Lot 81
A View of the Holy Sites – Hillel David Braverman – Mid-19th Century
A View of the Holy Sites, created by Hillel David Braverman". [Europe, ca. mid-19th century].
A printed braodside, in its center is a view of Jerusalem surrounded by a view of the holy sites, including the Western Wall, Rachel's Tomb, David's Tower and more, alongside less common holy sites such as "Mount Sinai and Chorev" and "Mount Tabor and Hermon". On both sides of the view of the Western Wall there are two maps sketched by the artist – "The current form of Zion and Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives" and the "Form of the Temple". Some of the views of the holy sites are almost completely identical to pictures of the holy sites made by Rabbi Yehosef Schwartz, as they appeared in a lithography he had printed in 1837 (see: Zion VeYerushalayim BeRuach VeChomer [Zion and Jerusalem in Spirit and Matter], Nitza Bahrouzi. Tel-Aviv: Eretz Israel Museum, 1993. p. 23).
On the upper part of the broadside are Hebrew verses dealing with destruction and return to Zion.
Hillel David Braverman is known as a micrography artist. He is known to have printed a broadside titled "The Holy Sites" and a map of.
The NLI holds a different edition of this broadside, with a different title and without the artist's name.
Approx. 43x35 cm. Good condition. Stains. Creases. Two small open tears, restored, in the upper left corner.