Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Displaying 37 - 48 of 98
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $350
Document collection, Union of Immigrants from Vilnius and its Surroundings for Assistance and Salvation. 1947-1950. Hebrew and Yiddish.
Collection contains: documents, letters and copies of letters, protocols and reports, printed advertisements and questionnaires for completion by new immigrants from the Vilnius area. Contains many items about the organization's activities, information about Holocaust survivors from Vilnius, testimonies and a list of those who died from the time of the Holocaust etc. Approximately 300 items. Various sizes and conditions.
Collection contains: documents, letters and copies of letters, protocols and reports, printed advertisements and questionnaires for completion by new immigrants from the Vilnius area. Contains many items about the organization's activities, information about Holocaust survivors from Vilnius, testimonies and a list of those who died from the time of the Holocaust etc. Approximately 300 items. Various sizes and conditions.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $200
Four calendars in Yiddish: "Lu'ach HaChayim", (1928-1929). Piotrkow, [1928]. * Calendar for 1938-1939, Botoֵani (Romania). * Two (different) calendars from Romania for 1943-1944 (one of which is "Der Yiddish-Romanisher Kalender," which was confiscated by the police in Bucharest upon its publication). Various sizes and conditions.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $180
Sold for: $225
Including buyer's premium
See list in the Hebrew description.
Various sizes, fair to good condition. Some have tears and stains.
Various sizes, fair to good condition. Some have tears and stains.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $180
Thirty-one lists of names of members of Agudat Israel in the training groups in Eastern Europe, [1934].
Lists contain: name of group training and its type (farming / carpentry etc.), date of beginning of training, names of members, country of origin, year of birth, occupation and date of admission to training. Among training groups: Siedliska, Opole, Boneirki, Shershev, Vilnius, Yaroslavl, Balando, Novi-Devor, Gֳ¶rlitz, Sobkow, Sanz, ֳֵ³dֵ÷, and others. [34] typewritten leaves, 29 cm. Fair-good condition. Creases and coarse tears on margins.
Lists contain: name of group training and its type (farming / carpentry etc.), date of beginning of training, names of members, country of origin, year of birth, occupation and date of admission to training. Among training groups: Siedliska, Opole, Boneirki, Shershev, Vilnius, Yaroslavl, Balando, Novi-Devor, Gֳ¶rlitz, Sobkow, Sanz, ֳֵ³dֵ÷, and others. [34] typewritten leaves, 29 cm. Fair-good condition. Creases and coarse tears on margins.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $600
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Eight posters on behalf of "Shalach et Ami", the aid organization for the prisoners of Zion and for Jews in the USSR. U.S.A, England, Argentina and Israel, 1970s - 90s. Including: poster with the names and photographs of the prisoners of Zion, a poster calling to plant a tree in the Freedom of Russian Jews in Israel forest, and more. Various sizes and conditions. Good to very good condition.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $150
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
Escuche la voz del Judaismo Sovietico! [Listen to the voice of Soviet Jewry!]. [Buenos Aires, 1971].
Invitation to a lecture by Dov [Boris] Sperling, concerning the struggle of young Jews in the Soviet Union for their right to live in Israel. Sperling was a prominent Aliya activist, together with Yasha (Ya'akov) Kazakov (Kedmi). The lecture was held on behalf of the Revisionist movements in Buenos Aires - "Herut", "Beitar" and "Tze'irey Herut". 110x72 cm. Very good condition. Folded.
Invitation to a lecture by Dov [Boris] Sperling, concerning the struggle of young Jews in the Soviet Union for their right to live in Israel. Sperling was a prominent Aliya activist, together with Yasha (Ya'akov) Kazakov (Kedmi). The lecture was held on behalf of the Revisionist movements in Buenos Aires - "Herut", "Beitar" and "Tze'irey Herut". 110x72 cm. Very good condition. Folded.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $1,000
Thirteen "stamps" on behalf of Prince Ludwig of Darmstadt and his son, Earnest Ludwig. Darmstadt, 1639-1790. German.
Regulations regarding the Jews' civil and religious obligations. Includes: limitations on trade and business transactions with Christian citizens, laws regarding the establishment of Batei Knesset and cemeteries, the version of the Hebrew oath for Jews who reach the courts, etc. Various sizes and conditions.
Regulations regarding the Jews' civil and religious obligations. Includes: limitations on trade and business transactions with Christian citizens, laws regarding the establishment of Batei Knesset and cemeteries, the version of the Hebrew oath for Jews who reach the courts, etc. Various sizes and conditions.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,438
Including buyer's premium
Von Gottes Gnaden Wir Ernst Ludwig, Landgraf zu Hessenג€¦. Ten official regulation-documents issued by the Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hessen-Darmstadt, 1722-1767 (most of them of the 1720s). German.
The regulation-documents concern various aspects of collecting/taxing protection fees from Jews who are citizens of the dukedom, fining those who do not pay, fixing the amounts that women (widows) are obliged to pay after their husbandsג€™/fathersג€™ passing, the amount to be paid by Jews when their daughters marry Jews who are not citizens of the dukedom, fines enforced on foreign Jews who illegally cross the borders and stay in the dukedome without permission and not paying protection fees, regulations concerning collection of the above taxes in case of disputes between Jews and Christians, etc. Each document: 1-3 pp, 35 cm. Good condition, minor stains.
The regulation-documents concern various aspects of collecting/taxing protection fees from Jews who are citizens of the dukedom, fining those who do not pay, fixing the amounts that women (widows) are obliged to pay after their husbandsג€™/fathersג€™ passing, the amount to be paid by Jews when their daughters marry Jews who are not citizens of the dukedom, fines enforced on foreign Jews who illegally cross the borders and stay in the dukedome without permission and not paying protection fees, regulations concerning collection of the above taxes in case of disputes between Jews and Christians, etc. Each document: 1-3 pp, 35 cm. Good condition, minor stains.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
Manifest issued by Die section X. des nationalausschusses fֳ¼r innere Angelegenheiten - Section no. 5 of the Interior Affairs council, of the Bohemia Province government in the Habsburg Empire. Prague, April 23, 1848. German and Czech. The manifest addresses "brothers and beloved citizens of this country" and conveys an emotional appeal to all of the Bohemian citizens, officials of municipal and rural authorities, holders of religious or educational posts, students and all other sectors of the Christian population, to guard law and order, not cause incitement through written or oral manifests distributed by anonymous factors, and refrain in any place or in any form from persecution of Jews, citizens of the kingdom, refrain from robbing their property or damaging it, attacking Jews or insulting them. All of this is based on liberal motives of equality of all citizens, on Christian moral laws, etc. The manifest ends with the hope that the citizens will obey the emperor's request-order, will preserve peace and order for the good of Christians as well as Jews. Signed (in print) by: Prince Wilhelm Wurmbrand, Prince Rudolf Stadion, and twelve council members. [3] pp, 36 cm. Good condition. Minor stains and creases at edges.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $250
Der Jude - an die Christlichen Freiheitskaּˆmpfer [The Jew - about the Christian Fight for Freedom]. [Vienna, 1848].
Printed leaf with a poem calling for granting Jews freedom of rights in the context of the "Spring of Nations" revolutions. Signed by a German, most probably a non-Jew, by the name of Johann Beiser, who signs as a soldier and addresses his soldier colleagues. It is unknown whether he was a soldier in the military or a "soldier" of the revolution. Leaf printed on both sides. 20 cm. Good condition. Stains and folding-marks.
Printed leaf with a poem calling for granting Jews freedom of rights in the context of the "Spring of Nations" revolutions. Signed by a German, most probably a non-Jew, by the name of Johann Beiser, who signs as a soldier and addresses his soldier colleagues. It is unknown whether he was a soldier in the military or a "soldier" of the revolution. Leaf printed on both sides. 20 cm. Good condition. Stains and folding-marks.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $250
Two flyers on behalf of Franz Anton, the Bishop of Brֳ¼nn. Brֳ¼nn, 1835. German. Regulations about the establishment of Jewish schools in the city: the church's supervision over them, appointment of Jewish teachers, etc. 34 cm. Good condition. Moth damage.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $350
Sold for: $438
Including buyer's premium
1-3. Three printed circulars. Vienna, 1844, 1876, 1881. Leaflet about a loan given to Prince Joseph von Hunyady by the Rothschild Bank of Frankfurt together with the Arnstein & Eskeles Bank and the Simon G. Sina Banks in Vienna; two leaflets about securities offered to the public by Jewish banks in Berlin, Frankfurt, Vienna and Leipzig.
4-11. Eight lithograph prints of handwritten letters. Vienna, 1870s. Jewish bank applications - S. M. von Rothschild, Koenigswarter and other private banks to the Minister of Finance of the Caesar's government, requesting authorization to print high-value shares and government securities, authorized by the Caesar's government and to approve financial guarantees and various loans.
Various sizes, good condition. Minor tears to margins.
4-11. Eight lithograph prints of handwritten letters. Vienna, 1870s. Jewish bank applications - S. M. von Rothschild, Koenigswarter and other private banks to the Minister of Finance of the Caesar's government, requesting authorization to print high-value shares and government securities, authorized by the Caesar's government and to approve financial guarantees and various loans.
Various sizes, good condition. Minor tears to margins.
Jewish Communities