Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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Displaying 13 - 24 of 570
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $300
1. Der Baseler Congress, von Dr. Theodor Herzl. Vienna, 1897. Detached cover and first leaf. Back cover missing. Folding-marks.
2. Reden gehalten auf dem III. Zionisten-Congresse zu Basel, Dr. Th. Herzl, Dr. Max Nordau. Vienna, 1899. Staining.
3-5. Rede, Gehalten auf dem IV. Zionisten-Congresse zu London. Vienna, 1900. Three separate booklets for three speeches by: Nahum Sokolov, Zvi Balkovsky and Dr. Alexander Marmorek. Stains and creases.
6. 5. Zionistencongress Basel - Generalreferat ֳ¼ber Fragen der kֳ¶rperlichen, geistigen und wirtschaftlichen Hebung des Judentums, Erstattet von Dr. Max Nordau. Basel [1902?]. Stains.
Sizes and conditions vary.
2. Reden gehalten auf dem III. Zionisten-Congresse zu Basel, Dr. Th. Herzl, Dr. Max Nordau. Vienna, 1899. Staining.
3-5. Rede, Gehalten auf dem IV. Zionisten-Congresse zu London. Vienna, 1900. Three separate booklets for three speeches by: Nahum Sokolov, Zvi Balkovsky and Dr. Alexander Marmorek. Stains and creases.
6. 5. Zionistencongress Basel - Generalreferat ֳ¼ber Fragen der kֳ¶rperlichen, geistigen und wirtschaftlichen Hebung des Judentums, Erstattet von Dr. Max Nordau. Basel [1902?]. Stains.
Sizes and conditions vary.
Herzl, Zionist Congressesm, JNF
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Bericht des Prֳ₪sidenten der Nationalfondskommission an die Zionistische Jahreskonferenz des Jahres 5663 / 1902, und an die Mitglieder der Nationalfondskommission ֳ¼ber die Tֳ₪tigkeit der Kommission und dessen Prֳ₪sidenten in der Zeit seit dem V. Zionistenkongress. Zurich, September 1902. German.
Report issued by the committee appointed to establish JNF (headed by Dr. David Farbstein), following the decision taken at the fifth Zionist Congress in Basel (1901). 109 pp, 21.5 cm. Fair condition. Partly detached leaves, tears and stains. Tear with omission to back cover.
Report issued by the committee appointed to establish JNF (headed by Dr. David Farbstein), following the decision taken at the fifth Zionist Congress in Basel (1901). 109 pp, 21.5 cm. Fair condition. Partly detached leaves, tears and stains. Tear with omission to back cover.
Herzl, Zionist Congressesm, JNF
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $120
Sold for: $300
Including buyer's premium
Two postcards mailed from the 12th Congress (1921), and from the 16th Congress (1929), with the congress ink-stamps: *Jew holding a Torah. Illustration by Jacob Steinhardt. Rimer no. 40. * The back of a naked muscleman bending an iron bar. Rimer no. 63. On the reverse appears a handwritten inscription: "the official opening a dry and formal ceremony with no life and no juice". Postage stamp is missing. Good condition. Minor stains and creases.
Herzl, Zionist Congressesm, JNF
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
A large group photograph of the thirteenth Zionist Congress in Carlsbad, 1923.
Photographer: Carl Wagner, Carlsbad. Cardboard backed. 28X39 cm. Fair condition. Moisture-marks, minor tears and creases, mainly at borders.
Photographer: Carl Wagner, Carlsbad. Cardboard backed. 28X39 cm. Fair condition. Moisture-marks, minor tears and creases, mainly at borders.
Herzl, Zionist Congressesm, JNF
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $150
*Cardboard folder "The 17th Zionist Congress, Basel 1931". * A dozen issues of Kongresszeitung, Offizielles Organ des XVII. Zionistenkongresses. Zurich, July 1931. Issues 1-12. German. * Information leaflet for the congress participants - Merkblatt Fֳ¼r die Teilnehmer der Palֳ₪stinatagungen. Basel, 1931. Various sizes and conditions. Tears to folder.
Herzl, Zionist Congressesm, JNF
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $100
Sold for: $163
Including buyer's premium
Blue Box the Bold and Other Stories. Published by JNF Youth Department, Jerusalem, [1947]. English.
Rhymed story about the travels of "Blue Box the Bold" (figure of a Blue Box) in Palestine, by Mordechai Amitai (Warhaft); other stories, amongst them by Leah Goldberg "A Conversation at Night" written for JNF's birthday. Numerous illustrations. [2], 24 pp, 24 cm. Very good condition.
Rhymed story about the travels of "Blue Box the Bold" (figure of a Blue Box) in Palestine, by Mordechai Amitai (Warhaft); other stories, amongst them by Leah Goldberg "A Conversation at Night" written for JNF's birthday. Numerous illustrations. [2], 24 pp, 24 cm. Very good condition.
Herzl, Zionist Congressesm, JNF
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $300
Sold for: $450
Including buyer's premium
Letter from Zvi Hirsch Lehren - head of "Administrators and Clerks" in Amsterdam. The letter was sent to the Eretz Israel trustees in Nijmegen (Holland) and to the rabbi of the city, rabbi Ya'akov Levisohn, regarding collection of donations by members of their congregation for the poor people in Eretz Israel. The Hague, 1828. There are interesting facts about the collection of donations for Eretz Israel in the different communities. The letter contains a long description of the outcomes of a plague in Safed. 17.5X21 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains and minor tears and creases.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $150
Speeches in" Beit Ha'am" in Rishon Le'Zion, booklet A. Jerusalem: A.M. Lunz printing press, 1899.
Speeches by David Yudelevitch, Menashe Meirovitch and Baruch Osovitzky ("head of the wineries" - his words were translated into Hebrew by Shraga Feivel Rozen and appear in German written in Hebrew letters). [1], 34 pp, 16 cm. Fair condition. Foxing-marks, creased corners, tears at borders.
Speeches by David Yudelevitch, Menashe Meirovitch and Baruch Osovitzky ("head of the wineries" - his words were translated into Hebrew by Shraga Feivel Rozen and appear in German written in Hebrew letters). [1], 34 pp, 16 cm. Fair condition. Foxing-marks, creased corners, tears at borders.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $150
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
1. Verein zur Erziehung Jֳ¼discher Waisen in Palֳ₪stina (Sitz Frankfurt am Main). Frankfurt am Main, 1904. Hebrew and German. Booklet about the school with a prayer in honor of the Sultan Abd-el-Hamid II and a poem by the school's children.
2. Bericht des Vereins zur Erziehung Jֳ¼discher Waisen in Palֳ₪stina fֳ¼r das Jahr 1904. Frankfurt am Main, 1905. German. Report for the year 1904.
3. Bericht des Vereins zur Erziehung Jֳ¼discher Waisen in Palֳ₪stina fֳ¼r das Jahr 1905. Frankfurt am Main, 1906. German. Report for the year 1905.
22 cm. Fair-good condition. Ink-stamps. Markings in pen.
2. Bericht des Vereins zur Erziehung Jֳ¼discher Waisen in Palֳ₪stina fֳ¼r das Jahr 1904. Frankfurt am Main, 1905. German. Report for the year 1904.
3. Bericht des Vereins zur Erziehung Jֳ¼discher Waisen in Palֳ₪stina fֳ¼r das Jahr 1905. Frankfurt am Main, 1906. German. Report for the year 1905.
22 cm. Fair-good condition. Ink-stamps. Markings in pen.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $1,500
1-50. Fifty calling cards of doctors. Eretz Israel - mainly from Jaffa and Jerusalem, early 20th century. Amongst them calling cards of the doctors: Sr. Pochovsky of Jaffa, Dr. Mezraki, Dr. A. Mazia, Dr. [Moshe] Moritz Wallach, founder of "Sha'arey Zedek" Hospital, Dr. Albert Abushadid of Jerusalem, and others. On the reverse of many of the cards appear dedications or short handwritten letters.
51-60. Ten letters on official stationery of doctors and hospitals: Dr. A. Ticho, Hospital Meyer de Rothschild, Jerusalem, Pasteurization Institute Jerusalem - of the Society of doctors and Jewish Nature Researchers for Health Matters in Eretz Israel, ARMA Jerusalem - Society of Hebrew Speaking Doctores, Dr. Albert Abushadid, and more.
Size varies, in general good condition.
51-60. Ten letters on official stationery of doctors and hospitals: Dr. A. Ticho, Hospital Meyer de Rothschild, Jerusalem, Pasteurization Institute Jerusalem - of the Society of doctors and Jewish Nature Researchers for Health Matters in Eretz Israel, ARMA Jerusalem - Society of Hebrew Speaking Doctores, Dr. Albert Abushadid, and more.
Size varies, in general good condition.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Three invitations to funerals and to important memorials: printed Bristol-paper cards with black frames: * "The funeral of H.N. Bialik, Tel-Aviv", 1934. Ticket to the funeral parade, ticket number 8, raw 279, "not for admission to the cemetery". * "Dear sir, on 8.11.33 the coffins of R' Israel Rokach and his wife Hana Breindel will be arriving on the "Volkanya" vessel from New-York. From Haifa they will be transferred to Jerusalem and at 3.30 pm they will be buried on the Mount of Olives " * "The new Zionist Organization in Haifa invites his honor to a memorial for Zeev Jabotinsky", 1940. Average size 9.5X14 cm, good condition.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 22, 2012
Opening: $150
Seven booklets printed in Eretz Israel between the 1920s-30s.
For complete list of booklets see Hebrew text.
Sizes and conditions vary. Ink-stamps.
For complete list of booklets see Hebrew text.
Sizes and conditions vary. Ink-stamps.
Eretz Israel, Settlements