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Lot 114

Six Photographs - Visit of Anwar Sadat in Jerusalem and Peace Treaty with Egypt, 1977-1978

Six photographs of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, from the period of signing the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, 1977-1978.
1-4. Four press photographs recording the visit of Sadat in Israel in 1977, two years prior to the peace treaty with Egypt.
5. A photograph recording the famous handshake between Begin, Carter and Sadat after signing the Camp David agreements, 1978.
6. Photograph portraying Begin and Sadat shaking hands in Camp David, 1978. Signed on the reverse: "Photography - Moshe Milner, Government Press Office".
6 photographs, approx. 18X13 cm. Good condition. Scribbles and many inscriptions in pen and pencil on the reverse, (preparations for print) and markings in pen to edges of one of the photographs.