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Jakob Steinhardt - Collection of Books and Catalogues of His Works / Dedications and Signed Prints

384. Jakob Steinhardt - Collection of Books and Catalogues of His Works / Dedications and Signed Prints
Collection of catalogues of works by Jakob Steinhardt and books with his works.
1. Rot und Glühend ist das Auge des Juden [Red and Shining is the Eye of the Jew], by Arno Nadel. Berlin: Fritz Gurlitt, 1920. German.
Poems by Arno Nadel, with eight etchings by Jakob Steinhardt mounted on the book leaves. One etching is signed by Steinhardt (in pencil). Facing the title page is another original etching, signed.
2. Jerusalem Slumbering Town, eleven wood-cuts by Jacob Steinhardt, eleven Hebrew poems by Sh. Shalom. Dr. H. Lowenstein Press, Tel Aviv, 1937.
3-8. Six catalogues of exhibitions from the years 1934-1973: • Catalogue of exhibition at the Bezalel National Museum, Jerusalem, March 1934. • Catalogue of exhibition at the Tel Aviv Museum (two copies). • Catalogue of exhibition at the Bezalel National Museum, Jerusalem, February 1962. • Catalogue of exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, 1957 (with dedication from Steinhardt). • Catalogue of exhibition in Palestine (partial).
9. Jacob Steinhardt / Woodcuts. Jerusalem: Jerusalem Art Publishing Society, [ca. 1953]. English.
Catalogue with reproductions of woodcuts by Jakob Steinhardt; some are hand-colored. On the first page is a dedication in Steinhardt's hand, to Hermann Maier (from 1953).
10. The Woodcuts of Jakob Steinhardt, edited by Leon Kolb. San Francisco: Genuart Co., 1959. English.
11. Gedächtnisausstellung Jakob Steinhardt: Kunstamt Wedding Berlin, Goethe Institut Amsterdam, Kulturant der Stadt Gütersloh, Rheinisches Landes-Museum Bonn, Joods Historisch Museum Amsterdam. Catalogue, with photographs of works by Steinhardt. Berlin, 1973. German.
12. The Pessach Haggadah, Woodcuts by Jakob Steinhardt, Lettering by Franzisca Baruch. Tel Aviv: Dvir, 1979. Hebrew and English.
13. Jakob Steinhardt, Etchings and Lithographs, by Ziva Amishai-Maisels. Jerusalem-Tel Aviv: Dvir, 1981. Hebrew and English. With handwritten dedication by Steinhardt's daughter.
14. Jakob Steinhardt. Der Prophet. Ausstellungs- und Bestandskatalog Jüdisches Museum im Berlin Museum. Exhibition catalogue. Berlin, 1995, German.
15. Jacob and Israel, Homeland and Identity in the Work of Jakob Steinhardt. Exhibition catalogue, The Open Museum, Tefen Industrial Park, 1998. Hebrew and English.
16. Jakob's Dream. Steinhardt in Prints, Drawings, and Paintings. Edited by Ronit Sorek. Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 2010. Hebrew and English.
Attached: photographed portrait of Jakob Steinhardt.
Total of 16 books and booklets. Size and condition vary.