Lot 138
Sefer Shaar Hatefillah – Sudylkiv, 1825 – First Edition
Sefer Shaar Hatefillah regarding prayer by Rebbe Chaim of Chernivtsi, author of "Be'er Mayim Chayim" and "Sidduro shel Shabbat". [Sudylkiv]: Zvi Zev Rubinstein, 1825. First edition.
In the introduction, the "scribe" states that this book was written in Eretz Israel when the author immigrated there after the printing and dissemination of his first books "Sidduro shel Shabbat" and "Be'er Mayim Chaim" in most cities and countries. He testifies to the words of the holy author, who stated that Sha'ar Hatefillah (lit. gateway to prayer) has the power to hasten the redemption: "…after he composed his previous works he decided to leave his homeland and immigrate to the Holy Land, and there focus entirely on Torah study and service of G-d. In his great holiness he composed this work… The author also praised his own work in these words: I am certain that when this book is publicized in the world it will hasten the redemption…"
The end of the volume printed, for the first time, the author's well known responsum regarding the recitation of "Leshem Yichud", in which he rebuts the opinion of the "Nodah B’Yehuda", who criticized its recital. (According to the listing in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book, this responsum was printed at the beginning of the book. In this copy, however, it is at the end of the volume).
Rebbe Chaim Tyrer of Czernowitz (ca. 1740-1818) was a Chassidic leader, disciple of the Maggid of Zolochiv, and served as rabbi of Mogilev, Botoşani, Kishinev (Chișinău) and Czernowitz. He had the reputation of a holy man, and wondrous tales about him abound. According to Chassidic tradition, after his immersion before Shabbat, his form would allegedly change and he would grow taller by a handbreadth. Near the end of his life, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Safed in 1813, where he composed Shaar HaTefilla and was later buried. His fundamental works Sidduro shel Shabbat, Shaar HaTefilla and Be'er Mayim Chaim are unique for their clarity and conviction, as well as the enthusiastic Chassidic emotion which they exude. His books were disseminated and published in many editions and are considered foundations of Chassidic teachings.
The title page contains an early ownership signature: "Yaakov Kunstler of Chern[ivtsi]".
[2], 102, 113-115; 3-10 leaves. 19.5 cm. Blueish-greenish paper. Good to good-fair condition. The first and last leaves contain worming damage, professionally restored with paper. Stains. New elaborate leather binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 538. The volume was printed in Sudylkiv. The title page contains the word "Mohyliv" in large letters, but this is intentionally misleading, for the fine print explains that the book was printed in Sudylkiv on the printing press of Tzvi Zev Rabin-Stein, "formerly printer in Mohyliv"(see: A. Yaari, Hebrew Printing in Mohyliv-on-the-Dniester, Kiryat Sefer, 23, p. 312).