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Four Press Photographs – War of Independence – Jerusalem, 1948 – Two Photographs of Yemin Moshe Neighborhood

Four press photographs from the War of Independence. Jerusalem, 1948.
The photographs portray: A civilian armed with a machine gun checking licenses of trucks entering Jerusalem (armed Haganah fighters are seen on the roof of the trucks); a British soldier observing the lanes of the Old City from a Jewish house; inhabitants piling up sand bags in Yemin Moshe (the Old City is seen behind the fortifications); people passing between sand bags in one of Yemin Moshe streets.
Information notes for the press are pasted on the back of the photographs (French), with an ink-stamp: New York Times Photos.
Approx. 18X13 cm. Good condition. Stains (mostly on the back) and minor blemishes. Pinholes at margins. One information note is torn and pierced.