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Nine Volumes of the Babylonian Talmud – Warsaw Edition, 1859-1864 – Edition Proofread by the Gerrer Rebbe, Author of Chiddushei HaRim – Ornate Leather Bindings

Babylonian Talmud, with commentaries. Nine volumes of the Warsaw edition, 1859-1864.
Reputedly, this edition was proofread by Rebbe Yitzchak Meir Alter of Ger, author of Chiddushei HaRim (R. Refael Natan Notte Rabinowitz, Maamar Al Hadpasat HaTalmud, p. 143).
The volumes contain: 1. Tractate Eruvin. 2. Tractates Rosh Hashanah, Sukkah, Megillah; Tractate Shekalim of the Jerusalem Talmud. 3. Tractates Beitzah, Yoma, Chagigah and Moed Katan. 4. Tractate Ketubot. 5. Tractate Bava Metzia. 6. Tractate Bava Batra. 7. Tractates Sanhedrin, Horayot, Mishnayot Eduyot and Avot, Avot D'Rabbi Natan and the Minor Tractates. 8. Tractate Chulin. 9. Tractate Niddah and Mishnayot Seder Taharot.
The beginning of the volume of Tractate Ketubot contains the approbations of Rebbe Yitzchak Meir Alter of Ger author of Chiddushei HaRim, Rebbe Yaakov David of Amshinov and of Warsaw rabbis and dayanim.
The last leaf of the volume of Tractate Sanhedrin bears a printed passage: "Since this place is blank, I decided to present something I have seen in my youth, written in the margin of the book Shevut Yaakov in the handwriting of R. Akiva Eger…". Possibly, this passage was written by the proofreader, the Gerrer Rebbe (this novellae was later printed in several places in the books of R. Akiva Eger).
Ownership inscriptions of R. Ze'ev Wolf Saltz of Miednik appear on the back endpaper of the volume of Tractate Bava Metzia.
9 volumes. Large format. 33 cm. Overall fair-good condition. Stains and wear. Lacking one or two leaves from the last leaves of Tractate Bava Metzia. Original ornate leather bindings, with varied degrees of damage, some detached and torn.