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Lot 396

Letter by Rabbi Menachem Segal Levinger from Tashnad

Letter by Rabbi Menachem Segal Ha’Levi Levinger. Tăşnad, (1877).
In this letter which was sent to the leaders of the Karlsburg congregation, Rabbi Menachem Segal Ha’Levi Levinger presents himself as a candidate for assistant to the Dayan in Karlsburg, in response to an advertisement which the leaders of the congregation published in the press. Cautious not to arouse conflict he conditions his proposal: “If it is true that the elderly rabbi resigned from his position of his own free will, and the abovementioned proclamation is by his consent”. In the continuation of the letter he relates that when Rabbi Chaim Bezalel Panett Av Beit Din of Tăşnad passed away in the year 1874 he was offered to take over his position and was authorized to do this by the great Torah giants of that generation, however, for the sake of peace, a rabbi from outside the congregation was appointed. [Important fact for the history of the rabbinate in Tăşnad which was unknown to the writers of Sefer Ha’Zikaron [book of remembrance] of the Tăşnad congregation].
Later in the letter he requests “May they consult the Admor, the famous Gaon… Av Beit Din Narol and the great Admor Av Beit Din of the holy congregation of Chust as well as the great Gaon Av Beit Din of… Munkatch and they will attest for me”.
1 page written upon both sides, 34 cm. Good condition. Minor damage in upper margins.