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Lot 31

Large Collection of Newspapers and Periodicals, 1921-1951

Large collelction of more than 150 issues of newspapers and periodicals. Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and London, 1921-1951. Hebrew and English.
The collection includes:
1-19. The New Palestine, Official organ of the Zionist Organization of America". 19 issues. New-York, 1921. English.
20-30. "The New Judaea", bi-weekly of the Zionist Organization. 11 issues. London, 1927-1930. English.
31-47. "HaPo'el HaTza'ir, bulletin of the Jewish Workers Party in Palestine". 17 issues. Tel-Aviv. 1921-1945.
48-60. "Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society". 13 issues. Jerusalem, 1933-1941. Hebrew and English.
61-64. "Technics and Science, monthly for science and education". Four issues.Tel-Aviv, 1939-1950.
65-67. "Mozna'im, monthly. Published by "Society of Jewish Authors in Palestine". Three issues (one issue appears in two copies). Tel-Aviv, (1935).
68-80. "Bustenai LaNo'ar". 13 issues. Tel-Aviv, 1934-1936.
81-89. "Jerusalem Radio". Four issues. Jerusalem. 1940.
94-159. "HaGalgal", weekly of "Kol Yerushalayim" published on behalf of the British Intelligence Ministry and presented itself as a "bi-weekly for the world's problems and Kol Yerushalayim". 66 issues (some appear in several copies). Jerusalem, 1945-1948.
160-169. "Kol Israel, weekly of Israeli broadcasting". Ten issues. Tel-Aviv, 1950-1951.
170-177. Several issues of the papers "Davar LeYeladim", "Palestine and Middle East Economic Magazine", "Trade and Economics", "Radio Week", "Palestine Review", "Gazit", and "Business Digest, Israel Independent Weekly". Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv, 1933-1951.
177 issues + additional copies of some of the issues (total of about 210 items). Size and condition vary. Lacking or detached leaves in some of the issues.
A list will be sent upon request.