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Lot 22

Collection of Ephemera Items - Stamps, Transportation Tickets, and more

Diverse collection of stamps, payment means, paper labels and ephemera items. Palestine and other places.
Most items are from the first half of the 20th century.
The collection includes many stamps, from Palestine and from other countries, among them: Sheet of six "Tel Hai Fund stamps. • JNF stamps. • First Maccabia stamp (1932). • Stamps and paper labels on behalf of "National committee for the Jewish Soldier". • "Kupat HaPo'alim HaEretz Israelit" stamps. • South African stamps sheets and stamps from France, Germany, Australia, Jamaica, Panama and other places.
The collection also includes payment means, paper labels, certificates and ephemeral items from Palestine and Europe, among them: • Transportation tickets of "HaMekasher", "Ichud-Regev", "HaMa'avir", "Daron-Yehuda Ltd.", "Egged", "Atid", "Sherut Yael", tickets for Jenin-Tubas-Nablus (printed in Arabic), and other tickets. • Gasoline tickets on behalf of JNF. • Palestine Immigrant Certificate on behalf of the Eretz-Israeli office in Prague; Immigrant certificate on behalf of the absorption department of the Jewish Agency and a certificate of the Civil Guard in Tel-Aviv. • Entrance tickets to performances. • Paper tickets and labels of stores and companies. • Receipts on behalf of the "National Committee for the Jewish Soldier", "Committee for Jewish detainees", and other organizations.
Total of some 250 items (some of the stamps appear in several copies). Size and condition vary.