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Collection of Books from the 17th-19th Centuries – Early Notes, Signatures and Ownership Inscriptions

Collection of books from the 17th-19th centuries with interesting ownership inscriptions, signatures and handwritten notes:
· Shulchan Aruch, with the Me'irat Einayim commentary (Sema) by R. Yehoshua Falk HaKohen. Berlin, [1717]. Bound with: Turei Zahav on Choshen Mishpat, by R. David HaLevi Segal. Fürth, [1767]. Notes in early Ashkenazic script (18th century). An interesting ownership inscription appears at the end of the volume, by a Jew named Shlomo Zalman, mentioning his studies under his teachers R. Zerach Eidlitz in Prague and R. Matityahu Neugroschel of Prague, Rabbi of Rausnitz (Rousínov).
· Lechem HaPanim, commentary on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah, by R. Moshe Yekutiel Kaufman. Wilhermsdorf, [1726]. Numerous signatures and ownership inscriptions: "Itzek Lifchovitz"; "This book belongs to Aharon Katz of Hirschaid" (Germany); "G-d granted me this holy book, Avraham Baruch Katz of Hirschaid, I purchased this book from Leib the bookseller for… Today, Monday, Tammuz 21, 1735"; "I, his younger brother Aharon Katz of Hirschaid, acquired this book from my step-brother written above, in exchange for… Tuesday, Shevat 11, 1736"; "I acquired this book from the one written below… Chaim son of R. Shimshon", and additional signatures. Several brief notes.
· Responsa Beit Yaakov, by R. Yaakov of Zuzmir (Sandomierz). [Dyhernfurth, 1696]. Lacking 2 leaves at the beginning and [8] leaves of indexes at the end. Several notes, by two writers.
· Mishneh Torah, Part I, Mada-Zmanim, by the Rambam. Fürth, [1765]. A signature appears on the title page: "Mordechai Adler". An ownership inscription appears at the top of the title page: "…Aharon Moshe, I acquired it from R. Mordechai Adler Katz, Marcheshvan 17, 1796…". Other ownership inscriptions and signatures.
· Pri Chadash, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah, by R. Chizkiya da Silva. Fürth, [1769]. Various signatures and ownership inscriptions: "Belongs to… the great Torah scholar… Dov, head of the Beit Din of…"; "Belongs to R. Avraham son of R. Yosef, Posek of Lazdijai"; "Aharon son of R. Y.Tz."; and other signatures.
· Seder HaDorot, history of personages and events from the creation of the world until close to the time of the author, by R. Yechiel Heilprin Rabbi of Minsk. Karlsruhe, 1769. First edition. Part of the title page is missing and was replaced with a photocopy. Lacking last two leaves. An ownership inscription appears on the title page: "This Seder HaDorot belongs to my father, the prominent Torah scholar R. Michael Shimon May, bookseller… here in Breslau… Moshe Leib son of the great scholar…" (R. Michael Shimon May, d. 1833, a renowned scholar, printer and bookseller, one of the authors of Chiddushei Hagahot on the Tur – printed in Dyhernfurth, see item 172). Several handwritten notes appear in the book.
· Shaar HaMelech, on the Rambam, three parts, by R. Yitzchak Nunez-Belmonte, with Taam HaMelech, by the physician R. Baruch Jeitteles of Prague. Brno, [1801-1803]. Second edition of Shaar HaMelech and first edition of Taam HaMelech. Lacking title page and last leaf of Part II. Ownership inscription handwritten and signed by R. Yosef Shmuel Katz (a dayan in Nikolsburg [Mikulov] at the time of Maharam Banet): "…I thank G-d that I merited to purchase Shaar HaMelech, Yosef Shmuel son of R. Refael Katz".
· Responsa Noda BiYehuda, Tinyana, Part I (Orach Chaim and Yoreh De'ah) and Part II (Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat), by R. Yechezkel Landau. Sudylkiv, 1833. Printed on light-blueish paper. Stamps of the kabbalist R. "Menachem Menchin Heilperin" (1834-1924, one of the founders and deans of the Shaar HaShamayim yeshiva for kabbalists. Composed and published many Kabbalistic works). Notes in (cursive and square) Ashkenazic script.
9 books in 8 volumes. Size and condition vary.