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Lot 190

Three Books Printed in Shanghai – Copies of Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein

Three books printed by the Otzar HaSefarim (library) of the Mir Yeshiva during its Shanghai exile, with ownership stamps of the mashgiach, R. Yechezkel Levenstein
· Mishnah Torah L'HaRambam, Nezikin. Shanghai, 1943. Published by the Va'ad HaHadpassa Torah Or. Ownership stamps of R. "Yechezkel Levenstein – Mir Yeshiva – Menahel Ruchani". Handwritten inscription "From the books of the mashgiach shlita".
· Tractate Eruvin of the Babylonian Talmud, with commentaries and Rav Alfas. Shanghai, 1944. Ownership stamps of R. "Yechezkel Levenstein – Mir Yeshiva – Menahel Ruchani"; "Yechezkel Levenstein – Ponevezh Yeshiva – Menahel Ruchani".
· Tractate Gittin of the Babylonian Talmud, with commentaries and Rav Alfas. Shanghai, 1945. Published by Beit Otzar HaSefarim Ezrat Torah affiliated with the Mir Yeshiva". Ownership stamps of R. "Yechezkel Levenstein – Mir Yeshiva – Menahel Ruchani"; "Yechezkel Levenstein – Ponevezh Yeshiva – Menahel Ruchani". Penciled inscription: "From the books of Maran Shlita".
R. Yechezkel Levenstein (1885-1974) was a leader of the mussar movement, product of the Kelm Talmud Torah. He was the Menahel Ruchani (spiritual administrator) of the Mir Yeshiva in Poland, Shanghai and Jerusalem. After R. Dessler's passing, he was appointed spiritual administrator of the Ponovezh Yeshiva in Bnei-Brak. A holy, pious man, he was known for his connection to G-d and his abstention from earthly pleasures (he was never seen leaning back in his chair, and other exceptional conducts). The effectiveness of his blessings and prayers was well known and many were saved through his blessings. During the Holocaust, while the Mir Yeshiva escaped to Vilna and the Far-East, his disciples saw clearly that his decisions and blessings were supernatural, directed by heavenly revelations. Or Yechezkel, Imrei Yechezkel, Avodat Yechezkel and more were published based on his discourses.
3 books. Approximately 25.5 cm. Fair condition. Worming and wear. Contemporary damaged fabric bindings.