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Lot 195

Collection of Paper Items – Appeals and Taxes for Civil Defense, Security Organizations and IDF

About 210 paper items concerning civil defense, Hebrew soldiers, underground organizations, "Mishmar Ha'am", IDF and more. Palestine, 20th century (about half of the items are from the 1940s-50s).
In the collection: * paper items, vouchers, receipts and publications concerning fundraising and taxes for civil defense and state defense, on behalf of different organizations and underground organizations, among them: "HaMifde HaEzrahi", "Magbit haHitgaysut veHaHazala – "Muss Am Lochem", "Kofer HaYeshuv", "Keren Tel-Hai", "Magbit HaHityashvut", United Jewish Appeal, "Tav Magen", "Bitachon LaAm", "Muss Lehaganatenu", "Keren HaMagen", "Keren Rosh Iryat Tel-Aviv Leambulansim Zeva'iyim", "Magbit HaBitachon LaMedina HaYehudit", "Buley Bitachon", and more. * Three photographs of guards wearing Bedouine garments: Menachem Grabovsky and Pinchas Grabovsky (Rosh Pinah) and Ya'akov Epstein ("Muchtar" of Zichron Ya'akov). * 18 enlistment certificates, exemption certificates from induction, transfer-permits and weapon carrying permits, documents of assignment and reception of soldiers on behalf of the British Military Police, the Allied Expeditionary Force, civil guard, Jewish Agency – induction department, Palestine and IDF police, some from the War of Independence period. * Card of participation in a training camp for service in "Mishmar HaAm", card for receiving a mask, an arm band, civil guard stamps and other paper items of "Mishmar HaAm". * Vouchers, documents, publications and many paper items concerning recruitment to the Jewish Brigade and to IDF, stamps of "Igud HaChayalim HaMeshuchrarim, 1939-1945", "Shanah Tovah" greeting card from a Jewish Brigade soldier (1946), receipts from "HaVa'ad HaArtzi lema'an HaChayal HaYehudi", stamps for induction certificates, announcement to families of recruited soldiers in Tel-Aviv about distribution of "austerity" products on behalf of the supply office, envelopes sent by mail with "Shmor Sodcha" (Keep your secret) postal stamps, Cantina stamps, transportation tickets for soldiers. * More items.
Numerous items appear in a number of copies.
About 210 items. Size and condition vary.