Lot 130
"The Customs of the Jews" – Zurich, 1739 – Twelve Engravings by Bernard Picart
Eigentliche Beschreibung Der Auswendigen Gottesdienstlichen Kirchen-Gebräuchen und Gewohnheiten Der Juden [Reliable Description of the Ritual and Customs of the Synagogue and the Customs of the Jews], by Bernard Picart. Zurich: David Herrliberger, 1739. German.
Articles about the customs of the Jews – German translation of the chapter about Jews from Bernard Picart's monumental series of books, "The Ceremonies and Customs of All People of the World (Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde).
With twelve engraved plates (one of them double) depicting in detail various Jewish customs: the search for leavened bread and the meal of the Seder night, Hoshana Rabba and sitting in the Sukkah, Brit Mila, a Jewish wedding and funeral, and more.
[2] leaves, 80, [4] pp (mispagination) + [12] engraved plates (bound at the end of the composition). Approx. 38.5 cm. Good condition. A few stains. Several tears and open tears, not affecting the text or engravings. Half-leather binding, damaged.