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Lot 22

Income Ledger of the Mazkeret Batya Synagogue, 1907-1912

Ledger - "The synagogue's income, recorded by the gabbai R. Yisrael Arkin, nominated on Motzaei Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Iyar 1907, here in the Mazkeret Batya-Ekron colony". Mazkeret Batya, 1907-1912.
Ledger (tall and narrow format) recording the synagogue's revenue – donations from the colony residents and guests in 1907-1912. The ledger begins with a list of 42 donors, comprising the names of most of the colony's founders and their family members. Additional lists at the end of the ledger – expenses for 1910-1911, and two other lists of "expenses, by Yisrael Arkin" – the gabbai, which document his method of money-management, and the expenditures of the synagogue and community (book-binding, shofar, Havdalah candle, Cognac, oil for the Chanukah lamps, clock repairs…).
[87] written leaves, some written on both sides (+ blank leaves). 42 cm. Binding in fair condition – worn, partially detached, endpapers detached and missing spine. Leaves of ledger in good condition, with some ink smudging and stains.