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Nachum Gutman – "BeEretz Lovengulu Melech Zulu" – First Edition

BeEretz Lovengulu Melech Zulu, written and illustrated by Nachum Gutman. Tel-Aviv: Davar, 1940. First edition.
This is the first book written and illustrated by Nachum Gutman. Gutman was sent in 1935 by the Tel-Aviv municipality to draw the portrait of General Christian Smuts who was South Africa's Prime Minister and a supporter of Zionism. The book's plot is based on letters published in "Davar LeYeladim" during Gutman's journey to South Africa. The book was instantly a big success.
141 pp, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Leaves dark at margins. A few small tears at margins of leaves. Minor blemishes to margins of binding. Tears to spine.
Provenance: Rimon Family Collection.