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Lot 266

Collection of Signatures and Autographs – Authors, Artists and Politicians

About 90 autographs and letters signed by authors, intellectuals, artists and politicians, sent to Aryeh Chorshi. Ca. 1930s through 1990s.
The letters in this collection concern, mainly, publication matters, the books of the addressee and cultural issues. It is implied in a number of letters that the receiver collected material for a literature or culture lexicon, but it seems that this lexicon has not been published. Some of the autographes appear on postcards and others on pieces of paper.
The collection includes letters and autographs from authors, scholars and journalists, among them Ber Horowitz, Uriel Ofek, Nissim Aloni, Yemima Avidar-Tchernovitz, Levine-Kipniss, Hananya Reichman, Hannah Zemer, Michael Deshe, Zeev Vilnai, Shimshon Meltzer, Yossef Hanani, Yitzchak Sela, Yuval Ne'eman, Getzel Kressel, Dan Pagis, Moshe Shamir, Adin Shteinzaltz, Ido Avineri and others. The collection also includes autographs and letters from composers and musicians among them – Shlomo Weissfish, Baruch Liftman, Pinchas Gorin, Nurit Hirsh and Noemi Shemer, politicians like Zalman Shazar, Moshe Sharett, Shmuel Tamir and Geula Cohen, and more.
About 90 letters and leaves. Size and condition vary.