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Lot 381

Collection of Pins – Haganah, Givati Brigade, Etzioni Brigade and more

Eleven pins of different military units, among them pins of the Haganah, a pin of Givati, and more.
Among the pins: • Pin with emblem of the Haganah within a triangle and the legend "1947". • Pin of "Haganah activists in Europe and North Africa" (Hebrew), with Haganah emblem and the legend "1945-1949". • Two pins of Moriah regiment (regiment 61) – Etzioni brigade. • Pin of Bet Horon regiment (regiment 62) – Etzioni brigade. • Pin of Military Engineering fighters of the Haganah in Jerusalem, with the legend "Hizkiyahu Jerusalem" (commemorating the Military Engineering officer of Etzioni Brigade, Eliyahu Finkelstein, killed in an ambush in 1948). • Pin of The 20th Battery – a cannon on the background of the Tower of David and the legend "1948-1949". • Other pins.
Size and condition vary.
Provenance: Morton Leventhal Collection, New York.