetz Chaim, the righteous Rabbi “Shlomo Zalman Bloch” (1890-1973) and the Ga’on Rabbi Yoel Kluft (1906-1985). Correction glosses in holy handwriting of author, the Chafetz Chaim (see, for example: 35/1, section 2: 31/2, 38/2, 85/1 and more).
[1], 210; 188 pages. Approx. 24 cm. Dry fragile paper, fair condition, wear on margins and tears, detached leaves, original worn and detached binding.
Letter by expert attached, identifying some glosses as written in handwriting identical to that of holy handwriting of Chafetz Chaim in his letters and writings.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $500
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Chafetz Chaim, laws of Shmirat HaLashon "on the laws of prohibitions of slander and gossip, according to the halacha learned from the Talmud and poskim". [Vilna, 1873. First edition. First book by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen of Radun, published anonymously].
On Page 46 correction of 4 words in the author's own handwriting. On Page 9/1 handwritten inscription of numbering the prohibitions transgressed by a person who slanders.
(Title page and approbations are missing), [3], 8-81 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition, moisture damage and wear. Simple binding.
On Page 46 correction of 4 words in the author's own handwriting. On Page 9/1 handwritten inscription of numbering the prohibitions transgressed by a person who slanders.
(Title page and approbations are missing), [3], 8-81 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition, moisture damage and wear. Simple binding.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Chazon Ish, laws of Shvi’it-Shmitta. Jerusalem, [1937]. First edition. Handwritten glosses containing revisions and additions, mostly by publisher Rabbi Shmuel Greineman brother-in-law of the “Chazon Ish”. [It is possible that some are in handwriting of author, see leaf 55/2]. These revisions and additions were printed in “second publication including additions” Jerusalem 1952.
[2], 78 leaves. 34 cm. Quality paper, good-fair condition, wear and moth damage. Original worn binding.
[2], 78 leaves. 34 cm. Quality paper, good-fair condition, wear and moth damage. Original worn binding.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
* Sefer Chazon Ish, Kuntress Shmonah Esrei Sha'ot (polemic regarding the "date line"). Jerusalem, 1943. * Chazon Ish, Keilim. Vilna, 1936. * Ohalot. Vilna, 1936. * Nega'im Para V'Hosafot Shvi'it. Jerusalem, 1938. * Taharot-Uktzin, Jerusalem 1940. * Kodshim Volume Two, and Kuntress HaShiurim. Jerusalem, 1947. [Not bound in order of the leaves]. * Kilayim Orlah. Jerusalem 1940. * Even Ha'Ezer, Ishut Yibum V'Chalitza. Jerusalem 1940. * Hilchot Ketubot V'Likutim. Jerusalem 1941.
Nine volumes, various sizes and conditions.
Nine volumes, various sizes and conditions.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
November 6, 2012
Opening: $300
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Collection of books by Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky, "the Steipler". From the early first editions printed in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak. Some of the books have corrections and additions in the author's handwriting.
* Kehillot Ya'akov, [first edition], Jerusalem, [1936]. * Volume Two, 1938. * Bound with: Volume Three, [1941] missing 2 leaves at end. * Volume Four, [1943]. * Volume Five, 1945. * Volume Six, 1947. * Bound with Volume Seven on Tractate Shabbat. [1951]. * Kehillot Ya'akov, Yevamot, 1958. * Nedarim and Shvi'it, Bnei Brak, 1959. * Gittin and Likutim. Bnei Brak, 1961. * Ketubot. [1962]. * Shiurin Shel Torah, Shiurei HaMitzvot, [1957].
Fourteen volumes, in twelve bindings. Various sizes and conditions. All bound with a Bristol cover or unbound.
* Kehillot Ya'akov, [first edition], Jerusalem, [1936]. * Volume Two, 1938. * Bound with: Volume Three, [1941] missing 2 leaves at end. * Volume Four, [1943]. * Volume Five, 1945. * Volume Six, 1947. * Bound with Volume Seven on Tractate Shabbat. [1951]. * Kehillot Ya'akov, Yevamot, 1958. * Nedarim and Shvi'it, Bnei Brak, 1959. * Gittin and Likutim. Bnei Brak, 1961. * Ketubot. [1962]. * Shiurin Shel Torah, Shiurei HaMitzvot, [1957].
Fourteen volumes, in twelve bindings. Various sizes and conditions. All bound with a Bristol cover or unbound.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders