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Lot 518

Manuscript by Rabbi Chaim Yehudah Deutch of Makó

Leaves of Torah novellae on tractate Niddah, by Rabbi Chaim Yehudah Segal Deutch of Makó. 1932.
A title on one of the leaves reads "Mayim Chaim".
Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Segal Deutch (1876-1938, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 6338), was a great and pious scholar. Served for 35 years as a rabbi and dayan in Makó. Disciple of the "Arugot Habosem". Received Torah from Rebbe Yekutiel of Shinwa and from Rebbe Yissachar Dov of Belz. Author of "Mayim Chaim", "Ahavat Chaim", "Ruach Chaim", "Be'er Yehuda", and the "Kol Yehuda" Pesach Haggada. His sons are the well-known Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi in Katamon, and Rabbi Ya'akov Shmarya, Rabbi of Chug Chatam Sofer in Petach-Tikva.
6 large pages, approximately 34 cm. Fair condition, stains and slight tears to borders.