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Lot 408

Two Handwritten Responsa by Rabbi Moshe Nechemiah Cahanov Av Beit Din of Chaslowitz

Two Halachic responsa in the handwriting of Rabbi Moshe Nechemiah Cahanov. Chaslowitz, [1863].
The Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Nechemiah Cahanov (1817-1887, Otzar Ha’Rabbanim 15592) was among the great Torah scholars of Lithuania and Jerusalem. Av Beit Din and Rabbinic leader of Chaslowitz. Towards the end of the year 1863 he immigrated to Jerusalem and was appointed as the Rosh Yeshiva of Etz Chaim as well as Rosh Av Beit Din in the Beth Din of Rabbi Shmuel Salant. In his merit many disciples followed in his ways. He composed eleven books, the most famous of which are Netivot Ha’Shalom, Sha’alu Shlom Yerushalayim and Shnat Ha’Sheva. See enclosed material.
4 pages, various sizes and conditions, good-fair condition.