Lot 295
Collection of Songbooks with the Lyrics of "HaTikvah" – First Half of the Twentieth Century
12 songbooks and booklets with the lyrics to "HaTikvah", some with additional verses of the original poem by Naftali Herz Imber, "Tikvatenu" ("Our Hope"). Berlin, London, Alexandria, Tehran and elsewhere, the first half of the 20th century. Hebrew, Ladino, French, English and German.
1. The national anthem, "HaTikvah". Published by the World Zionist Organization and the Young Zionists Society in Alexandria, Alexandria, [ca. 1907]. Songbook with the lyrics to the song and, facing the Hebrew, a French translation.
2. Der Mian Salib Wahalal, Alamat Istiklal, Talua Shade Darkhashan, Satara Shesh Nashan / "HaTikvah". Booklet with the words of "HaTikvah" in Hebrew and in Judeo-Persian, by Shlomo (Avishor) Ben Avraham Yosef Kashani [Tehran, Iran, ca. 1918]. Printed on the front is a large Star-of-David, inside of which is the word "Zion" in gold ink. This is one of the first print items printed in Judeo-Persian and in Hebrew at the printing house in Tehran, founded in 1917 or 1918. Presumably this is the first translation of "HaTikvah" into Judeo-Persian.
3. 25. Stiftungsfest des Vereins Jüdischer Studenten, Berlin, 5655-5680 [25th Anniversary of the Jewish Students' Society in Berlin, 1895-1920]. Single leaf with the song's lyrics and a decorated print (signed "Pick" and dated 1919).
4. HaTikvah, Zionistischer Hymnus für Klavier mit untergelegten Text [The Zionist Anthem for Piano with Accompanying Text]. Tel Aviv and Berlin: Yuval press, [ca. 1925]. Author's name mistakenly appears as M. H. Imber.
5. HaTikvah, Im Eshkachech, edited by Shmuel Elman, for Piano or Voice with Piano Accompaniment. London: M. L. Cailingold, 1934. Songbook with the song's notes and Latin transliteration of the lyrics. [4] pp. Appearing on the first page is an illustration by Ephraim Moses Lilien.
6. Baruch Habah L'Eretz Jisroel [Welcome to the Land of Israel], menu of the farewell dinner for the Jewish pilgrims aboard the ship "Conte Di Savoia", dated March 26, 1935. Appearing on the inner side of the first leaf are the lyrics to HaTikvah, in Latin transliteration.
7. HaTikvah Song, Mete AlZionim; Hushu Achim Hushu, Shir Ikar Zioni. Tunis: Mardochee Uzan & Frere, [ca. 1940]. Booklet with the song's lyrics and Latin transliteration.
8. HaTikvah. Fez: JNF, [no year indicated]. Single leaf with the song's lyrics.
9. HaTikvah [no place or year indicated]. Single leaf with two columns: five of the song's verses in Hebrew and, facing them, a Ladino translation in Rashi script. At the bottom of the translated column is a handwritten note in Ladino.
10. The Jewish Anthem, התקוה (The Hope) – Hatikvoh, Arranged for Voice and Piano. New York: J. & J. Kammen, [1946?]. Booklet of sheet music with the song's lyrics in Latin transliteration.
11. Haticva. Havana: "Natzionaler Freinikter Campein for Israel un Andere Idishe Institutsies", 1948. Leaf with the song's lyrics, notes and Latin transliteration.
12. "HaTikvah", leaf with the song's lyrics, notes and Latin transliteration. No printer, place or year indicated.
Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains, creases and blemishes. Tears and partly restored tears.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.